Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1057 Gods Descend to Earth (Two in One)

Zhuo Bufan brought Yaya to the world to look for birthday gifts. He found that Yaya liked watching acrobatics very much, and he was thinking about whether to perform a set of acrobatics for Yaya himself.

As long as he can make this little girl happy, Zhuo Bufan is willing to do anything.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan doesn't know how to juggle anything, so he needs to find someone to learn from him.

Coincidentally, there was a juggling class in front of him, and Zhuo Bufan was wondering if he would like to learn from this juggling class.

However, the juggling class in front of them seemed to be in some trouble, and he obviously wanted to help.

"It's Tu Longfei who's here, let's go, let's go!"

"This bully is here to fish the villagers again. The place of right and wrong is not far away. Let's go!"

As soon as they saw the group of village bullies, many people left and stayed away from right and wrong.

Yaya was a little strange when she saw this scene.

"Dad, why did everyone leave?"

Zhuo Bufan smiled after hearing this.

"Because the bad guys came and everyone ran away."

"Bad guy? Then let's run away, dad."

Yaya was frightened and said quickly.

Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"Silly girl, dad can't run away."

Zhuo Bufan is the world god in the world of cultivation, which is what mortals call heaven.

How could he, the Heaven, possibly escape?

Seeing the onlookers fleeing one after another, the members of the acrobatic class were also stunned.

There are a total of twelve people in this acrobatic class, half of whom are children.

After seeing these gangsters coming to the door, they were so frightened that they hid.

One of the men with a scarred face came forward with a large machete in his hand, and then put it on the stool.


"Who is the class leader?"

"Do you know whose territory this is? If you dare to perform on the butcher's territory, do you know the rules?"

The flesh on the scarred face was trembling, and he looked so ferocious that it made people feel frightened.

The class leader was an old man who was over sixty years old. When he saw the bully rushing towards him, he was so frightened that he quickly nodded and bowed to greet him.

"Dear gentlemen, our Mo family class is here for the first time. We are passing by Guibao Land and want to make some money. If there is any inconvenience, please forgive me."

It was obviously not the first time that class leader Mo Yingsheng encountered this situation, and he also knew what these ruffians needed.

So he quickly took out a bag of spiritual stones and handed it to the scarred man's hand.

The scarred man took the spirit stone, thought about it for a moment, and finally threw the bag of spirit stones on the ground.

"Old man, where are you sending the beggars?"

"There are more than ten of you, and you can only give us twelve spirit stones. Are you looking for death?"

After the scarred man finished speaking, he raised the machete in his hand and prepared to slash at the leader, Mo Yingsheng.

At this moment, a tall and thin man suddenly rushed out from behind and grabbed the scarred man's arm.

Then, he took a sharp breath, opened his mouth, and spit it out towards the scarred man.


Suddenly, a ball of fire spurted out from the man's mouth and sprayed directly on the scarred man's head.

The scarred man screamed on the spot.


The flames completely enveloped him, and then he let out a miserable scream in the raging fire.

"I didn't expect him to be a practicing master. Come on!"

Seeing this scene, among the gangsters there was a man wearing a black cloak, with a stern look in his eyes.

This man is the leader of the gangsters, Tu Longfei, a guy who runs rampant in the town.

As soon as he finished speaking, the younger brother beside him rushed towards the man.

These guys are holding large scimitars, with the power of talismans engraved on them.

As soon as the knife went down, there was wind, fire and thunder, making a hissing sound.

"Brother Yu, be careful! I'm here to help you."

Seeing the enemies swarming in, the beautiful little girl also rushed out.

She pulled out a cold iron whip from her waist and whipped it towards the group of people in front of her.

Bang bang bang bang!

The cold iron whip casts a frost spell, and the person who is whipped will be instantly frozen into ice.

These waves of whip shadows fell like a gust of wind and rain, hitting the enemy's body and instantly freezing him into ice cubes.

A boy and a girl from the Mo family class joined forces and knocked all the gangsters to the ground.

For a time, many people who had escaped came to their senses again and began to watch the show.

"Master, are you okay?" the man Mo Feiyu asked.

"Brother Yu, what should we do now?" Mo Qian, the woman, looked at the man and said.

"Hey, you two are so impulsive."

The leader of the class, Mo Yingsheng, is an old man in the world and knows that a strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake.

Obviously, both Mo Feiyu and Mo Qian were too impulsive.

"Class leader, we can't be bullied by them all the time. Don't worry, I'm here and I won't let you and your junior sisters and brothers get hurt."

