A terrifying day passed.

Five guys who broke into the house where I lived, got their punishment. Two of them died while the other three - who were still alive - were handed over to the Patrol Knight.

And yes. That incident was not a nightmare.

In the end, three surviving guys also died. Their heads exploded on the way to Patrol Knight Headquarters.

The thing that happened made me, Vier, and the Patrol Knights who accompanied them freeze. And it left us confused. We don't know the exact reason why the five guys broke into the jerk's house.

Patrol Knight continued the investigation by examining the jerk's house and belongings using the word, curse - which was repeatedly uttered by five criminals - as clues.

And I'm sure the Patrol Knight investigation will take a while to come to fruition. But, still, I'm waiting for the outcome of that investigation.

I want to know what happened to that jerk using their investigation. Is he alive or dead?

In that incident, I was injured. More precisely, my left arm was cut off, my stomach was crushed, and I have pretty much cut wounds. And arguably, it's very scary.

Arm cut-off. Yup! That's very scary.

But! Luckily, I didn't become disabled. My left arm is reconnected and healed. This miracle was given by Vier. He used Greater Heal to fix my arm. And yes. I owe that young man more and much more.

Forgetting about the jerk's plight, the break-in incident, and my debt that keeps increased, I focused my attention on dealing with what was in front of me.

Now, I'm standing in the Adventurer's Guild training room. Me, Kimi, Vier, and somehow, Vier's four friends. Cabal, Hatori, Lubov, and Elizaveta are gathered here. I just want to learn how to fight to defend myself. So... Why are there so many people here?

"Are you ready?"

Vier's voice made me turn around. The young man holding a wooden sword. He's already made a fighting stance and is ready to fight.

And I say, "It doesn't make sense! Why should I fight against you?"

That's right! Vier and I will be dueling each other.

I'm using a wooden spear. I know I'm holding a weapon, I knew I had to fight, but I don't know why I had to fight.

"Didn't I already give you an explanation? This duel was conducted to see your potential."

Really? I'm not sure about that? But, what else can I do now? Kimi is in the same situation as me. My sister didn't hesitate to fight even though her opponent was Cabal, a big, muscular man.

I don't have a choice here. I sighed long enough. "I just have to fight, don't I?"

"That's right, fight to the best of your ability."

With that, I no longer have any doubts. I took a fighting stance and quickly lunged at Vier. And of course, I swung my wooden spear to the full end.

Our fight begins and our weapons clash.

Thack! Thack! Thack!

I had predicted that our fight would be like this. A fight where I'm at Vier's mercy.

I can't do much. The attacks I launched can be blocked and dodged by Vier easily. I was so helpless in front of him.

The young man raised a wooden sword and used the flat side of the sword to change the path of my wooden spear thrust.

I pull my spear back and then attacked Vier with three quick swings. The young man took three steps, his body moved like a flow of water, and he managed to dodge my attacks easily.

For some time, this fight kept repeating a pattern. I attacked, Vier blocks and dodges my attacks. That's it! I can't land a hit on his body.

"You can fight well. The various attacks that you gave me are quite sharp and effective. The movement of your body was also quite smooth. Unfortunately, your attack was too weak and slow."

I pulled my spear and Vier took two steps back to keep the distance.

"Isn't that obvious? I'm sure you remember, I was just a weak girl at level four." I attacked Vier again.

My body performance and specifications in this world are better than my body in the real world and AFO.

I feel stronger and faster.

But unfortunately... This power is at the bottom of the pyramid of power owned by this world. Ant is a word that can accurately describe my value in this world.

Because I'm so weak, someone can use and kill me without glancing at me. I will not be valued, I will be considered an object. Just like in the past, at the times when I was locked up in a cage and worked in a brothel.

Well... My life as Giselle Gibson wasn't too bad. But, that's not my life in this world and it doesn't count.

Knowing the reality of how miserable I am, made me take a decision. I'm going to get stronger. I don't want a life as a weak. I'm going to leave a life like that to get my happiness.

That's why... I have to change.

Thack! Thack! Thack!

I'm going to be strong. I didn't hold back and I did my best to make it happen.

I used the fighting experience I got from the real world and from Ark Fantasy Online to fight Vier. Although my resistance was meaningless, I didn't give up or stop moving.

Vier can easily fend off the attacks I've given him. The horizontal swing I made was stopped. The spear thrust I launched was deflected to the side with little effort.

