After listening to Xiao Yan, everyone can't help but think about Xiao Yan during the "Adult Gift", there is no special circumstances?

However, it is only the original, it is difficult to go now, because the chat group is, but give Xiao Yan's future, is there a change?

Baili Tu: "For Xiao Yan, through the assessment on the adult ceremony, should it be a good news? The amount is of course good news, but it will not let Xiao Yan are excited to come to the group and everyone. Share it. "

Everyone thinks it is also, for Xiao Yan, the adult ceremony is the matter, the real thing is just a tight little thing, there is nothing to say.

Xiao Yan: "Hey, do you want to guess? I guess that you can't guess it."

Flame Ji: "Don't guess, you can't guess, Xiao Yan, don't hang our appetite, just tell us directly!"

Baili Tu: "This is completely guess, how do we guess, it is impossible to guess."

Marco: "I have always been interested in guessing this kind of thing."

Xiao Yan: "I am really not interesting, if the Bass Haiwang is in what they are in, it will be very interested! It is, since you don't want to guess, I will tell you directly, Xiao Jia Li, I will be long!"

: "Xiao family is long? Xiao Yan, you only have a teenage age? And your Xiao family is not the same as these families, your Xiao family is full of hundreds?"

A huge family of hundreds of people will make a teenage child as a long, and the Kurosaki felt that Xiao Jia was afraid that it was not crazy.

Chapter 708 Xiao Yan has become a Xiao family!

Prince is suffering: "Xiao Yan, Xiao Jia suddenly wants you to let you be the next family, this is obviously not a regular belief, is Xiao Jia's incomplete?"

Baili Tu: "Yeah, this is good, Xiao Jia suddenly established Xiao Yan as a family, it is indeed strange."

Malco: "Xiao Yan, you won't tell me that you haven't had a good gift? Is it possible to have a minimum of adult ceremony?"

Xiao Yan: "The adult ceremony has been held, although I am only 14 years old, but according to the Xiao family rules, I am already an adult."

Prophet: "The 14th year old looks very small, but in the world of these power and other worlds, this is actually normal, others don't say, talk about the world of the whirlpool, there are many ninja to start the battlefield. "

Takasaki: "I have been fifteen years old, but I am still in high school! This is the gap!"

Flame Ji: "However, in any case, Xiao Jia suddenly accused Xiao Yan as a family in this time, it is indeed a little less normal."

It seems like the original craftsmanship, Xiao Jia rushed Xiao Yan as a long family, that is because the current ethnic minister is being taken away, and the grandge of Xiao Jiaqun is nothing.

At that time, Xiao Yan, not only I had a strong record of the cloud, it is still a strong refining teacher, but also joined the Daqing School, and the emperor like the sea Posnd has a truth.

Although the age is small, it is indeed beyond the Xiaojia.

At this time, Xiao Jia is good, not only just destroyed Yun Zong, the reputation has reached the extreme, Xiao Wan is also the top and autumn, good end, how can I suddenly have a long?

Xiao Yan has just passed the adult ceremony.

Xiao Yan: "Xiao Jia also didn't have anything too much, mainly what I chatted with groups, all told my father and old."

Flame Ji: "Do you have the existence of Xiao Jia's concealed chat group at the beginning? How can I decide to be frank?"

Xiao Yan: "Because I have decided to give Thausa's ancient jade to the family, I have to frank with the smoke and family, otherwise they will not agree to this requirement."

Malco: "So you told them, they all believe it?"

Xiao Yan: "They are really shocking when they start, but in the end, I still believe, because the Hometown of the Eight is a secret, the secret identity of Thausa Ancient jade, the true identity of the smoker, etc. These secrets, do not believe it."

Prophet: "It turned out to be the case, Xiao Wan is to let you give Dharma Guyu to Xiao Xun, so I will give you a long time."

: "I don't understand it. If this is the reason, I will pass the family to Xiao Yan, then Xiao Yan's father does not give the ancient jade to Xiao Xun."

After all, the key to things is to give ancient jade to ancient guidelines, only, from this area, it is not a relationship between Xiao Wan or Xiao Yan to transfer, there is no difference.

Malco: "Too saying that Xiaosaki is so saying, Xiao Wan is indeed a little more!"

Xiao Yan: "I have asked my father, my father's consideration is that the ancient jade is a tribal, who is passing by Xiao Jia, if there is no ancient jade, and always appears If you don't say it, it is better to pass it early. "

Xiao Yan: "And even if you pass the family, the Xiao family doesn't work, I am the father and the old, I just hang a name."

Flame Ji: "Is it like the King of the Hai Wang Atlantis?"

Takasaki: "Sea King? That is the person who can talk to fish, with people who have the ability to manipulate seawater, what is the magical group of groups."

Malco: "What is the magic of the sea, you look at the big yellow bee guy, it is a car, is it called magic?"

Malco: "Speaking here, how is the king of the river in the river? Will not be a hero in the world of Qi Jade?"

Prophet: "Very likely, the Bumblebee is now in Qiyu, there is a little !"

Qingqiu Bai Feng Jiu suddenly launched: "Xiao Yan became a long family! Congratulations! There is also a newcomer, welcome!"

: "Qingqiu Bai Feng Jiu You are the seven thousand fox fairy! Can meet you, it is a pleasure!"

Xiao Yan: "Thank you Feng Jiu! But now I am just a distinctive family, just determined the matter in front of my father and Xiao family, I have not launched in Xiao Jia, I have not held a ceremony. I officially officially When you continue to eat, please eat it. "

Flame Ji: "I am looking forward to the arrival of the day!"

Malco: "Oh, you have to taste the food of Xiao Yan world! How is Bai Fengjiu, how is your world's monster?"

When the white shallow and night wedding, Su Jin sneaked out the monsters in the lock demon tower, stir the whole wedding black smoke.

Although Ten Dili sent a person to go to the four seas and eight waste, but the monster that fled was too much!

What is even more, there is a five monster's mark, I have already gone!

Xiao Yan: "The wedding of white shallow and night Hua has passed in short time, it should have been able to catch almost."

Qingqiu Bai Fengjiu: "Other monsters have been all caught, but the five only remove the monsters marked by the people, only three, and there are two not found."

Prince is: "It is not a normal monster that can be automatically removed or shielded. It is not an ordinary monster! More than the difficulty of tagging tracking is increased, and the Tianzi has found three, it is very good."

Baili Tu: "There is no found in the other day, and it is always a great hidden danger."

Qingqiu Bai Fengjiu: "The task of tracking these two monsters, Tianjun has already handed over to the god of the ink, I hope God can find the two monster soon, and also a peace of mind in the four seas."

Malco: "For Bai Fengjiu, the last wedding of White Shallow and Night Hua, how long have you been in the world? Is the two wedding started again?"

When the white shallow and night wedding were forced to be interrupted because of the chaos of Sujin, Tian Jun and the Fox Emperor discussed that three months were re-held, and I didn't know if time was still.

Qingqiu Bai Fengjiu: "I will tell you this time, my aunt and the wedding in the prince have just held, now they are already a formal couple."

Chapter 709 of the Different Gate and Spring Festival!

Three months ago, the wedding of white shallow and night Hua can be said to be the supercoming event of the four seas, and the four seas and eight wilders have went to Tiangong to go to the Tiangong.

But this time I have reissued the wedding, there is a low key, only some elders of the Qingqiu and the Tianzu are witnessing, only this is.

After the wedding end, the Tian people will take the results from the four seas, even if it is finished.

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