Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 295: Limlu into the village

"M, American?! Hello? Ok?" The guy who looked like the mirror image of Crowmpess sat on the ground and greeted Crowmpess with a look of confusion.

   "Don't speak crappy English, there is an automatic translation." Crown Pith took up her hand and looked down at him and said.

  "Are you a friend of Verudola?" she asked.

  The other party's eyes widened and looked very surprised: "I am Limru. Do you know Verdola?"

  It seems that Limruh had no sense of sight or hearing, nor the ability to perceive magical powers, before she met Verdola, otherwise it would be possible to recognize Kraunpith.

   "It's more than knowing." Kraunpith conjured a mirror to show Limru.

  Rimuru was even more surprised to see between himself and Kraunpith, except for the subtle difference in height, and the fact that Rimuru had golden eyes and long straight hair, it was almost the same.

  Then he realized what vulgar things he was doing in the dense forest late at night, and hurriedly shrank his body to try to cover the key parts—though there was nothing at all.

   Lim, who could not be covered, simply changed back to slime form, and said: "I am not an evil slime!"

  For an instant, the forest shook, and birds and beasts scurryed.

   Facing this destructive sound wave, Kraun felt like a breath of autumn wind. The only surprise was that it was actually a golden slime. Has it absorbed anything else under the influence of her butterfly effect.

  However, there are some questions. Kraunpith asked: "Limru, I don't care what the sound principle of your slime form is, but can't the decibel be adjusted better?"

"Um... I'm sorry, I absorbed the sonic skills that imitated the bat monsters to simulate pronunciation. I'm not used to it. It's okay to speak to Verudola. It seems that it can't be the standard. Is it noisy? Very loud. Sorry."

   "Well, then apologize to this troubled village in the forest. Why do you look like me?"

   "...I want to ask too."

   Then they both did the same thing without an appointment—

  "[All-Knowing], tell me what's going on."

   "[Big Sage], explain it to me."

  [The All-Knowing One] and [The Great Sage] have a part of their abilities that overlap, even as the Voice of the World gave a unified answer—

"tell. Give Limulu the name "Hecateya Tempest" through Verdola, the storm dragon, and Klauenpith Lilith Hecateya, who built the soul corridor with Verdola earlier Rampads forms a series circuit, because the latter is spiritual..."

  "Stop! Soul Corridor or something...simply put it!" Unlike Kraunpith, who listened patiently, Limru said it would be good for novices to listen to the conclusion.

"tell. The unique skill [Predator] indirectly obtains the magic element of Kraunpith Lilith Hecateya Rampads, and the integration of [Big Sage] is equivalent to preying on a part of her, and the ability is obtained [planned Seemingly Leprechaun] and some of its abilities, the appearance refers to the predator. 》

  The specific abilities that he got are listed in front of Limlu's eyes. He was dizzy when he saw him, and he simply threw it aside, first to solve the urgent need—

  "[Big Sage], can you get some clothes?"...

  谷   "Report. Can imitate Kraunpith Lilith Hecateya Rampads' ability to construct clothes, do you want to imitate it? 》

   "Yes, definitely, but it's troublesome to change the style."

  The clown style changed to the American flag, he really didn’t understand how embarrassed to wear it outside, and he was embarrassed to ask.

  Finally, Limru constructed a suit of mimicry and magic transformation, combing her long golden hair with a low ponytail behind her.

  He took a picture of the mirror that Crowen Pith had just turned into. Although there are still many places to explore, it was not the time to do this, and this "simple" shape made him relatively satisfied.

   "Although the slime's body is very convenient in many aspects, it really feels like it has hands, feet and a head." He sighed and said to himself, and asked Kraun Pith, "How about this kind of clothes?"

  He doesn't know the aesthetics of this world, if it's normal like that of Cronn Pith, then he will have a lot of bromine.

   "Well, it feels okay. There are many races in this world, so the clothes are different. How about I take you to the nearby village first?" Kraunpis asked.

   "Oh, good. Thank you so much."

   is still walking along the forest path. On the way, Limru apparently regarded Crowen Pith as a resident here, and he was the kind who knew Verdola very well, and kept asking questions.

  Crown Pith only said that he had passed by and talked to Verdola by the way, and was not a local race. He introduced the settings of some novels about the Great Forest of Jura to Limru under the name of "heard", and also instructed him not to approach human towns until he learns to completely hide the breath of monsters, even if he is transformed into a human form.

There are barriers to block monsters, and forced breakthroughs will also lead to crusades, especially the Western Holy Church, which is basically a "human supremacist" organization, has basically included all Western countries in its sphere of influence; Eastern empires have been waiting for opportunities to invade the West. It is also not friendly to the Jura forest race in the middle.

  Rimru was somewhat disappointed and annoyed about this. It is necessary to know that he was a genuine human before being reincarnated as a slime, and it is natural that he was more friendly to humans. However, in his current state, humans seem to be mostly hostile.

Kraunpis also told Limru what kind of turmoil the "disappearance" of Verdola might cause to the surroundings. The Great Forest of Jura may be about to face aggression. UU reading therefore should be responsible for this .

continue reading! Page 1 of 2 "Ah...A war of aggression...I really don't want to encounter this kind of thing." Limru sighed.

  Crown Pith is a little bit slanderous about whether your country is qualified to say this, but she said that it didn’t make sense to someone who was a white-collar company in her previous life. She had done similar things herself, so it would be unreasonable to make trouble here.

"Well, maybe it's easier than imagined." Kraunpith shrugged. "After all, you are helping my friend break [Infinite Prison] and live by my face. If something bad happens to me It’s also troublesome. In short, it’s just a peaceful meeting. I have something to leave soon. Before that, I can barely arrange a place that is easy to develop for you."

"Thank you so much."

  In a short while, Kraunpith followed Ligulas's footsteps to the Goblin Village.

  The simple environment made Limru, who was accustomed to the civilized life in his previous life, almost wanted to frown, but he had already experienced the life of ordinary monsters and immediately understood that it was rude. There are several goblin beauties who are protruding and curving, but they have attracted his attention.

  Claunn Pith’s arrival was greeted warmly, and the goblins also prepared barbecue and tea.

(to be continued)

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