Reaching for the Stars Master

Chapter 719 of the Ten World Drama

In this person, there is a lot of money.

"Great, then let's go!" Bai Feng Jiu excited, jumping with jumping.

"Xiao Jiu, you can make a lively! Everyone is going to wing the wing to die, not to go to the mountain to play water! You still stay in the Qingqi, don't go to Zhou Qing. I have trouble! "Bai Yan couldn't help but reprimand.

"Grandpa, it doesn't matter, I tell you that Zhou Qing is very powerful! Have him, don't worry!" Bai Feng nine failed.

"That can't!" Bai Yan deliberately slammed his face.

"My aunt can I can't! My aunt's strength is not as good as me! Grandpa, you eccentric!" Bai Fengjiu simply spoiled.

Bai shallow strength is naturally far from Bai Fengjiu, but he can survive most of the ink. After the ink is rescued, the white strength is comprehensively caught up by Bai Fengjiu.

"Your child, little five although the strength is not as good as you, but the little five follows the gods in the ink, it is the way of proficiency in the soldiers, but you can play an important role, but you, you have passed, in addition to adding chaos What can do? "

"Grandpa, you can't afford me too much!" Bai Feng nine gas drums.

"Skox Emperor, it doesn't matter, since Feng Jiu wants to play with it, then I will take her to it! There is I am, there will be no people hurt the Feng Jiuyi sweat!"

At this time, Zhou Qing smiled at this time, although the sound is light, but there is a strong and unable to be confident.

Zhou Qing sounded this, although arrogant, but he did not exaggerate his words. Although the head of the world of Sanyi III was not low, but it was also a world that Zhou Qing can walk around.

Even the simply has a complete East Crime, Zhou Qing can also protect Bai Feng nine weeks.

In a step, if there is any accident, Bai Fengjiu can still use the chat group to other seats instantly.

It is impossible to accident.

"This" is hesitated, and it is sinking.

Bai Fengjiu's words he could not put it at all, but Zhou Qing's words, he had to take care of it.

"Since Zhou Qing's God said so, Xiao Jiu, you will go together!" In the end, the fox emperor still agreed.

At the same time, the night garden is played at the same time, and there is a mysterious mystery. The powerful Zhou Qing is still very big.

Although Xiajiu is naughty, it is negligible, but it is also the only nine-tailed fox, the foundation is still there.

Even if you go, as long as you don't touch the same, there will be no danger.

What's more, the future is to take over the Qingqiu, but her sex is extremely immature, and there is no achievement of the shot. I am afraid that I may not be able to serve.

This time I went to the wing of the war, it is a great opportunity for a thousand years.

"Great! Aunt, the Taizi Temple, then what is waiting for, let's go!" Bai Feng Jiu is very unparalleled.

She is not as complicated like a white , is purely the child's heart, feel fun, I want to get together.

After the people reached a consistent, the night Hua Yam and Bai Feng nine people, together with Zhou Qing, began to use specialized tunicature magic weapon, contact in the ink.

On the half road, the ink is coming over with night.

"Zhou Qing's god, are you coming?"

After seeing Zhou Qing, ink Yuan, I was very surprised, hurriedly told a greetings with Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing was tried to handle his hidden illness last time, and helped the Tianzi settled the chaos of the people, and the gods and Xu Changqing, who got God and Xu Changqing were more resolved by the monsters.

Ink is full of gratitude.

"Ink on the god!" Zhou Qing simply called a god of the ink.

"Big Brother, Yang Cang has returned to the wing, and retake the wing of the wing, we will return to the Tiantu to play Tianjun, speed up the troops, and discuss the production!"

Night Huardi said in Mo Yuan.

Ink is nodded, no longer nonsense, the same person will go to the Tiangong.

The meaning of Tianjun is the generals of Mo Yuan as the commander, the night Huawei's pioneer, led the Tianzu Thirteen military and horses directly kill the wing family, and the wing of the wing is exhausted.

However, after the god of the ink, the wing has already reached a clear understanding of the wings, so many years under the rule of departure, the Qing's residual party has clearly cleaned it.

Now the wing, there is no rebellion to the Tianzu.

When I turned back this time, although I used Thunder's means to capture the wing of the wing, but time is too short, the foundation is unstable.

This time, as long as the Gang is killing, rescue departments, you can solve this disaster, but don't have to launch two trips in two years ago.

Chapter 789 How does the MG Cang be so powerful?

The words of the ink are still very reasonable. Although the Qing's original wing is the original wing, but in any case, he is also closed for more than 70,000 years in East Cross.

In this long time, the departure is still abolished, and it should also give it clean.

In fact, this is true that the first thing to depart in the position of the Wings is, that is, let your big brother is imprisoned, and began to take out the Gong Cang Yuyi.

For 7 million years, it is still effective.

In addition to a Chibian golden beast escape, all the Ocean's old department is dead.

Enthusiastically re-killed back, it is the heart of the departure, even if he is a wing of the past, it takes a while to rectify and prepare it.

But ink is not planning to give the Gang this opportunity!

Once I really wait until the Qing Cang reorganizes all the wing for reorganization, then the terminus is really inevitable.

Tian Jun finally received the opinions of ink, and the two people in the night of the night, the two people sneaked into the wing, and they went to kill the wing.

When you are in the county, Night, Bai Yueqing and Bai Feng nine five people, started the body, and began to fly toward the wing.

Soon, I came to the Wing of the Wing.

The breath between the Tianzi and the wing is very large, and the other is mutually exclusive. It is very powerful in plus the strength of the ink, and the pressure is equally extremely large. They are almost landed to wing. The first moment, surrounded by the soldiers of the wing.

"Day, Tian Sun Yinghua, ink on the god!"

Everything is a famous figures, the soldiers who rushed over, I recognized it in the first time, and they almost scared.

This is the top-level strong, and you can kill them!

"Is this a wing? It's so desolate, and it's strange. It is really uncomfortable!" Bai Feng Jiu curiously looked around the surrounding environment, just like to travel a general review.

"The Tianzi and Wings have some degree of behemoths. Whether it is a Tianzu to wing, or a wing of the heaven, it will be suppressed by a considerable degree! It is similar to the enemy, it is interesting. "

Zhou Qing laughed at one side.

In fact, it is not only a Tianzu, even other families such as Qingqiu, the nation, and it will be suppressed by a certain degree.

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