Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1051 Fusion of Yin Tree

No one expected that the Dragon God would suddenly attack the Yin Emperor, and the first move was a thunderous means, killing him quickly.

The Yin Emperor was stunned on the spot!

He looked at the Dragon God in disbelief, his eyes widened, and howled in anger.

"You, you, what are you doing?"

The Dragon God, a cold-faced male god dressed in black and with fair skin.

The blood of the Yin Emperor splashed on his face, but he still did not move at all.

He turned around and looked at Zhuo Bufan opposite, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Master, now is the time to devour the power in his body!"

The Dragon God suddenly called Zhuo Bufan a master, and Zhuo Bufan was shocked for a moment.

Then he immediately reacted and began to frantically absorb the world power in the Yin Emperor's body.

The Yin Emperor was severely injured and dying, which gave Zhuo Bufan an opportunity.

Zhuo Bufan's divine power began to frantically absorb the power of the Yin Emperor.

The Yin Emperor began to show a panic expression.

The power of the Yin Realm Tree in his body began to drain away, and he began to collapse.

"Master, Master?"

"When did he become your master?"

The Yin Emperor was horrified. He did not expect that the trump card he left behind would actually betray him behind his back.

His trump card became Zhuo Bufan's trump card.

Not only did he not understand, everyone present except the Wood God did not understand.

How could the Dragon God be Zhuo Bufan's master!

Seeing the Dragon God kneeling on one knee in front of him, Zhuo Bufan also understood at that moment that the Dragon God had been enduring humiliation for so many years.

Just to wait for this moment.

"So that's it, hahahaha, Ji Xuanhao, did this emperor finally lose to you?"

The Yin Emperor understood that the Dragon God in front of him was Ji Xuanhao's apprentice, not Zhuo Bufan's apprentice.

And Zhuo Bufan was Ji Xuanhao's reincarnation.

"Good Dragon God, good little beast. It turns out that you have always been a dragon lurking behind this emperor."

"But do you know what you are doing?"

"If this emperor dies, you can't live either."

"You have accepted this emperor's inheritance. If this emperor dies, you will definitely be reduced to ashes."

The Yin Emperor was still roaring, but the Dragon God was not afraid. The knife in his hand became more fierce.

One knife directly split half of the Yin Emperor's body.

For a moment, countless energies flew out of the Yin Emperor's body.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly swallowed those energies into his body frantically.

"No, no, this emperor is the supreme of the Yin Realm, this emperor is the only god in the Yin Realm. Ah ah ah!"

In a miserable cry, the Yin Emperor's body began to collapse, and all his strength began to disintegrate.

His body could no longer withstand the power of the Yin Realm Tree. The Yin Realm Tree began to flee from his body frantically, and then moved towards Zhuo Bufan's body.

Xuan Su was right. He asked Zhuo Bufan to go to the Chaos Sea to dig up the origin soil.

Zhuo Bufan merged the origin of the earth into his body.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan's body has a special attraction to the Yinjie Tree.

This is why the Yinjie Tree flew towards Zhuo Bufan frantically after escaping from the Yin Emperor's body.

Because Zhuo Bufan's body gave them a sense of belonging, making them want to rely on Zhuo Bufan's body.

In a moment, all the power of the Yinjie Tree in the Yin Emperor's body escaped into Zhuo Bufan's body.

A generation of Yin Emperor also fell.

"Master, I bid you farewell!"

The Dragon God knelt in front of Zhuo Bufan with a knife.

His body began to slowly turn into ashes, and in front of Zhuo Bufan, it disappeared.

Zhuo Bufan felt particularly uncomfortable when he saw this scene.

He was powerless and could only watch the Dragon God disappear in front of him.

Until the end, the Dragon God had no regrets.

In fact, he knew from the beginning that the Dragon God's inheritance was a trap, and he knew it was a trap, but he resolutely entered the trap.

He was here for this moment.

All of this was actually arranged by Ji Xuanhao.

Ji Xuanhao had arranged everything properly before he died.

It can be said that everything Zhuo Bufan has now, everything he has, is within his calculations in his previous life.

Including the rebellion of the Dragon God, in fact, it has been arranged by Ji Xuanhao step by step to the present.

You know, Zhuo Bufan's previous life, Ji Xuanhao, was hailed as the most powerful genius in the history of Yin and Yang.

He surpassed his master, Emperor Xuan, and became the only miracle of flying in ten thousand years.

Facing the disappearance of the Dragon God, Zhuo Bufan felt regretful.

However, now is not the time to regret, he must immediately merge the power of the two halves of the world tree.

"Start fusion!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and chose to merge immediately.

However, as soon as he started to merge, he found that his body was about to explode.

"Damn it, save the file!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't have time to think about it and saved the file as soon as possible.

Because he had a hunch that this time the fusion of the power of the Yin Realm Tree would most likely be dangerous and life-threatening.

As expected, not long after saving the file, Zhuo Bufan discovered that the two halves of the Yinjie tree were slowly merging together and were trying to break through his body.

The power was so huge that it seemed to encompass the entire universe and was still expanding.

Zhuo Bufan felt that his body was about to split apart, and every cell was suffering.

"Damn it, what should I do!"

Zhuo Bufan's Nine Revolutions of Life and Death Jue aims to use his Mysterious Body of Life and Death to control the powerful power of the underworld tree.

"It should be successful. It seems that I practiced the Nine Transformations of Life and Death in my previous life."

"The profound body of life and death is immortal at the end and can carry the power of a world."

In the midst of suffering, Zhuo Bufan began to understand the path of life and death, and looked for a way to control the underworld tree.

However, the power of the Nether World Tree is too huge, far exceeding the power of the True World Tree.


Zhuo Bufan's body began to crack, and every cell began to explode.

The eight-level life and death mystical body is actually unable to carry the power of a complete underworld tree.

"Damn it, it really doesn't work!"

"It seems that we must first cultivate the profound body of life and death to the ninth level to become immortal."

Zhuo Bufan realized that he had to cultivate his physique to the highest level of immortality, so that he might be able to bear the power of the underworld tree.

However, it was now too late to realize.

Because his body has begun to fall apart and disintegrate.

"There is no other way. It seems we can only load the file and start over."

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan had already archived it in time.

After dying so many times, Zhuo Bufan already had experience. He expected that fusing with the underworld tree this time would lead to a narrow escape from death.


With the complete explosion of Zhuo Bufan's body, Zhuo Bufan's soul returned to the archive space.

When he came to the archive space, Zhuo Bufan did not choose to read the archive immediately.

He now seems to understand why he created this door of rebirth in his previous life.

Perhaps it was just to allow him to successfully solve the problem of the underworld tree one day.

In my previous life, I had suffered a loss on the issue of the underworld tree.

If he had had the door to rebirth at that time, he would not have been bitten by the underworld tree.

That's why he later created these three save doors, just so that his reincarnation would not make the same mistakes again.

The more Zhuo Bufan thought about it, the more he discovered how powerful he was in his previous life.

"In this case, I can't live up to the expectations of my previous life."

"This time, I must merge with this underworld tree."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he opened the archive door in front of him and walked in.

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