Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1012: Loading the file

Xuan Su disappeared, and no matter how much Zhuo Bufan shouted, he couldn't call her back.

And the barrier she left behind could not be broken no matter what Zhuo Bufan tried.

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that not even the Infinite Sword could break the barrier set by the Yin Queen.

One can imagine how powerful the Yin Queen is.

The current Zhuo Bufan definitely cannot be the opponent of Queen Yin.

"Damn it! Lord Feng, Lord Feng, why do you need me to repay the romantic debt you left behind?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't laugh or cry.

Now he is being pushed to the shelf, and the Yin Queen insists that he marry her.

If it were someone else, I wouldn't be able to ask for it, after all, the other person is the Queen of Yin.

If he marries her, most of the underworld will be his.

However, Zhuo Bufan had just promised to marry Bai Su, but turned around and got married to Queen Yin first.

When he goes back, how will he explain to Bai Su?

Bai Su's extraordinary character is very clear. Her character is as pure as snow and cannot tolerate any flaws.

Zhuo Bufan, she would never give up to Queen Yin.

It is absolutely impossible for two women to serve one husband together, or to make it big or small.

However, if Xuan Su does not agree, she will disappear with Nian Nian, so that Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su will never see Nian Nian.

"Hey, there is no other way. It seems that the only way is to load the file and try again to find a way to rescue Nian Nian first."

Zhuo Bufan felt helpless.

He encountered the most difficult choice. No matter which choice he made, it was the last resort.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan could only choose to load the file and start over.

Rescue Nian Nian before the Yin Queen sees him.

"Queen Yin, if you don't come out, I will die for you."

Zhuo Bufan opened his voice and shouted to the sky.

Being forced to read files is also extremely depressing.

"I'm not going to lie to you, I would really kill myself."

"If I die, let's meet again in the next life!"

Zhuo Bufan was still shouting to see if he could trick Xuan Su out.

However, how could Xuan Su not see Zhuo Bufan's methods!

Therefore, Xuansu had no response to Zhuo Bufan's transformation.

"You keep saying you love me, but do you want to watch me die?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted a few more times, but Xuan Su still ignored him.

"There is nothing we can do. As expected, only women and villains are difficult to raise."

Zhuo Bufan stopped wasting his thoughts and silently closed his eyes.

"Reverse the meridians, cut off the soul, and destroy it!"

At Zhuo Bufan's current state, it is really difficult to die.

Even if it is suicide, it is not a simple matter.

After all, Zhuo Bufan's physique has reached the eighth level of the nine-level life and death battle.

Every cell is filled with powerful vitality.

Suicide was always difficult for him.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan's Nine Revolutions of Life and Death has not been cultivated to the ninth revolution. If he wants to, he can start to disintegrate from the inside.

Zhuo Bufan needs to let the life and death energy in every cell explode first, and then destroy his soul.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan pulled out the Infinite Sword and plunged it into his head.

After doing this for so long, he finally killed himself.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he saw that he was back in the archive space.

The three archive gates in front of me are already full of mottled spots.

"Hey, you can't read files so mindlessly. If this continues, it won't take long for the save door to disappear."

"But, what's going on with this Yin Queen? Does she depend on me? If I don't marry her, how can I save Nian Nian?"

Zhuo Bufan stood in the archive space and began to think hard about the next countermeasures.

First of all, you must not meet the Yin Queen.

Once they meet, Queen Yin will definitely rely on Zhuo Bufan, and then give him an ultimatum, and that's it.

Secondly, we must find the Deer God before the Yin Queen, rescue Nian Nian, and then leave the underworld, a place of right and wrong.

Finally, in order to prevent Queen Yin from harassing him, Zhuo Bufan decided to find Emperor Xuan and Emperor Qing first and let them pester Queen Yin.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, went to rescue Nian Nian.

After some planning, Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"Okay, just do it."

Zhuo Bufan gently hammered his palm, and then pushed open the first save door.

"Read the file!"

The next second, Zhuo Bufan returned to his archive in Jingyuan.

That is, he was preparing to go to the underworld after his battle with Bai Di.

"came back!"

Zhuo Bufan came to his senses and quickly turned to look at Bai Di behind him.

"Master Wife, I have found out that Niannian was captured by the Deer God sent by the Yin Queen."

"Do you know where Master, Qing Emperor and the others will be in the underworld?"

"I want to meet Master and the others first."

Bai Di was stunned for a moment after hearing Zhuo Bufan's words.

"Child, how do you know that the Deer God is sent by the Yin Queen?"

Bai Di obviously didn't know that Zhuo Bufan came back from the future.

"Master Wife, I don't have time to explain to you. I am going to the underworld now. Please tell me how to contact Master and the others."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't tell Bai Di that he had just come back from the future and had met Queen Yin.

When Bai Di heard this, he moved his hands, and a dragon-headed ruler appeared in his hand.

"My child, this is the Mysterious Ruler. It can help you find Emperor Xuan and the others."

"I want to remind you that your master has some misunderstandings with you. After you meet him, you must tell him properly."

Bai Di's reminder reminded Zhuo Bufan of the scene he saw in Jingling Palace.

When he and Yin Hou were preparing to get married, Xuan Di suddenly arrived and killed Feng Jun. In the end, the relationship between master and apprentice was severed.

Obviously, Xuan Di hated Feng Jun and even wanted to kill him.

Now Zhuo Bufan ran to find Xuan Di and told him that he was Feng Jun's reincarnation.

It might cause Xuan Di's disgust.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan had to think carefully about how to face Xuan Di.

After all, Xuan Di was his teacher in two lives, and also Bai Su's father.

It can be said that he is Zhuo Bufan's other father.

Now the son-in-law wants to see his father-in-law, and the apprentice wants to see the master, so they have to think about it carefully.

"I know, Master's wife, don't worry, I will explain it to Master, I'm leaving."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he picked up the Xuan Ji ruler and went to the underworld again.


Soon, Zhuo Bufan returned to the underworld.

When he came to the underworld again, Zhuo Bufan immediately became wary.

He wanted to know if the Queen of Yin was watching him.

"I can't go to that city. The Queen of Yin turned into a little rabbit to stalk me. I can't take the initiative to go there again."

Zhuo Bufan thought about it and decided to go to Emperor Xuan and Emperor Qing first.

With their help, it shouldn't be a problem to take down the Queen of Yin.

After making up his mind, Zhuo Bufan took out the Xuanji ruler given by Emperor Bai.

Emperor Bai had already set up the Xuanji ruler in advance to find the location of Emperor Xuan.

After the Xuanji ruler turned several circles in the air, it finally pointed to the north.

"In the north?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

You know, he and the Queen of Yin went to the south before.

"No matter, let's find the master first!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much about it, summoned the Avici beast, and then let the Avici beast start to shuttle in the direction pointed by the Xuanji ruler.

The master and apprentice who had not seen each other for tens of thousands of years finally met again at this moment.


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