"[Holy Cutter]" "[FALLEN CASTLE]"


"Gah!" I screamed as I got thrown by the air blast from Grand Arte Fallen Castle.

The Arte Holy Cutter I used couldn't cut the golden castle of light that suddenly appeared.

With haste, I stood up after rolling for few times on the floor. I look at Herman who is now inside the golden castle of light.

"Today you will lose, Vier!" shouted Herman who then make a confident smile.

Herman's words may be true.

Fallen Castel is a Grand Arte of attack and defense type.

Fallen Castle's attack is in a form of a dome-shaped golden wave that grows in all directions quickly. The golden wave is also an AoE that can cover the entire arena, an attack that could barely be blocked.

As for defense, Grand Arte - Fallen Castle creates a golden castle of light to envelop the entire body of its user. The castle is so tough that almost all Arte gained from Skills below level four can't scratch it.

Fallen Castle can be called a rare Grand Arte. I heard, there are only ten players who have it in all over the servers of Ark Fantasy Online.

If I accept an attack from Fallen Castle directly. I'm sure I'm going to lose, I'm gonna die in seconds especially when my HP is only 13% left.

"Damn it!"

I don't have a defense-type Arte that is strong enough to block Fallen Castle's golden wave attack.


As I fell silent in hesitation to make a decision, Herman's Fallen Castle was almost ready to unleash its wave attack.

"You can't escape Vier!" Herman shouted.

I gritted my teeth, I'm frustrated by the incompetence I have. I can't eradicate that golden castle of light.

I don't have the ability to stop Herman. But ironically, the Azure Sword in my hands has that ability.

Azure Sword has a Special Skill - Embody of Blue Flame Dragon. This Special Skill is equal with Fallen- no! Right now, Embody of Blue Flame Dragon is stronger than Fallen Castle. This difference occurs because Herman has already thrown his Golden Hammer, he no longer gets a Basic Statistics boost from his weapon.

I can win this final round using Embody of Blue Flame Dragon! but... If I use this Special Skill again, Azure Sword that is already in its thresholds will be destroyed.

It's a tough choice.

Keep Azure Sword and lose or win and lose Azure Sword.

Once again, it's a tough choice, and if I don't make a choice now... It will be game over for me and I'm going to disappoint my friends.


I've decided!

I don't want to be defeated, I don't want to lose!

I had to win this final round even though it meant I had to lose Azure Sword, losing the partner who's been with me on an adventure for the last two years.

With a bitter heart, I lifted the Azure Sword over my head.

"Goodbye partner, [Embody of Blue Flame Dragon]!"

After I pronounce the Special Skill's name, Azure Sword emits blue light. Then, it turned into a blue flame that burned my body.

A few seconds passed and I began to morph into a mighty dragon made of blue flames. At the same time, a golden wave attack is released by Fallen Castle.

Swosh! Blast!

The waves hit my figure that half a step into a dragon. I lost 3% of my HP. That attack made the situation becomes worse for me.

"Rwaarr...!" I roared and began to give a counterattack.

I or the blue fire dragon opens its jaws widely. I started tearing up the golden castle using my teeth. Quickly, I broke through the walls of the golden castle. I have the ultimate goal to win against Herman.

Of course, Herman didn't stay silent. Once again, he unleashed a golden wave attack to kill me, who so brutally tearing up his golden castle of light.

Swosh! Blast!


I lost my HP again and I went back to tearing up the castle of light. It was repeated several times before finally...


"[Shield of Valor]"

I bit Herman who took cover behind his giant round shield.

Herman did a good defense to block my attack. But unfortunately, Herman's defense wasn't thick enough. My teeth pierced his Arte and shield with ease like a hot knife piercing butter.


Bite! Bite!

I bit Herman's body a few times before lifting himself high into the air.

"[Shi... eld Bash]"

Herman launches his final attack. Sadly, his efforts were in vain. The attack that ripping off 3% of my HP couldn't kill me.

I threw Herman high into the air.

Stand on the floor and be right under Herman, I gathered all the Mana I had to my dragon mouth while waiting for him to fall.

And when Herman fell, I greeted him with an openly wide dragon mouth.

Then, when he got into my mouth, I gave him one strong bite and one explosion of blue fire.

Bite! Boom! And Splat!

Herman's HP is decreasing rapidly. A moment later, he died. Herman's body turned into particles of light, followed by mu shouts and loud cheers from the spectators.


"Vier! Vier! Vier!"


The referee's shout that signifies this round is over made my heart beat rapidly. I close my eyes as my point of view shifts due to fading transformation.


When the announcement of my win was voiced, I opened my eyes. It was a sound I wanted to hear.


I screamed with all my might to show the happiness I felt. I lifted the Azure Sword high into the sky.

And high in the air, Azure Sword - my partner - was shattered to pieces, the sword turn into particles of blue light before eventually disappearing without a trace.

"Thank you for keeping me company all this time, partner. Goodbye."

Seeing that, I shed tears of happiness and sadness at the same time. Surely, in the Digital World, these tears will not be visible. However, I'm sure that my face in the real world must have made an ugly expression covered with tears and snot.

Fortunately. I'm in the Digital World. I don't have to worry about the look on my face. I'm sure, Vier, the Avatar I used smiled broadly.

I felt this sweet victory while waving at my friends in the spectator's seat. They shouted congratulations to me. They also make a wave full of spirit. Not to forget, I also waved to the spectators who watch this final round.

"Congratulations, Vier."

That words made me turn around. There, I saw the resurrected Herman, reaching out his hand to me. Without a question, I welcomed that hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Herman."

"I have to say, that was a good match. I haven't fought like that in the last few months. If there's a chance, let's fight again. And… it's a pity that you lost the Azure Sword."

"...you're right, it's a pity, she is meant a lot to me. Thanks, Mr. Herman"

"You are welcome and I don't think there's any point in regretting what happened. Once again, congratulations on your victory."

"Thank you."

We congratulated each other.

Then, the event for handing over the trophies and prizes begins. I'm in the first place, Herman in second, and Fusion in third. We stood at the podium to receive our respective trophies and prizes.

A Master Game gave me a gold trophy and a prize.

I received both items with happy smiles.

Proudly, I lifted the trophy high into the air in front of the spectators. They then made loud cheers that shake the Coliseum.

I feel so happy.. Because today, I became a Champion in the Grade Nine - World-Class PVP Tournament.

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