Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1048 Before the Final Battle (Part 2)


Zhuo Bufan, who was fishing, suddenly heard a sweet bell-like call from behind him.

He looked back and saw his daughter Yaya walking towards Zhuo Bufan with a small lunch box in her hand.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Yaya, with a bright smile on his face.

"Girl, why are you here?"

"Mom asked me to bring you food."

Yaya said and handed the lunch box to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan took the lunch box, smiled and touched Yaya's head and said.

"Girl, which mother is she?"

"Two mothers!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan opened the lunch box, which contained eight steaming steamed buns.

Each bun has a different taste and style.

The ingredients used are rare delicacies in the world.

Obviously, this is the result of Xuan Su and Bai Su.

Zhuo Bufan took one bite and then stuffed one into Yaya's mouth.

The little girl took the bun and ate it happily.

Looking at the cute Yaya in front of him, Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly.

But then, above the smile, there was a cloud of sadness.

Zhuo Bufan was very worried. He was worried about how to deal with the worldly power of hell in Yaya.

His previous life, Ji Xuanhao, integrated the world power of the hell world into Yaya.

There must be a solution left behind.

Yaya is no better than Xuansu. Xuansu can actively donate the power of the world in his body to Zhuo Bufan.

But Yaya's mind is always stuck at the age of two or three.

She doesn't even understand what world power is.

For Yaya, the mysterious power she possesses seems to be her innate ability from God.

Therefore, she cannot take the initiative to hand over the power of the World Tree.

In this regard, Zhuo Bufan could only find a way by himself.

However, Zhuo Bufan also looked confused now and didn't know how to deal with it.

Maybe we can wait until the matter in the underworld is over and discuss it with the master.

Zhuo Bufan planned to deal with the underworld tree first, and then deal with the power of the unbounded tree in Yaya's body.

If necessary, he may have to go to hell again.

Or go to the Yang Realm to discuss with his master.

In short, Zhuo Bufan has many things to do next.

This is his mission and he cannot shirk it.

After spending more than three months of leisure time in the world of cultivation, Zhuo Bufan finally decided to return to the underworld to see how the Wood God was preparing.

Before leaving, Zhuo Bufan said goodbye to his children and two wives.

"Husband, do you really not need me to go with you?"

Xuansu actually wanted to follow Zhuo Bufan, but Zhuo Bufan disagreed.

"Just stay at home and I think you should be able to get pregnant this time."

Zhuo Bufan has been working hard to create a human with Xuan Su recently.

Although Xuan Su always said she didn't mind, Zhuo Bufan felt that she would be even happier if she had a child of her own.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan would not favor one thing over another.

Now he pays equal attention to both ladies, and both Bai Su and Xuan Su can feel it.

"Don't worry, husband, I will take good care of my sister. If anything happens in the underworld, please inform us as soon as possible."

Bai Su believed in Zhuo Bufan and believed that he could handle things in the underworld.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan touched Bai Su's head and said.

"My eldest wife still believes in me more. Don't worry, it's no problem. Even if something happens, don't I still have the door to rebirth?"

Zhuo Bufan's archive door always retains previous archives.

He will give his family a good explanation.

"Then I'll leave."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he was no longer attached, otherwise he would not be able to leave today.

With a thought in his mind, he disappeared in front of Bai Su and the others.

When Zhuo Bufan came to the underworld again, he rushed to Qimu Mountain as soon as possible.

Arriving at Qimu Mountain, Zhuo Bufan found the Wood God.

Mu Shen said excitedly after seeing Zhuo Bufan.

"My dear friend, I want to show you something."

After Mu Shen finished speaking, he turned his palm and conjured a scroll.

"What's this?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After Mu Shen finished speaking, he raised his hand and unfolded the scroll.

I saw golden names appearing one after another on the scroll.

Wood God, Flower God, Leaf God, Water God, Earth God, River God, Mountain God, Thunder God, Rain God...

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the names of gods one after another.

"Lord Mu Shen, are all of these people..."

"Yes, they are all on our side. This is a list signed by everyone. There are a total of 3,282 gods in it."

"My dear, don't look at the small number. These gods are all gods of the fifth level and above, representing the power of one party. It can be said that they are a quarter of the power of the underworld."

"Coupled with the Sun God you mentioned earlier and the Qianyu Lord of the Demon God Sea, this power reaches at least one-third of the power of the underworld."

"If we add the power of the Dragon God in the end, we are fully capable of fighting the Yin Emperor."

Mu Shen took out the roster and said to Zhuo Bufan with confidence.

Zhuo Bufan was so excited after hearing this.

He looked at the names on the scroll, his hands shaking with excitement.

"It's great, it's great. It's far beyond my expectations!"

"Lord Wood God, you have done a great deed this time."

Zhuo Bufan had never thought that Wood God could attract so many like-minded people.

If Zhuo Bufan were to look for them according to the list, it would take him a long time to find them.

The Wood God is indeed the most respected god in the underworld.

Many gods actually agreed to join this reactionary movement for his sake.

"Lord Wood God, don't worry. After the matter is done, I will definitely not treat the Wood Clan unfairly."

Zhuo Bufan was very excited. With the power of these people, he is now more confident in defeating the Yin Emperor.

He took the scroll, put it on his chest, and swore.

"I, Zhuo Bufan, will live up to everyone's expectations."

Seeing this, Wood God hurriedly said.

"I have already told everyone that the underworld does not want to fight, and the underworld is willing to take over peace."

"So you can fight this battle with confidence. Everyone on the list will fully support you and fight with you."

The words of Wood God are undoubtedly the greatest encouragement to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan held the scroll and shouted to the sky.

"Very good, then I will declare war on the Yin Emperor now."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, endless holy light suddenly burst out from his body.

Then, he put on his battle robe and moved the mountains and rivers.

With a thought, the world was reversed.


The Yin Emperor, who was far away in the northern temple, suddenly felt this powerful force and frowned immediately.

"What is Xuan Su, this stupid woman, going to do?"

The Yin Emperor felt the movement of the southern divine world and thought that it was the Yin Queen Xuan Su who was doing something.

But soon, he felt something was wrong.

"No, this powerful hostility is coming towards me."

"Is this stupid woman going to fight me?"

The Yin Emperor thought that it was the Yin Queen who wanted to fight her.

He frowned and said in his heart.

"You came just in time. Since you are looking for death, I will take this opportunity to completely absorb the world power in your body."

After Yin Huang finished speaking, he disappeared in the temple in the next second.


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