Now, standing in the arena of the coliseum and being watched by tens of thousands of players, I fight against Herman the Fortress. A pro gamer who is famous for his absolute defenses.

Our fight is the final round of the tournament. It will determine who is the real winners and losers are.

The crowd was so excited and festive when they watched our fight. The loud cheers they made were tinged with a burning spirit. Their cheers shake this Coliseum.

Some spectators shouted my Avatar's name.

"Vier! Vier! Vier!" They cheered loudly.

And I'd be very happy If those cheers were intended for me. Unfortunately, I know, they shouted my name just to enliven the atmosphere and for the other reason.

I suspect, Sub Event called Cheerleaders Event or maybe Illegal Betting is the main reason why they shouted my Avatar's name.

The cheerleaders Event is some kind of guessing game. A Player selects one participant in the PvP Tournament and then gets a prize according to the final rank of the participant they selected before the participant is eliminated. The higher the ranking of participants of their choice, the greater the prize they will receive.

As for Illegal Betting... Of course, you already know. That's a bet between Players. Usually, they use Gold, items, or even RM (real money) when making a bet. And because it is illegal, the participants of the bet who are caught by GM (game master) will be penalized.

The spectators' cheers were not just directed at me. Many of them cheered to support of my opponent.

"Herman! Herman! Herman!"

Bitter to say, that middle-aged man Avatar with a two-meter tall, muscular body gets more festive and loud cheers. And it's become more painful when I know that cheers came from his fans.

Herman the Fortress is really on a different level.

His equipment, the black-colored Armor of Giant Defence that he uses makes him look so formidable. His weapon, the Golden Hammer, almost taken away all my HP (Health Points) in one blow many times. His last equipment, the unknown, black, giant round shield on his left hand was the source of Herman's nickname.

Herman the Fortress.

The old pro gamer is famous and intimidating.

Oh! My attention is distracted.

It's not good! Especially in this final round.

I need all my concentration to fight equally against this old man who is like a monster. Careless for a moment and I'll be done! I'll be a loser.

I know, none of us intend to give up the title of champion easily. If we just give up the title just like that, what is the meaning of our struggle to arrive at this final round?

So, yearning for the title of champion! Holding a blue sword called the Azure Sword, I challenged Herman the Fortress. As for protection, I wore a silver armor called Holy Knight Armor. Both of these items are Legendary Grade items. Without them, I wouldn't be able to put up a fight with Herman.

In this match and for the last twenty-two minutes, we fought desperately. We try to knock down and kill each other. We're fighting using all our abilities and strength to earn the title of champion. Each of us didn't want to give up. Therefore, I will defeat Herman.

The spirit that burned my soul did not accept the word defeated. And I know, beating Herman isn't easy to do.

Six minutes remain and this final round will be ended.

Sadly, I haven't beaten Herman yet.

The HP that we have is in critical condition. Herman's HP is only 20% of his max HP. As for me, I only have 23% of my HP.

In this match we were desperate.

If Herman doesn't attack me, he'll lose because of our HP differences. That is Herman's desperation.

For my desperation. I have to dodge Herman's attacks and keep my HP from decreasing.

"UOOO...!" Herman shouted.

The man was full of spirit and he sprinted so fast to get close to me. Every time he takes a step, cracks appear in the floor he's stepping on.

Herman's like a tank. And I don't have to ask how much damage I would get if I received the impact directly.

"[Flash Step]"

Without delay, I used an Arte to dodge Herman's attack.

I want to play safe. Therefore, I chose to focus on keeping my distance and dodging Herman's attacks. I'm not going to let my HP decreasing, however…

"I'm not going to let you get away!" Herman stopped and instantly turn his body. Wasting no time, he lifted the Golden Hammer high into the air before swing it to hit the floor. "[Ground Shaker]"


A large blast of air followed by a large crater was created instantly. The damage that was done within seconds decorating the arena's floor and stopped my step.

The Arte Ground Shaker Herman used has an effect that makes the enemy unable to move for five seconds. And five seconds is more than enough for Herman to appear behind my back.

"Eat this! [BREMER]!" Herman shouted as he attacked me.

The Golden Hammer wrapped in red light swung to obliterate my body. And of course, I don't want to take that deadly attack directly. Therefore, I raised the Azure Sword. I used the flat side of the sword as a shield.


"Gah!" I shouted as I was thrown like a ball.

Twisting my body in the air like a cat, I'm trying to fix my balance. And in the end, I manage to land on the floor safely.

Fending off Herman's attack caused me to lose 3% of my HP. The decision to flee caught me off guard. And now, if I don't attack Herman, I'm the one who's going to lose.

"[Flash Step]"

I moved and appeared behind Herman's back. A second later, I swung the Azure Sword to slash his neck.


Unfortunately, Herman stopped my surprise attack using his shield.

Pro gamer is indeed terrifying. He had an extremely quick reaction. More impressively, he gave a counterattack in seconds. The hammer he hold swung swiftly into my head. Such a fast and accurate attack gives me a hard time dodging.


I don't stay silent after dodging that attack. Rapidly, I showering Herman with the slashes of my sword. A moment later, Herman also began showering me with the swings of his Golden Hammer.

Every attack he launched was powerful, fast, and accurate. Once again, I had the bitter experience of fending off his barrage of attacks.

Klang! Klang! Klang!

Our weapons are pitted against each other.

I will not stand still to endlessly fending off Herman's attacks. When a chance appeared, I gave him a counterattack.

I'm after his vitals and blind spots.

Surprisingly, my attacks worked! I gave Herman troubles.

Klang! Klang!

"You're getting better at this Vier."

"Thank you."

Klang! Klang!

Herman's offensive stance waned and his defensive stance increased. But... Even though I was the one who delivered more attacks, there's no denying that I was the one who received more damage.

Knowing this situation becomes more unfavorable, I dodged and then took two steps back. A second later, I used an Arte.

"[Dragon Claws]"

This Arte has five rapid and deadly attacking movements. The Arte is also troublesome to countered because it has a different attack pattern every time it is being used. Therefore, I managed to slash Herman twice before...

"[Shield of Valor]"

Herman fends off the rest of the Dragon Claws attacks using Shield Arte.

The sharp decision he take saved the rest of his HP.

Regretfully, I can only reduce his HP a little.

Now, the remainder of our HP is at the same point.

"Damn it! [Holy-"

"[Comet Hammer]"

"!!![Knight Evasion]"


The Arte Knight Evasion automatically makes my body moves to dodge the hammer that tears off the air like a comet.

I'll receive major damage if I received the attack. And there's a chance I'm going to lose straight away.

That is something I don't want.

Once again, Herman surprised me with his talent to use an Arte in quick succession.

I swing my Azure Sword to attack Herman.

I want to win against him as fast as possible.

Sadly, I can't do what I wishing for.

Herman is too good at using his shield. He fended off most of my attacks easily!

"[Holy Cutter]" "[FALLEN CASTLE]"

We use an Arte at the same time.. Because of that, a bright light appears in the arena of the Coliseum.

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