Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 130: Monster Cage City in the Eyes of Bone King

Ainz stood on the back of the seven undead dragons and picked up Mordred, Shiroai, and Jack.

Andist and Meiyou also flew up to meet their teammates.

"Hey, did you see a small city below when you were down? The battle is fierce, there should be clues to go and see." Mordred said.

"Ah." Ainz agreed, and then took out a plurality of magic scrolls. After activating the farsighted magic, the remaining scrolls were used to activate other magics, creating an invisible and non-physical sensory organ and sharing it with everyone in the team.

These are the low-level magic scrolls that he and the current guild members spend money to buy. Although they are not worth mentioning compared to his magic strength, they are very practical. It is a pity that there is no one in this team who can use this kind of magic or ability.

As a low-level magic, it is not a very good means of surveillance. It is a magic that even the world's top magic casters can resist and counterattack. But it is very good as a means of aerial observation on the ground.

See it clearly.

Can easily understand what happened, and the rest is why these things happened.

Below is a triangular fortress with a complex and reliable structure, surrounded by a lava moat on three sides, and a wetland as large as a lake outside.

Countless monsters flowed through it, seeming to be attacking the fortress. However, the water in the wetland seems to be a highly corrosive liquid. Even though a large number of monsters sprints fiercely, their lives are also very vigorous and will not be easily defeated by strong acid, but the characteristics of the wetland itself limit their speed.

It is hard to imagine that monsters will be born in a region where they are restrained. This does not fit the style of "garbage production", and should be a masterpiece of superposition magic [Heaven and Earth Change [The]].

The strong acid gave them physical strength and leg wear, and they were exhausted when they rushed to the moat, but they had to face the lava river with heat and width similar to the seventh to eighth order magic.

Many monsters basically end here, drowning in the lava, but there are still many dead bodies that have stepped on them that have not been completely burnt down and are struggling to jump towards the city wall.

In addition, there are many monsters that can fly and glide short distances. They can easily cross the acid wetlands, cross the lava river, and attack the city walls. Monsters with long-range skills and magic are also enough to attack.

However, the hardness of the fortress wall is amazing. No, it is a certain kind of barrier formed by the golden chains on the outside of the wall that is interlaced around the outer wall. The guards standing on the walls and defensive towers are all transcendents at the highest level in the world. .

Perhaps it was to effectively prevent enemy monsters from accumulating, or they wanted to spawn monsters. The solid barrier did not completely close the fortress, but only protected the fortress itself.

Under the blow of various attacks flying from the fortress, many monsters turned into corpses before they approached the lava moat. After being illuminated by a burst of black light from the fortress, he turned into an undead and rushed towards his original companion.

The reason Ainz first noticed this place that was not so conspicuous compared to various attacks was because of his characteristics as an undead, and-how could the source of the black light be a big hamster? Is such a cute guy looking out of place on this occasion?

Of course, the focus is naturally the real main guard, and the guards of the three outer wall defense towers are very eye-catching.

Facing the most intensive wave of monsters, the black-and-white eldest lady Ainz met through Irut before and asked him what is the relationship with the **** of death. The light effect of the scythe waving is extremely cool, and it releases outwards. The red or pink blade light can kill the monster with every blow, even if some attacks can fall on her because she is the most forward, even if the monster flies over the outer wall, it is not her opponent. She seemed to be worried about others robbing monsters, and attacked frantically within the range of her defensive tower.

The other defender of the tower felt that he had seen it, no, there was a life and death encounter. The snakehead with a two-headed dragon who was identified as the monster Gorgon, she was like a fixed point of fire, all eyes Furiously launching magical beams and petrified rays with all the snake hairs, in the attack area that she takes care of, it also shines on the red enchantment that Ainz has seen before that can absorb HP and MP into his own use. Although she was very concerned about the connection between her and Titanya and the Fairy Temple, whether it was a coincidence or a conspiracy back then, but now there is no such effort.

There is also a defensive tower that looks exactly the same as Jack, but only the demon Lori who looks exactly the same. The light cannons ejected from the mouth and the sickle swayed by the claws of both hands can make the monster incomplete with every blow. The corpse, she also manipulates the black chain, although it is not long, it can let all the monsters that barely pass through her attack net and try to leap into the lava below.

The three outer walls also sit outside the other people arranged by Ainz, such as the dwarf pope whose name is very similar to "Bright Milk", such as the famous vampire on the mainland as a hero and magic caster. The elf king who looks very scrupulous about the attitude of the goblin temple. Although they are killing monsters, their attack intensity and frequency are very low. With their strength, they may be planning a protracted battle. There is an inevitable reason for such a crotch attack without breaking the wall.

The defense of the outer wall is not only these elites, but also a lot of ordinary combat power. It is a chariot that somehow put on the The distance between the wall and the lava moat is less than ten meters. The wide and narrow ground was also full of tanks. Their muzzles poured firepower at the monsters outside. Although their power was much weaker than those mentioned earlier, they could still kill the monsters effectively. Looking at the results obtained from the impact point of each attack, it is obvious that someone is doing unified command and control from a high-altitude perspective.

A huge cannon was erected on the inner city defensive tower and the central castle. There were five cannons in total. Every time they fired, they would throw out huge cannonballs as big as ogres. Ainz thought of the magic he mastered [Nuclear], which is a weak magic from this level. If it is a monster of level 70 or higher, it can handle it. Consider the explosion range and the current monster. Intensity, these giant guns are really suitable in this battlefield. Every time a huge light burst, it will create a big hole in the monster wave one or two kilometers away from the fortress.

In addition to these giant cannons, the inner city also fired other scattered attacks from time to time. The races responsible for the giant cannons and the inner city guards have different forms. The plant race, as well as the two loli that are out of place with the above, whose appearance is similar to that of Gorgon's loli-can only be described as beautiful and cute respectively.

(to be continued)

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