Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1010 The Unfaithful Person

Zhuo Bufan's right hand was squeezing the rabbit girl's neck tightly. The neck that could only be held by one hand was almost deformed by the squeeze.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the bunny girl Yaoling, but Yaoling had a look of enjoyment on her face.

"Isn't this rabbit a masochist?"

Zhuo Bufan said suspiciously.

"I just like your rough look, cough cough cough!"

Yao Ling was almost choked and breathless, but she still had a smile on her face.

Zhuo Bufan became more and more frightened as he watched, and in the end, he simply let go of his hand.

"Okay, I don't care what plots you have. Take me to find the Deer God!"

Zhuo Bufan finally let Yao Ling go. At the same time, he also decided to go deep into the trench to find Nian Nian.

If this is a conspiracy, then he will never be able to read the file again.

In short, as long as there are clues about Nian Nian, Zhuo Bufan will do his best to find Nian Nian.

After hearing this, the rabbit girl smiled.

"Then let's go!"

As the rabbit girl finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan took her flying down to the trench without hesitation.

Arriving under the Great Trench, Zhuo Bufan saw a water-sheltered palace emitting thousands of red lights.

Zhuo Bufan came under the Great Trench and looked at the palace in front of him, feeling a little shocked in his heart.

"Jingling Palace!"

Jingling Palace is the name of the palace in front of you.

Zhuo Bufan looked at this palace and found it unusually familiar, whether it was the coiled dragon pillar at the door, the dragon stone outside the door, or the statue on the square of the main hall.

Especially that statue, Zhuo Bufan saw it and was shocked.

"Chu Mubai?"

When Zhuo Bufan saw the statue, he couldn't help but blurt out.

"No, it's Lord Feng, Ji Xuanhao!"

Zhuo Bufan immediately recognized the true identity of the statue.

The entire palace was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations.

On top of the statue, red flowers are tied.

The dragon column is wrapped with red silk.

In the main hall, red candles were everywhere.

"No way!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt that something was not good about the situation in front of him.

At this time, Yao Ling, the rabbit girl standing behind Zhuo Bufan, suddenly pushed him!

The next second, Zhuo Bufan plunged into an infinite dreamland.

In the dream, Zhuo Bufan saw the naked body of Feng Jun Ji Xuanhao, and an equally naked woman, turning over the clouds.

And that woman actually looked exactly like a woman Zhuo Bufan knew.


Zhuo Bufan will never forget that woman, that black lotus.

Zhuo Bufan's first time happened with Feng Ya.

However, due to Bai Su's obstruction, Zhuo Bufan was forced to read the original file.

So that time, Zhuo Bufan didn't know whether it would count.

However, he really had an easier time with Feng Ya.

So much so that Zhuo Bufan felt that he was ashamed of Feng Ya and did not dare to face Feng Ya.

Later, Zhuo Bufan cruelly broke off contact with Fengya.

Later, after Zhuo Bufan returned, he found that Fengya had disappeared from this world.

Zhuo Bufan thought she had died in the hands of the demon.

"No, why Ji Xuanhao? Shouldn't it be me?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Living Spring Palace in front of him, feeling horrified in his heart.

"Damn it, is she the queen of vagina?"

Zhuo Bufan has not fully recovered his past life memory, so he does not know what the Yin Queen looks like.

All I know is that the relationship between Queen Yin and Lord Feng is extraordinary. It is the romantic debt left by Ji Xuanhao in the underworld.

It is precisely because of this that Zhuo Bufan has not dared to make a big splash this time when he came to the underworld, for fear of attracting the attention of the underworld queen.

However, Zhuo Bufan never imagined that all this was actually arranged by the Yin Queen.

As soon as the scene turned, the scene in front of Zhuo Bufan changed into the Jingling Palace decorated with lights and colors.

Fengjun Ji Xuanhao, dressed in red, was dressed like a groom.

She is holding a bride in her hand, and this bride is none other than Feng Ya.

