But it is strange that there is no suppression of each other in addition to the wings.

I have to say that this is really a strange thing, and the wing is like it is not a general.

"I really don't know how to live here for so many years, I really admire her." Bai Fengjiu shook his head.

She felt extremely uncomfortable here for a while, but the mysterious woman lived in this manner!

Moreover, Bai Feng Jiu also heard a rumor in the past few times, and the mysterious girl gave a child, but because the wing of the wing of the fox, it caused the young childhood after the young childhood.

When you really have a sigh.

It is said that it is a poor woman who said that the mysterious woman is hurting the fox family. It is almost resentful, but in fact, she is also a poor woman.

Zhou Qing said that there was no one to talk about the smile, ink and Night Hua, they did not bother, those Wing soldiers will not be interrupted.

Until Bai Fengjiu and Zhou Qing were temporarily finished, the ink is not expressing the wing soldiers in front of him: "Take us to see Yang Cang!"

Even if I don't say this, the soldiers in the wing will also take the invasive person, and send it to the front of the Qing Yang.

This requirement of the ink is, but they are all in them.

"On the Mo Yuan, the His Temple, please come with me!"

A wing troper in a head is willing to say to the ink and night, and then the old man is really ahead.

"Wait for me! Wait for me! I will go with you!"

A woman hurriedly chased it, joined in their camps in the ink, and several people turned to look at it and found that it was a mysterious woman.

At this moment, everyone came to the wing mainly to remove the Qing's Cang, and did not pay for the mysterious woman, and the soldiers of the wings will not pay attention to the mysterious woman.

Metair is a wife, departure is caught, and the mysterious woman can not let go, and this woman is naturally welcomed by the net.

When a group of people, she came to the wing of the wings, came to the palace of the wing.

Within the hall, singing and dancing is flat, a face-shaped man is sitting lazy, holding beautiful wine in his hand, looking at a group of wing sisters dancing there.

Herone is anqing.

At the eyes, I saw the ink and others who were brought in, and the Qingfang slowly came straight to it. He smiled coldly: "Ink, you are really fast enough!"

When I said that I have gone on the night of the night, I got a few eyes: "This, what must I be Tian Sun Night China? I heard that you are two, actually a brother? Hahaha!"

The madness laughed in Zhang.

Night Hua is only born after the Qing Cang is seal, and the Qing Cang does not know, or when it returns to the wing of the four seas, they know this.

"Yang Cang, you are poisonous, the disaster is full of four seas, today I and ink the god, Feng Tianjun's life, specially destroy you!" Night Hua Sheng said.

"If you rely on you? Haha, you still think that I am the original Yang Cang?" The Qing laughed, and suddenly annexably an unparalleled momentum broke out.

In just relying on this momentum, it will impact Bai Fengjiu, white shallow and mysterious girl. After the arrival of Lu, the station is unstable, and there is only three people ink the night and Zhou Qing, but also stable if the rock is general.

Ink and Night China, two people hurried out their own momentum, and they had to compete with China, and they were defeated.

"What is going on? How can the Gogad are so powerful? It is more powerful than 20,000 years ago!" Ink is surprised.

After 70,000 years ago, he once used the synthaship. At that time, the Qing Cang was far better!

It's better to compare the current Qing Yang in the East Cross Seal!

Ink is completely not understanding what is going on.

"Gang, departure, how is you?" When the mysterious woman couldn't help but rush, call the mock.

"Your fox, the fox of the Qingqiu, I am very upset to the reverse." Opto is gave up with the mysterious woman, there is no comparative ridicule and cold, "But you think that after you have experienced this betray, I Will you let him? The reverse child has been killed by me! "

"No! You are lie!" The mysterious woman was shocked, and the scream came.

Chapter 790, a generation of evil women's mystery

"Don't worry, wait until I am slaughtering, you can see him." The mart is in the endlessness, cold, so that it seems to have a critical antique antique, saying.

"No, no, departure can be your son! Your biological son! Tiger is mixed, how can you kill your own biological son?"

The mysterious woman can't accept the fact that the departure was killed from the heart, and even shake his head and screamed.

"The departure has been killed by him, I can feel the breath of a watery from him!" But at this time, there was no opening, but I suddenly spoke.

- When the white light night, the departure was also attended by the wedding, so Zhou Qing was able to distinguish the ostrich.


The whole person of the mysterious woman slammed, the big brain is blown, can't believe in Zhou Qing.

In the status of Zhou Qing, how can his mysterious girl ignore?

Of course, Zhou Qing actually does not explain this for the mysterious girl. He has not interested, and Zhou Qing mainly said to the ink and night Hua.

"The old husband is eye-catching, can't I recognize what is the sacred?" Shu Cang is surprisingly embarrassed, and asked.

Since Zhou Qing appeared in front of him, he felt that Zhou Qing was not average person. Now, now, it is really unique.

It will be sure to be able to kill the resentment.

"Zhou Qing." Zhou Qing stared on his name.

"Zhou Qing?"

Yang Cang has carefully search for these two names in the mind, but it has not been able to think of a mess.

At that time, the riots occurred in the Tianding, it was a shameful humiliation, a taboo, although many people saw it, but every one is close to their mouth, absolutely no spread.

The same is the same, after returning to the wing, it is also an important intelligence, and the main intelligence of the four seas in the four seas in the 1970,000 years will naturally collect the heads of Zhou Qing.

After careful, I didn't think of any information about Zhou Qing, I didn't put Zhou Qing in my heart. It is about this person, it is some special means and skills.

With your current strength, there is no need to avoid it.

"Gang, the departure is also your son, you have even kill yourself, you will be too cold, you are not except for the devil, for the four seas, the eight shortcomings, it is a big disaster!"

Night Hua is angry, he is really sincerely assisted. It is really angry.

- Although there is no authenticity, Since Zhou Qing has already clearly said that this person kills the border, so many, it is not wrong.

"He didn't just kill the departure, and more than half, kill the resentment, otherwise, his now strength, there will be so much in turn."

Zhou Qing continued to say, in a word, let the people in the scene will be surprised again.

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