Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 129: Please enter the compulsory checkpoint in the next group

After Kraunpis was ready to summon the "minion", he began to contact Luna to see if there was any equipment that could double the combat effectiveness of the "minion".

[Luna, Pace, I have an urgent matter. Do you have any subordinates from Alice Contract 0? 】

[Piss, um, no. But I can call it directly with teleportation magic. Which contract objects of Alice 0 is going to be summoned by Pace, and what he can do immediately is to deal with the force or equipment needed for that big tree? 】

[Haha, Luna really understands, what I'm looking for is the 18th patriarch of Titanya, can find treants and treants who are good at carrying. Prepare enough tank scrolls and tank staff for their use, and prepare three of Sofia's heavy magic cannons. 】

[So that's it, Pace wants a cannon named after Star's surname. 】

[Don't be kidding, Star Sapphire is StarSapphire, Sophia Heavy Artillery is Sophia, do Sapphire and Sophia sound similar? It's really a bit like it. 】

[Who calls Pi Si always lazy to find allusions to legends, our names are from game comics, I know very well, but those are also based on similar literature, right? 】

[Don't pay attention to the small details, um... Cain, Abel, Seth, that's all. Can it be done in five minutes if there is teleportation magic? 】

[Yes, but if Adam and Eve are not dealt with by the way, is there room for Pace to deal with the battle? 】

[Yes, and I'm afraid the two early trial works of the same model will blow up. 】

[So I said not to deal with it... Since Pisi plans to use reliable ones, I will prepare them. 】

[Luna is also reasonable, letting competitors see that our weapons are unreliable will they relax their vigilance or become rampant, Luna, do you think? 】

[Leave this to Pith's judgement on the spot. 】


But all the preparations were in a place where Kraunpith could not see, and after her order, they proceeded and prepared quickly.

Then, Kraun Pace accepted everything and plunged into the battlefield.


Canopy Maze C—

This group hit the final BOSS, and Maze A was five and a half hours late.

The final boss of the maze named "SelfDevourer" is a dragon with seven heads.

The seven heads represent the seven attributes of fire, wind, water, thunder, earth, light, and darkness. They can release breath and magic that match their attributes, and they can also perform powerful physical attacks. They cannot rely on existing magic theories and races. The theoretical explanation is that special attacks that are difficult to prevent at first are seen.

Whenever the HP is depleted to a certain level, the seven-headed dragon will split into seven separate dragons and act separately, not only attacking the team that challenged them, but also biting and swallowing each other as a group, and the combination becomes a double-headed dragon. Dragons, four-headed dragons, and finally turned back to seven-headed dragons. The dragons with remnant blood split their respective HPs and seem to be easy to break, but the most tricky thing is that if they fail to break to make them merge, the HP of the individual successfully merged will be reset to full!

Even though it is full of blood before it is swallowed, it is not something that players can easily break before that. The best strategy is to ignore the multi-headed dragon that is starting to regroup, and give priority to attack the single-headed dragon that is the first to be lonely in odd numbers, or the double-headed dragon with the lowest HP in even numbers, and use restrained attribute attacks to defeat them in one breath. But this will inevitably hit a few more HP slots. Let Ainz yell "junk production".

Perhaps this is the reason why it appears to be a multi-headed dragon but named "Self Devourer".

Even so, thanks to the efforts of Ainz, Mordred, Andist, Meiyou, Shiroai, and Jack, four hours after Maze A was opened, they also turned the self-eater into a complete and unpredictable one. Corpse.

The loli cheered for a while, but they were more relieved. The characteristic of splitting and reorganization is really bad.

Before the corpse disappeared, Ainz, as the only infinite backpack and quickly collected all the drops, immediately used the skill: "[Create Undead]-Follower Zombie."

[Create Undead] Most of the game is different from reality. Reality requires a corpse. In the game, this skill creates the undead out of thin air. The follower zombies are slightly special. Both in the game and in reality, they are all undead made of corpses. The created undead have the same level as the corpse during their lifetime, but they will lose the ability of being a zombie species that cannot be held in their lifetime.

The previous experiments with the middle BOSS were successful, but it was exhausted in the battle, but Ainz felt that things that could not be done in the game can be done here. In addition to the different rules, his level is actually higher than that of the middle BOSS. Or similar reasons, then the subject is higher than him, what will be the result?

A corpse of this level is rare. [CreateUndead] has one third of the number of uses today. It would be a shame not to try it.

Because it is just an undead person that is no different from directly driving the dead person, there is no exaggerated special effect, and the corpses of several dragons quickly lose water in their bodies and move.

"Hmph, can you control all the dragons at once, are they still an individual? Okay, you guys show me... it's really okay." Ainz was a little surprised looking at the zombie dragon that was reconstituted into the seven-headed dragon.

Turning into a zombie should lose its unique racial abilities, or is it because the undead also have an evolutionary line that can be aggregated to become a larger and higher-level undead, so the zombie seven-headed dragon can also do it?

"Yo, Ainz, are you planning to use this as a mount, hahahaha!"

Ainz looked at Mordred and wanted to laugh, UU reading www. didn't think of any strangeness in its own approach. Ainz had never used an undead dragon as a mount in the past. It was not that he could not do it, but it was no good to ride a dragon. For the natives, riding a dragon does have the practicality of providing combat power and mobility, but the native dragons are very weak in front of him, and the flight is not as smooth as his own. If the momentum is too large, it is not very stable. You can sit up. uncomfortable. It's really useless except for pretending, isn't Ainz disliked forcing, but is he an undead who likes this kind of pretending?

Just as he was about to say something, thinking about the next contact and next move by the way, suddenly there was a distortion in the sky, and everyone was plunged into darkness.

When the vision recovered, I found that everyone was falling!

"Is it a plot arrangement for the self-eater to come alive and become a mount? No, a coincidence."

Even if you fall from a high altitude, since there are people who are able to climb the canopy on their own, it is natural that they should have a safe landing method.

But Ainz still held his hand, stood on the dragon's back, and picked up the flightless Mordred, Shiroai, and Jack one by one.

(to be continued)

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