Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 237: Dog head (doge)

At the call of Steno, a huge monster broke out of its shell!

It was a giant dog-shaped monster reminiscent of a dragon's tail, with fifteen heads and thirty flame-burning eyes looking down at Steno and Urie Ali.

Of course, this is not Cerberus of Greek mythology. It’s just that Steno didn’t bother to name his monsters and saw that everything was directly given to him by similar names in his knowledge. The gods described Cerberus as having fifty heads. . Even if there are only fifteen heads here, the oppressive feeling of so many giant beasts staring at it is quite terrifying. At the level of the indigenous people, the heroic domainer can only tremble in front of it.

But Steno kept a smile and said frivolously: "Oh, does my brilliance as a goddess keep your brute's eyes in this way? Ah, don't stare like that, otherwise-your eyes will collapse."

Then, in response to her words, Cerberus began to lose his feet, looking dizzy. Those who are strong enough to observe all of this can see that Cerberus is no longer able to resist the effects of the two skills and the treasure "Smile of the Stheno" of Steno's [Charming Bell] and [Goddess' Fantasy].

Even its basic level can be rated as between 80 and 90.

"Wow, the other ‘I’ tried too hard, such a rare occurrence, a sign that something terrible is about to happen?" Urieli put the palm of her hand gently in front of her mouth and chuckled.

If there were other male creatures in this maze, seeing such Steno would be extremely fatal.

Suddenly, a huge purple snake head sprang out from a huge hole not far away.

"Yeah! Picking the eggs casually made my sister awake! Wow—" Yuri Allie was bitten and dragged down without responding.

Steno was spared because of the A+ level of Assassin, she retreated silently to a safe distance, and the movement in the hole stopped for a while, and she fumbled out one end of her flimsy skirt inlaid with green gems. , A short stick as simple as a small stick.

"Resurrection Sceptre (WandOf, it has such a simple but effective name for ordinary people like a miracle. Obtained from the Eight Desires Desert. For there, this is a bargain that is not qualified to enter the treasury garbage dump, but it is not very capable of obtaining it, and there are few things in this world that they cannot solve by selling cute. .

She put the resurrection sceptre on her flat chest, and then Urieli fell on her buttocks as if summoned. Even if her death just now was not an illusion but a fact.

The eldest sister and the second sister have the same goddess core, and are each other's self. They are born to be goddesses completely, and their mind and body have absoluteness that never changes. This certainly leaves them without the possibility of growth, and allows them to only be gods. The nucleus is not completely destroyed, even if the lowest level of resurrection magic is used, it can be completely resurrected without paying any other costs. If you eat too many calories, you won’t get fat, but it’s a pity that the non-overeating generation did not take advantage of this advantage.

Anna...No, now it is no different from the real Gorgon. Both the eldest sister and the second sister were brutally killed and swallowed more than once because Anna absorbed too much natural energy, recreating the birth conditions of the mythical Gorgon. If they weren't that their mind and body would never change, and their love for their sister would be unswerving from the bottom of their hearts no matter how distorted, they would have been crazy.

Now the second sister died again in front of the eldest sister, but they were still in that interesting appearance before they both fell in love.

Urie Ellie: "Mythology and history are always the same unexpectedly. It's another short life that has passed. I'm a bit angry. I'll be true to life later in this life."

Steinor: "...Hmm, regret it's late."

When the movement in the hole disappeared, they touched into the hole where Anna was and did something in it that could be easily stated but did not want to publish it immediately. After half an hour, they came out contentedly and left. .


Slian church country, gods—

Now the senior officials of the religious nation and the dark scriptures are somewhat chaotic. The reason: "Desperate to death" seems to have slipped out to play.

As for whether it would be a conspiracy to abduct by a hostile force, they think this is unlikely, even though Yucari’s strength as a transcender is not top-notch, her intuition is quite good, and she is very combative. Someone wants to affirm her unruly. Will fight, with that level of momentum, it is impossible to be unaware.

However, it cannot be ruled out that something unexpected happened.

When the religious nation was busy looking for it, Irut also checked his equipment and props at his residence.

"Oh, Lord Irut is full of enthusiasm for this matter?" Wuyi suddenly hugged him from behind and said.

"Dancing clothes, that's for sure. In the future, we will all be companions. It should be okay for our companions to help each other if it is difficult."

"Cut." Wuyi turned his head and cast his mouth, and said in a low voice, "Irut-sama has always been like this as expected. It was only after losing the guild that he began to live earnestly. Why?"


To be honest, he himself is not very clear, saying that it is "you know how to cherish you when you lose it." It doesn't feel like that. The game guild is still very different from the country established by its past peers. It is better to say that there is no comparability at all.

He didn't have any big ambitions, he just did what he thought he should do now and what he should do with his current status as a church country.

"Has Lord Yirut spoke to the few people who were rescued by those in the country?"

"Well... I have said it several times."

"Obviously, our average strength is stronger than that of people in other countries where the supreme has left. UU reading, but Master Irut may not have noticed it, but it is us who you look down on."

"Look at it? How come?"

As a result, the dance clothes hugged tighter: "Master Irut is really wood in this respect. Sooner or later you will have to admire you... Obviously we take turns out of the door, and we can't stay together."

It's been a few weeks since you've been back this time-if that's the case, Irut swallowed it.

But Wuyi changed the conversation: "I don't care what other people are doing. I will definitely let you admire it sooner or later. Come-make you comfortable before you leave tomorrow!"

"Wait... do you leave tomorrow? It's not doing it now... no, there is no time to do such a thing... wait, wait, wait..."

According to Irut’s past impressions, as long as he continued to scold him in a serious manner, the dance clothes should restrain selfish desires and obediently, but this time it seemed useless.

Is it to break free or not to resist? Choose one of the two.

(to be continued)

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