I sat on the bed looking at my Statistics Screen. 

I'm so happy now.


Because tonight, I'm going to evolve! My level is at its maximum and I get rewarded for my hard work.

<The requirement to evolve has been fulfilled. Do you want to evolve into Two Tail Fox?>

<Yes> <No>

Without delaying it anymore, I chose yes!

I was ready for the miracle that was about to happen to me but a moment later, I fainted.


When I woke up, the sun was already high in the sky.

Worse, I was tormented by two things that made me feel uncomfortable. I moved my body and sat on the bed.

"Ugh my head and body hurt, I'm also starving," I complained as I massaged my forehead.

Then I remember, I chose yes to evolve!

I jumped off my bed, walked up to the mirror.

And without wasting any time, I took off all the clothes I was wearing. Next, I checked the state of my body. A few minutes later.

"Not much has changed in my body."

I didn't get a third eye, no horns growing on my head, my chest didn't get any bigger, my white, smooth skin wasn't adorned by tattoos, and luckily, I didn't get any extra hands or feet. The only change that happened was the fact I got an extra tail. 

Now, I have two tails.

The process and the results of my evolution were extremely disappointing.

This is an episode when I was evolved. 

Shouldn't there be something... Hmm... Grand! Amazing! Or dramatic!

I kinda expected some kind of lightning to come down from the sky, a blinding light, or a terrifying aura when I was evolved. I wanted a cool evolution but I didn't seem to be getting it.

"Well... I think what's most important is the result and not the process. Now, I need seven more tails for me to be worthy of being called Nine Tail Fox and [Stat Open]."

『General Information』

[Name: Eclaite | Gender: Female ]

[Race: Two Tail Fox Beastkin]

[Age: 19 | Level: 1/20 ]


[Slave, E-Rank Adventurer, Courtesan]

『Basic Statistics』

| HP: 10/95 [87*] 

| MP: 2/85 

| SP: 2/112

* True value without an influence of Skill, Buff, and Debuff.

[STR: 73  | DEX: 24 ]

[END: 61 | Luck: 5  ]

[AGI: 72                    ]


[Heart of Monster] [Doppelgan???] 

[Natural Mana Circulation]

[Divine Beast Blood] 

[Upgrade Hearing] [Smelling Upgrade] 

[Lesser Strength| Lvl - 3] ∆

[Lesser Stamina| Lvl - 2] ∆

[Enchanted Body| Lvl - 2] ∆

[Pain Resistance| Lvl - 5] ∆

[Poison Resistance| Lvl - 4] ∆

[Paralyze Resistance| Lvl - 3] ∆

[Physical Attack Resistance| Lvl - 2] ∆ 

[Heat Perception| Lvl - 2] ∆ 

[SP Regeneration Up| Lvl - 3] ∆ 

[Spear Mastery| Lvl - 2] ∆ 

[Courtesan| Lvl - 6] ∆ 

[Cooking| Lvl - 4] ∆ 

[Dance| Lvl - 3] ∆ [Charm| Lvl - 4] ∆

[Sharp Claws| Lvl - 3] ∆ 

∆ All Skills level up!

That's truly something! Evolution is absolutely great! All of these big changes made my ears twitch and my tail swinging full of energy.

I'm so happy!

My Basic Statistics are improving greatly! Debuff Weakened Heartbeat is gone! All my skills are leveling up! And most importantly! My Max Level is increasing!

"I can reach level twenty now!" I shouted while raising both my hands high into the air.

All this overflowing happiness made me dance spontaneously. And for a few minutes, I danced and laughed as I... naked.

"Not good... I'm like a mad, perverted woman now."

With warm cheeks, immediately, I picked up and put on my clothes. And I didn't expect, in the middle, I was wearing my clothes, a roar came out of my stomach!

It made me remember that I was starving! 

And I'm sure, my HP, MP, and SP that are at a minimum become the main cause of why I got a headache, my stomach is roaring, and my body feels stiff and painful.

I drank a bottle of Potion to fill my HP before coming out of my room. I walked into the kitchen looking for my sister but I couldn't find her.

"Maybe she went out to play?"

I'm not sure but, it won't be a problem. Kimi will be back soon because midday is coming. And welcoming her with a prepared lunch is a good idea.

So! I started cooking!

I'm intended to make a whole range of dishes in bulk because today we're going make a party!

