Re Istode : Things that kitsune girl do in another world

Chapter 27 - Trouble That Comes With His Name 3_3

[Gore content?]

The dog-kin guy walks out of the room.

Seeing that, I tidy up my messy clothes at once. Then I came out of my room.

"I have to get out of this house," I said of my plan quite loudly.

At the last moment, I chose to leave. I don't want to expose myself to danger. I realize that after I have a hard time killing the Dog-kin. And yes, I know it's already too late. But whatever, now I must escape, therefore I walked towards the back door.

Killing the Dog-kin guy? I don't care about it anymore.

They're busy looking for the jerk's stuff, this is my chance. That's the thing I think about, but...

"Oh! I didn't expect this soup to be better than it looks."

Standing there, in the kitchen, right in front of the stove with a pot filled with leftover soup last night, the redhead was satisfying his hunger.

Why is the son of a bitch here! I curse. Then, with a slow pace, I tried to get out of the kitchen unnoticed.


How unlucky!

Of course, the sound of creaking wooden floors I made attracts the attention of the redhead. He turned to see me. His smile disappeared and he scowled. His eyebrows folded deep. The fire was back in his eyes.

The redhead is angry.

"How can you escape?" he asked in a cold voice.

And I, of course, didn't answer that question. I don't need to talk to criminals. That's pointless. Therefore, I ran to the front door quickly, ignoring the redhead.


Yes? I'm not going to stop even if you shouting. I'm going to run to the exit, and in a minute, I've escaped. That's what I was thinking, but the truth is, I probably won't be able to escape.

A moment later, I ran, I felt something or maybe someone was grasping the back of my shirt.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Let me go!"

"Shut up!"


We were shouting at each other and a moment later I fell to the floor. The redhead pulled me back strongly. I'm the one who tripped up to end up sitting on the floor.

Standing there looking down, he drew his short sword. His angry eyes looked at me sharply.

"It's been quite a joke. I should have done this from the beginning."

My face pales when I guess what he's going to do. "The Patrol Knight will not stay silent. They'll hunt you down and arrest you if you kill me."

"I can escape. The concern you showed was pointless for me," he explained in a flat voice. At the same time, he raised his short sword high into the air. "Sleep well."

He swung his weapon and I closed my eyes. It's a spontaneous reaction I've done. My mind told me to dodge but my body did something else.

What happens, let it happen. It's too late.




A series of strange sounds that sounded quite loud made me open my eyes.

"Are you okay my honey?" asked the Dog-kin guy. At the same time, he reached out his hand to help me stand up. And his other arm was holding a short sword covered in blood.

I ignored the Dog-kin guy and looked around. It didn't take me long to realize the redhead was lying on the floor.

"Cough! Cough!"

He's alive and that's not good news for me. I'm back to seeing the Dog-kin guy.

"Got him!" I told the Dog-kin guy.

"You don't want to kill him, my honey? Killing him is better than catching him. Lars is strong, you need to know that."

"Then do what you want."

"All right." The Dog-kin guy nods and approaches the redhead.

"What does this mean Louie!?" snapped the redhead.

"I don't have any intention, Lars. I'm just fulfilling my lover's wishes."

"Son of a bitch! Are you crazy!"

"No, I'm not crazy," replies the Dog-kin guy before he swings his weapon at the redhead.

"Damn it!"

The redhead screamed and I got up as soon as I could. When they fought, I didn't forget my mission to get out of this house. I didn't waste any time, I ran straight away.


"Wait! bitch!"

Yes? As I said, I won't stop even if you shouted. But, this time, I look back to make sure that the redhead doesn't come after me.

"Oh!" I said spontaneously because I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The redhead cuts Dog-kin's neck with his weapon. That's so horrible! And I know I'm the next victim if I stop running.

"Damn it!" He came back shouting before throwing something at me.

I feel like what he threw was a bad thing. That's why I dodged. But unfortunately...


I can't dodge it. The pain stings when a knife similar to Kunai pierces my right thigh. I fell in front of the stairs, where the bodies of one of the five criminals were lying.

