Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1054 Rewarding according to merit

Merge with the Yin Realm Tree and become the Supreme of the Yin Realm.

Zhuo Bufan finally has the power of the entire Yin Realm in his hands.

At that moment, he felt that his power was stronger than ever before.

Now, his own cultivation has reached the realm of the Great Saint, his soul has become the Yang God, and his physique has reached the peak of the Nine Transformations of Life and Death, immortal and indestructible.

Now, he has mastered the power of the two major worlds.

Zhuo Bufan is now so powerful that it is unimaginable.

In the battle between the True Realm and the Yin Realm, he is almost invincible, and in other worlds, he is now only comparable to the three great saints of the Yang Realm, that is, Jiang Taiyi and others.

Of course, if he fights in the Yang Realm, Zhuo Bufan's current cultivation is still a little weaker than his master.

After all, his master is an existence at the level of the Great Emperor Fengtian.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan now, looking at the five major worlds, is at least at the first-class level, or even higher.

Of course, these are not the most important.

The most important thing is that Zhuo Bufan is now the god of both the True Realm and the Yin Realm, and he can change the tense situation in these two worlds.

"Husband, you succeeded!"

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes, Xuan Su seemed to see bright stars in his eyes.

That deep look was unprecedentedly powerful.

Zhuo Bufan, who was completely integrated with the Yinjie tree, felt like the collection of everything in the Yinjie just standing there.

As people of the Yinjie, Xuan Su and Mu Shen could naturally feel that feeling.

That feeling was like facing the sky, as if Zhuo Bufan was their sky.

"Congratulations, benefactor, for achieving supreme divine power and officially becoming the Heavenly Dao of the Yinjie and the Supreme of the Yinjie."

Mu Shen even knelt directly in front of Zhuo Bufan, feeling the unparalleled divinity in Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and stretched out his hand to Mu Shen's head.

"God of Wood, listen to my order. In the name of the Lord of the Yin Realm, I grant you eternal life. From now on, God of Wood is the first seat of the Elemental Gods, and the Wood Clan is the third clan after the God Clan and the Dragon Clan among all the clans in the world!!"

When Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the divine rings on the Elemental God began to release brilliant light, and one by one, the divine rings began to light up continuously.

Zhuo Bufan made God of Wood the first seat of the Elemental God, and raised the status of the entire Wood Clan to the third largest clan after the God Clan and the Dragon Clan.

It can be said that this is the supreme gift.

Zhuo Bufan was able to achieve the supreme position of God, and God of Wood played an indispensable role, so Zhuo Bufan would not let God of Wood's contribution go.

God of Wood was flattered and knelt down quickly.

"Thank you, the Supreme, for granting me the position of God. I will do my best to make the Wood Clan prosperous."

Zhuo Bufan nodded with satisfaction, and then he turned and looked at Xuan Su behind him.

"Xuan Su, listen to my order!"

Xuan Su was stunned for a moment.

"Husband, me?"

Xuan Su couldn't believe it. She didn't do anything and was not qualified to receive the gift.

However, for Zhuo Bufan, the biggest contributors were Xuan Su and Xuan Yu.

"Xuan Su, in the name of my Lord of the Yin Realm, I grant you the position of Moon God, the supreme power of the Yin Realm, and I will name you Xuan Hou, the beloved wife of my Lord of the Yin Realm."

Zhuo Bufan named Xuan Su the Moon God.

In the war of gods, the Moon God, as a subordinate of the Yin Emperor, fought against the Sun God and was destroyed by the Sun God. Now the position is vacant.

Zhuo Bufan made Xuan Su the new Moon God, which was very appropriate.

Of course, in addition to this, more importantly, Xuan Su is now the Supreme God of the Yin Realm, and Zhuo Bufan named her Xuan Hou, announcing to the world that Xuan Su is his woman, Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Xuan Su was so excited that tears welled up in her eyes and nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, yes! Xuansu thanks the Supreme for the gift!"

