Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 128: Ready to shake people

Since there is no retreat at the moment, Kraunpith has already prepared the fortresses and fortifications used to resist the monster wave. If it is not equal to death, then there is only one thing to do next.

"Then, I went to the tower in front." Eucalyptus eagerly ran to the defensive tower facing the monster wave.

"Wait, I don't know how many monsters there are. Don't try to refuse when arranging to change positions and rest!" someone in the team shouted.

"Yes, I know, I'm not a masochist, so annoying."

It's just a reminder of this level. Other teammates didn't stop it. Maybe she wanted to fight because of the reason. Another reason is that she has the shortest range here. Of course, she stands on the front defensive tower first.

Sonny, Anqiya, Ibluyayi, Katlea, and Jack were also scattered on different towers and outer walls. Everyone agrees that Kraunpisi is sitting in the castle. Who told her to do all kinds of summons and build city fortifications, which is simply a single-man army? In the battle of the cage, as long as the medicine supply is still sufficient, Kraun Pith is a role that must not be sacrificed.

Before Anna left, he asked Tosteno and Urie Ellie not to go out of the inner city, and let Kraunpith protect them.

Kraunpisi once again summoned a few monsters ranging from the eighth to tenth ranks to go to the outer wall to support.

The level of the Forest Sage and the Frost Dragon Princess may not be useless in this battle, but the combat power is also the level of cannon fodder, and the size is too crowded in the castle, so Crawnpies rushed to the open space between the inner city gate and the castle gate. .

However, Steno and Urieli seem to be unable to relax, playing tricks on the huge hamster and the Frost Dragon in the city.

The castle is basically empty. After all, with the strength of Alice's No. 0 body, Kraunpith has no spare capacity to buy decorations, but tables and chairs are still available. Crown Pith was crossing his legs on the table, tilting up the chair and holding the back of his head with both hands, shaking his legs and swaying, thinking about the way to break the game, but it was going to be noisy outside the window, so he jumped out of the chair and came. The bedside yelled: "You guys are endless, Urie, don't you have a bow and arrow? Anyway, it is more than 50. Even if it is weaker than the trash fish outside, you can shoot them."

"It's not our intention to come."

"It's my sister's job to fight."

"..." Crown Pith really wanted to draw Alice No. 0's face, just because she knew that the two of you would not be useful in fighting, but the level barely managed to protect yourself, so I took you as an experiment. , Can you just ask you not to be so incompatible with the atmosphere?

At this time, Frost Dragon Muvinia looked up at the window and said, "My lord, the subordinates have understood the current situation. Can you give me an idea?"

"Say it."

"Since it's a cage battle with a geographical advantage, even if there are only a number of disadvantages, individual strength and the enemy's strength, just occupying the city can maintain the battle for a certain period of time. It is better to concentrate all that you can summon immediately with me. Is this strength equivalent to that of the subjects above it to enhance defense?"

Muvinia’s offer is very reasonable, and he also has his own selfishness: if there are more people, even if the city is breached, its survival rate can be improved. It doesn't matter if you fight or evade, it's the same.

"Really, I will consider it." She nodded happily, and was about to go back, but the pitiful voice of the Forest King came from——

"My lord... my lord? What should I do?"

Crowenpis felt it was so cute, and it was very pitiful to leave it alone. But even if its level is well trained, it is still in its early 40s. Although the Frost Dragon is not much higher, it's breathless. Faith in magic, how much can it come in handy, hamster is basically a magic warrior who is better at melee.

After thinking for a few seconds, she took out the Death Sacrifice Orb and threw it to the wise king of the forest, saying: "You can use this to do something to the enemy, right?"

The Orb of Death Ceremony is a personal props of wisdom. Crown Pith has done a lot of things with it, and now it feels a bit tasteless. She doesn’t expect anything from this huge hamster, but the Orb of Death Sacrifice also has [RayOfNegativeEnergy] and [Undead] several long-range attack methods, which can also be launched at a greater distance than human beings. [Creation] The undead [CreateUndead], [DominateUndead7th] [DominateUndead7th], [Undead Army], can rely on the collected death energy to pay for the required magic power. In this way, the forest king is not high His magic skills are also enough to do useful things against the situation.

After the sage forest king caught it with dexterity, he opened his wide eyes and said, " should be useful! But it's noisy! I want to give it back to you!"

"Endure." Kraunpis returned to his seat after speaking, and connected Migaris through soul connection instead of communication magic.

[Migaris, how about giving them a new body with evolutionary potential? 】

[The acceptable patriarchs and their cronies have been completed, but I want to have more manpower to deal with the enemy. Although the plural alchemy circle made by Pisi shared to me can also be completed by other compatriots, it will take some time. 】

[Really, that's right, how many are above level 60? 】

[Only some of the 18 patriarchs can do this. Perhaps using a new body will gain potential, but that is also the future. Piss, your expectations are too high. 】

[...Sorry, I understand. It’s best if you’re not ready to start. I’ll ask the 18th patriarch to have something to do. Later, I will use Alice No. 0 to summon them to transfer them at a time. Professional combatants living in cities are different. Apart from the equipment they wear daily, they don’t have any other personal weapons and standing props. Give them five minutes to prepare mentally, is it okay? 】

【Understood. However, what should we do if the level of the new queen is subverted in the ethnic group and is stronger than the patriarch? 】

[There is something like that...then send it together. If the ability other than the strength is also better, consider changing the clan leader. 】

[I understand. 】

After hanging up Megaris, Kraunpith connected the soul to Luna again. How can you just shake people? Of course, you have to shake equipment. It's rare that there are so many monsters, but you have to move out to the battlefield without a chance, and try it with a "dead and desperate" head and no real famous guy. .

Of course, the Star Destroyer is still forgotten. It is guaranteed that it will be ok to crush one-fifth of the volume of this planet. Although Kraunpith knew a few who could crush the planet, but this one was different from that one, and I hope there is absolutely no chance to use it.

(to be continued)

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