"We're on the way!"

Zhuo Bufan understood immediately.

Fengya is probably the Queen of Yin.

In other words, Queen Yin had already contacted Zhuo Bufan not long after he entered the world of cultivation.

Zhuo Bufan quietly watched the wedding between Feng Jun and Yin Queen.

The two of them were about to worship heaven and earth.

But at this moment, a man in black robe appeared out of nowhere.

That man was incomparably majestic and domineering.

There are layers of black divine rings surrounding him, which is staggering.


Ji Xuanhao in the picture suddenly shouted towards the man who appeared out of nowhere.

"Xuan Emperor, is he Xuan Emperor?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

Emperor Xuan in the picture was seen pointing his finger in the air at Ji Xuanhao.

However, this invincible finger was intercepted by Queen Yin.

"Black-faced old man, today is my happy day. If you dare to cause trouble, I will kill you in Jingling Palace!"

Queen Yin's strength is actually on par with Emperor Xuan.

And Emperor Xuan didn't seem to be here for fighting, he just snorted coldly.

"Evil disciple, my son is worried about you. At this moment when he is having a difficult childbirth, you are holding a wedding banquet for this bitch. From now on, the relationship between master and disciple between you and me will be severed."

After Emperor Xuan left these words, he turned into a black light and disappeared from the place.

In the picture, Ji Xuanhao learned that Bai Su had a difficult delivery, and he rushed out of Jingling Palace like crazy.

Leaving the Yin Queen behind, she knelt on the ground and begged him.

But in the end, Ji Xuanhao abandoned her.

The whole picture ends here.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan woke up from the dream.

When he suddenly turned around and looked at the bunny girl Yao Ling behind him.

Yao Ling had transformed into the black lotus.

"Feng, Feng Ya!"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but blurt out.

Isn't the woman in front of him Feng Ya, who had had a good time with him once?

"Feng Ya" stretched out her slender fingers and touched Zhuo Bufan's cheek.

"Sure enough, you are his reincarnation!"

"Back then, I planted a causal seed in the real world, hoping to find the reincarnation of you, a heartless man."

"I stayed by your sister's side just to find you one day."

"Sure enough, it's you, you are a heartless man!"

Zhuo Bufan was a little confused by what "Feng Ya" said.

But Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment and quickly reacted.

It turns out that "Feng Ya" is the seed of karma planted by the Yin Queen in the real world, just like the incarnation of Ni Cang Qiong in the real world is the devil.

"Feng Ya" knew from the beginning that the Holy Lord was Ji Xuanhao's sister Linglong.

She stayed by Linglong's side just to find Ji Xuanhao.

Later, she met Zhuo Bufan, and at that time she already felt that Zhuo Bufan might be the reincarnation of Ji Xuanhao she was looking for.

So during that time, she kept pestering Zhuo Bufan.

However, she tested it many times and finally found that Zhuo Bufan did not seem to be the reincarnation of Ji Xuanhao.

After all, Ji Linglong, as a sister, did not recognize him.

So "Feng Ya" ignored Zhuo Bufan again after that.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan left the real world at that time, and "Feng Ya" had given up.

However, not long ago, a soul thought she left on Linglong let her know the truth of everything.

It turned out that Zhuo Bufan was really the Ji Xuanhao he was looking for.

After learning the news, the Yin Queen was so excited that she was going crazy.

So she started to plan, to take back this unfaithful man.

So, she asked the Deer God to kidnap Zhuo Bufan's daughter Nian Nian.

All of this was arranged by this woman.

When Zhuo Bufan learned the truth, he was stunned!

He couldn't escape the romantic debt of his previous life even after reincarnation!


Maybe many book friends thought that I forgot about Feng Ya, the woman who took the hero's first time, how could I forget! Feng Ya's true identity is the causal child of the Queen of Yin in the real world, that is, the clone. You can look back at the description of Feng Ya's appearance. She is a black lotus that fell from the sky!

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