Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 104 The ruthless iron! [Please collect]

Shang Xingdao, the master of Fubao in Huoyun City, was beheaded in his room on a rainy night before the "winter solstice".

This incident quickly caused a shock in Fubao.

After all, the deceased was not an ordinary person, but the master of Fubao, a medium-level golden man of the Fuzhao Temple.

After a whole day of investigation, Fubao has determined that Shang Xingdao died under the hunting order of Four Seasons Mountain and River.

Zhuo Bufan successfully found the scapegoat and escaped perfectly in the assassination of Shang Xingdao.

It must be said that Zhuo Bufan's plan this time was perfect.

After reloading the file and rebirthing once, he found that his IQ had increased a lot.

Recalling the whole process of the plot against Shang Xingdao, it was completely inseparable from Zhuo Bufan's perfect plan.

Before he reloaded the file and reborn, he had already learned an important information from Shang Xingdao, that Shang Xingdao sneaked a peek at the paper he wrote by wandering out.

It was this point that made Zhuo Bufan formulate this plan.

Zhuo Bufan guessed that although Shang Xingdao's soul could travel, he was still afraid of the Soul Transformation Bottle.

After all, the Soul Transformation Bottle is the nemesis of the soul.

That's why he planned to use the Soul Transformation Bottle to kill Shang Xingdao.

However, Shang Xingdao's soul was so strong that he was afraid that one Soul Transformation Bottle would not be enough, so he asked La Yueyue Ba and the others to leave all the Soul Transformation Bottles.

In fact, everything Zhuo Bufan guessed was confirmed.

After he returned to Fubao from Wuming Mountain, he went to the library as soon as possible and found the book "On the Travel of the Soul".

From the book, we know that before the soul of a cultivator enters the "Primordial Spirit Stage", the Soul Transformation Bottle is its nemesis.

Therefore, the soul of a cultivator before the "Primordial Spirit Stage" generally will not easily travel.

Because wandering means losing the host body, which makes the soul in a floating state.

The soul in a floating state can be easily wiped out by the Soul Transformation Bottle, even if the "God Hiding Talisman" is used.

However, for a slightly stronger soul, one Soul Transformation Bottle may not kill the opponent, but may only cause serious injuries at most.

But Soul Transformation Bottles can be used in combination. If one is not enough, then use more.

Zhuo Bufan's previous guesses were all confirmed in the book. So he was confident in his bold plan.

Everything that followed was turning according to his predetermined fate.

He put the five Soul Transformation Bottles in the drawer and waited for Shang Xingdao to come.

When Shang Xingdao came, Zhuo Bufan first pretended to be unaware and wrote the paper, which made Shang Xingdao go deep into it and let him relax his vigilance.

But when he was writing at the critical moment, Zhuo Bufan's pen stopped abruptly.

Then he began to write some dialogues that made Shang Xingdao panic, which made Shang Xingdao's soul feel fear.

Just when Shang Xingdao's soul began to become shaken and unsteady, Zhuo Bufan opened the drawer and used the five Soul Transformation Bottles unexpectedly.

The reason why Zhuo Bufan was willing to commit suicide and read the game was to make his soul reach the "entering the Yang state".

In fact, the main purpose is not to comprehend the "light and shadow spell". After all, as long as Shang Xingdao is killed, the light and shadow spell will be discovered by him sooner or later.

Zhuo Bufan's real purpose is to make the soul reach the third level.

Because only the third level of the soul can drive the "soul-transforming spell" in the soul-transforming bottle.

Zhuo Bufan wants to implement this series of plans smoothly. Then his soul must reach the third level.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan, who was reborn after reading the file, has a plan and his IQ is out of control.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan's deception of the twelfth lunar month eight is also an indispensable part of the plan.

In addition to being able to get the five soul-transforming bottles, Zhuo Bufan must also find someone to take the blame for him.

In this way, Shang Xingdao's death will only be attributed to Siji Shanhe, and he will not be suspected.

