Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 105 Seeking Death [Please Collect]

After Zhuo Bufan separated from the others on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, he left the inn and prepared to go back to Fu Bao.

But when he first arrived at Fu Bao, his heart was in a mess!


Zhuo Bufan stood under the arched door of the Fu Bao and made a save inexplicably.

And this time when saving, he covered the save door on the Nameless Mountain without hesitation.

The three archive doors are now: Fu Bao Gate, Dormitory, and Mass Grave.

After the archive ended, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and leaned against the stone wall of the arcade, falling into inexplicable deep thought.

After a while, he slowly exhaled and said.

"No, I have to go to Qingshui Xiaozhu. If I don't go, I will never have peace of mind."

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that he would provoke Jingzun on the third day of the twelfth lunar month. Jingzun has great supernatural powers, and Zhuo Bufan was worried about the Dongchuang incident.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan also wanted to know who the Mirror Master was. He does not allow the other party to exist in an unclear way.

Therefore, even if he wanted to commit suicide, Zhuo Bufan still had to get some information about Master Jing.

After what happened with Taoist Crow, Zhuo Bufan became much more cautious, and he did not allow some unexpected results to occur.

Hidden dangers must be nipped in the bud.

So, Zhuo Bufan went to Qingshui Xiaozhu.

The rain was pouring down, and Zhuo Bufan felt as if he had spent a century in the rain.

He put on his raincoat and came to Qingshui Xiaozhu.

Qingshui Xiaozhu is located on the bank of a lake in the west of Huoyun City.

When we came to the lakeside, we saw only a green-yellow bamboo house suspended above the lake, supported only by dozens of thigh-thick black bamboos.

Connecting Qingshui Xiaozhu to the lakeshore is a Z-shaped water covered bridge.

Zhuo Bufan stood at the bridge, determined! Then he walked towards Qingshui Xiaozhu.

It was raining heavily, and the small building in the middle of the lake was surrounded by heavy rain, giving people a strange sense of beauty. But beneath that beauty, there seems to be some weird secret hidden.

There are many speculations about the owner of the small house in the middle of the lake.

Some people say that she was once a famous prostitute in Huoyun City, and even won the favor of the city lord. The city lord was so happy that he gave her the Qingshui small building and the entire Qingshui lake.

Others said that she was the concubine of a certain big shot. Of course, the most rumored one was the concubine of the Lord of Fubao Castle. Because people often secretly see the commercial road entering Qingshui Xiaozhu.

There is also a theory that the woman is a monster and that she is raising some terrible monsters in captivity.

There was once a master who live broadcasted his entry into Qingshui Xiaozhu.

The master took the sound-transmitting snail and entered Qingshui Xiaozhu to explore. On the other side of the sound snail, there was a group of people listening to his live broadcast of the adventure.

As a result, after the guy entered Qingshui Xiaozhu, there were only screams. The people who were watching were frightened to death. The guy who wanted to die was shouting "monster, monster, terrible monster".

The other people had no time to listen carefully and quickly cut off contact. They were afraid that the other party would find their location through the sound-transmitting snail.

After this incident, the news that there were monsters in Qingshui Xiaozhu spread like wildfire.

Of course, this is all just hearsay. If you want to verify these rumors, you can only know by going to Qingshui Xiaozhu in person.

So, Zhuo Bufan came.

Zhuo Bufan came to the door of the small house in the middle of the lake. The door of the bamboo house was wide open, letting the rain and wind blow into the house.

In the room, there is the light emitted by the dark purple mineral lamp.

This kind of mineral lamp is actually a dazzling charm cast on purple crystal. You can make it colorful as long as you want.

It's just that ordinary lighting uses purple light sources, which is indeed a bit strange.

Inside the bamboo house, there was an embroidered silk screen across the center, but there was no one inside.

Zhuo Bufan plucked up the courage and walked in.

After arriving at the screen, I saw a bamboo couch. There is a dressing table on the bamboo couch. On the dressing table is a mysterious ancient bronze mirror.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the ancient bronze mirror for the first time, his heart trembled slightly.

Isn't this mirror the ancient bronze mirror held in the arms of the Mirror Master?

It was a round ancient bronze mirror, with a smooth and flat surface, and faint purple-black floating light undulating, just like the scene of light shining on water waves in a dark night.

