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Chapter 1050 Ragnarok (Part 2)

Above the sky, there are gods everywhere, tit for tat.

This is the largest civil war in the history of the underworld.

Almost half of the gods in the underworld are present, and there is bound to be a world-shaking war.

The tug-of-war between Zhuo Bufan and Yin Huang is still going on.

Neither of them is willing to give up.

Once one side shows weakness, the other side will take advantage of it and take away the other half of the world's divine power in the other side.

It is precisely because of this that Zhuo Bufan can now trust the gods behind him.

"Sun God, are you going to betray me? Do you know the consequences of betraying me?"

At this time, Yin Huang saw the Sun God behind Zhuo Bufan and said angrily.

Sun God is the most powerful god besides him.

Unexpectedly, he actually stood on Zhuo Bufan's side, which is definitely bad news for Yin Huang.

However, after hearing this, Sun God said coldly.

"I just want to fulfill the agreement with Xuan Su."

"Agreement? It's so stupid."

"You idiots, do you know what you are doing? You are defying the will of heaven. Being my enemy is being the enemy of heaven."

The veins of Yin Huang were bulging with anger.

"This guy was sent by the True Realm to divide us. Can't you see that?"

"He made us kill each other, and then let Xuan Di come to reap the benefits. You idiots, do you want this world to be destroyed like this?"

The battle has not started yet, but Yin Huang has begun to deceive people.

His words did make some gods behind Zhuo Bufan begin to waver.

After such a large-scale world war, it is obvious that the Yin Realm will be severely damaged.

If Xuan Di really comes at this time, then the Yin Realm will be miserable.

Zhuo Bufan frowned when he heard it.

"Not good, this guy wants to alienate us."

Zhuo Bufan discovered Yin Huang's intention at the first time.

The Wood God behind him naturally discovered it.

The Wood God hurriedly explained.

"Everyone, don't be deceived by the Yin Emperor. Remember what I said? What we are doing now is fighting for future peace."

"I believe in the benefactor. Only when he leads our Yin Realm can our Yin Realm have a real future."

"If the Yin Emperor really obtains all the power of the world gods, then all of us gods will become his running dogs. Our Yin Realm will also fall into endless war forever."

The words of the Wood God stabilized the hearts of the gods at this time.

Indeed, now they, the gods, are actually facing a choice, who should rule the entire Yin Realm.

If you choose the Yin Emperor, then you don't need to think about what the Yin Emperor will do next.

He will force everyone to embark on the journey and start the war.

Next, the gods of the Yin Realm will continue to fight until they die in battle.

In fact, for so many years, the Yin Emperor has been constantly attacking Jingyuan, and the battle with the Emperor Xuan has made many gods feel painful.

In the tens of thousands of years of fighting, the Yin Realm has no idea how many gods have died.

Under the instigation of the Yin Emperor, these gods kept launching wars, and finally died without a good ending.

It can be said that the gods of the underworld have long been tired.

This is why so many gods support Zhuo Bufan.

Supporting Zhuo Bufan is more like a gamble.

Because no one knows where Zhuo Bufan will lead the underworld after becoming the world god of the underworld.

No one knows whether he will be more brutal than the Yin Emperor.

However, everyone is fed up with the Yin Emperor, and they are willing to give it a try and bet!

Because the God of Wood believes in Zhuo Bufan, and everyone believes in the God of Wood, so many people believe that this bet will not go wrong.

"Everyone, I, Zhuo, know very well that not all gods in the underworld are warlike."

"Everyone actually wants to live in a peaceful world, whether it is the underworld, the world of the living, or the real world."

"I, Zhuo, swear again that I will bring a perfect and peaceful era to the underworld. From now on, there will be no more wars."

"I will contact the hostile laws of the cultivation world and the underworld, open the gate between the two worlds, and let the underworld and the real world live in harmony like brothers."

"I will let all the people in the world live in a peaceful and happy world. No need to live in fear every day."

"So everyone, give me all your power! I will take on your trust, and I will bring a better future to this world."

"Everyone, fight for the future!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted loudly.

The gods behind him were all ignited with passion.

The God of Wood, the oldest god in the underworld, actually raised his sacred wooden cane and shouted.

"Fight for the future!"

The God of Wood rode a snow-white divine deer and rushed towards the Yin Emperor opposite.

The God of Sun followed closely behind, and then countless gods shouted and rushed towards the Yin Emperor.

The Yin Emperor, who saw this scene, roared in shock.


With the Yin Emperor's roar, the gods behind him also killed Zhuo Bufan.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

In an instant, the sky of the entire Yin Realm began to collapse, and the space began to shatter.

The creatures on the earth saw this scene, as if it was the end of the world, hugged each other and trembled.

The process of the battle was quite tragic, and one god after another began to fall from the sky.

They are gods, accepting the incense of the common people.

Once they die, their believers lose their faith, and some creatures even die directly.

Tragic, incomparably tragic.

This is a life-and-death battle that destroys the world, and this battle lasted for ten days and ten nights.

At the end of the war, the whole sky was full of haze, and there was no more divine glory.

There were only a few gods left on both sides, and the remaining gods had no fighting power, and even the sun god was severely injured.

However, the tug-of-war between Zhuo Bufan and Yin Huang was not over yet.

They began to tear each other apart, back and forth, neither gave in, and there was no difference at all.

The sky around them had become chaos, and there was no light.

"Hahahaha, it's so ridiculous! Boy, you have achieved your goal. All the gods in the underworld have been defeated."

"It's a pity, do you really think you can win?"

"You have no gods to help you! But this emperor still has one last trump card."

After the Yin Emperor finished speaking, he looked at the last jade card in front of him, and then pointed at the jade card.

"Where is the Dragon God?"

As the Yin Emperor finished speaking.

A huge black dragon flew out from the jade card.

The appearance of the black dragon made all the gods in the audience hold their breath.

"Dragon God, the Dragon God is out!"

The Dragon God is said to be as powerful as the Sun God.

Because no one has seen him take action, no one has a correct statement about the Dragon God's strength.

But the Dragon God's strength is recognized, because the inheritance of the Dragon God of the Dragon Clan is that only the strongest dragon is qualified to inherit.

"No, this Dragon God is the successor of the Yin Emperor, it's over."

After seeing the Dragon God, the Sun God gritted his teeth and showed a difficult look.

Seeing this, Yin Huang smiled triumphantly.

"Dragon God, I order you to kill him now."

"He can't move now, and all his power is controlled by me. It's easy to kill him now."

Yin Huang left Dragon God for last because he was his biggest trump card.

However, just when everyone thought that Dragon God would attack Zhuo Bufan.

The next scene shocked everyone present.

The Dragon God suddenly turned into a human, then held a black divine sword in his hand, and stabbed it directly into Yin Huang's chest with a backhand.


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