Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 103: The Death of Shang Xingdao [Please recommend]


It rained heavily today!

This rainstorm was destined to be a rainstorm that concealed the killing. After the rainstorm, the sin of killing was completely washed away.

Everything began to turn according to Zhuo Bufan's predetermined destiny.

He crawled in front of the desk, drawing detailed experimental patterns with the charcoal pencil in his hand, not moved by what was about to happen next.

Outside the window in front of him, the rain was beating and the wind was blowing. The raindrops hit the crystal glass window like iron nails.

It is not uncommon to have glass in this world, and crystal glass is even more common.

Inside the extremely transparent crystal glass, there are also plain white dark patterns carved, which looks particularly elegant.

Ding ding ding ding ding!

Listening to the raindrops hitting the crystal glass, Zhuo Bufan calmly turned the pen. The charcoal pencil turned in a fancy way at his fingertips, which could make people dazzled.

Finally, after about two hours, Zhuo Bufan's slightly squinted eyes widened a little, and he finally felt the feeling of being watched again.

"Is it here?" Zhuo Bufan smiled inwardly.

Shang Xingdao, it's here!

Shang Xingdao wanted to take another look at Zhuo Bufan's paper, and wanted to witness Zhuo Bufan finish writing the article that would shock the talisman world.

So, he came!

His spirit wandered out of his room and descended into Zhuo Bufan's room. His spirit floated above Zhuo Bufan's head and began to observe every word, every word, and every sketch written by Zhuo Bufan.

"Wonderful, wonderful, this boy is extraordinary, I didn't expect him to know so many theories."

"So that's it, when light hits the light-sensitive metal sheet, the energy is absorbed by the metal sheet, generating a photocurrent. Photoelectric effect, is this the name he gave it?"

"Yes, this boy can prove that light is a wave. As long as you keep reading, you will definitely discover the secret."

As Shang Xingdao's soul looked more deeply at what Zhuo Bufan wrote, Shang Xingdao found that he was getting closer and closer to the mysterious spell, so close that he could touch it.

Just when Shang Xingdao was about to comprehend the unknown spell, he suddenly saw Zhuo Bufan write a line of words.

"Does my writing look good?"

At that moment, Shang Xingdao was stunned!

"What's going on? Why did this boy suddenly write this sentence? Is there any connection between this sentence and the research he said he wrote?"

Before Shang Xingdao came to his senses, Zhuo Bufan wrote another sentence.

"You are really interesting. You have been floating behind me for so long. Are you tired?"

Buzz buzz buzz buzz...

Shang Xingdao even trembled slightly, and his soul was buzzing.

"What's going on? Did this kid find me?"

"Impossible, impossible. Not to mention that I used the 'God of Invisibility', just because this kid's soul is far lower than mine, he can't find my existence."

"Did he sense something and want to cheat me?"

Shang Xingdao was a little puzzled. He firmly believed that Zhuo Bufan would never find him. This was absolute.

But what did Zhuo Bufan mean by the words he wrote on the paper?

"After peeking for so long, have you understood the spell?"

Zhuo Bufan wrote another sentence. This time, Shang Xingdao's soul was no longer shocked, but felt a little scared.

He felt that it was not him who was monitoring Zhuo Bufan, but he was being monitored by Zhuo Bufan.

"Do you feel that there is something missing? Do you want me to write it down? In this way, you will suddenly understand."

Zhuo Bufan did not speak, but communicated with Shang Xingdao in words.

Seeing this, Shang Xingdao was even more panicked. An inexplicable panic made his soul very uneasy.

"Impossible, this kid can't have discovered me. What's going on? I'm confused, I'm confused."

Shang Xingdao was almost crazy!

At this time, Zhuo Bufan continued to write.

"You are the lord of Fubao. Don't you feel ashamed to peek at other people's research success?"


When Zhuo Bufan wrote this sentence, Shang Xingdao's soul trembled instantly.

He never expected that Zhuo Bufan not only discovered his existence, but even knew his identity.

At this time, Shang Xingdao was no longer calm.

As the lord of Fubao, he actually scared a young boy so much that his soul trembled and his heart was hairy.

"This kid is not simple. Who is he? It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. It is not suitable to stay for a long time."

Just when Shang Xingdao was about to leave, Zhuo Bufan wrote another sentence on the paper.

"Want to escape? Don't you want to see what that mysterious and unknown spell is?"

This sentence made Shang Xingdao, who was about to flee, freeze his soul.

He was almost there, almost able to comprehend that mysterious spell.

He was only one step away from fulfilling his lifelong wish, and suddenly, his inner desire overcame his fear.

Zhuo Bufan wrote the last sentence on the paper.

"Want to see it? It's in my drawer."

Zhuo Bufan finished writing and reached out to grab the handle of the drawer in front of him.

Shang Xingdao saw this, his eyes were full of desire.

He wanted to see it, he wanted to see it in his dreams, he was so excited that his eyeballs were about to fall out, and he was so excited that his hands were about to stretch out of his throat.