I was already making two kinds of dishes when I heard a commotion going on in the living room. From the sounds I heard, instantly, I recognized the commotion makers were Kimi, Alan, and Ruciel. Knowing Alan was there, I'm sure Chloe was with them too. 

It's nice to hear them so excited. But, I wonder, what is the trigger that set their commotion?

"I'm not lying!"

Yup! That scream belonged to Kimi.

"But the thing you said is absurd. Your sister turned into Crystal? I can't believe any Mage would bother to cursed your stupid sister."

The owner of the voice that said the spicy sentence was Ruciel. And turned into Crystal? A Mage is cursed me? What does she mean by all that?

"But that's exactly what happened!"

"yes, yes, that's what happened and I couldn't believe it."

"Why don't you want to believe my words at all! This is a serious situation and I need help! I don't even know what to do now!"

Kimi screamed and a moment later I heard, her start crying. That was one thing I couldn't ignore. I left the meat I was frying to see my sister's state.

When I got to the living room, I saw Alan patting Kimi's back. My little sister wiping away her tears. Ruciel who saw me raised one of her eyebrows. As for Chloe, the little girl didn't seem to know what to do.

"Don't cry, Kimi. We'd better see sis Eclaite condition first before we do something."

"You're right."

"Does anyone want to tell me what you're talking about? And why are you talking about me?"

"Big sis!" Kimi shouted for a moment she looked at me. The little girl instantly ran up to me and ended up hugging me. Now, she's crying in my arms.

"Why are you crying?" I asked while stroking her head.

She didn't give a reply and chose to keep crying. So, I looked at Ruciel, Alan, and Chloe looking for answers.

"The little girl said you turned into a statue," Ruciel explained briefly.

I wanted to reply with the phrase it couldn't have happened but I didn't. I remember my evolution.

So, in the end, I re-stroked Kimi's head. "Don't cry, everything's fine, I'm fine."

Kimi shook her head then hugged me even tighter. Now I know what I have to do.

"Em... sis Eclaite."

"What's wrong, Chloe?"

"There was black smoke coming out of the kitchen."

"Ah! My fried meat! Kimi, please let me go, there's a dish I have to deal with."

My sister let me go reluctantly.

"You guys gather in the dining room, the dishes will soon be ready," I said then jogged into the kitchen.

When I arrived, I found that the meat I fried already turned into charcoal. 

I had to throw away the meat and It's sad when I lost a slice of big, delicious meat. But, it's not time to be sad, I had to go back to cooking because now there were four mouths I had to feed.

Tens of minutes later, the five of us sat together at the table. We had a party for the second time after yesterday.

"Please, satisfy your hunger, we have a lot of food today." 

I welcomed them but they didn't touch their spoons at all. What they're doing right now is keep looking at me. The things they did make me a little irritated because I had cooked all these dishes with all my love.

"I know I'm beautiful and it's natural that you guys are captivated when you see me. But, I would still be angry if you guys didn't eat the food I made! Do you understand?"

I asked them with a slight annoyance and the response given by the four people was just a few blinks of an eye.

A moment later, Kimi asked, "big sis sure, that big sis okay?"

"Yes, I am fine. Why do you make a question like that?"

"Because this morning I found big sis turned into a statue. Big sis' body is also enveloped by a coffin-shaped purple diamond!"

Ah... Is that the effect of my evolution? If yes, that's pretty cool. And if I think again, it's natural for me not to see the process of my own evolution.

"I'm fine, truly. I don't feel anything wrong with my body."

"But big sis-"

"Listen Kimi." I interrupted Kimi's words. "Things that happened to me were probably because of Wie-papa. He might do something to protect me. I'm fine. So, don't ask about it anymore and you don't have to worry, okay?"

I tried to convince and force my sister with a lie. For now, I don't want to tell her about my evolution.

My sister puffed her cheeks and said, "All right! But explain to me, why big sis has two tails now!"

After hearing that sentence, I froze, my ears and tail also stood upright. I forgot that I currently have two tails!

"I'm waiting for an explanation," said Kimi, crossing her arms. "And don't lie to me, like earlier."

I was cornered and had no way out. But there's one thing I can do now.

"I want my right to remain silent."

"Big sis!"

"No! Even if you shout, insisted, forced, or even tortured me, I won't say anything about my tails. But I can say I'm fine. Now, enjoy these delicious dishes I make. I don't accept the word no."

Of course, my sister didn't give up on finding out and I didn't give up on keeping my secret either. 

In the end, Kimi backed down.

Today we have a good lunch.

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