Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1047 Before the Final Battle (Part 1)

Zhuo Bufan told Bai Su and Xuan Su what he experienced during the trip to the Chaos Vortex.

The two women were shocked after hearing this.

"Husband, are you saying that the Mirror Master might be resurrected?"

Bai Su had learned about the Mirror Master from her father, who was even more powerful than her father.

Many years ago, he stirred up the world and almost unified the entire Yin and Yang Universe.

In the end, it was her father who united many masters and barely sealed the Mirror Master.

However, now, the Mirror Master is about to return, which is not a good thing for Zhuo Bufan and the others.

The Mirror Master has been dormant for many years, and his sudden return may bring disaster to the five realms.

Of course, they can't give up their plans because of this incident.

Zhuo Bufan's plan has not changed. He wants to merge the Yin Realm Tree as soon as possible and become the God of the Yin Realm.

"I'm ready to declare war on the Yin Emperor."

Zhuo Bufan said to the two women.

Bai Su frowned when she heard it.

"Declare war now?"

"Yes, the God of Wood told me that the people he has gathered are enough to overthrow the power of the Yin Emperor."

"Not everyone in the Yin Realm supports the Yin Emperor. They also yearn for peace and pursue peace."

"My goal is to achieve the unity of heaven and earth, to untie the laws of hostility, and to allow all beings in the five realms to live in harmony."

"I believe that once the war starts, the number of people who support me will definitely exceed that of the Yin Emperor."

Zhuo Bufan felt that the time was ripe.

"Husband, do you need our help?"

Xuan Su asked.

Although she had given all her power to Zhuo Bufan.

But as long as Zhuo Bufan needed it, she was willing to charge for Zhuo Bufan at any time, and die for him.

"No need!"

Zhuo Bufan reached out and patted Xuan Su's head and said.

"Fighting is a man's thing."

"I have seen the strength of the Yin Emperor, and I am sure I can defeat him."

Zhuo Bufan was not joking. After the battle with the Nishen Ni Cangqiong, Zhuo Bufan's vision has now been raised a lot.

Ni Cangqiong is an alien god, and Zhuo Bufan has also seen how powerful he is.

Ni Cangqiong made Zhuo Bufan know what it means that there are people beyond people and there are heavens beyond heavens.

Because of the improvement of his vision, Zhuo Bufan is also very beneficial to the improvement of his state of mind.

Now Zhuo Bufan actually wants to have a big fight with Ni Cangqiong. He learned a lot from the battle with Ni Cangqiong.

Compared with Ni Cangqiong, Yin Huang is simply not worth mentioning. I believe that Ni Cangqiong himself does not take Yin Huang seriously.

As a man who will surpass Ni Cangqiong in the future, Zhuo Bufan will naturally not take Yin Huang seriously.

"In fact, your abilities are comparable to Yin Huang, and the world power will offset each other."

"At this time, you still have to rely more on the gods who support you."

Xuan Su is very clear about the battle between the gods of the world. If a real fight breaks out, the world power between Zhuo Bufan and Yin Huang will offset each other.

At this time, it depends on the supporters of both sides.

This kind of battle has happened before. When Xuan Su and Yin Huang fought, the power of both sides would offset each other and fall into Jiaozuo.

"Wood God will help us, and I believe in him."

Now the matter of gathering teammates is completely handed over to Wood God.


For the next period of time, Zhuo Bufan stayed in Meicheng, spending the whole day with his family.

Because of his existence, the relationship between Xuansu and Baisu is getting better and better.

Every night, the two women serve one husband, and they are very happy.

With Bai Zifan's help from the ancient clan, Bai Su is also relieved.

In short, Zhuo Bufan has been busy for so many years, and now he finally has an unprecedented time.

Although he knows very well that this free time will not last long, he is very satisfied to be with his family.


This year's heavy snow has been falling for a particularly long time.

Meicheng has now become a holy place in the world of cultivation.

Zhuo Bufan has expanded Meicheng a hundred times, suspended above the sky, and has become the supreme holy island in the world of cultivation.

Zhuo Bufan, wearing a straw raincoat and a bamboo hat, sat in the heavy snow, fishing for thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

He closed his eyes silently, feeling the vastness of the world.

Even if a fish took the bait, he was unaware.

In his soul, he communicated with the virtual tree hidden deep in his soul.

He wanted to take advantage of his rest period to see if he could fuse the virtual world tree.

If successful, he would be the god of the virtual world, mastering the power of the two world gods.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan soon discovered that it was not easy to gain the recognition of the virtual world tree.

The virtual world tree is a very strange existence.

The original owner of the virtual world tree was the mirror master, who was obtained by the Xuan Emperor after being sealed.

Later, the Xuan Emperor accepted Ji Xuanhao as his disciple and passed the virtual world tree to Ji Xuanhao.

After Ji Xuanhao obtained the virtual world tree, he became the new world god of the virtual world.

But later, Ji Xuanhao was severely injured in Daluotian and was in danger.

Before he died, he began to arrange things after reincarnation.

He first merged the world power of the hell world into his daughter Yaya.

Then he handed the real world tree to his master, the Xuan Emperor.

Finally, he transformed the power of the Void Realm Tree into a virtual realm. He used this virtual realm to block all the cultivators in the Spirit Realm who wanted to reach the True Realm.

It can be said that Ji Xuanhao made a lot of arrangements.

And now, all these arrangements have been realized.

Both the real world tree and the virtual world tree have now returned to Zhuo Bufan, that is, his reincarnation body.

Zhuo Bufan is now thinking about how to absorb the virtual world tree.

But the virtual world tree does not seem to recognize Zhuo Bufan, and has no intention of merging with Zhuo Bufan.

"What's the matter? Didn't I arrange it properly in my previous life?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised. If he had arranged everything in his previous life, then he should be able to merge with the virtual world tree smoothly.

Zhuo Bufan thought of the scene of his fusion with the real world tree.

At that time, Zhuo Bufan was thinking about protecting the world of cultivation.

Because of this idea, the real world tree recognized him.

Finally, the real world tree merged with Zhuo Bufan.

"It seems that if you want to be recognized, you must have a protective heart."

Zhuo Bufan roughly understood the way the world tree merged.

Then, Zhuo Bufan looked at another existence deep in his soul-the Gate of Wonders!

The Gate of Wonders is the world tree of the Yang world.

It was obtained by Zhuo Bufan in the Zongmiao Mountain of Taixuan Sect.

Interestingly, in the previous life, Ji Xuanhao had obtained the world trees of other worlds in the five worlds.

He did not find the world tree of the Yang Realm.

Unexpectedly, the world tree of the Yang Realm had been hidden all the time.

And now, it has been obtained by Zhuo Bufan.

"The most difficult to obtain world power of the Yang Realm has been obtained. This time, I will definitely succeed."

Now Zhuo Bufan has almost obtained the world power of the five worlds of Yin Yang Qiankun.

The True Realm Tree has been merged by him.

The Void Realm Tree is in his soul.

The Yang Realm Tree, which is the Gate of All Wonders, is also in the depths of his soul.

The Unbounded Tree is in his daughter Yaya's body.

Finally, half of the power of the Yin Realm Tree has been merged with him.

Now the only thing Zhuo Bufan lacks is the other half of the power of the Yin Realm Tree.

It can be said that the current Zhuo Bufan is closer to becoming the god of the Yin Yang Qiankun world than he was in his previous life.

So this time, he is full of confidence.

He wanted to fulfill his last wish in his previous life. He wanted to leave this big world and go to the bigger Daluo Heaven to have a look.

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