"If we leave now, we still have time to catch up on the afternoon hunt. Therefore be prepared," said Ruciel who approached her huge green bag.

"Oh! Wait a minute Ruciel."

Ruciel stopped her steps then turned to look at me. "Is there anything you want to say?"

"Yes, about today's hunt, can we cancel it?"

"What? Why?" Ruciel's ears gasped.

"Because I think I'm sick."

"You think you are sick!?" asked the girl. And this time, one end of her lips twitched.

"Yes, I am sick."

"If you want to lie, can you put more effort into it!" Ruciel walked over and slammed her hands at the table. "You should know, even if we didn't do the hunt today, you should still pay me. And why are you telling me such an obvious lie?!" 

"I know I'll still pay you and I'll also tell you the truth, we're going to have a date today!" After saying that sentence, I went to my room.

"Huh? What do you mean by dating? Wait, where are you going? Hey! Listen to me! Hey!"

Yes, I ignored Ruciel. If I keep talking to her, there will be a chance she will reject my plan for today. So, I kept going without saying anything. 

I need some items before we leave and I have to do something for my two tails. 

Kimi kept asking about the origins of my tails. And even Chloe said how amazing my tail was, she also said she had never seen anyone else who had two tails in this town.

I smell problems if I show my two tails to the people. Therefore, I have to conceal it.

I took three ropes which then I used it to tie my tails in tree different places. And it's work! Even though it's bit uncomfortable, my two tails become one! Better yet, my tails fur was long enough, they can hide the ropes.

And if the ropes didn't work I plan to use ribbons. But it seems, that ribbons plan is unnecessary.

Now, I was ready. Then, I went back to the dining room.

I nodded when I saw Ruciel still here.

"Ruciel, you can leave that big bag here. You don't have to bother yourself by always carrying it when we going on a date."

"We're not going on a date and I'm not going to leave my stuff in your house. I'll take the bag with me." Ruciel took his big bag and put it in his Magic Bag.

"If you can do that, why would you bother carrying such a big bag?"

"While we do some hunt, I use this Magic Bag to pack all the materials we get from monsters."

Ruciel explained and I nodded.

"If you guys want to go out together, me, Chloe, and Alan will… perhaps doing a quest," Kimi said. Stammering, she took her equipment.

Well… although I kept saying dates, "it's just a metaphor, Kimi. I'm not going on a date with Ruciel and the three of you will come with us."

"Really?" Kimi asked. Her ears twitched.

"Of course! Now, let's go."

We left home and I guided them to visit the Anna Magic Shop. 

Magic Skills and Spells are all I want.

I'm used to living in this world. Therefore, it is time for me to fulfill my dream of becoming a Sky Explorer, I need to hasten my plans.

I want to buy a Flying Ship, I need a lot of money. Spells will give me a big advantage when I gather the treasure inside the Foltian Great Dungeon.

And yes, other than the big advantage while looking for treasure, I remember that this body hasn't done the Elements Compatibility Test yet. Therefore, I want to know what elements I can use.

When we got to Anna Magic Shop, the kids froze. They don't seem to know what to do and why they're here.


"Let's go in," I said. I have to convince them to move. After all, I was the one who invited them to this place.

Dozens of Magic Scrolls and Magic Tools welcomed us for a moment we passed the entrance. The kids and Ruciel went straight window shopping. As for me, I approached one of the store clerks.

"How can I help you today?"

"I'd like to take an Elements Compatibility Test and buy some Spell."

"Sure, please wait a minute."

And I'm waiting. Five minutes later, I touched a white crystal ball that was part of a Magic Tool. This tool will tell me what elements I can use.

"You can use Water, Light, and Wind Magic with compatibility rates of five, four, and two," said the store clerk who then gave me a catalog for the Spells they were selling.

I was so happy when I found out I could use the three elements. But a little unfortunate, I didn't compatible with the fire or earth element. Those two elements will make it easier for me to hunt because they have high damage and defense consecutively.

"Kimi, come here and do the Elements Compatibility Test," I called my sister, and who could have thought.

"I already did it at Adventurer's School. I compatible with the fire and the shadow, five and five," said the little girl proudly. She puffed out her chest with both hands on her waist.

"Wow, you're so talented," I said. Then, I stroked the little girl's head.

"What about you guys?" I asked, looking at Ruciel, Chloe, and Alan.

"Two for the earth element," Alan said.

"I... I can only use Non-elemental Magic." Chloe whispered as her head was hanging weakly.

I approached Chloe to stroke her head. "non-elemental Magic is not a bad thing. You can use Healing Magic, you can be a great Healer."

"Thank you, sis Eclaite."

"You are welcome," I said to her. Then I move my head to look at a fallen elf girl. "What about you, Ruciel?"

"You don't need to know."

