I think I'm getting used to living in this world.

Wake up in the morning, prepare breakfast, go to work as an adventurer, go home in the afternoon, make dinner, and finally go to sleep. Such days repeat for a week.

People will probably assume it's a boring life. But for me, it's weird, it's real, and it's fun.

I'm no longer feel sad or regretful for moving into this world. I can say I'm grateful. My life became more colorful.

And if you think of using simple and stupid terms, I can say that I have fun live inside a game.

That's true... living in the game is a lot of fun. But, I have to remember. The world just resembles a game. At the same time, this world is the real world.

The people who live in this world are not NPCs, they are truly alive, they are people. Therefore, I must not take them lightly or treat them as inferior to me. Although, there are one or two of them that deserve to be considered garbage.

Now. Let's go back to the present.

As an F-Rank Adventurer, I work on different types of Quests. But it was a kind of Quest that doesn't have soul-shaking battles and the smell of great adventure. The Quest that I working on was a kind of Quest that is more akin to part-time jobs.

But that's okay.

I am aware, I'm a rookie Adventurer. I had to go through a tutorial to adjust and live in this world.

I say those things. But honestly, I want to quickly raise my Adventurer rank so that I can have a more thrilling adventure.

I can't wait to fight against monsters. My body itches craving a fight. The Spartan training given by Vier ignited my gamer spirit. I want to hone my fighting ability. I want to know what can I do.

I want to get better at playing a game and get on the World Top Dueling List. That's the kind of spirit that I feel right now.

With a burning spirit, I visited Adventurer's Guild to report on the completed Quest that I take this morning. I went to Ellis.

"Let me see... This is the twenty-fourth Quest you've completed. So far, you've never failed to work on a Quest. So, are you interested in raising your Adventurer Rank?"

It was so sudden, unexpected, and so coincidental that it made me feel like this was a plot in the story. But of course, in front of a golden opportunity like this, I'll not ignore it.

"Of course miss Ellis!" I replied excitedly. My tail was swinging happily.

"Good, I'm glad to hear it. Now, have you made any preparations?"

"Preparation?" I parroted then slightly tilted my head.

If the preparation in question is the preparation of the heart, then I am ready. If she means another preparation, then I don't understand.

"Yes, preparation. I wonder if you've prepared the things you need to hunt down a monster. Weapons, armor, and potions. That's what I mean by preparation."

"Ah~ I haven't prepared for that."

"Then you'll take a Promotion Test next time?"

"Of course, no! Miss Ellis. I want to quickly raise my Adventurer Rank. A preparation? I can do it immediately."

"All right then. I will register you so that you can partake in the Promotion Test which will be held in three days."

"Thank you, Miss Ellis. And… do you have a recommendation of a store where I can buy the necessary equipment? With the cheap price and good quality if possible."

"Hmm… I think you may want to visit Izgard Weapon and Armor Shop, or Zulith Arms Shop. "

"Okay. Once again, thank you, Miss Ellis."

"You're welcome."

As such, I have plans to make preparations by purchasing basic equipment for an Adventurer.

It's shopping time!

The next day, Kimi and I visited the Zulith Arms Shop. We, two sisters, want to buy basic equipment for an Adventurer.

"Big sis Eclaite! I need a sword and armor to take a practice class at Adventurer's School!"

The cute little girl asked when I got home yesterday and I have no reason to refuse her request. Therefore, we agreed to buy it together.

The Zulith Arms Shop we visited had a wide variety of weapons and protective suits. In addition to the main merchandise, they also have other equipment such as small leather bags, medium leather bags, large leather bags, and jumbo leather bags.

Yup! There's a lot of leather bags in here.

Let's forget about leather bags. I have to find a weapon, more precisely a spear for me to buy.

Why not use a short sword just like the last time?

Well… I can say that was more used to the spear than a short sword or sword. Also, I have pretty much experience using a spear in the real world. I am quite good at using a spear in my club days. And truth to be told, I used Azure Sword back then because I didn't have a good spear.

Now, back to this time.

My little sister looks at a shelf full of short swords when I look at a wall decorated with dozens of spears. There, exist two spears that caught my attention.

The first spear is the Gold Tip. A spear with a golden needle-shaped spear eye. The stave was decorated with spiral-shaped carvings made of gold-colored metal.

Honestly, this weapon can be said beautiful. And the Gold Tip I know can raise the percentage the drop of Rare Item by five percent.

While the second spear that caught my attention is named Bleed Fair. A spear whose entire part of it was blood red. It has a two-sided sword-shaped spear blade. In addition, it has a white cloth wrapped around the stave right under its spear blade.

Bleed Fair can give Debuff or Negative Status named "Bleed" to the enemies. A Debuff makes wounds caused by this weapon to be tough to heal.

I want to get a Rare Drop from the monster I killed. But... I remember, right now, I'm no longer playing games. I'm in another world that's a bit similar to Ark Fantasy Online.

Because this world is the real world. The monsters that I have killed will not turn into light particles and then drop items. They'll become a corpse after they're killed.

Gold Tip has a lack of attack power. But, at the same time, I couldn't resist the temptation to buy the Gold Tip which is an exclusive item of an Event with a silver coin in my hand.

As for Bleed Fair.

Even though it has Debuff who might have a big influence on the real battle, I can't buy this spear right away. The price of Bleed Fair in front of me is twice as expensive as the price of Bleed Fair inside the game. It keeps me holding back my choices. And at the same time, I want to buy it because this spear looks cool.

Hmm... It's a tough choice, my head is spinning.

Which one should I choose? That question keeps repeating itself in my mind.

A moment later...

"All right!!, I've made a choice," I said as I clenching my fist. My tail also makes one strong swing.

I'm going to take the Bleed Fair.

Since Ark Fantasy Online became the real world or any other way, it's a good idea to buy Bleed Fair. The Debuff this weapon has will be very helpful in a battle.

I took the Bleed Fair from the display and bring it to the cash register. After telling the shopkeeper I was going to buy the weapon, I approached Kimi who was still struggling with choosing a weapon.

"Haven't you chosen the weapon you want?" I asked the little fox girl who hung her tail weakly.

Kimi turned to look me in the eye. She put up an expression not knowing what to do. "Not yet, and... I don't know which sword I should choose."

"Don't you just have to choose the sword you like?"

"Big sis... we can't buy weapons because we like them. According to Instructor Wiena, the weapons we use must suitable for ourselves. If the weapon is too heavy, light, long, or short, we will not be able to unleash all our fighting abilities."

"So that's it… leave this matter to me. Soon, this matter will be done in seconds if I handle it."

"Ooo~ does big sis know how to choose the suitable weapon?"


"Then, how does big sis solve this problem?"

"It was very easy.. Watch this Kimi."

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