Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 106 I discovered a brand new spell, light and shadow [Please collect]

Zhuo Bufan didn't know that his identity as the envoy of the Holy Lord had been exposed.

Of course, some things can't be covered up.

Even if the matter was exposed, Zhuo Bufan had already thought of a reason.

In the next few days, Zhuo Bufan finished writing the rest of the paper. Then he began to enter the process of cheating.


The Talisman Temple has a special application channel for those who discover new talismans. As long as a discovery report is submitted to the castle lord, the castle lord will personally report to the Talisman Temple in the center of the world.

Then the Talisman Temple will immediately send an envoy with the "Black Honor" to conduct an examination and certification.

If it is proved that it is indeed a new talisman, then the discoverer will obtain the "Black Honor" and achieve the supreme honor of the Talisman Temple.

After Shang Xingdao died, the position of the castle lord was naturally inherited by the deputy castle lord.

The deputy castle lord of the Talisman Temple is a woman, and she is elusive. Many apprentices may not have seen this deputy castle lord until they graduate.

Zhuo Bufan did meet her once, but that was in the courtyard of the profiteer Chu Mubai.

The green-dressed woman who was doing unspeakable things with Chu Mubai in the bedroom on the second floor was the deputy fortress owner of the Fuzhu Temple, her name was Meng Nu!

Less than three days after Shang Xingdao's death, the deputy fortress owner Meng Nu officially took office.

This time, everyone in the entire Fubao saw the true face of the new fortress owner.

Meng Nu wore a green long dress with a tube top and hips, a white cloak with gold edges on the outside, and five hairpins like chopsticks on her head.

There was a pair of domineering eyes under the curved eyelashes, and there was a beauty mole under the corner of the left eye.

A flaming red lip, looking extremely tempting. Half of the breasts were exposed, please watch the game in a civilized manner.

The first impression of this new fortress owner was.

Domineering! Domineering! Domineering! People! !

"I'm very sorry for the death of Lord Shang. There is a conspiracy theory that I killed Lord Shang so that I can take over the position of Lord."

"Who said that? If you have the guts, stand up and I'll kill you now."


When these words came out, the apprentices in the hall of Fubao were shocked.

They didn't expect the new Lord to be so arrogant. Is her behavior considered murder?

"From today on, I am the Lord of Fubao in Huoyun City. I won't say much. I'll just say one sentence at the end. Those who obey will stay, and those who disobey will get out!"

After Meng Nu finished speaking, she turned around and stepped on her shiny crystal boots and left the podium.

Hundreds of Fubao apprentices and teachers were left, looking confused.

"Those who obey will stay, and those who disobey will get out! What a woman with personality."

Zhuo Bufan was also surprised.

However, he admired Meng Nu's personality very much. She would say what she wanted to say and do it if she didn't obey. Such a person doesn't have many tricks and won't be as sneaky as Shang Xingdao.

After the succession meeting, Zhang Fan came to the studio of the fortress owner with his own discovery report.

The discovery report is not a thesis. The discovery report mainly describes what talismans he discovered and what abilities the new talismans have.

There is no specific description of how the discovery was made and what the method of discovery was.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan came out of the studio, he heard the voice of his teacher, Lan Miaoren, coming from inside the room.

"Sister Meng, how do you deal with the teacher's matter?" Lan Miaoren's tone was not too sad.

"It is rumored that Four Seasons Mountain and River only kills evil people. What do you think of the Shang Fortress owner?" Meng Nu asked. Her voice was not as clear as Lan Miaoren's, and it seemed a little rough.

"I don't know the teacher's character, and I won't comment on it casually. But whether Four Seasons Mountain and River is under the reputation of only killing evil people, and we don't know whether it kills innocent people indiscriminately."

"Four Seasons Mountain and River must have an explanation for the teacher's death." At this moment, Lan Miaoren didn't know the real character of Shang Hangdao.

Zhuo Bufan read the file and was reborn, saving Lan Miaoren's life, but at the same time, Lan Miaoren missed the opportunity to see the true face of Shang Hangdao.