After that Mo Feiyu finished speaking, he took a step forward and protected the class leader, Mo Qian and a group of junior brothers and sisters behind him.

Seeing this scene, many people present were moved.

This acrobatic class came to them just to make a living, but unfortunately they provoked the famous local bully Tu Longfei.

After seeing all of his people being killed, Tu Longfei's mouth trembled, his teeth were gnashed, and he looked murderous.

"You brat, do you know who I am, grandpa?"

"If you dare to act recklessly on Grandpa's territory, Grandpa will kill you today."

Tu Longfei was completely angered by Mo Feiyu. He held a sharp rune sword in his hand and killed Tu Longfei.

This Tulongfei's cultivation is not weak, his soul has reached the Yang realm, which is the third level of the soul. In terms of physique, it is obviously very strong.

His sword strike has the power to break rocks and wood, and the sword energy is ten meters long.

"Be careful"

The sword of Tulongfei is powerful.

Mo Feiyu, who saw this scene, immediately pushed the class owner and Mo Qian behind him out.

Then he suddenly clamped the long sword with both hands and took Tulongfei's sword.

However, Tulongfei's sword energy was amazing, and it directly cut on Mo Feiyu's left shoulder, leaving a hideous wound on his face.

"Brother Yu!"

Seeing this, Mo Qian felt heartbroken.

She quickly raised the long whip and wrapped it around Tulongfei's long sword.

The long whip tightly wrapped around Tulongfei's sword. Just when Mo Qian was about to pull Tulongfei's sword over, she didn't expect Tulongfei to show a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth.

He pulled suddenly, and directly pulled Mo Qian over.

Mo Qian's body was completely out of control, and finally fell directly into Tu Longfei's arms.

"Hahaha, little girl, are you so eager to get together with me?"

"Let me pamper you tonight!"

Tu Longfei held the big knife in his hand and hugged Mo Qian tightly in his arms.

"Let me go, let me go!"

Mo Qian struggled hard, but Tu Longfei ignored her at all.

He even hit Mo Qian's back of the head with the back of the knife, and Mo Qian was knocked unconscious on the spot.

"Little girl, be honest."

After knocking Mo Qian unconscious, Tu Longfei reached out and touched her pretty face, very proud.

Mo Feiyu on the opposite side saw this and gnashed his teeth in hatred.

"You beast, take your hands off my sister!"

"Take them off?"

Tu Longfei heard this, not only did he not take them off, but he also tore all the clothes on Mo Qian's chest, and then blocked everyone's face and wantonly ravaged Mo Qian.

"Ahhh! Bastard, I'm going to kill you."

Mo Feiyu saw this scene and rushed towards Tu Longfei angrily.

However, Tu Longfei was not afraid at all.

Seeing Mo Feiyu rushing over, he raised his long sword and slashed horizontally.


Mo Feiyu was directly blown away by the long sword.

He fell heavily to the ground on the spot, spitting blood.


"Just you, you still want to save your sister? Your sister, from now on, is my grandpa's girl, hahaha!"

After Tu Longfei finished speaking, he grabbed the unconscious Mo Qian with one hand and walked back.


At this time, other members of the acrobatic class stood up, including the class owner Mo Yingsheng.

Everyone surrounded Tu Longfei.

"Let go of my sister!"

"You bad guy, let my sister go."

The children shouted at Tu Longfei.

"Let her go, I'll fight you."

Mo Yingsheng rushed directly towards Tu Longfei.

For a moment, not only the class leader Mo Yingsheng, but also other members rushed towards Tu Longfei.

However, the big ring knife in Tu Longfei's hand turned around.

Puff puff puff puff!

On the spot, the class leader was cut in half.

And all the others were also blown away.

Some died and some were injured.


Mo Feiyu, who was lying on the ground, screamed heartbreakingly after seeing this scene.


"Asshole, don't go, don't go!"

Mo Feiyu lay on the ground and wailed.

Tu Longfei didn't kill him, but let him survive. He wanted him to die of self-blame.

"Why, why? God, if you are still alive, please help me, please help me!"

"Help me, no matter what the cost, even if it means my death, please help me, save my junior sister, save my junior sister."

Mo Feiyu lay on the ground, in agony.

He was begging the heavens, begging for help from others.

However, after seeing this scene, the people present turned away silently.

"Alas! What a pity."

"Why do you want to provoke this Tu Longfei, young man, no one here can help you."

"Leave here quickly, a gentleman's revenge is never too late."

