If this time, Iakasaki, a defaining of the Blue Dye in the Emotic-cho, which is absolutely capable of easily overcome each other with an overwhelming advantage.

This strength is raised, it is too terrible.

Kurosaki: "Yes, Mr. I and Mr. I have already negotiated, as I originally, or we have a few people, go into the corpse soul, rescue the dead wood Lucia."

Flame Ji: "It's so unfortunate, I also want to get together, but my strength is too low, it is estimated that even a vice captain can't play."

I'm thinking about it: "It doesn't matter, so many people should always have time? Prophet, all, I have thought about it, although we finally saved it in" Death ". Kiya, but now because the whirlpool is beat the dead wood white, I am afraid that there will be some guards there. So ... "

Kurosaki: "Now I still go to the words, I am not too assured, I am going to the time, I invite some groups in the group to go."

Prophet: "You are very reasonable, since Zhang Xiaofan and whirlpool have passed, it may have brought a butterfly effect to your world. In the future, you can enter the corpse, say that it will deviate from the original trail of."

: "From the image, Zhang Xiaofan has the impact of them has begun. The blue dye is more wood sword eight taking Lucia is a good description. The blue dye must know the existence of the swirl head. ! "

Prince is suffering: "Taking his character, he is afraid that it will prevent the swirls of the swirls, and may also guard against Kurosaki."

Baili Tu: "Unfortunately, I can't go, now I have to investigate Ouyang Shang's falling as one side, and I have to stare at the Qingyu altar."

Malco: "Baili Tu Su, Is Ouyang Shang Gong is not in Qingya? I remember that after he went down the mountain from Tianzhu City, he stayed in Qingyan altana."

Baili Tucu: "Ouyang Shang Gong did not in the Qingyan at the moment, we have been looking for him since he came to Qinchuan, and there is no clue in the line."

Flame Ji: "The future of Baili Tu Shu, also changed because of the reasons for chatting groups."

Prophet: "I don't have to worry, when you go to the corpse world, you will be interested in the group."

Prince suffered: "Yes, if I have time, I will accompany the Kurosaki to protect the body!"

Flame Ji: "If it is son by Mr., I think that in addition to the special captain of the very individual ability, other captains should be the opponent of Mr." "

Prince Shat: "First of all, the team leader Yamamoto Liu Zhai heavy country, he has the strength of the whole corpse soul, I am not his opponent, as for other captains ..."

Prince: "Blue Dye Illusion I am more embarrassing, I don't know if I face the mirror of the mirror, and there is another 12th team of the captain, and his poison, I don't know if I can hold it. "

Prophet: "The child should not be modest, when you fight the same six gods, the plague of the plague of the plagist can block, and the poison of the neighborhood. If it is just a general poison, it is sure you useless. "

Kurosaki: "Is the child be so strong? Is it better than the whirlpool?"

The war of the whirlpool and the merits of the dead wood, it is really a shocking of Shosaki, now Kurosaki, the most impressed impression of everyone in the chat group, is the whirlpool.

Malco: "Although the long door has a round of eyes, although there is a lot of complicated tolerance, the son is suffering from gentleman! Although it is just a residual force, but not dead birds are also the ancient beast! Yuan Gexian Shenli is not a trouble Fun! I think the child is stronger. "

Baili Tu Su: "But it is not called a cacto, although the six cactors are different from those of our familiarity, but strength is not to be underestimated!"

Baili Tu Su: "The long door is now the complete reincarnation, the child is got by the gentleman, but who is more powerful, I really don't really compare."

Flame Ji: "The unfamed bird is indeed gave the black dragon day for six thousand years, but it has been in the past six thousand years, the power of the birds, must have returned a lot, and the comprehensive consideration, I still feel that the child Some of them are strong. "

Seeing the chat records in the group, Kurosaki once again surprised again, the long door got the feelings of the cactus, the child was able to get the power of the beast, everyone in the group, it seems not simple.

He did something strength to have a strong interest at all.

