Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 108 Guang Zun [Please recommend]

The Temple of the Talisman is located in the center of the world.

It is said that it is the oldest practice organization in the world, but unlike other mountain sects, the Temple of the Talisman has been open and free since ancient times.

There will be no other messy things in the Temple of the Talisman. They exist only to study and explore the mysterious talismans.

In Zhuo Bufan's view, the Temple of the Talisman is a temple of truth that constantly pursues the truth.

There are eight halls in the Temple of the Talisman, which Zhuo Bufan had learned from the profiteer Chu Mubai before.

In front of him, this magnificent temple full of endless light is the Temple of Light, one of the eight halls.

In the temple, golden light shone everywhere, and on the walls, fist-sized ambers were inlaid.

In each amber, there was a talisman light flowing.

Zhuo Bufan knew that this was an ancient talisman. In ancient times, when the art of talismans was just budding, the great powers melted the art of talismans into amber.

Amber melted with talismans is also called talisman amber!

In fact, the casting of spells has very high requirements for the objects being cast.

For example, powerful spells cannot be cast on ordinary objects, because ordinary objects cannot withstand the energy of powerful spells.

And amber, a material, can accommodate up to four spells. It has a very high tolerance, so it is the best material choice for ancient talismans.

Of course, with the continuous development of the art of spells, the level of spells discovered is getting higher and higher. It is so high that it has surpassed the tolerance of amber, so now the ancient talisman treasure such as amber is rarely seen.

Only in the equally ancient talisman temple can such antiques be found.

Of course, even antiques can only be used as decorations to embellish the walls in the Light Hall. It can be seen how luxurious and gorgeous this Light Hall is.

Dong! Dong! Dong...

Just when Zhuo Bufan was surprised by the scene in the Light Hall, a dongdong sound suddenly came from the huge crystal ball in front of him.

I saw a series of burning rays of light, starting to pierce into Zhuo Bufan and his eyes through the crystal ball.

In the brilliance, there was a moon-white robe, floating by.

Then, an old man with white hair dragging on the ground entered the crystal ball at some point and appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan and the others.

He had a wide temple, high cheekbones, and white hair like a waterfall, pouring down like a stream. His figure looked very thin, but he was wearing a set of robes that looked extremely burly.

He was wearing a moon-white robe with padded shoulders, and holding a golden cane in his hand. At the top of the cane, there was a blue gem as big as a fist. Inside the gem, there seemed to be a creature like an earthworm swimming.

His eyes seemed blurred, but there seemed to be a gleam of wisdom in his eyes.

For some reason, Zhuo Bufan felt that the old man was inexplicably excited at the moment. The moon-white robe on his body even shook like waves because of his unstable emotions.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was puzzled, he saw Meng Nu on the left suddenly put her right hand on her chest, bowed slightly and said.

"Meet Guang Zun."

Guang Zun?

Zhuo Bufan's heart trembled secretly. This old man is the current master of the Light Hall, Guang Zun?

When he looked at the old man again, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt that the other person was full of a noble, solemn and majestic temperament.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, the old man curved his mouth, revealing two rows of yellow teeth, and smiled with a dissolute face.

"Oh, Xiao Meng! How many times have I told you that when you bow to me, you don't need to cover your chest."

No need to cover your chest?

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Lan Miaoren standing on the right rolled his eyes at him and muttered, "Old pervert."

"Huh? Isn't this my Miaoren girl? Let me check your body quickly. You seem to have grown again, becoming more and more feminine. I am very happy, very happy!"

"So wretched!" A word flashed through Zhuo Bufan's mind.

Wretched, and it is used to describe the master of the Light Hall in front of him who is in the Light Hall.

"Put away your wretched smile and don't embarrass yourself in front of me."

Unexpectedly, Lan Miaoren on the right seemed to have no respect for the Light Palace Master.

"Little girl, you've been away from the Light Palace for two years. Don't you miss your grandpa?"

Guangzun looked at Lan Miaoren with a wronged look on his face. Only then did Zhuo Bufan know that Lan Miaoren was actually Guangzun's granddaughter. No wonder she looked completely indifferent.

"Grandpa, do you still remember that when you were a child, you said that your favorite person was grandpa! Do you dislike me so much now?"

Guangzun said, and he actually sobbed.

It didn't matter that he cried. Zhuo Bufan was shocked to find that in the air, a strong atmosphere of sadness instantly permeated, as if tens of thousands of people were mourning collectively. The air around his body was full of a gloomy feeling, and his emotions were also infected by this sad atmosphere.

"This Guangzun is not simple."

Zhuo Bufan said in horror.

You have to know that Guangzun is in the center of the world hundreds of thousands of miles away. Even though he is so far away, his emotions can still affect Zhuo Bufan.

"Shut up, you old frivolous person. If you keep doing this, don't blame me for never returning to the Talisman Temple."

Lan Miaoren ran to the Talisman Castle in Huoyun City in the far west just to avoid her grandfather who gave her a headache.

Her grandfather was a notorious person in the Talisman Temple! He was not serious all day long and completely disgraced the reputation of Guangzun.

As soon as he saw him, Lan Miaoren felt very embarrassed.

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that Guangzun, one of the eight supremes in the talisman world, was indeed very different from what he imagined.

He was not as high and mighty as he imagined. Even though he was in a high position, he looked like just an ordinary old man.

After being threatened by Lan Miaoren, Guangzun became much more honest.

At this time, Meng Nu, who was standing by, spoke up.

"Guangzun, let me show you something."

Meng Nu said, taking out the discovery report written by Zhuo Bufan and placing it in front of the crystal ball.

Guangzun, who had a nonchalant look on his face just now, was suddenly shocked when he saw the discovery report written by Zhuo Bufan.

"New talisman discovery report? You discovered a new talisman?"

Guangzun's shock obviously carried his majestic emotions. This time, it was like thunder traveling thousands of miles and wind howling at the end of the world.

Zhuo Bufan was deeply affected by that shocking emotion.

"Guangzun, it was not us who discovered the new spell, but him."

At this time, Mengnu moved a step to the left and completely showed Zhuo Bufan in front of Guangzun.

When Guangzun saw Zhuo Bufan, his wise eyes were motionless.

And the expression on his face was obviously a little unbelievable. After all, Zhuo Bufan looked too young.

"Tell me, what spell did you find? No, show it to me directly. I want to see what spell you found."

"Quick, can't wait, can't wait, do you understand?"

Guangzun suddenly spoke in a barrage of words, urging Zhuo Bufan to show the new spell.

"Let us do it. When he showed us the new spell just now, he consumed a lot of spiritual power. I guess he is powerless now."

Seeing this, Mengnu on the side picked up the crystal cup that was melted by Zhuo Bufan. Then he released a spiritual power and opened the light and shadow spell in the crystal cup.

In an instant, the crystal cup was covered with a circle of light, and then, an identical crystal cup appeared in front of Guangzun.

"Is this the shadow of light?" Guangzun was worthy of being Guangzun, and he saw the tricks of this light and shadow spell at a glance.

"How did you do it? What is the basic principle?" Guangzun asked seriously, and his face was no longer smiling.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan slowly took a step forward and said.

"The basic principle of this spell is light waves!"

When this was said, not only Guangzun in the crystal ball, but also Meng Nu and Lan Miaoren beside him were shocked.


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