Some kind-hearted people would comfort Mo Feiyu, but more people dared not speak, and left mercilessly.

Mo Feiyu was heartbroken when he saw this scene.

"Master, Master, I'm sorry, I hurt you!"

Looking at the body of the class owner who was cut in half in front of him, Mo Feiyu was so heartbroken that he almost suffocated.

Because of his recklessness, his master died tragically.

If I had been patient at the beginning, the result would not be like this.

A strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake. He was too impulsive. This was the punishment for being impulsive.

He cried to the sky and begged for help from the heaven.

But he also knew that he was just a humble human being. How could the heaven hear his call?

But he didn't expect that the heaven of the cultivation world really heard his call.

"Are you calling me?"

Just when Mo Feiyu was desperate, he saw a man holding a little girl and walked in front of him.

Mo Feiyu raised his head and stared at the man in front of him blankly.

"You, can you help me?"

Mo Feiyu looked at Zhuo Bufan and asked timidly.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled and said.

"Okay, but I have a condition."

"I agree to any conditions, as long as you can save my junior sister."

Mo Feiyu answered without hesitation.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he smiled lightly.

"Your words are enough."

After finishing speaking, Zhuo Bufan said to Tu Longfei who had left in a swaggering manner.


As soon as he finished speaking, Tu Longfei's body began to retreat involuntarily.

"what happened?"

Tu Longfei was stunned.

He found that his body was out of control, as if there was an irresistible force that made him fall back.

"Who are you? Let me go, let go of your grandpa."

Tu Longfei shouted at Zhuo Bufan.

He could feel that the man in front of him had caught him.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan just smiled slightly.

In front of him, slaying dragons was no different than ants.

As the creator of the world of cultivation, he naturally would not be as knowledgeable as an ant.

"Put down the girl in your hands, then go back and forth wherever you go, and don't do evil again."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to kill Tu Longfei, after all, all living beings in the world of cultivation were considered his subjects.

Zhuo Bufan will not easily obliterate other living beings. Every living being has its own meaning of existence.

Life and death, good and evil, yin and yang, right and wrong...

The world is relative, there is good and there is evil, and existence is the truth.

As the world god of the world of cultivation, Zhuo Bufan needs to watch all the right and wrong in this world with a cold eye, and cannot be partial to any one party.

So in principle, he will not interfere with the good and evil in the world.

However, now he wants something from Mo Feiyu, so he is willing to make this deal with Mo Feiyu.

However, when Tu Long Fei heard this, he sneered.

"Boy, who do you think you are? How dare you order your grandfather and me?"

"Do you know who your grandpa is? Grandpa's second uncle works in Kuangmen!"

"Do you know the Kuang Clan? It is the most powerful force in the world and one that no one dares to offend.

"If you dare to touch your grandpa, grandpa will definitely make your life worse than death."

This Tulongfei kept dragging Kuangmen into it.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

Then, he couldn't help but shook his head.

"It seems that it's time for Kuangmen to straighten things out."

Niannian said before that Kuangmen had some problems recently, but Zhuo Bufan thought it was an exception.

Now it seems that Kuangmen has become a protective umbrella for many evil forces because it has become too big and mixed with dragons and snakes.

"After this matter is resolved, we will deal with the Kuangmen matter."

Zhuo Bufan has not returned to the Kuang Sect for a long time. The Kuang Sect now is no longer the proud and righteous Kuang Sect it was when he was here.

"Little beast, do you know how powerful your grandpa is? Let me go quickly."

"Let me go quickly, I order you, let me go grandpa."

"If you don't let go, I'll kill your whole family."

Tulongfei roared ferociously at Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing his ferocious appearance, Yaya was so frightened that she took two steps back.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan became slightly angry.

It doesn't matter if you scold him, he is not as knowledgeable as an ant.

But he was not calm after scaring his daughter.

"Yaya, what little animal do you like?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Yaya and said.

After hearing this, Yaya rolled her big eyes and said.

"Little Pig!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he smiled lightly.

"Okay, daddy will let you see Little Piggy."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he raised his hand and pointed towards the dragon-slayer Fei Zhi.

call out!

I saw a flash of divine light.

The next second, the ferocious Tu Longfei turned into a fat little suckling pig.

"Being a human being is no longer suitable for you. I will grant you three thousand years of reincarnation as an animal!"

As the creator of the world of cultivation and the god of the world, Zhuo Bufan can control the six paths of reincarnation of all people in the world.

This Tulongfei, from now on, cannot be a human being, but can only be a beast!

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