Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 294: It's as annoying as looking in the mirror

Kraunpis talked to Verdola the Storm Dragon for more than an hour.

Verdola is not bad in nature. If there is any problem, it is to speak with arrogance. Realistic dragon, arrogant, doesn’t feel cute at all, but also very boring. He is obviously a dragon, but he treats human women very much. Interested, especially the beauty of the heroine who sealed him; or the type that has a long experience but lacks knowledge, and he will probably always suffer from negotiations; and some are just daily and confused for him, and probably for humans. Natural disasters, sometimes the tragic destruction of a place might just be the reason Verdola "was too angry".

In fact, many humans have attacked Verudola, but he basically didn't kill him except for a few guys who completely annoyed him.

Kraunpis did not conceal that he was a so-called "visitor from another world." Verdola was not surprised when he heard it. There are many "visitors from another world" in this world. They usually get a little skill or "plug-in" when they come. "He also suspected that the brave who sealed him was also a stranger.

When Kraunpis was about to bid farewell to find the slime, Verdola also picked up the dragon's claws and turned her head and hugged her chest, as if saying, "You missed me, brother, don't regret it." Take a peek.

Fortunately, Licolas was in awe all the time, and didn't find it, otherwise the guardian spirit might be reduced.

"Okay, okay, maybe I will come later, please give me more advice at that time, okay?" Kraunpisi slapped her hand to make a complaint, and said Bangi.

The dragon itself still doesn't pay much attention to life and death, and he is regarded as an ally of the future leader of this world.

[Ah, um, please advise, please advise! 】

"Okay, you have to thank me."

[...Then you have to thank me too! Because...thank me, come and exchange names with me! 】

Kraunpith glared blindly. You raised it yourself, but she didn't say anything. Does giving a name reduce one's power?

However, since giving names to each other means exchanging power, and sharing names has the effect of connecting souls, the latter is not so much a name as a surname, and can even develop its own ethnic group in this way—

Kraunpith felt that he might be the one who was losing. But it's hard to say if I haven't played against it. Verdola is really scary in terms of the amount of magic, but if he uses it himself, he should not be able to beat the Kraunpisi who uses the same quality and the same amount of MP.

However, it was a bit unpleasant to be completely led by the rules of the world. Let's exchange the surname with the clone. At the same time, she also told Verudola that she had a name, but the life reported was still Lilith, who was a pseudonym.

Veldola regretted this a bit, but he also figured it out. In his opinion, how can the strong who can break the [Infinite Prison] be an unknown demon?

Claudio Piss, who doesn’t want to mix his powers with more powerfully, throws Verdola the name of the tri-phase goddess “Hecate” slightly altered “Hecateia”, Verdola hears and magic , Hell, and ghosts are related, it feels good, I happily accepted it, and used it as the name of connecting souls.

But what he did next was beyond Klauen Pith’s expectation. When Verudola returned his name, he even directly covered the name "Lilith", making "Lilith" inscribed in Klaus. The name in the soul of Empis.

At the same time, her personality as a **** fairy and three-phase goddess has not changed.

That is to say, now the real name of Klauen Pith has become "Claunn Pith Lilith Hecateya Rampads", and she has begun to follow the "cowardly man" route in the eyes of the trolls.

After bidding farewell to Verdola, she induced the special slime to the vicinity of the Storm Dragon, and left with Ligulas.

"It's a shame that you just stayed still." Crown Pith held the back of his head and said to Ligulas, who had no other purpose but to lead the way.

"This is a conversation between you and the patron saint, my lord, how dare I..."

Clown Pace rolled her eyes, wondering if the chance of stealing the slime would cause a chain reaction of losing control. However, there are a lot of goblin communities in the forest. Even if Ligulas is very strong, with the current vision of the goblins, they will not do anything to unify the race. The slime who got the name of "Limru" should Can also become stronger very quickly...Wait, why do you think about so much? With her current personality, she doesn't have to worry about being unfavorable to her by having a cause and effect with the world as she did at the beginning, right?

Not long after leaving the cave, Kraunpith glanced back, because Verdola's reaction disappeared.

"The magical power of Lord Patronus?!" Ligulas was horrified, his muscles tightened and his weapon tightened, "Could it be that the slime could..."

"No, if you die, it won't disappear out of thin air. The magic, the amount of magic element is so large, and there will be no small reactions when you die. It should be transferred to a different space. UU Reading Do you know Space?" said Kraunpith.

"I just learned a little bit from your conversation. Is it going to leave [Infinite Prison] by going to other dimensions?"

"Perhaps, but this period of time is very short for dragons with a long life span. It is not short for you. After losing your shelter, you will have to protect yourself and your race in the future. Use the power I give you properly. ."

"Yes! Do not hesitate to die!"

"No, no, idiot, isn't it the same as ruining the name I gave you?"

"Yes! Go all out!"

"Okay, try to grow stronger." Kraun Pith raised his hand and patted the green pectoral muscles that looked like a wall.

"Okay! It's outside!" From the entrance of the cave came the voice of Kraun Pith, followed by a three-part laughter of "Hahaha, hahaha, hahahahaha".

"The entrance to the cave...sir, did you remember something happy just now?"

"Don't look at me, I'm not at the entrance of the cave!" Kraunpiss slightly curled her brows and looked at the cave behind her that was already out of sight and blocked by the jungle.

The connection between her avatar consciousness and Verdola was still there, but the other end moved. Not only that, it gradually changed from a single thread to a multi-threaded coiled feeling like a twisted twine over time.

"Could it be... Licolas, you go back to the village first!" Kraunpith dropped the goblin for a sprint and returned to the cave.

In front of the face that was almost exactly the same as himself, he made a grimace.

The guy who looked like the mirror image of Kraunpisi didn't wear anything on his body, but after laughing, he kept "hands on his hands" on himself, as if he wanted to pull out a second child for himself.

Clown Pace startled him by this coldness, and fell to the ground with his legs straddling his ass.

(to be continued)

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