Zhuo Bufan discovered the "light and shadow spell" and is only one step away from success.

But he can't fail because of killing Shang Xingdao.

This matter, from beginning to end, was carried out almost flawlessly according to Zhuo Bufan's plan.

Not only did he kill Shanghangdao himself and calm his inner resentment.

At the same time, he did not alarm the Jingzun behind Shanghangdao.

And he successfully passed the blame to Four Seasons Mountain and River.

Most importantly, he did it with almost no effort.

Of course, such a perfect plan has a stain.

That is, Zhuo Bufan pretended to be a special envoy of Four Seasons Mountain and River and deceived Layuecheba and others.

The result of this matter can be big or small.

In order to ensure that everything is foolproof, Zhuo Bufan agreed with Layuecheba and others to meet at the designated inn after the mission was successful when arranging the plan.

So the next day, Zhuo Bufan put on a feathered robe, came to the designated inn and the designated guest room with a ****, and met Layuecheba and others who were already sitting in the room.

When Zhuo Bufan entered the room, he only saw Layuecheba and the other four sitting at the square table very solemnly.

"Special envoy, you are here."

La Yueyueba stood up and said to Zhuo Bufan very respectfully.

Obviously, now they have begun to believe that Zhuo Bufan is the special envoy sent by the Holy Lord.

After all, everything went according to Zhuo Bufan's plan, and the mission was completed perfectly.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly and sat down.

"Why are there only four of you?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, the four of them were silent for a moment, and then Layueyueba sighed and said, "He went to Qingshui Xiaozhu, and then..."

"What? Stupid, didn't I tell you not to go to Qingshui Xiaozhu?"

Zhuo Bufan slammed the table and said angrily.

"Damn it, you really went to provoke that guy. He's dead, right?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows were almost twisted together. The only thing he was most afraid of now was that Jingzun.

He didn't know who that Jingzun was yet. But Zhuo Bufan really didn't want to provoke that existence now.

"Special envoy, don't worry, we haven't been exposed." Layueyueba seemed to have guessed Zhuo Bufan's concerns, so he said.

"Really not?" Zhuo Bufan asked cautiously and with some distrust.

"No." Layueyueba shook his head again affirmatively.

Seeing Layueyueba's determined eyes, Zhuo Bufan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, your mission has been completed, go back and report!"

"But there is one thing I need to warn you, my identity as a special envoy is appointed by the Holy Lord. I hope that after you return to Layue Tower, you will only say what you should say, and I hope you will keep silent about what you shouldn't say."

Zhuo Bufan's identity as a special envoy was naturally fake. He couldn't kill Layue Yueba and the others to silence them, so he could only fool them again.

After hearing this, Layue Yueba's cold eyes flowed, and then nodded slightly and said: "Special envoy, don't worry, we understand!"

"It's good to understand, Layue Yueba, right? What's your name? I asked for your real name."

Zhuo Bufan felt that Layue Yueba was very interesting and a friend worth making friends with.

Although in Layue Yueba's opinion, he didn't get along with Zhuo Bufan too much, and there was no relationship between them.

But for Zhuo Bufan, the two of them were already friends of life and death. So he wanted to know what the other party's name was.

This time, Layue Yueba was silent.

After a while, Layueyueba asked: "Before asking someone's name, do you have to introduce yourself?"

Obviously, Layueyueba also wanted to know Zhuo Bufan's true identity.

Indeed, friendship should be sincere.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied: "I can only tell you that my last name is Zhuo, Zhuo of outstanding and extraordinary."

After hearing this, Layueyueba also replied: "Then I can only tell you that my last name is Tie, Tie of ruthless and ruthless!"

The collection has stopped growing, and I feel like I'm going to pounce. Please add a collection! ! In addition, let me talk about the plot later. Shanghangdao died, but it was just a small climax. The book will usher in several crucial turning points later. Friends, keep reading! It will get more and more exciting.

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