Xuansu was grateful. To her, the position of God was not important.

What was important was that she could be recognized as Zhuo Bufan's wife.

After the God of Wood and Xuansu received the gift, it was obvious that the real gift ceremony had just begun.

"Where is the God of Sun?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted, and the God of Sun appeared in front of him.

When the God of Sun appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan, he was obviously stunned for a moment, a little confused.

"You, you woke up?"

The God of Sun did not expect Zhuo Bufan to wake up.

Zhuo Bufan said with a serious face.

"God of Sun, you fought against the God of Moon and were seriously injured. You have made an indelible contribution. I now confer you the title of the first god of the underworld, the light of the sun, eternal and immortal."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and waved, and a divine ring fell on the God of Sun.

Immediately afterwards, the wounds on the God of Sun recovered quickly. Not only that, he felt that he had become stronger, and the power of the sun god had reached an unprecedented level of strength.

"What kind of power is this? Could it be that you, could it be that you have really become the only world god in the underworld?"

The Sun God was stunned and looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of him in disbelief.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled indifferently.

"Where is the Lord of Qianyu?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted again, and a huge creature as big as a mountain fell from the sky.

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and shrunk the body of the Lord of Qianyu to the height of a person.

"Lord Qianyu, you fought against the God of Fire and made great achievements. I will now crown you as the God of Demon Gods, the first Demon God in the Demon Sea. At the same time, I will grant you the original fire."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and pinched the air, and a small flame appeared on his fingertips.

This is the fire of the Lord of Qianyu, which was once robbed by the God of Fire. Now Zhuo Bufan returns the fire to its original owner.

"Thank you, Supreme, for the gift!"

The Lord of Qianyu said gratefully.

Next, Zhuo Bufan began to discuss merits and rewards one by one.

Flower god, water god, river god, thunder god and so on.

One god after another appeared on this hillside.

Zhuo Bufan rewarded all the gods.

When everyone came to their senses, they found that the mountain was full of gods.

"Finally, I would like to bestow a gift to the number one hero, Dragon God Xuanyu!"

When Zhuo Bufan mentioned Dragon God Xuanyu, all the gods present looked at each other.

They all also know that it was the Dragon God who finally betrayed the Yin Emperor and helped Zhuo Bufan achieve his current status as a world god.

So in terms of merit, Dragon God Xuanyu should be number one.

I saw Zhuo Bufan pointing his hand in the air and beginning to use the power of creation in the underworld. He wanted to resurrect the Dragon God.

For a moment, a black dragon slowly appeared in the sky.

It was a majestic giant dragon, hovering and flying in the air.

Finally, it turned into a figure and landed on the ground.

"Disciple Xuanyu, I have met the master."

Dragon God Xuanyu has long known that Zhuo Bufan is the reincarnation of his master Ji Xuanhao.

So after the resurrection, the first thing he did was to pay homage to Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled lightly and said.

"Dragon God Xuanyu, it was you who helped me ascend to this position, and you are indispensable."

"Now, I will make you the head of the beast gods and the supreme dragon god. At the same time, I will grant you the dragon race as the second race besides the gods."

"In addition, I will establish the 'Twelve Supreme Gods', and you will be the head of the twelve supreme gods."

"The twelve supreme beings are the Dragon God, the Sun God, the Moon God, the Star God, the Wood God, the Water God, the Earth God, the Thunder God, the Wind God, the Demon God, the Ghost God, and the Yin God!"

Zhuo Bufan sealed all the gods in the underworld with one breath.

The final Twelve Supremes are a means he uses to manage the underworld.

From now on, the twelve supreme gods will take it as their own responsibility to protect the peace of the underworld, which can be regarded as Zhuo Bufan fulfilling his original promise.

When the gods learned about Zhuo Bufan's plan, they all applauded.

They did not choose the wrong World God. Zhuo Bufan becoming the World God will really change the future destiny of the underworld.

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