Chapter 707, Niu Tak, a protective VS collapse

: "I remember Zhang Xiaofan once told me, I want to check the information and battle images of everyone in the group, I can't wait to do this!"

Takasaki: "So, I will not say more to you first, let's take a look at your battle image, and you will know more!"

Malco: "Go, Kurosaki, I believe that there are many people, will make you very shocked."

The Kurosaki is now starting to view the information of the chat group, just like Malco, it is really shocking.

First of all, Zhou Qing's strength is, it is a shocking that he almost jumped from the bed. The strength of the prophet is too absent.

It can be, one sword will be destroyed!

This is simply a crushing three-view level for the Kurosaki.

"If it is a prophet, it is really possible to kill blue dye." Takasaki muttered.

Although the blue-stained mirror flowers are very powerful, but also to see who is working on, blue-dyed illusion, even if the people of Lian Mountain, Liu Zhai, the country, but it is estimated that the power of the prophet, can't get up What role.

The reason is that there is no difference between the two sides, it is too big.

This absolute power gap is not a moving that can make up.

Of course, this is not to say that the mirror flowers are not strong, and if the mirror, if it is used by the strong who is called Xu Changqing, it may be able to get together.

After knowing it, Kurosaki, also viewed Xu Changqing, where, Siyu, Thunder, etc., so that he cracked three views, and he could not heal for a long time.

As for the whirlwind and Zhang Xiaofan who have already seen, there is also Li Xuanyuan, time and space, Malco, Kingzi, etc., Kurosaki reads a combat image of all people in the group.

Although the strength of everyone's strength is strong, it is uneven, and the strong people in each stage have, but in the overall situation, the power of chat group is too counter-sky.

"Ha ha ha, too good, chat group is so powerful, what is blue, it is not enough!" The Kurosaki can be said to be a good mood.

: "There is a lot of strong people in the chat group! Haha, I can be completely relieved! Compared with everyone in the group, the blue dye is not countless!"

Malco: "You have a protective, you are in the group, even if you put it in the group! Especially the state of the cattle, you can hampered! When the long gates are not necessarily your opponent! "

Flame Ji: "I think the long gates want to deal with the Kurosaki protection under that state, you must use the stars! Other means should not be used."

Prophet: "The Kurosaki under the Niu Head Mask has reached a full-blind state, you can use the virtual flash, you can turn around, the spiritual pressure is strong to terrible!"

Prophet: "Single from power, the virtual flashes in that state are not weak in the nine tail beast jade, the long door of the rotation is basically able to keep up, except for the stars, other moves are really There is no role. "

Prince is suffering: "It is a bit a pity. That state is not normal. Only when you really face death, you should not be big in the face of anti-collapse of the cattle."

: "I would rather not entering that state, once I entered the state, I didn't have my own consciousness, turned into a machine that only kill the killing, that is terrible."

Baili Tu: "Even if you don't enter the state, the fossil state of Kurosaki is also very powerful, no doubt is a powerful ghost."

Flame Ji: "That said the black head mask of Kurosaki, I thought of the suffocation attachment of Baili Tu Su, which is similar! It is a powerful force in an instant, but the price is lost. reason!"

Malco: "But good in the burn of the buns in the hundreds of slaughter, has been premiered to seal, will not attack again."

Xiao Yan: "The group is very lively! I have come to a newcomer! Take the Kurosaki, you are good, welcome you! I am Xiao Yan!"

Takasaki: "It turned out to be a sorrow! I am an official of Takasaki, just join us to chat, please advise."

The image called the sky is also seen, and the realm of Xiao Yan can achieve, and it is also almost given his eyes.

Malco: "Xiao Yan, don't you practice, there is also empty out the water, this is a very rare thing."

Xiao Yan: "I am in the emperor, what is the emperor, I'm now not, I am far away! Malco, cultivation is to practice, but I have a good news to help you and everyone. share it!"

Flame: "Good news? You will have any good news this stage? Is it your adult ceremony?"

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