Zhuo Bufan did not recover his past life memories, but he also knew that the Yin Queen and his past life Feng Jun had a lot of unclear relationships.

His thoughts were pulled back from his memories, and then Zhuo Bufan stared blankly at the Jingling Palace in front of him.

"Do you still remember that this palace was built for me by you with the Heaven-Repairing Divine Stone. You said it was a betrothal gift for me."

The little rabbit beside him finally showed her wolf-like and tiger-like original form.

The woman in front of him, who looked almost the same as Feng Ya, was the Supreme of the Underworld, the Yin Queen.

This Yin Queen was infatuated with Feng Jun. Even if Feng Jun reincarnated and became Zhuo Bufan today, she still pursued him to this day.

"Here, the decoration of our wedding is still preserved."

"Look at that fate bell, it's the treasure you brought back from the fate valley in the underworld."

"And the Pingtian Book, you wrote our names together, saying it's the ironclad evidence of being together forever."

"And the Fenghou tree, you planted it with the blood of both of us, and it's grown so big now."

"My Fenglang, I've been waiting for you so hard!"

At this time, the Queen of Yin looked at Zhuo Bufan with affection.

Even though Zhuo Bufan no longer remembered their relationship, the Queen of Yin still looked at Zhuo Bufan with eager eyes.

"Fortunately, Fenglang has returned, and I haven't waited for tens of thousands of years in vain."

"Fenglang, now the wedding scene is still there, let's continue our relationship and get married!"

After the Queen of Yin finished speaking, she took Zhuo Bufan and walked into the Jingling Palace.

At this moment, her makeup began to change, and she became a bride in red.

Before Zhuo Bufan could react, he put on the groom's clothes.

This rhythm, they are going to get married right away!

"No, no!"

Zhuo Bufan quickly woke up from this confused state.

He was going to marry Bai Su, not the Queen of Yin.

"Queen of Yin, I think there is a misunderstanding between us. Think about it, the person you are going to marry is Feng Jun, but I am Zhuo Bufan!"

"Look carefully, I am not your Feng Jun."

After hearing this, the Queen of Yin smiled indifferently.

Her smile is very beautiful, with a sense of beauty that can conquer the city with a smile.

The Queen of Yin is definitely a peerless beauty, and her elegant appearance is already beautiful beyond description.

Now, with the temperament of the Queen of Yin and the kind of charm that emanates from her.

This woman's appearance is no less than Bai Su, or even higher.

In fact, the Queen of Yin can become one of the supremes of the underworld.

It is closely related to her stunning appearance.

In the entire underworld, countless creatures fell at her feet and regarded her as the supreme goddess in their hearts.

It was with this kind of worship and admiration that the Queen of Yin became the peerless supreme step by step.

However, even if she was the most beautiful woman in the world, Zhuo Bufan did not dare to be tempted by her.

How would he explain to Bai Su if he married her?

But when the Queen of Yin heard this, she hurriedly said.

"No, you are Feng Jun, you are my husband!"

"Queen of Yin, you are really wrong, my name is Zhuo Bufan, there is only one Zhuo Bufan in this world."

"The person I want to marry is not you, but Bai Su. So, I will not marry you."

Zhuo Bufan was determined and refused to marry the Queen of Yin.

The Queen of Yin was angry and annoyed when she heard this.

"Why, why do you want to marry Bai Su but not me? Bai Su and I are both your love in the previous life, aren't we?"

"At most, I will allow you to marry Bai Su again. She and I will share one husband."

It seems that Queen Yin is determined to marry Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan shook his head after hearing this.

"No, sorry, I don't have any feelings for you."

Zhuo Bufan was also determined not to marry Queen Yin.

When Queen Yin heard this, she became anxious.

"What do you want to do? At most, she will be the boss and I will be the junior, that's fine!"

"Ji Xuanhao, no, Zhuo Bufan. This is the last concession of this queen. She will be the boss and I will be the junior, that's it."

In order to marry Zhuo Bufan, Queen Yin repeatedly compromised and even became a concubine.

In Queen Yin's heart, her Feng Jun and her lover are the most important.

As long as she can become Zhuo Bufan's woman, she is willing to accept such grievances.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect Queen Yin to be so determined.

"What the hell is the decision!"

"Why do you need to do this? I know you are thinking about Feng Jun."

"For Feng Jun, you are so wronged. You are the Lord of the Underworld!"

Zhuo Bufan was a little helpless.

As the Lord of the Underworld, the Queen of Yin has the highest status in the Underworld.

However, for Feng Jun and Zhuo Bufan, the Queen of Yin did not hesitate to be so humble.

But this was not enough to impress Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan had made up his mind to marry Bai Su in this life, so he could not accept the feelings of the Queen of Yin.

"Sorry, Queen of Yin, I still can't agree to you."

"I am Zhuo Bufan, I have a wife, a son, and my own Taoist partner."

"Your Feng Jun is dead and can't come back."

In order to make the Queen of Yin give up, Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate to say decisive words.

He said bluntly that Feng Jun was dead and could not come back.

However, when the Queen of Yin heard it, she suddenly became excited.

"No, you are talking nonsense, my Feng Lang is not dead, you are my Feng Lang!"

"I know, you just want to make me angry on purpose, so that I can give up."

"Impossible, I, Xuan Su, will never give up, absolutely not!"

"Feng Lang, don't you remember? When you took me away from the Sea of ​​Chaos, you said you would let me stay with you forever."

Queen Yin's real name is Xuan Su, and she was originally a black lotus in chaos.

Because I met Ji Xuanhao, I saw this colorful world.

Including the name Xuansu, it was all given by Zhuo Bufan.

Her relationship with Ji Xuanhao is a bit like the relationship between Zhuo Bufan and Xiaomei.

However, Xiaomei's feelings for Zhuo Bufan are very simple.

And Xuan Su's feelings for Feng Jun are too deep.

She turned this feeling into love and fell in love with Zhuo Bufan regardless of her own safety.

Therefore, the Yin queen will love her so much that she can't help herself, and even hate her from love.

"You can't refuse me. Your child is in my hands. If you refuse me, you will never see your daughter again."

The reason why Xuan Su arrested Nian Nian was to threaten Zhuo Bufan.

Originally she didn't want to do this, but Zhuo Bufan refused to agree.

This made Xuan Su anxious, so anxious that she made the worst decision, which was to threaten.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to threaten you, but you have to give me an explanation."

"I will give you three days to think about it. If you still refuse to agree, then I will take your child and disappear from you forever."

"Since you don't want to see me, then I will let you never see your child."

Xuan Su was forced to have no choice but to reach this point, which was the path she least wanted to take.

As soon as she finished speaking, she disappeared from the spot.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment when he saw this.

"Hey, Queen Yin, Queen Yin, what are you doing? Don't hurt Nian Nian!"

Zhuo Bufan was anxious and wanted to rush out of Jingling Palace.

However, Jingling Palace was set up with a powerful barrier by Xuan Su.

What shocked Zhuo Bufan was that with his ability, he was completely unable to break the barrier.

"Are you kidding? Nian Nian, Queen of Yin, Nian Nian!"

Zhuo Bufan slapped the barrier, and Queen Yin not only disappeared with Nian Nian, but also imprisoned him.

This woman is crazy and too difficult to handle.

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