And in the center of its back, there is a huge nipple. The breast is like a mountain, surrounded by a corrugated ocean. In the sea, there is a sea beast surrounding the breast, like a dragon and a hornet, undulating on the sea surface. The dragon never sees its head or tail.

"Sea Beast Mirror?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly. He felt that the sea beast seemed to exist, lifelike.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was observing the details.

Suddenly, the glimmering light on the ancient bronze mirror began to flow. Groups of black markings began to converge toward the center.

Then, a black hole-like vortex began to form in the center of the ancient bronze mirror. The vortex grew larger and larger, and began to produce violent suction.

"Damn! What the hell is this."

Zhuo Bufan threw away the ancient bronze mirror in his hand. The black hole vortex was like a greedy beast, swallowing Zhuo Bufan directly inside.

In the process of passing through the bronze mirror, Zhuo Bufan's body began to disintegrate piece by piece.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan's mind went blank!

He died again!

"Read the file!"

Returning to the archive at the Fu Bao Gate, Zhuo Bufan felt lingering fear.

"What the hell is that sea beast mirror? It's just like a monster."

Zhuo Bufan didn't see Jing Zun, but he witnessed the horror of the mysterious bronze ancient mirror.

When being swallowed by the bronze mirror, he felt like he was swallowed alive by a monster, just like a whale swallowing a fish, he was digested instantly without chewing.

"Go again?" Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"Forget it, the result is the same no matter how many times I go. But at least it proves one thing, Jing Zun's mirror is weird."

"I can't provoke that woman now. No, if possible, it's best not to provoke her forever."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stopped courting death! Instead, he went directly back to Fubao and his dormitory.

Next, he will start preparing to publish papers, propose new concepts, discover new spells, take the position of Zunren, and reach the peak of his life.


At the same time, Layue Yueba and others returned to Layue Building.

Layue Yueba informed the owner of Layue Building of all the processes of this mission.

That's right, I told the owner of Layue Tower everything.

Zhuo Bufan thought that his warning to them would be useful, but he thought too much. Layue Yueba had his own judgment. In the eyes of Layue Yueba, Zhuo Bufan was still very suspicious.

The owner of Layue Tower, a seemingly amiable old man, nodded and said after hearing the report of Layue Yueba.

"The Holy Lord's special envoy? I really don't know about this. Do you two adults know?"

The owner of Layue Tower looked at the two petite women on the side and said.

The two girls were twins, they looked about fifteen or sixteen years old.

They were not lolita, but girls.

However, although they were girls, the owner of Layue Tower was very respectful to them.

They had long snow-white hair, and even their eyebrows were white. What was even more amazing was that their pupils were also snow-white.

The two girls were simply different from ordinary people.

They wore the same snow-white dresses and held two identical crystal balls in their hands, looking like two identical snowflakes in the deep winter.

After hearing the question from the Layue Tower Master, the two girls actually shook their heads slowly at the same time, in exactly the same pace.

"Even you two don't know? It seems that this special envoy is really mysterious. You go down first!"

The Layue Tower Master asked Layue Ba and the others to withdraw.

After leaving the hall, Layue Qi looked at Layue Ba with doubts and asked.

"Yunhe, didn't you promise that person not to tell?"

In the eyes of Layue Qi, Chuba is definitely a responsible man who keeps his word and will definitely do what he promised.

But this time, he was a little treacherous.

After hearing this, Chuba looked at her and said, "What were his original words?"

"Original words? He seemed to say that he hoped that after we return to Layue Tower, we would only say what we should say, and that we should keep silent about what we shouldn't say."

"Then what should we say and what shouldn't we say?" Chuba asked back.

Layueqi was stunned when she heard this. Zhuo Bufan did not tell them what they should say and what they shouldn't say.

"This is not good, he must be very sad if he knows."

Layueqi said.

"There's nothing wrong, we just stated the facts. There must be a complete explanation for Chusan's death in this mission."

Layueqi is obviously a person with his own ideas, and he will not betray his principles because of Zhuo Bufan's warning.

Zhuo Bufan doesn't know that his "identity" as the Holy Lord's special envoy will soon be heard by the Holy Lord.

This time, it's fun...

Collection is in urgent need, begging for collection again!

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