Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1058 As long as she is happy (two in one)

Zhuo Bufan easily dealt with Tu Longfei, and turned him into a small fragrant pig with a wave of his hand.

This scene shocked everyone present, including Mo Feiyu.

Mo Feiyu stared at the scene in front of him blankly, and then he reacted and rushed over to pick up the fainted junior sister Mo Qian.

Because the clothes on Mo Qian's chest were completely torn by Tu Longfei, Mo Feiyu took off his clothes and put them on her.

"Junior sister, junior sister, wake up quickly."

Mo Feiyu gently patted Mo Qian's cheek to wake her up.

When Mo Qian woke up, Mo Feiyu showed a happy smile on his face.

"Senior brother, where is the class owner, where is the class owner?"

Mo Qian was in a coma and vaguely heard the class owner's screams. She realized that the class owner might have been in trouble.

Mo Feiyu heard it and quickly blocked Mo Qian's eyes.

Because the body of the class owner was lying behind him.

However, Mo Qian still turned her head and saw the cold body lying on the ground.

Not only the class owner, but also many junior brothers were lying in a pool of blood.

Mo Feiyu could only helplessly hug Mo Qian and cry, but Mo Qian was already dumbfounded. She wanted to wail and cry.

Just when they were desperate, Zhuo Bufan walked to the body of the class owner Mo Yingsheng.

Yaya next to her did not react much when she saw this scene.

After all, Yaya had lived for tens of thousands of years and had long been accustomed to life and death.

Once upon a time, she wandered in a battlefield full of corpses.

She also wandered in the rivers and lakes where blood flowed.

She was also a saint in the bloodthirsty demon sect.

So when she saw the body in front of her, she just felt sorry and was not too shocked.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan also knew that Yaya was used to it, so he, as a father, was also very calm.

He calmly walked to the body of Mo Yingsheng, and then waved his hand towards the body.

Suddenly, endless life energy emanated from his palm, and then enveloped the entire ground.

Then, the corpse lying on the ground began to revive automatically.

This scene made Mo Qian and Mo Feiyu dumbfounded.

And the crowd watching could not hold back.

"Miracle, miracle!"

"It's the gods who came down to earth, the gods who came down to earth."

"The gods are showing their spirits, the gods are showing their spirits."

People began to kneel down to Zhuo Bufan one after another, because they finally realized that Zhuo Bufan was a god who came down to earth.

He could turn people into animals and revive the dead. If this wasn't a god, what else could he be?

Zhuo Bufan was just trying his hand, but he didn't expect to shock so many people present.

Seeing this scene, Mo Feiyu quickly knelt down to Zhuo Bufan and kowtowed repeatedly.

"The heaven has eyes, the heaven has eyes, thank you for saving my life, thank you, thank you."

Junior sister Mo Qian was a little confused, she knelt down and kowtowed with Mo Feiyu.

Soon, everyone in the Mo family class was resurrected.

The class leader Mo Yingsheng still didn't believe that he had died once.

"Did I just die?"

"Yes, class leader, it was this god who saved you."

Mo Feiyu quickly kowtowed to Zhuo Bufan to express his gratitude.

Everyone present also kowtowed to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly when he saw this.

Then he suddenly spoke.

"Where is Zifan? Come to see me!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted in the air, and suddenly a ray of light came from the sky.

Then, a wise and brave man in white appeared out of nowhere.

This man was surrounded by holy light, and he was a god-level figure at first glance.

The person who came was none other than Zhuo Bufan's son Bai Zifan.

Bai Zifan appeared in front of him as soon as he heard his father's call.

"Zifan greets his father and sister."

Bai Zifan quickly saluted Zhuo Bufan and Yaya.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and said calmly.

"It seems that Nian Nian is right. There is a problem with Kuang Men."

"I'll give you one month to clean up the termites inside Kuang Men. Can you do it?"

Zhuo Bufan asked Bai Zifan to come here for Kuang Men's affairs.

Now Zhuo Bufan rarely cares about Kuang Men's affairs, so Kuang Men is almost handed over to Bai Zifan for management.

After hearing this, Bai Zifan immediately replied.

"Father, don't worry, I can do it. I will go back to deal with the problems inside Kuang Men, and I will give you a satisfactory answer within a month."

Zhuo Bufan smiled indifferently after hearing this.

"That's good!"

"Then father, I will go back to Kuang Men to deal with it now."

Bai Zifan couldn't wait to go back.

Zhuo Bufan stopped him when he saw this.

"Don't worry, I called you here for another thing. You take Yaya around in the human world, I still have some things to deal with."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he handed Yaya to Bai Zifan.

Bai Zifan held Yaya's hand and was stunned for a moment.

"Father, I..."

"Go if I tell you to, don't talk nonsense. Take good care of your sister, don't lose her."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he waved his hand.

Then, he and the entire Mo family class disappeared on the spot.

Bai Zifan was left holding Yaya's hand, stunned on the spot.

The people around were still kneeling on the ground, some of them didn't dare to get up.

At the same time, they all looked at Bai Zifan and Yaya in surprise.

No one expected that this seven-foot man was actually a younger brother, and the girl who looked two or three years old was actually a sister.

Yaya was still holding the candied haws that Zhuo Bufan had bought earlier.

She took the candied haws and handed it to the somewhat confused Bai Zifan, saying.

"Zifan, do you want to eat it?"

Bai Zifan looked at his little sister, then smiled and shook his head.


"Oh, where are we going now?"

Ya Ya looked at Bai Zifan again and said.

Bai Zifan was stunned for a while, then said.

"I don't know either, wherever my sister goes, I go!"

Bai Zifan didn't know how to get along with this little sister, after all, this little sister only had the mind of a two-year-old.

