Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 107: Shock [Please recommend]

When Zhuo Bufan told Meng Nu and Lan Miaoren that he had discovered a brand new spell.

The room became quiet for a moment.

The two beauties looked at Zhuo Bufan in disbelief, while Meng Nu even looked at the discovery report written by Zhuo Bufan carefully.

In the discovery report, Zhuo Bufan detailed the process and results of discovering this spell.

After reading it, Meng Nu raised her beautiful eyes and stared at Zhuo Bufan intently.

Her eyes were like those of a tiger, staring at her with such arrogance and arrogance that Zhuo Bufan felt terrified inside.

After a while, Meng Nu spoke.

"Look, quickly, show us the charm you mentioned."

Meng Nu's original voice was a little rough, but when she was excited, her tone was not a request at all, but a command.

She was ordering Zhuo Bufan to demonstrate the brand new spell.

The same goes for Lan Miaoren on the side, with a pair of beautiful blue eyes showing a longing look.

She also wanted to see what Zhuo Bufan discovered about the talisman, because that talisman was exactly what she had been pursuing.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan looked around and took a look. Finally, his eyes fell on a crystal cup on Meng Nu's desk.

He stretched out his right hand and touched the crystal cup. Suddenly, a spell turned into rune strokes and merged into the crystal cup.

The process of attaching a charm to an object is called casting.

The forged objects will gain the power of talismans and become talismans sold everywhere.

Even people who don't understand talismans can easily use the power of the talismans in the talisman as long as they have the corresponding soul level.

However, the process of melting and casting is very soul-consuming.

After Zhuo Bufan completed the casting, he found that his mental power had begun to wane. This is much more expensive than using the spell power directly.

Of course, spell masters usually don't need to melt and refine talismans. The reason why they need to melt and refine talismans is mainly to sell them for money.

When Zhuo Bufan completed the casting of the talisman, he only saw a faint golden light emitting from the crystal cup.

Zhuo Bufan then handed the crystal cup to Meng Nu.

Meng Nu took the crystal cup in her hand, then let her soul merge into the crystal cup, and activated the talisman that Zhuo Bufan had just cast on the cup wall.

The next second, a golden light flashed through, and an identical crystal cup was projected from the crystal cup.

That crystal cup was so lifelike, as if it were real. But when I touch it with my hands, I find that it is just an illusion.

"Three-fold spell, that's it? It's useless!"

I thought that Meng Nu would scream in shock, but she didn't expect that she gave Zhuo Bufan a blow to the head with one sentence.

"It's no use? Stop joking."

"We're not joking. What do you think this thing is used for? Is it just creating an unreal phantom?"

Meng Nu directly attacked.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly and said, "Really? But this unreal phantom is very useful in actual combat. Moreover, it may not be useful when made into a talisman, but if the talisman master uses it himself, it will be Another magical power.”

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he used the remaining soul power to use the "Light and Shadow Spell".

This time he used it directly and slowly separated another self from his body.

When Meng Nu saw this, she smiled and said, "If you separate a useless phantom and stand still, do you think others are stupid?"

"Who said you can't move?"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, a divine soul merged into the phantom.

The next second, Phantom actually showed a smile, looked at Meng Nu and Lan Miaoren, and then smiled.

"I heard that in the world today, there is only one six-dimensional talisman, Kongying, that can achieve this step!"

When these words came out of Zhuo Bufan's light and shadow's mouth, Lan Miaoren and Meng Nu were really shocked.

Kongying, that is a very powerful type of talisman among the universe talismans.

The caster can make his phantom appear thousands of miles away and kill people invisible.

There are only a handful of people in the world today who have mastered this spell.

I heard that this talisman was also discovered by Yu Zun, who took office, and was what Meng Nu said before, the current Holy Master of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers - 'Tai Sui'.

But now, Zhuo Bufan actually showed them a spell that was not weaker than Kong Ying. More importantly, this spell only required the power of three levels of soul.

Speaking of which, all this extraordinary work is thanks to Shang Xingdao.

If Shang Xingdao hadn't discovered that the soul could blend into the light and shadow, he wouldn't have discovered the heaven-defying aspect of this spell.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan's death was not meaningless. At least he got a lot of information about the use of this spell from the merchants.

When Meng Nu and Lan Miaoren saw this, they finally stopped laughing at the charm as a useless one.

Maybe it's useless when used on a talisman castle, but if the talisman master uses it himself, then this ability will be too unbelievable.

"You, how on earth did you discover this charm?"

Meng Nu exclaimed, until now she couldn't believe that this brand new spell was discovered by a young man who looked to be in his twenties.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he did not answer Meng Nu, but said.

"Of course I can't explain the specifics now. I also hope that the castle master can apply for the position of honorable person in the World Central Talisman Temple on my behalf as soon as possible."

After going through business in Shangxingdao, Zhuo Bufan has gained a new perspective and started to be cautious in doing things.

After hearing this, Meng Nu slowly calmed down her excitement, then took a breath and said.

"Okay, I'll contact the Talisman Temple now, follow me!"

"Miaoren, come too!"

After Meng Nu finished speaking, she led Zhuo Bufan and Lan Miaoren to a tower behind a talisman castle.

It was a cylindrical ring-shaped stone tower with nine floors in total, and each floor was nine meters apart, with a total height of nearly a hundred meters.

Zhuo Bufan knew that this tower was called the Talisman Tower. It is the most important building in the Fu Fortress. Every talisman has a talisman tower.

This is a forbidden area for apprentices. There are special people guarding the outside of the tower. It is also the first time for Zhuo Bufan to come to the Talisman Tower.

Walking into the Talisman Tower, you can only see a spiral staircase in the center of the Talisman Tower, spiraling up like a gene chain.

When I stepped onto the stairs, I didn't expect that the stairs under my feet would automatically move upwards.

"High technology? No, this is a talisman made by some kind of talisman."

Zhuo Bufan was only slightly surprised. He was already accustomed to many strange things in this world.

Soon, the automatically rising spiral escalator brought Zhuo Bufan and the others to the top floor.

On the top floor of the Talisman Tower is a huge crystal ball, which is slightly taller than any extraordinary person, with a diameter of two meters according to visual inspection.

I saw Meng Nu stepping on crystal boots and walking towards the crystal ball, then stretched out her white jade hand and placed it on the crystal ball. A divine soul merged into it and activated the spell in the crystal ball.

The next second, I saw only glimpses of light starting to float in the crystal ball. There seemed to be white clouds flowing inside, and the mountains and rivers flew by, as if they were constantly moving forward with the vision of light.

Swish, swish, swish!

In the end, the picture in the crystal ball was fixed in a magnificent and radiant hall.

The hall was extremely bright, and the floor, stone pillars, and stairs were all made of shiny white jade.

In the center of the hall, a huge crystal chandelier emits light as bright as the sun.

Magnificent, solemn, majestic, and noble!

This is the Light Hall, one of the eight halls of the Talisman Temple!

I gave up. If you collect it, just drop it. Please recommend!

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