Zhuo Bufan slowly opened the drawer.

Shang Xingdao's soul floated above Zhuo Bufan's head, watching the drawer being opened bit by bit.

"Come here, come here, I have been searching for the true meaning of my life!"

Shang Xingdao's mouth and tongue trembled with excitement.


At the moment when he was extremely eager, his eyes were greedy, and he was almost drooling.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly opened the drawer, revealing the trap he had hidden inside the drawer.

In Zhuo Bufan's drawer, there was no truth or any thesis, only five soul bottles.

The moment Zhuo Bufan opened the drawer, he poured his soul power into the spells of the five soul bottles.

The power of the Soul Transformation Talisman was instantly activated.

Countless purple rays of light shot out from the five soul bottles.

The moment Shang Xingdao saw the five soul bottles, he was so frightened that he lost his mind.

"not good!"

Shangxingdao was about to escape, but it was too late.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't see Shang Xingdao's soul, but he could see the Soul Transformation Talisman.

The Soul Transformation Talisman can destroy the soul. Before Shang Xingdao's soul could fly out of Zhuo Bufan's room, it was already quietly entangled by the purple light flying out of the soul bottle.

His feet, hands, and body were tightly entangled in the air.

Zhuo Bufan quickly stood up from his seat, only to see a human-shaped light and shadow constantly disillusioned in the sky above his room.

"Damn it, damn it, you little brat, you hurt me, how dare you hurt me."

Shang Xingdao roared, his Divine Hidden Talisman was nothing in front of the Soul Transformation Talisman. The true appearance of his soul began to appear in front of Zhuo Bufan.

He roared at Zhuo Bufan with a ferocious expression. Shang Xingdao never expected that Zhuo Bufan would trap him, and it would be a dead trap.

"You are the one who was tricked, old thief!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Shang Xingdao's soul, which was constantly disillusioned under the touch of those purple light tentacles, with a proud smile on his face.

"Why, why do you want to harm me? Why do you want to harm me?"

Shang Xingdao couldn't figure it out, he couldn't figure it out. He had never harmed Zhuo Bufan, so why did the other party want to harm him. And from the looks of it, it was completely expected that he would come today.

"You devil, devil."

Shang Xingdao started cursing at Zhuo Bufan. In his opinion, Zhuo Bufan was a devil, a devil who killed innocent people indiscriminately.

However, Zhuo Bufan really showed a hint of the evil smile that only a great devil could have.

He smiled and looked at Shang Xingdao, whose face had been eaten away by the Soul Transformation Talisman.

"Old thief, it's not that I won't retaliate. The time has not yet come."

"How can I explain the hatred between you and me in just a few words? Just go on your way with peace of mind!"

Zhuo Bufan laughed wildly, and under the roar of thunder and lightning outside, he really showed a hint of evil.

"If you kill me, Master Jing will definitely not let you go, absolutely not. Just wait for death, wait for death..."

The last ray of soul in Shangxingdao was also eaten away by the soul bottle. The existence of this person has been completely erased from this world.

It wasn't until he completely disappeared that Zhuo Bufan landed on the ground and breathed a heavy sigh of relief!


At the same time, according to Zhuo Bufan's plan, the four people on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month had quietly appeared outside the room on the commercial road.

On this mission, all of them felt low in their hearts.

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, it was also the first time that I was so passive, completely obeying the orders of others, and I was not sure whether what I did next would lead to catastrophe.

But having arrived outside the commercial road room, they had no way out.

"The special envoy said that Shang Xingdao would come out of his mind at this time and let us kill his body."

"He took away the soul bottles from all of us. It must be used to deal with the souls of Shang Xingdao."

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, I recalled the tasks assigned by Zhuo Bufan.

The thing Zhuo Bufan asked them to leave behind was the soul-transforming bottles on their bodies. One for each person, a total of five soul bottles were taken away by Zhuo Bufan.


Although their hearts were pounding, they still pushed open the door of the Commercial Road.

When the door was opened, Shang Xingdao was seen sitting on the Taishi chair beside him.

He put his hands on the top of the crutch in front of him, his whole head hanging on the back of his hands, leaning forward, and his weight was fully supported on the wooden stick.


Suddenly, Shang Xingdao's body fell to the left, and his whole body fell to the ground unconscious.

Seeing this scene, the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month and others couldn't help but be surprised.

"He really wandered out of his mind. That August 8th didn't lie to us." August 7th said in shock.

"Then what are you waiting for? Kill him!"

On the fifth day of August, he took out a bright beheading knife from Najie, and with a swoop, he cut off the head of Shang Xingdao on the spot.


It rained heavily today!

Can anyone guess how Shangxingdao died? In fact, this arrangement is the best arrangement in my opinion. Only in this way can the protagonist be able to stay out of the situation without alarming the Lord Mirror, and be able to take revenge with his own hands, not to mention the need for a hard fight.

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