I dropped my shoulders and looked back at the kids. 

"Each of you, choose the two Spells you want. Then, tell me, I'll buy it for you."

"Sis Eclaite is sure of that?" Alan asked with an open wide eye.

"Of course, let this big sis spoil you guys, and please don't reject it."

The boy froze for a moment before saying, "...thank you, Sis Eclaite."

"Thank you." Chloe followed.

"Your welcome," I said with a smile. "Do you also want Spells, Ruciel? I can give you too."

"No, I don't want anything from you. But let me see the Spells catalog with you."

"Sure, let's find an empty chair."

I gave Kimi my catalog so she could pick Spells with Chloe and Alan. After requesting a new catalog, we occupied the available empty seats.

Why did I buy Spell for the kids? And why did I buy Spell when I didn't have Magic-related Skills?

It's pretty interesting to explain.

I give the kids Spells because I want them to be my crew.

I don't have friends that I can trust in this world. Because of that, I decided to take Alan and Chloe. They are still young, I can manipulate- ehem! I can raise and shape them to be someone I want by giving them some resources and guidance.

Now, about the Spells.

First, this world is not Ark Fantasy Online.

Second. In that game, to use a spell, a Player must learn Magic Skills first.

Sadly, those two things didn't work In this world, to obtain a Magic Skill, one had to practice using and getting used to Mana first. 

What I just said was the same episode as when I was trying to obtain a Skill, Spear Mastery. I have to train or fight using a spear before I finally get the Skill.

Of course, one can obtain a Skill by using an Orb Skill. But, to buy that awesome orb, one had to spend an expense that couldn't be said a little. 

It's twenty-five gold coins per orb! Buying three Skill Orbs for three Magic Skills is like buying me as a slave twice or maybe thrice!

So back to Spells.

After I spoke to and asked for opinions from Ruciel, I bought two Tier One Spells for each element I could use. All those Spells are;

Healing Water Ball, a Spell to create a ball of water the size of a fist that can be used to heal wounds.

Water Shoot, a Spell to make a water bullet the size of a ping pong ball.

Bullet of Light, a spell to make spread bullets out of light.

Sword of Light, a spell to make a lightsaber.

Wind Cutter, a spell to make a crescent-shaped wind sword that can be fired to the enemies.

Wind Cannon, a spell to create a huge air pressure that can be fired at the enemy.

We went straight to the store clerk after each of us had chosen the Spells we desired.

"Big sis unfair!" cried my sister as I paid for our Spells. "Why did big sis get six Spells while me, Chloe, and Alan only got two!?"

"Hahaha... Of course, I got more. After all, I'm the one who has the money. If you want more Spells, you should become a rich person like me."

When I bragging myself to the kids, Ruciel whispered, "so childish."

Kimi gritted her teeth and then returned to throw a tantrum. And because she was too noisy and started bothering the other customers, I told her to keep her voice down.

To engrave the spells in our mind, we need to channel our Mana to the Magic Scrolls containing the spells.

Then, after all of that was done, we left Anna Magic Shop. The place I wanted to visit next was the meadow in the western part of the town of Rishtonbell - the place where I hunted Peshroom before.

I have a goal that is to practice using the Spells I just got. And since Ruciel was also coming along, I also decided to have a picnic too.

I want to get to know Ruciel better. But unfortunately, she rejected my wish by saying, "I have no reason to be close to you."

So… with a broken heart, I practiced using Spell with the boys under Ruciel's guidance. And I can say, Ruciel is a great instructor. Thanks to her, we could use our Spells quite well within a few hours.

In the end, the afternoon came. We decided to go home.

I wanted to invite Ruciel to dinner but I didn't. Even though I want to do it so badly, I can't. There was one important thing that needed my attention.

"Oh! I just remembered that there was one thing I had to do. Therefore, you can go home first, Kimi."

"No! I'll accompany you, big sis."

"No! You can't come with me."


"Don't ask me why. Just be a good girl and go home with Alan and Chloe."


"Don't say but! Move, go home!" I said, encouraging Kimi to keep going and walking.

"Okay, okay, I understand! So stop pushing me," shouted Kimi who was then willing to go home on her own accord. And before she started walking, she said, "Don't go home late at night, okay?"

"Of course."

"Big sis must keep that promise!" said Kimi firmly.

"Of course, little pie, I promised."

After the kids walked away, Ruciel said, "Then I will go home. And I want to make sure of this, tomorrow we're going to hunt like in the deal we made, right?"

"That's right, I will waiting for you at the usual place."

Ruciel nodded and walked away.

A moment later I also started walked away. I went to visit the Slaves Trader Red Tail.

"It's time for me to take off this Slave Collar from my neck. I will earn my freedom," I said as I stood in front of the store.

After taking a deep breath I entered the store.. A moment later, I talked to the staff there.

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