"You're dead!" exclaimed the redhead who walked up to me.

I panicked and quickly, picked up a dagger on the floor not far from me. I stood up, turned around, and pointed the tip of a dagger in my hand at the redhead. The man stopped.

"What did you do to Louie?"

"We... become a couple?"

"Bitch! Don't joke around! How dare you manipulate my friend."

"Why should I be afraid. You broke into the house of an innocent people and tore the house apart at will. You even tried to kill me. Getting such treatment is certainly natural if I defend myself."

"Innocent you said!? You're guilty. You're Wielth's daughter, the son of a bitch who cursed us. Wielth's sin is your sin! You're clearly guilty."

"The jerk is not my father! His sin is not mine!"

"Shut up! This conversation is futile. It's going to get better after I kill you."

"You think I'm going to stay quiet."

"Huh! What can a weak girl like you do?"

The redhead underestimated me. He swung his weapon casually. He doesn't think of me as a danger.

And bitter for me to say, he's right.


"Oho! Nice move!"

He gave me compliments I didn't want when I managed to fend off his attacks.

I'm a weak girl, I'm hurt, I only use a dagger as a weapon, and I don't experience fighting with a dagger, either in the real world or in the game.

Is today the end of my second life?

The redhead came to attack me. And damn it! The attacks he gave were getting stronger and faster. I'm having a hard time defending myself.

Time passed and my hands began to numb. I can no longer make good defenses. Hence, I got some cuts. And worst of all, my body became weak and getting heavier.

"It's a good fight and I'm tired. Let's end the game," said the redhead before he made one strong swing.


The pain stung my arm and I froze when I saw my hand that holding a dagger floating and then fell to the floor.



"So noisy!"



I was thrown and fell on the floor after receiving one powerful kick in the stomach directly.

While lying on the floor, I couldn't make any noise because I was having trouble breathing. Just for a while, I felt I forgot how to breathe.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

And when I could breathe again, I coughed up and at the same time vomiting blood. My eyes began to blur, dizziness began to strike my head, my body becomes so heavy, and I felt I was going to vomit again.

Clak! Clak! Clak!

The sound of footsteps caught my attention. After trying hard to move my head, I finally saw the redhead. He's standing next to me. Once again, he raises his weapon into the air.

Don't kill me, that's the sentence I want to say. But, what came out of my mouth was just...

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

"Good night, sleep well."

The Sword Sword swung and spontaneously, I closed my eyes. This is the end for me, I thought. This is a very short second life, I continued.

I can't do anything because I'm weak. What I could do right now was just laying in here and wait for the attack to cut off my body.


The attack never comes.


The sound of falling objects was heard and I opened my eyes. From my blurry view, I could see the figure of a young man I knew.

"Eclaite hang on."

Yup! I made no mistake, he's Vier. He saved me yesterday, and today he saved me again.

"Sis Eclaite! Sis Eclaite! Don't die! Don't leave me!"

My arm was cut off and my stomach was crushed. That's a terrible wound. But I'm sure I won't die. That's what I want to tell Kimi. But, I'm afraid, I can't say anything right now.

Well... I know! I knew I will die because of blood deficiency if the bleeding on my arm wasn't stopped. But, shouldn't I try to make my sister not feel anxious?

I didn't get an answer to my question and I felt so sleepy. My consciousness began to dissolved when I saw two blurry shadows moving around making strange noises.

A moment later, I...


I woke up in my room. I had a nightmare. Five men broke into the jerk's house. They do that because they want to... want... to... looking for something? I don't know, I'm not too sure about their reasons.

Anyway, they broke in, ruffled the house, tried to **** me, and then tried to kill me. They even cut off my left hand.

Ah! That's true! My left hand!

It's fine? My left hand is fine. My hand hasn't been cut off from my arm. I can move it as usual even though I feel like the hand is a little stiff. And this is new. I don't remember that I have some kind of scar-like a bracelet on my wrist.

"What a strange nightmare."

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