As a student of Shanghang Dao, she would naturally defend Shanghang Dao.

"Whether Four Seasons Mountain River kills innocent people indiscriminately under the reputation of 'only killing evil people', we don't know. We only know that in this world, countless people die inexplicably every day."

"Four Seasons Mountain River is the world's number one killer organization, and its business is killing people. So far, no matter whether it is the righteous or the evil, Four Seasons Mountain River has killed countless people."

"But Four Seasons Mountain River has stood for a hundred years since its establishment. Do you know why?"

Meng Nu asked Lan Miaoren.

"Why?" Lan Miaoren asked back.

"Because of these four seasons, no one dares to provoke them. Their holy master is called 'Taisui'. He possesses the Supreme Mind Body, one of the ten great divine bodies in the world of immortal cultivation."

"The Supreme Mind Body is known as the strongest divine body."

When this was said, Lan Miaoren was greatly surprised and said, "The strongest divine body, wouldn't that be..."

"Yes, for us talisman masters, that is the supreme divine body."

"And it is rumored that 'Taisui' is the previous master of the Yu Palace of my Talisman Temple, Yu Zun! The world-beating 'Space Transfer Talisman' was discovered by 'Taisui'."

"Now do you understand why no one dares to provoke this 'Taisui'?"

Meng Nu's words were like a revelation, making Lan Miaoren suddenly realize.

"Taisui has the background of our Talisman Temple, and our Talisman Temple is the world's number one scattered cultivator force."

"Isn't it an offense to the Talisman Temple to make trouble for Taisui?"

Lan Miaoren said it in disbelief.

Zhuo Bufan, who was hiding outside the house, was also shocked. He didn't expect that the Holy Lord of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers would have such a great background.

"Since 'Taisui' has the background of our Fuzhu Temple, why did he kill our Fubao Castle Lord?"

Lan Miaoren was puzzled.

After hearing this, Meng Nu smiled and replied: "So, Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers only kills evil people. If Shang Xingdao is really an evil person, let alone the castle lord of Fubao, he can't escape this disaster even if he is the palace lord of Fudian."

"Taisui? I seem to have heard Sister Mo Qiu say that. It turns out that Taisui is the Holy Lord. It sounds terrible."

"I actually touched Taisui's head, and I feel a little bit of a death wish!"

Zhuo Bufan recalled his lie, and he suddenly began to urgently hope that this matter would not be heard by Taisui.

"Come in, you guys outside the door! You are so quiet, do you think our family didn't find out?"

Just when Zhuo Bufan was a little worried, the voice of the new castle lord Meng Nu suddenly came from the house.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan knocked on the door and then pushed open the heavy wooden door.

"Is it you? What are you doing here!"

Lan Miaoren looked back and saw Zhuo Bufan coming in from the door.

Zhuo Bufan stepped forward and walked over with great confidence.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at Lan Miaoren, his mouth slightly curved, revealing a smile.

"What do you want from us with your wretched smile?"

Zhuo Bufan almost staggered when he suddenly heard Meng Nu say that his smile was wretched.

"Oh, Lord, take a look at this."

Zhuo Bufan quickly handed the discovery report to Meng Nu, who was sitting on the animal skin recliner behind the table.

Meng Nu opened the report...

"What is this?"

Lan Miaoren asked, and she asked Zhuo Bufan directly. Because she had a vague feeling that Zhuo Bufan had discovered something.

"This is..."


Before Zhuo Bufan could answer, he suddenly heard a loud bang from behind the table.

Meng Nu suddenly slapped the table and sat up in shock.

She widened her eyes, holding the discovery report given by Zhuo Bufan in her hand, looking at Zhuo Bufan in shock and sighed.

"You, you found a new spell?"

"What, you really found it?"

Lan Miaoren on the side was also shocked.

Zhuo Bufan finally showed his "vulgar" smile again and said with a smile.

"Yes, I found a brand new spell, light and shadow!"


The collection is in urgent need, woooooooooo...

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