He has an impenetrable defense.

Vier's hand can move quickly. So fast that I couldn't keep up with his hand movements using the eyesight.

Thack! Thack! Thack!

There was nothing I could do to land an attack on the young man's body.

"Okay! That's enough," Vier said after he caught the wooden spear I used using one hand. The attack that I make with all my might mean nothing in front of him.

UH! I can't even move the wooden spear. This is so frustrating when I know, I pulled it with all my might.

"Monster," I whispered spontaneously.

"Wow! That was rude. I'm not a monster," said Vier, who put on a shocked face.

"Hahahaha... That's right! Vier is a monster! I agree with you pretty girl! Hahahaha..." Holding the stomach with her right hand, Lubov expressed her... excitement?

"That's so funny. I think I agree with what she said." Elizaveta makes a smile that exudes teasing.

"This is news to me. I didn't think that my coworkers thought of me as a monster." Vier dropped his shoulder after letting go of my spear, he made an expression that showed sadness.

"Cheer up young Vier. At least, you're a good monster. That's not a bad assumption."

"Hahahaha is right, you are a good monster," Lubov said. The wolf girl wiped away the tears that came out and made some nods. "Vier the good monster. I love that."

"Haa..." Vier sighed and I began to feel guilty for the word voiced by my loose mouth.

"I'm sorry, Vier," I said in a soft voice.

Hearing my apology, Vier scratched his left cheek with an index finger. He made an awkward smile. "You don't have to think too much about it. Now, more importantly, let's continue the training."

"All right."

"You can use the weapon well. Thanks to that, I don't have to teach you the basic movements of fighting with spears. We're going to do a duel right away. We're going to make you more used to a fight."

I froze. That statement is something I didn't expect to hear. This is the first day of my training to learn how to fight. Because of that. "Shouldn't you teach me to use weapons first?"

"I don't see the benefit of teaching you to use a weapon when you can use it quite well."

"Of course there are benefits, what if the movement I made is wrong? Or the movement was too futile. And don't forget the bad habit of using weapons that can be bad if I keep using them," I protested to avoid a sudden duel.

"I think she has a point, Vier. The basics of using weapons are very important."

Thank you Elizaveta, you're the best, I said in my mind to praise the Amazones.

After being silent for a while, Vier finally uttered. "All right, we'll learn to use the spear today."

As such, using weapons became the main menu of my training today. And I didn't expect it at all. The training given by Vier was so strenuous.

Vier has absolutely no pity. He kept forcing me to keep moving even though I was so exhausted. He kept pushing me to the limit I had.

Thanks to this strenuous workout, I think of Vier as Leonidas. He was a devil-hearted spartan! I can only breathe a sigh of relief after the training was over.

"I'm tired..." I complained when I sat on a bench to rest.

The training on the first day is done. Therefore, we - me and Kimi - left the Adventurer's Guild. And now, we rest on the edge of the plaza which is not far from the shopping area.

To replenish the lost energy, we decided to take a break while eating lunch. When I bit the burger, I thought back to the advice Ellis gave me.

Kimi and I want to buy basic equipment for an adventurer. For that reason, I asked Ellis for a recommendation on where to shop. Unfortunately, when I came up with this plan, Ellis quickly gave disapproval.

The beautiful blonde said that buying basic pieces of equipment was too soon for us. As the main jobs of an F-Rank adventurer do not require weapons. Those jobs are also rarely done outside the city walls.

From my point of view, the work of F-Rank Adventurers can be likened to the work often taken by freelancers.

Attending shops, delivering goods, cleaning the streets, and other types of light work are the main jobs of F-Rank Adventurers.

"Strength Status Up - STR +1"

Good! A good time. My STR grew as I expected after I finished these three Burgers.


I feel someone looking at me. I turned around. There or rather next to me, Kimi gave me a sharp stare.

"Something wrong my cute little sister?"

Kimi blinked and shook her head several times. "How could big sis eat those three giant burgers? And, are monster meat tastes good?"

"Of course, this burger is delicious. The proof is, I can eat three servings at once."

"Really? I don't think the burger is better than my grilled sausage." Kimi swung her snack in front of me with pride. Her fox ears twitch and she looks so adorable.

Can't hold back my feelings any longer, I pinched and played with her cheeks.

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