Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1053 The Supreme Being of the Underworld

As the human stone continued to break apart, Xuan Su and the tree god were extremely surprised.

The human stone was transformed into stone by Zhuo Bufan, who turned into stone after he entered cultivation a hundred years ago.

Now that the human and stone are shattered, it is obvious that Zhuo Bufan is about to break out of the stone.


With the sound of explosion, the stone exploded, and a gray-headed man emerged from the sky.

When Xuan Su saw the man, he immediately pounced on him.


The man in the human stone is none other than Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Bufan saw Xuan Su rushing towards him, he quickly opened his hands to welcome the familiar embrace.

"Madam, I'm back."

Zhuo Bufan smiled lightly, the smile on his face was bright.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan has completed the ninth turn of the nine-turn life and death battle, making him immortal.

His current body is no longer corroded by time, cannot be destroyed, and cannot even self-destruct.

Every cell in his body contains the profound energy of life and death with the energy of a perpetual motion machine.

So every cell contains endless energy.

Zhuo Bufan's body is now strong enough to withstand the power of a complete underworld tree.

"Madam, I succeeded, the ninth turn of the nine-turn life and death battle, the endless power of the previous life."

Zhuo Bufan finally cultivated his physique to the ninth level, which was the state possessed by Ji Xuanhao in his previous life.

When Xuan Su heard this, he was extremely surprised.

"Really? That would be great."

"Congratulations to your husband, in this way, you can merge with the complete underworld tree."

In fact, Xuan Su also knew the purpose of Zhuo Bufan's attack on the last round of the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death.

Just to merge with the underworld tree.

Now, they are more than half successful.

"Xuansu, tell me honestly, what is going on with the Dragon God? Have you discussed this with him a long time ago?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly looked at Xuan Su. Upon hearing this, Xuan Su quickly explained.

"Husband, I need to explain to you about Xiao Heizi. In fact, he came to me before and told me all his plans."

Later, Xuan Su explained everything about Dragon God Xuan Yu to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan must be given an explanation regarding the Dragon God.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan felt a little sad when he learned that this was the agreement he had made with the Dragon God in his previous life.

"I didn't expect it to be like this. Dragon God, Dragon God, I'm really making things difficult for you."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Dragon God would go to this extent for himself. Not even death is to be feared.

"In that case, I will fuse with the Netherworld tree now, and I will resurrect him."

Dragon God is now not only his apprentice, but also his benefactor.

If the Dragon God hadn't given the Yin Emperor a fatal blow at the last moment, it would have been impossible for Zhuo Bufan to win this battle, let alone obtain the other half of the world's power.

Therefore, the one who deserves the greatest credit this time is the Dragon God. The Dragon God had sacrificed so much, so Zhuo Bufan naturally wanted to resurrect him.

"Husband, do you want to merge with the underworld tree now?"

Hearing this, Xuan Su quickly asked.

The fusion of the underworld trees is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will die.

Ji Xuanhao in his previous life suffered a big loss in this matter.

So far, Xuan Su is still afraid.

Because at the beginning, Ji Xuanhao was so confident that he was too reckless and was backlashed by the underworld tree.

"Don't worry, I won't fall for the same trick twice. I must have planned everything in my previous life."

"In order to prevent me from being rejected by the Netherworld Tree, he made me immune to the influence of hostile laws after reincarnation."

"In order for me to successfully integrate with the underworld tree, I found the original soil that the underworld tree relies on for its survival."

"Finally, in order to be able to withstand the power of the Yin Realm Tree, I even trained my physique to the ninth level of the Mysterious Physique of Life and Death."

"In short, now I have full confidence that I can merge with the underworld tree and become the world god of the underworld tree."

"So, it's up to me, no problem."

Zhuo Bufan was more confident than ever this time.

He has reached the ninth level of the Mysterious Body of Life and Death, and he is already immortal.

His physique is enough to withstand the power of the underworld tree.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan can now merge with the underworld tree.

"Madam, Wood God, please protect me. I will fuse with the underworld tree now."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he once again focused his spiritual thoughts deep into his soul, and then found two halves of the underworld tree in the original soil.

This time, Zhuo Bufan did not directly merge with the Yin Realm tree as soon as he came up. Instead, he poured his spiritual thoughts into the Yin Realm tree and tried to communicate with the Yin Realm tree.

Because Zhuo Bufan discovered that the World God was actually his roommate's self-awareness.

Just like the World Tree in the world of cultivation, it actually automatically selects and merges with Zhuo Bufan.

Because at that time, Zhuo Bufan was fighting against Nishenniqiong.

Ni Qiong is too powerful and threatens the survival of the world of cultivation.

If the True World Tree does not come out at that time, the world of cultivation may be directly destroyed by Ni Cang Qiong.

So at the last moment, Zhenjieshu chose to merge with Zhuo Bufan.

Because it sensed Zhuo Bufan's determination to maintain the world of cultivation.

At that moment, it recognized Zhuo Bufan and was willing to let Zhuo Bufan become his master.

That's why Zhuo Bufan merged with the True World Tree at the last moment and became the God of the Cultivation World.

In the end, Ni Qiong was even expelled from the world of cultivation.

From that time on, Zhuo Bufan realized that the World Tree could actually communicate.

As long as he got its approval, he would be qualified to become the Supreme God of the Underworld.

So, Zhuo Bufan found the Underworld Tree and wanted to have a good discussion with it.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know whether the Underworld Tree could hear him or not, he just expressed all his thoughts.

"World Tree of the Underworld, I am Zhuo Bufan. I want to have a good talk with you."

"Yin Yang, Qian Kun, the five worlds, and all the people in the world are affected by this hostile law."

"Because the hostile law only exists, wars continue, and everything ends. It's a pity that all the people in the world are heading for peace. Why are they suffering from the chaos of hostility?"

"I, Zhuo Bufan, want to unify the five worlds of Qian Kun, master all the ways of the world, eliminate the hostile laws, and create peace in the world."

"I need your power, I need to merge with you, I need to become the master of the world of the Underworld."

"Let me become the supreme god of the Underworld, I will make the Underworld peaceful forever, I will protect this world, and let the people in the Underworld prosper and prosper forever."


Zhuo Bufan constantly conveyed his desire for peace to the Underworld Tree.

He knew that the Underworld Tree would hear his words and understand his wishes.

While conveying his wishes, Zhuo Bufan began to merge with the Underworld Tree.

This time, the Yin Realm Tree actually began to merge slowly, without any sudden changes or sudden runaway.

Although its power was still very strong, Zhuo Bufan felt very depressed.

But as Zhuo Bufan continued to merge, he began to be slowly accepted by the World Tree.

Until the end, the Yin Realm Tree and Zhuo Bufan completely merged together.

At that moment, a long-lost power surged into the soul.

The power of the entire Yin Realm was mastered by Zhuo Bufan.

He succeeded, he successfully merged the Yin Realm Tree, he successfully mastered all the rules of the Yin Realm, and he became the Supreme of the Yin Realm!

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