Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 236: Playground of the Gorgon sisters

"That's it."

Snake King Granner saw that his relatives correctly mentioned Steno and Urie Ali who took care of them (tiaojiao), so he brought the topic back in due course, "It is also our responsibility to separate them on different floors. Now The purpose of summoning you is to discuss what to do and whose tribe is responsible for what."

So, what are Steno and Urielle doing now?


At the same time, the eighth floor underground—

The space here is more expansive, but the style is somewhat incompatible with the upper level. Some walls and the ground are like biological meridians and blood vessels attached. In some places, there are large ellipsoid spheres. If you change these to green, It might make people think that this is a huge winter melon field or watermelon field. Although not reaching the entire space is like a living body, any civilized and intelligent creature that sees this scene for the first time will not feel comfortable.

Some monsters that mutated like animal bodies and forced certain parts up, wandering around here, and they can clearly see at a glance that they are completely different types and even natural enemies, but they have not killed each other strangely.

At this moment, in a clean and empty small room inside a hidden door, the blue magic circle that occupies the entire interior floor shines, and two long skirts wearing white evening dresses and purple double ponytails that are out of place here appear. Loli.

This is a fixed teleportation array, the fifth-tier large-scale magic item, which is regarded as the top magic technology product on the entire continent, but since it is something that exists, with the abilities of the second sister of Gorgon, I will use the treasure to sell it with all my strength. Be cute, put on a cute pose, and compare the love symbol with your fingers, and then—chop—will never be rejected.

Charm is their natural ability.

They just stepped into this blood temple like a flesh room (not a treasure, but a literal meaning).

"Ah ~ poor sister, this look really reminds me of the terrible memories given by Athena in the previous life. Isn't it, another ‘me’."

"Yes, the other'me'. But now Medusa is really working silently with her small body anytime."

"But now I only have to work hard."

"Ah, she's getting bigger again. It's really troublesome. I knew if I shouldn't have promised those fake nymphs?"

Steno and Urielle talked to each other, but were forced to stop temporarily, because there were a lot of monsters in the road ahead.

The nearest dog monster the size of a rhino grinned at them.

From a distance, it seems to be an oversized dog, but it is wrapped with a sickle and pendulum that dance like a living snake. There are long curly horns on both sides of its head. With breathing, it wants to breathe fire. The breath, all shows that it is an easy beast.

In fact, if it is to be singled out, it can defeat anyone in this invasion team except the black armor and the male and female.

Facing the provocative deterrence of the dog demon, Steno kept a wicked smile and stepped forward.

The dog demon's aura soon withered, lowered his head and made a "whoop" sound.

This emotion quickly spread.

"Ha, come to me next—" Yuri Aili stepped forward and pointed at the monsters one by one and said, "Well, you, you, you, and the weak chicken over there, don't turn your head, it's you. , To defend the No. 1 channel on the second floor, and then you, you..."

"Wait, the other ‘me’, that’s just mine." Steno interrupted.

"Didn’t you say it’s okay? For guests who come from afar, I’m responsible for ‘pulling’ and the other ‘me’ is responsible for ‘receiving’.”

"Should you not always change to new gameplay and tastes? Too many holes and so on make it boring."

"Um... well, does the gate mimicry plan to be placed in the cave as a secondary trap instead of making a false channel? But, it's very curious." Urie Ali walked to a gate mimic and knocked on it. Knock, there was a normal "boom" sound.

If Urie Ellie did not have a charm effect, she might have to be **** by a bunch of tentacles and dragged into the door that was actually a big mouth to be eaten (of course this is also the literal meaning).

"How on earth did this thing give birth to Anna?" Yuri Allie asked.

Steno just tilted his head and ponytail about this: "Who knows? Could it be that those fake nymphs want to solve these mysteries and know that we are playing a maze to do so?"

There are some strange things in the ecology of Warcraft and monsters.

Normal monsters and monsters are also species similar to beasts and plants. The difference lies in the fact that the body possesses magic power, regardless of whether there is magic or skill, it will be more powerful. Like intelligent races, they have their own ecology, will reproduce and reproduce offspring, and may also have territorial awareness or even spirituality as intelligent creatures.

To say why they can’t build civilization, it’s probably because they don’t have hands or organs that can replace mobile phones.

But there are also some unspeakable existences. They don’t know where they come from. They don’t have their own ecology, reproductive function, or even food requirements, but they appear from nowhere. They may have a certain wisdom, or they may only have the instinct of beasts. But what they have in common is that they are absolutely hostile to other conventional life, especially the life with a high degree of civilization.

It's like a tornado destroying a parking lot, unreasonable natural disasters manifested in the form of animals.

And the monsters that appear here are all such monsters.

But this is good news for Steno and Uri Ailie. UU Reading www. uukanshu. In this way, the proportion of monsters in the maze that do not need to be fed can be greatly increased, and there is a chance to continue to expand the scale of the maze that was difficult to expand more than ten years ago-the main problem is maintenance and supply.

Although I tried to build a few "Warcraft Lairs" in other places, they were all taken away by people nearby because of poor location. Row.

But that's something for the future, and now we need to entertain the combination of black armor and non-male and female. Not only are there intrusive cards to entertain, but it is also the black armor that destroys the "Warcraft Lair" they made outside when they were bored.

They continued to walk inside and came to the innermost side, where there was a big hole with a radius of about eight meters.

Steno slowly stretched out his hand at the largest sphere closer to the root, and said, "I don't have time to increase your head. Come out, Cerberus."

The sphere made a rustling cracking sound, and a behemoth that had been in the “small space” that people could not believe before appeared in the flying debris!

(to be continued)

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