On this day, the sun is just right.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan got up early, Bai Su and Xuan Su prepared breakfast.

During the meal, the family sat together.

First, Bai Zifan reported to Zhuo Bufan on the development of Kuangmen in the recent period.

"Father, now Kuangmen has developed four major branches. I want to expand the development of Kuangmen to the underworld. What does father think?"

Bai Zifan is now the young master of the Kuang Clan. After a while, Zhu Da Da decided to pass the position of master to him.

Bai Zifan was young and promising, and won the trust of Zhuo Bufan, who managed the crazy family in an orderly manner.

But after hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said.

"Don't worry, the underworld is now in a peaceful era. If the crazy clan rashly develops its power in the underworld, it will easily cause some unnecessary misunderstandings."

"We can discuss this after my father has lifted the law of hostility."

Zhuo Bufan did not agree to Bai Zifan's proposal to develop a crazy family in the underworld.

After hearing this, Bai Zifan nodded.

"I understand, Father."

At this time, Bai Zinian said on the side.

"Brother, your Kuang Sect has been developing too fast recently. It has recruited all kinds of disciples, and even the Yakuza gangsters have joined the Kuang Sect."

"Two days ago, Aunt Lingyu reported to me that there was a group of bandits doing evil things, burning, killing, looting and committing all kinds of evil."

"My Su Nu Sect disciples heard about it and prepared to eliminate this group of bandits. It turned out that this group of bandits later joined the Kuang Sect."

"Because of the relationship between the Kuangmen and our Su Nu Sect, we have to let this group of bandits go."

"Dad, what do you think we should do about this matter?"

Bai Zinian looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"Zifan, what's going on? Don't the crazy disciples have recruitment standards?"

When Zhuo Bufan founded the Kuangmen, he established very strict doctrines. The disciples recruited are carefully screened, and those who are unfaithful, unfilial, and unjust will never be accepted.

After hearing this, Bai Zifan quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

"I'm sorry, father, I just found out about this. It seems that there is a problem at the grassroots level, which caused a group of rabble to join the crazy sect."

"Don't worry, father. I will go to Kuangmen now to investigate the matter thoroughly, and I will definitely give you and my sister a satisfactory explanation."

Bai Zifan stood up and said seriously.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan held his shoulders and smiled.

"Look at you, do I blame you? You kid is just too serious."

"Of course I know it wasn't you who made this ragtag group of people join the Kuang Sect. Nowadays, there are thousands of Kuang Sect disciples. It's normal that you don't have the skills to manage them."

"Okay, let's eat first. After you finish eating, you and your sister will handle the matter."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly found that he enjoyed this kind of life where parents were short-lived.

In fact, people in their realm don't need to eat at all.

But Zhuo Bufan, Bai Su and Xuansu believe that only when the family sits together and eats together can they feel at home.

So three meals a day, no matter what happens, the children must go home to eat.

And Xuan Su, who was also Bai Su, often secretly went to the human world to learn how to cook from his master.

Now I have learned good cooking skills.

"Yaya, is the roast duck cooked by Er Niang delicious?"

Bai Zifan and Bai Zinian are both adults, but Yaya is still a child and doesn't know the rights and wrongs of adults, so she just eats in silence.

At this time, Bai Su's voice suddenly came from the depths of Zhuo Bufan's mind.

"Husband, it's Yaya's birthday in a week. What do we need to prepare?"


Bai Su's words stunned Zhuo Bufan for a moment.

Yaya was born to Bai Su, so Bai Su naturally knew when her birthday was.

"Birthday, is the girl's birthday tomorrow?"

While Zhuo Bufan was communicating with Bai Su, Xuan Su also intervened.

Over the years, Xuan Su has long regarded Yaya as his biological daughter.

Although she and Zhuo Bufan still don't have children, Yaya's presence keeps her motherly love from having nowhere to go.

"Yeah, before you know it, this girl has passed another year."

Yaya, this poor child, Zhuo Bufan has not given her a decent birthday since she was born.

Now, Zhuo Bufan happens to be at home, and he thinks this is an opportunity.

"Girl's birthday is indeed very important. Let me think about it carefully."

Zhuo Bufan was very happy after learning that Yaya's birthday was coming soon.

He wants to give the girl a grand birthday gift.

"Do Zifan and Zinian know?"

"They know, I told them yesterday. Both children are rushing to prepare gifts for sister Yaya."

"elder sister?"

"Yes, they both decided unanimously to accept Yaya as their sister."

"That's fine! Let's just celebrate Yaya's birthday at home and we don't have to make any announcements."

"I will spend the next two days with Yaya to see what she likes, so that I can make preparations for her."

Zhuo Bufan decided to give his child a good birthday.

After dinner, Zhuo Bufan brought Yaya to the human world.

Yaya likes to play in the human world because it is lively and there are many fun toys.

After all, children like to play, and she, being so innocent, also likes to play.

Walking on the bustling street, Zhuo Bufan held Yaya's hand and then changed his makeup.

In this way, no one would recognize him as the world god.

"Tanghulu, candied haws!"

"Baozi, Baozi, just out of the cage!"

The shouts of vendors kept coming to my ears.

There were also entertainers performing on the street, and Yaya was stunned for a moment.

"Here's some candied haws."

Zhuo Bufan bought a candied haws and gave it to Yaya, and then took her to a crowded place to watch artists perform.

The mortal world has its own mortal life. The artists performed their own juggling skills and won the admiration of the little princess of the world god.

The little girl kept clapping and cheering beside her, overjoyed.

"It seems that the girl likes the juggling class very much. How about giving him a juggling class as a birthday gift?"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan thought this, he immediately shook his head.

Giving me a juggling class would be too exaggerated.

"Dad, look, that man is breathing fire. It's so powerful."

Yaya pointed at one of the fire-breathing young men and said.

Zhuo Bufan raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

"Do you like breathing fire? If not, I'll perform a juggling act for the girl."

Zhuo Bufan imagined a picture of himself breathing fire. A hundred-mile-long fire dragon spurted out from the innermost part. It would definitely be exciting.

But just thinking about it, he immediately shook his head and stopped.

"Daddy, that little sister can turn into a flower!"

The little girl was immediately attracted by another performance.

I saw a very good-looking little girl who kept growing flowers one after another from her hands.

The girl couldn't take her eyes off this scene.

"Change into flowers?"

Zhuo Bufan immediately thought of the scene where he waved his hand and flowers were flying all over the sky.

These are nothing to him, the world god.

"How about I perform a full juggling act for the girl myself?"

Zhuo Bufan lit a lamp on his head and his eyes lit up.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly rushed into the juggling class!

"Get out of here, get out of here!"

As waves of curses came, a group of people walked into the crowd.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and saw that it was a group of ruffians and bullies who had come to cause trouble.

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