Hundreds of Scourge approached the knights with the desire to kill. They must carry out their duties to protect the ruins of the White Tower and the Mind of Scourge that take refuge in it. Therefore, they will let the knights pass them. 

The Scourge forces consist of infected monsters, which is; Wolves with two heads, Boarman that have three arms, snake monsters with deer bodies, and many other mixed, patches, horrible monsters. 

Luckily, this time, there was no strong Scourge in that force. The knights can breathe a sigh of relief and their mission will be easier to archive. 

To break through the forces of Scourge and then deliver Vier along with the others into the ruins, Celestena uses a simple strategy. She orders the knights to break through the Scourge forces and defense directly. 

It is a reckless strategy. However, because of the time limit before The Mind of Scourge calls other Scourge from Void, and their limited movements because of this thick forest, this strategy was the only one she came up with. 

If they don't break the Scourge forces directly and choose to take a detour, on the worst possibility, they will have to confront the Scourge forces which is four times the numbers that exist in the present. And it still does not include a few strong Scourge that will born from the combination of the Scourge in here.

The Scourge that has just been summoned by The Mind of Scourge is still in its original form. A mass of horrible purple blobs just like a moving piece of meat. They may not be strong as the Scourge that has infected and taken over the body of a monster, but their infection is more dangerous and potent. 

Clang! Clang! 

The loud voices that come from the collision between metal and hardened meat were echoed in this forest. 

Tens of Greatshield were raised high when two lines of defense - each of which is formed by fifty or more knights - held up a large wave made of hundreds of advancing Scourges. The two lines of defense formed a formation ∧ to penetrate the Scourge forces. 

At the tip of the formation, there are forty high-level elite knights. With their strength, the Scourge was killed at a fast pace. They will ensure that this formation keeps moving forward and never stops. 

In the inner part of the formation, there are four types of knights' armies. They are three platoons of knights consisting of a fifty to eighty Lancer, Archer, and Mage. Whereas the last armies were the extermination squad, which consisted of a party belonging to Vier, Gravius, and Kaze along with Gaia, which is numbered twelve.

The Lancers are right behind the Defenders in the defense line. They killed the Scourge that had just hit the line of defense and protected the Defenders. The platoon of Archers and Mages launched their attacks far ahead, passing the defense line to reduce the Scourge.

Vier and others also fought but they just use a little portion of their strength. They must save their energy to confront then kill the Scourge and The Mind of Scourge in the ruins. 

This formation was formed by a company of Knight, a third of the first Knight Battalion. Then, what about two other knight battalions? Where are the other six hundred knights or more, now? 

The rest of the first Knight Battalion along with the second and third is behind the formation ∧ which is formed by the Knight Company. The rest of the first knight battalion made a formation / _ \\\\ right behind the Knight Company. While the two second and third knight battalions made formation — on the left and right the first Knight Battalion. 

So, with the Formation _∧_, Three battalions of knights approached the ruins while resisting the attack and killing the Scourge along the way. 

The knights must strive hard for about one and a half hours before they arrive at the foot of the ruins. 

When they arrived there, they immediately made a defensive formation to block the Scourge they had just passed. They also had to eradicate the Scourges that were still roaming at the entrance before they send the extermination squad into the ruins. 

"We will wait for you." The sentence was spoken by Celestena to Vier and the other, a moment before they get into the ruins. 

With all of that, the extermination squad starts their mission. They must search and kill the Mind of Scourge before everything is too late.

"We made it in and now ..." Gravius's words were trailed off. He then turned to Gaia. 

The Goddess smiled and said, "Our target is at the bottom of these ruins. So we will use the stairs." 

Gravius nodded. "You heard it, let's start this mission! From here, Kaze, I handed it to you. Please guide us." 

"Of course, leave it to me, " Kaze replied. 

Kaze walked to the front line and a woman followed him. He and the woman, Renata, was Scouts. So, the two of them will guide and ensure the road traversed by them is safe from the danger called, traps. 

"Anna please give me a light," Kaze requested. 

Anna's Half-Elf ears jolted at his request. The woman lifted her wand and said, "wait for a second, [Illumination]" 

Ten balls of light as big as a fist are created. One of them floated past Kaze to give him enough light to brighten the surrounding. Kaze nodded with satisfaction and returned to walk.

The sun is still high in the sky. However, its light could not penetrate the wall of these ruins to drive the darkness. These ruins have Crystal Lamps which is still functioning. Unfortunately, their number is a little and because they were eroded by time, their light became so dim. It leaves everyone to make their lighting. 

Anna's balls of light floated, encircling everyone. Two balls in front, another two for each party, and the last two are in the rear. With that, they have enough lighting. 

White Tower, the ruins they explored right now have a diameter of sixty meters. It made the inside of it quite vast, filled with hundreds of rooms and dozens of corridors. Thanks to that, these ruins became a natural maze. 

The complicated layout can make someone get lost easily and that is not the only problem Vier and the others have to worry about. The ruins were made by a famous Sage. This is not an ordinary tower and this place has a strict defense mechanism. There are many traps installed to kill intruders and to protect the treasure inside it but ... 

"There is no active trap here," Kaze started. The man then pointed to the arrows stuck in the wall. "Look, all the traps have been triggered. We don't need to guess that the Scourge did it." 

"Isn't that good? For once, those Scourge did something useful for us," Anna said. Even though she was in the backline, she could hear clearly if the Scourge was mentioned.

"That is good, indeed," said Cabal. "However, we must remain sharp. We don't know what will happen and the dangers that waiting for us in this place."

Kaze adjusted his lantern and said, "I'll do it." The man then walked back with watch full eyes, always looking for a trap that might still be active. 

Time passed when they explored the ruins. 

The absence of the Scourge made Gravius feel uncomfortable. He turned, looked at a red-haired girl in Kaze's Party, "Nira, please use Life Search. My detection skills couldn't find where the Scourge was hiding." 

"Okay," said Nira who then closed her red eyes. "[Life Search]"

Ripples of green light appear on the floor to spread throughout the area. Within seconds, the ripples covered dozens of meters. Another few seconds and they passed thirty meters. 

Gravius nodded with satisfaction. After seeing the ripple, he turned back to the girl to ask the result but, for a moment he saw the girl's pale face, he chose to shout another thought. "Everyone is getting ready! Unsheathe your weapon!"

Crumbled! Crumbled! 

Instantly after Gravius shouted, the wall on both sides of the corridor in front and behind them collapsed to show the scourge. The ambush made them surprised but... they were ready. 

"[Ice Wall]" Gilraen exclaimed spontaneously. And in an instant, the hallway on the rear is covered by thick ice walls. 

"Gilraen, what are you doing?" Beleg inquired in confusion. "You block our only way out." 

Gilraen's eyes open wide. "I'm sorry, it happens spontaneously. I'll cancel it immediately." 

"No! Don't melt that ice wall!" Gravius exclaimed. "It's a good decision and thus, we only need to focus on the Scourge our front. We will advance and Beleg! Go to the frontline, Gilraen doesn't need your protection now." 

"Okay," said Beleg who was then running. 

"What about us, father!?" Vier asked Gravius. 

"Keep on standby. Don't waste your and your party members' stamina, protect the rearguard only if the Scourge can approach you. The Mind of Scourge is not our opponent. And Gilraen, if that ice wall is collapsed, make another." 

After seeing confirmation from Vier and Gilraen, Gravius ran to the front line.. He unsheathes two of his daggers, ready to help Kaze and the others.

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