One day passed since the fight to defend Tatio ended. Now, the knights and Soaring Sky Familia visited the forest not far from the city. They had one goal: to destroy the source of the Scourge that attack the city.

They didn't want to let the Scourge breed and bring about destruction again. Especially when they are this close to the city.

The journey to the ruins of the tower where the Scourge make a nest was easy. No monster attacks or ambush them because most of the monsters have become the host for the Scourge.

Before their onslaught began, the knights rested and do some scouting. They must be at their best form, knowing the number of enemies, their formations, and the battlefield to secure the victory. They did all of that also to reduce the casualties and eliminate the unexpected dangers or scenarios.

They also need time to draw up a plan after getting information for the scouting they do. Things that that happened in the field and vicinity will change their already made plan.

Attacking the enemy just like that without knowing anything about them and the place where they are was a foolish act. It will only bring suffering and worse, death.

"Wow~ look at that!" Gravius said with admiration.

Far in front of him, stood the ruins of the tower. The thing that amazed Gravius was not how big and tall the ruin that almost collapsed, but the hundreds of Scourge that wandered around at the base of the tower.

The strange and terrifying creature was there as a guard. They're going to kill anything, whoever's approaching them.

They were there for one reason.

They take care of and guard the Mind of Scourge, an existence that continues to create the Scourge endlessly.

The Mind of Scourge came from the Void. Usually, they appeared in a place where the Aether in it become so dense. They utilized that concentrated Aether to create a dimensional gap that they used as an entrance.

That's right, Scourge can sense Aethers from other dimensions and can utilize them from where they are. And not only Aether, but they can also feel the Life Force of living beings that exist in other dimensions or worlds.

A place like the earth that had very much Life Force would not be attacked by the Scourge. It happens because the earth does not have an Aether. In the absence of an Aether, the Scourge could use it to make the entrance, the Scourge could only stare at the earth with unbearable hunger without being able to do anything.

Hundreds of worlds that don't have Aethers are safe from Scourge attacks. However, if there was a small possibility that the Aether came to that world, the Scourge would instantly attack the world because of the enormous Life Force it has.

They will not neglect a buffet of food that will satisfy their hunger.

The gods and goddesses who ruled the world with the Aether always had to make a defense mechanism to block the Scourge, whether by hiding their world, fighting directly, or making an impenetrable barrier. 

After all, the gods and goddesses didn't want the Scourge to come to their world and then destroy it.

What about Uravia? The world where Eclaite is now. Why the gods and goddesses in this world didn't create a defense mechanism to block the Scourge?

Uravia is a newborn world.

With that, the gods and goddesses in Uravia had no experience regarding the Scourge and their menaces.

Their young world also not been able to make connections with other worlds. This made the gods and goddesses in Uravia didn't get any information from the other gods or even meet them.

The older gods didn't want to make a connection with the young gods while they were busy with their respective worlds. They will only make a connection if they need help or they are attracted to the young gods.

So yes, the gods and goddesses in Uravia were confused when the first Scourge attacked. They don't know what the Scourge is. And when they decided to fight the Scourge directly, some of them fell and became Evil Gods.

For hundreds of years, they fought against unknown enemies and their crazed kin. They almost give up and their world is almost destroyed when miracles and other disasters come.

Yes, their world can finally make a connection with another world.

With the miracle they got from the event, they were able to meet the other gods and get guidance from them.

But at the same time, that connection also carries another danger that is the Evil Gods. They came to Uravia to join the existing Evil Gods.

The god and goddess Uravia realized the destruction of their world was approaching. They seek help from the other gods but… they don't get anything when they don't have anything to offer.

Amidst the despair, one Minor God, The God of Game who came from earth offers help. He will send the heroes to Uravia in exchange for a wish he wants in the future.

The gods and goddesses of Uravia agree and dozens of lucky Ark Fantasy Online players, become hero candidates to be sent to Uravia.

One Evil God in Uravia - the Evil God of Red Moon - learned of the deal. She didn't want the heroes to come to annihilate her and the Scourge. So, she did something about the plan to send the heroes to Uravia. 

The Evil God of Red Moon altered the Teleportation Magic used to send the heroes into Reincarnation Magic. The changes she made were not perfect, so some heroes came directly while others entered the Uravia's circle of reincarnation.

In the end, in the War of Gods, the heroes along with the Uravia's gods and goddesses managed to defeat the Evil Gods and the Scourge despite having to pay a heavy price. They also managed to create a defense mechanism to block another Scourge come to this world from Void.

That's right, they defeated the Evil Gods and Scourge, not killed them. They get peace and their world is not destroyed. However, it's only temporary.

Now, the Evil Gods and Scourge revived.

The Evil Gods want to rule this world. The Scourge wants to destroy this world. They had different goals but now, they united, or rather, the Evil Gods monopolized the Scourge to defeat the gods and goddesses in Uravia.

"There will be a lot of fighting if we want to break in. It was very troublesome but… well… we don't have much choice." Gravius shook his head. He jumped, coming down from the tall tree he used as a foothold.

The Chibito ran in a labyrinth-like forest that had an uneven surface for a few dozen minutes. He had just stopped running and walking after joining hundreds of knights.

Gravius, look for Celestena. When he found the woman with the others in an open tent, he asked, "Is everything ready, Miss Celestena?"

"Yes." Celestena nodded. "What do you see?"

"Scourge troops comparable to ours." Gravius made the report with a smile. He looked at the members of his and Vier's party. "Isn't it is exciting? Tough fights are already welcoming us at the entrance of the ruin."

"And it's going to get worse once we get into the ruins," Anna continued. Her Half-elf ears made a powerful jolt. Unwillingness was seen on her face.

Vier who was next to Anna moved his hand. He stroked the woman's head while saying, "Thing will not become much dangerous, don't worry."

Anna lowered her head to hide her red cheeks. "If you protect me then fine."

"Alright," said Gravius, who made a few claps to grab everyone's attention. "This is the plan. As Miss Celestena said, my, Vier's, and Kaze's party along with the respectable Goddess, Gaia, will go into ruins to destroy the Mind of Scourge. We can't go in alone so the knights will make way for us. After successfully sending us in, they'll hunt down the Scourge around the ruins. It's a good plan and now, let's begin!"

Fifteen people plus one goddess followed Gravius. They went to their positions in this assault.

Celestena that has been left behind did the last check. The moment she knew there was no error and all was indeed ready, she looked at three knights behind her. "Let's start this assault, knights! Move out!"

Following Celestena's orders, the three knights contacted each of their Battalion Knights. And in an instant, all the knights approached the ruins of the tower in a tight formation.

This forest has an unfavorable layout. Fighting against the Scourge in a narrow place, blocked by trees and on the uneven ground would be a nightmare. Therefore, they did not pull the Scourge closer. Attacking the Scourge and fighting in the open area under the tower was a good idea.

The Scourge that realized the arrival of the knights attacked with everything they had.

A thousand more Scourge ran to a spot. Three thousand knights awaited their arrival. And not only did they wait, but the knights were also preparing for their long-range attacks.

As the Scourge approached and entered the area of attacks, the knights launched their long-range attacks and Spells. The knights managed to kill dozens of Scourge in an instant but it wasn't enough! The Scourge keeps coming!

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