Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 293: Reincarnation protagonist and storm dragon

"Let me see your strength."

"Yes! Your lord!"

Licolas readily agreed to Kraunpith's words.

The **** snake that came suddenly from the rock wall and spit out letters—severed in two pieces.

The same very huge centipede-cut two pieces.

A white spider with a pair of scythes on its forefoot-several consecutive swords were avoided and escaped.

A spider bigger than a bus-ten segments with one knife, the reason is that eight legs have also flown away.

The little blue slime-after a single break, he recovered and escaped. It still flew upside down by spraying water, just like a primary school student playing with a water balloon soaring into the sky.

Vampire bat-after being dodged by the sky, it still breaks completely.

The scales are like a monitor lizard in tank armor-one cut in two.

"Sorry, two ran away." Ligulas looked remorseful, using the power he bestowed in front of the strong man who gave him his name, and escaped two small trash fish or something.

"Don't be discouraged, that slime already has the ability to seriously hurt you. As for that white spider with a scythe... um..." Kraunpisi looked at the direction the spider was escaping, and raised her chin in a rare way.

"What's wrong?"

"No, this is not something you need to consider."

When the white spider disappeared just now, Crown Pith had a feeling similar to when she fell into the mist just now.

Moreover, the spider has the attributes of Kraunpith and some fears.

"I hope it's just a chance encounter, next time I see it, I'll do it myself. Ligulas, keep going. Be careful."

After that, I basically drove Wushuang all the way.

"Ah, there is no way to evaluate the level of this world in this way. Ha..." Crown Pith gradually yawned after Ligulas.

Every hit is enough to kill. It is indeed a technology that fighters who do not take pleasure in fighting themselves can dream of. However, Ligulas is just swinging at an attacking monster, because the speed is faster than the opponent's reaction. The attack power is enough to kill the opponent in seconds.

"There is no way, after all, it was a weak goblin not long ago." Crown Pith thought, reminding him not to be too complacent and pay attention to correcting his posture and actions.

After a while, a voice rang in their heads.

[Hey, can you hear me? 】

Seeing Licholas nervously guarding his surroundings, Kraunpith touched the magic power beside his head and said: "The monster directly uses magic power...No, the magic element simulates the way of sound wave vibration into the brain, which is quite interesting. Right, bald guy without pants."

[Oh, oh, dare to call me "the bald man without pants", are you courageous? It's been a long time since no one came to provoke me, and you are especially allowed to speak. It seems that you are living impatiently! 】

The voice in his brain became like noise, even if Ligulas became stronger, he could barely maintain a standing posture.

"I'm telling the truth." Crown Pith shouted, "None of the monsters here have seen hair on their heads, nor have they seen anyone wearing **** like the goblins outside. Do you have any? Is the hair also wearing pants?"

[Woo...this, this, no...]

"It's not over, I'm telling the truth. You slandered me. Ligulas, it seems that the owner here is not good, let's go."

[Wait, wait, if there is something to say, there is something to say, I was wrong just now, I was wrong. 】

"Unexpectedly soft tongue." Kraun Pith walked in the direction of the magic of the dialogue.

When he walked by Licolas, Licolas realized that he seemed to be rude, and hurriedly followed.

After walking for a while, he finally couldn't restrain his heart, knelt down and shouted and looked up at the giant dragon-the appearance is basically a Western dragon, similar to the Overlord world, but the specifications are completely different. First of all, the volume is even larger and the body is huge. It shimmered like obsidian with an ominous lavender light, with two pairs of wings growing on its back, and its tips were like indestructible swords, majestic and majestic, revealing a strange beauty.

"You are our patron saint!" Ligulas exclaimed.

"Ah... this, I am Veldola the Storm Dragon! If it is my magic element that prevents the monsters outside from approaching the large forest of Kura around here, that might be it. Worship me, quack quack quack!"

Kraunpith confirmed that this is the world of "About Me Reincarnated as a Slime".

She understood the storm dragon Verdola and the Jura Great Forest. The goblins probably kept stubbornly talking, causing some problems in the transliteration.

If you remember correctly, Verdola was sealed after fighting the brave hundreds of years ago, right?

She stepped forward and knocked on the mask around Verdola's body.

"When, when, when."

"It feels like it can be broken. It's pitiful for you, so let's sell it to you." Kraunpisi, who feels worthy of a deal, is about to break the seal forcibly.

She summoned the "torch", turned into a flame lightsaber that could burn all souls and even the world, and pierced into the light film.

As the sound of broken glass resounded through the cave, cracks spread on the light film.

"Wait a minute!" Veldola stopped. "This is a seal cast by the brave's unique skill [Infinite Prison]. It will seal the target into an infinite unrealistic space and block the target's interference with reality. Don't look at it. I can see you now and still have a conversation. In fact, if I forcefully break it, I will be completely exiled to the unreal world. It will take longer when the magic element is completely decomposed until the next natural resurrection."

"Ah, is that so." Kraun Pith stopped for a moment. Although she felt that she should be able to break it, she did not fully understand the structure. If something like that really happened, it would be unfavorable.

In these few seconds, the crack disappeared quickly.

She glanced at the last rift that disappeared, and remembered that the slime who could have escaped from Ligulas before should be the reincarnated one. You know, even if ordinary slimes are indeed resistant to physical attacks, they don’t. IQ to escape Ligulas' force.

If you were beaten away, you wouldn't dare to come over for a while, right?

"Hey, Verdola, how about I introduce you a friend who might be able to crack [Unlimited Prison] together?" said Kraunpith.

"Friends, this topic is interesting. What do friends do in general?"

"Well...In short, since Verdola looks like he can't get out here, it must be boring, let's talk about your'glorious history' before being sealed? Since you will be sealed by the brave, there must be a magnificent period. Earth-shattering history."

This **** was very helpful to Verdola, and she opened her mouth and laughed.

Although Clown Pith knew a little about the setting, she didn't use the plot information she knew very carelessly, but continued to chat with Verudorado.

(to be continued)

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