"They're coming"

"Hobkins look! it's the Party Red Lion"

"Red Fang Warrior!, look it's Red Fang Warrior!"

"Rilia look!, that's Falma!. Falma, Falma"

"Not only Falma, but Vertia is also there. Fight Vertia!"

"Knights! Look at those knights!"

As soon as I joined Kimi and the others, loud cheers attacked my ears. The children here were so excited when they saw the parade consisting of Adventurers and Knights walk on the main street.

I admit the people who participated in the parade looked amazing and strong. But they didn't impress me.

I don't know who they are and what they had to do. If they were a group of Pro Gamers, I would probably cheer for one or two people. Especially the female Pro Gamers.

Now that the parade is already here, I'd better find Vier and the others.

Vier told me that he joined Familia called Soaring Sky. He also participates in the Dungeon Raid this time. Therefore, I am curious about the party members who go with him. Especially for the members, I have never seen before.

I heard from Ellis.

Soaring Sky was the third out of the five strongest Familias in the city of Rishtonbell. Besides being renowned for their combat power, these Familias were also renowned for their good reputation and the high percentage of success in completing quests. Thanks to this reputation, Soaring Sky had members of over a hundred and thirty.

While still in Ark Fantasy Online, I had never heard of Familia by the name Soaring Sky in Rishtonbell.

This Familia becomes one of the many differences between this world and Ark Fantasy Online. The difference that existed makes me wonder. Is the location of the treasure I know still the same as the one in the AFO?

Well... I'll find out the answer once I've sought out information about the treasure.

Now, let's forget about the treasure. I had to find Vier and satisfy my curiosity.

I went back to see the parade that went towards Denbu or the Dungeon Entrance Building.

In the front row were the Knights. They were wearing silver Full Plate Armor of the same design. They were so similar to the Peace Keepers NPCs. The NPCs were maintaining order within the city.

Behind the knights lined up the Adventurers wearing the red Full Plate Armor. Different from the knights, these Adventurers' Armors were diverse from each other. Most Adventurers – who were from the Human race – were armed with great axes. This Adventure party comes from a Familia named Red Fang Warrior.

I knew Familia's name because I heard the conversations of the kids around me. Vier wasn't in those Party.

The third row was occupied by a Party consisting only of women of various races. Their armor was dominated by a golden color. They use all sorts of weapons. It showed that their Party had a fighting formation that could adapt to the surroundings.

Falma and Vertia, who had been mentioned by two little girls, were members of that Party. And yes, Vier wasn't a member of that party. He will be a Harem King if he was in there.

The fourth party in the parade was formed by a group of Dwarves. Their weapons were dominated by Great Hammer. The armor they wore was of high quality, better than the armor that adventurers from other parties wore.

There's no Vier in there.

The fifth party in this parade came from Familia that I wanted to see. Familia Soaring Sky.

This party is so colorful. Party members came from various races. The armor they wear has diverse designs and colors. And of course, the weapons they used were also different. The only thing that marked those adventurers as a party was the blue cape that covering their left shoulders.

And after observing them for some time, I can say that party is strong. The armor, weapons, and Aura belonging to each party member felt so intimidating.

And yes, I can see Vier among them.

The sixth party was quite mysterious. That's because each of their members was wearing a black robe that covered their entire body. Hence, I can't see their Armor, weapons, or race.

The Priests and Priestess formed the seventh Party. White and gold dominated the party's armor. Giant Shield and Mace became their standard weapons. Half of the Party members were from the Human race, and the rest were from the Elf and Beastkin races.

In the last row was a group of adventurers carrying large bags. I think they are a party consisting only of Carriers. I'm sure, that Carriers has to take care of the hunted monster and other Party supplies.

As they walked towards Denbu, some people who partake in the parade smiled and waved their hands at the spectators. The thing they did made the audience give a loud cheer and a shout of encouragement.

I wanted to give Vier support by shouting his name but I abandoned my intentions. I was too embarrassed to cheer and I wasn't sure Vier could hear my voice. Instead, I waved and smiled at him. I just hope he notices where I am.

Minutes passed ... And Vier finally notices my whereabouts. I felt his eyes look on me as he smiled and waved at me.

"Big sis! big sis! brother Vier and uncle Cabal waved here!" Kimi shouted. The little girl was excited.

"I know it, Kimi."

"Brother Vier! Uncle Cabal!" Kimi cheered. She waves her arms fiercely.

A few moments later, imitating Vier, Cabal also waved at us. He seemed to notice where we are after a glance at what Vier was doing.

The things Vier and Cabal did finally caught the attention of Elizaveta, Lubov, and Hatori. yes, just like Vier and Cabal, the three of them waved and smiled at us.

Things that the five Adventurers did then caught the attention of the other members of their party.

It was a chain reaction.

Those who were interested in the things that five adventurers I knew did start talking to Vier and everyone else.

A silver-haired girl caught Vier's attention and invited the young man to talk. Not long after they chatted, Vier put on a helpless expression. From what I saw, Vier tried to convince the girl about something but to no avail.

Things that happened made Cabal intervene in their chat to give Vier some helping hand.

But then, the wolf girl, Lubov, spoke to the silver-haired girl. Not long after that, Lubov got a Karate Chop from Cabal and the silver girl came back to talk to Vier. The girl looked so angry and she shouted at Vier who tried to calm her down.

Then, suddenly, the girl turned her head and look at me? I wasn't too sure she look at me because the distance between us was so far. Maybe she looks at someone else?

I looked around trying to find the person that the silver-haired girl looking for. And... I found no one.

I turned my head to look at Vier and the silver-haired girl.

And yes... I'm not wrong, that sapphire's eyes are indeed locked on me. And... For some reason, suddenly, I felt my back becomes so cold.

I felt great horror and terror!

It was as if there was such a powerful and ruthless monster standing behind me!

I felt I would die if I moved just a little under its gaze!

"Is there something wrong big sis?"

Kimi's voice wakes me up, bringing me back to the real world. I looked around, looking for a monster that threatened my life. I let out a long sigh after realizing there were no monsters around me.

"Big Sis, what's wrong?"

Kimi's second question made me turn around and look at the little girl.

"Nothing," I replied, stroking her head.

"Really? Big Sis daydreamed and suddenly turned pale. Are you truly okay?"

"Yes, of course, I am good. Hahaha..." With a dry laugh, I saw the parade once again.

I was quite surprised when I realized the Adventurers had already reached Denbu's front gate.

How much time has passed?

I don't know and in the end, Vier and the others walked into Denbu. And for the silver-haired girl, she was being carried under the armpits by Vier.

The silver-haired girl's circumstances were quite funny. Especially when she swung her legs and hands to escape from Vier. She seemed to be trying so hard to fight back. But unfortunately, all the effort she put in was in vain.

The silver-haired girl can't escape.

Vier and the other disappeared into Denbu. And now...

"What are we going to do next?" I asked Kimi.

"Oh oh! Big sis, may I do a Quest with my friends?"

"Of course you can."

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