"Catch the pig!"

Just when Bai Zifan didn't know what to do, Ya Ya suddenly let go of his hand and chased after the little fragrant pig on the ground.

The local bully Tu Longfei, who was turned into a little fragrant pig by Zhuo Bufan, started running when he saw Ya Ya rushing towards him.

As soon as it ran, Ya Ya started chasing.

In this way, the little girl found another fun thing.

Bai Zifan didn't disturb his little sister's "elegance", so he could only follow behind silently.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan, with the entire Mohist class, came to Meicheng.

The reason why he left Yaya in the human world and gave her to Zifan to take care of was that he wanted to avoid Yaya for the time being.

Because Zhuo Bufan thought of a birthday gift for Yaya.

He wanted to give Yaya a surprise, so he avoided that smart girl.

Zhuo Bufan brought the entire Mohist class to Meicheng, obviously he wanted to ask the Mohist class for help.

The people in the Mohist class were still a little confused. They looked at the environment they were in, and they were actually above the clouds.

Beside them were the beautiful buildings and the sun in the sky was within reach.

"Oh my God, have we come to heaven?"

"It's really the gods, we followed the gods to heaven."

"Is it my prayer that came true? The gods heard my prayers?"

The members of the Mohist class looked at this scene in surprise.

Then everyone knelt down to Zhuo Bufan again.

Now they believe that Zhuo Bufan is really a god.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan turned around and smiled at them calmly.

"Everyone, this is Meicheng. I brought you here for only one purpose. I want to prepare an unforgettable birthday gift for my daughter."

Zhuo Bufan told the head of the Mohist class in front of him his purpose.

"You have all seen my daughter, that little girl."

The disciples of the Mohist class remembered the little girl who followed Zhuo Bufan before.

Obviously, she was the daughter of the god in front of him.

"I don't know what the Lord God has ordered. You saved our Mohist class. As long as my Mohist class can do it, we will do our best."

The head of the class, Mo Ying, knelt on the ground with all the Mohist class disciples and said.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and waved his hand. A spiritual wind lifted all of them up.

"For you, this is not difficult! I want your Mohist class to arrange an interesting acrobatic performance for my daughter."

"And let me participate in it."

Zhuo Bufan's birthday gift was actually to perform a juggling show for Yaya.

He could see that Yaya liked this simple happiness very much.

As a father, Zhuo Bufan naturally wanted to satisfy the girl's happiness.

"Husband, you are back!"

At this time, Bai Su and Xuan Su came out from the inner courtyard.

The two women's peerless beauty stunned everyone present.

Bai Su's white clothes were like snow, like the bright moon in the sky. Xuan Su's black clothes were like ink, like the stars in the night.

"Are these the two wives of the Lord God? So beautiful!"

Mo Qian looked at Bai Su and Xuan Su and felt ashamed of herself.

Compared with the two goddesses in front of her, she was naturally inferior.

"Greetings to the goddess! Hurry up, greet the goddess."

Class owner Mo Ying saw the two goddesses coming out and quickly asked the disciples of the Mo family class to kneel down.

However, before they knelt down, Bai Su lifted them up.

"No need to bow, please get up quickly!"

Bai Su said.

"Husband, aren't you with Yaya? Where is Yaya?"

Xuan Su didn't find Yaya, so he asked.

Zhuo Bufan replied: "I'll let Zifan take care of her for the time being."

"I've already thought of what birthday gift to give to the girl."

"Have you thought of it? What does your husband plan to give?"

The two girls asked quickly.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan told Xuansu and Baisu his idea.

The two girls were a little surprised after hearing this.

They didn't expect that the dignified world god of the cultivation world would actually perform acrobatics.

He is a world god who can do everything, why would he perform acrobatics?

"Yaya actually wants a simple happiness. I can give her everything in this world, but I can't give her real happiness."

"Today, when she went to the human world to play, I saw her watching acrobatics and laughed knowingly. I think she is still a child after all. The happiness she wants is also quite simple."

"As long as she can be happy, it doesn't matter what I, as a father, do."

Zhuo Bufan's words touched Xuansu and Baisu.

Indeed, Yaya's happiness is the most important thing, and the rest doesn't matter.

"Husband, how about I play with you? Anyway, I haven't decided what gift to give to Yaya."

"Sister, do you want to come too?"

Xuan Su said, and pulled Bai Su, wanting Bai Su to perform acrobatics with them.

Bai Su was a little reluctant at first, but under Xuan Su's request, she had to agree.

"Hahaha, it would be even better if you two were there!"

Zhuo Bufan was very happy. It was the real happiness for the family to play together.

"Then the class owner, I and the two ladies will be left to you to arrange."

"Just feel free to arrange it boldly. If this performance is successful, I will definitely reward you generously."

Zhuo Bufan turned around and looked at the class owner and them.

After hearing this, the class owner Mo Ying became obviously nervous.

He had to be nervous, because he was going to perform acrobatics with the gods, which sounded incredible.

Such an important task was given to him, so he naturally had to do his best to complete it.


A week passed quickly.

Bai Zifan didn't expect that his father would never show up again after handing his little sister Yaya to him.

So during this time, he had to be with Yaya.

Later, he was really bored, so he brought Yaya to the Su Nu Sect and found his sister Nian Nian.

The three siblings stayed in the mountains in a daze all day long.

When they returned to Meicheng, they found that there was no one in Meicheng.

There was only a temporary stage in the middle of the empty courtyard.

"Brother, where did Daddy and the two mothers go?"

Bai Zinian was a little confused. On weekdays, she could smell the fragrance of the food made by the two mothers as soon as she returned to Meicheng.

However, she had not eaten the food made by the two mothers for several days.

She was used to eating the food made by the two mothers, and she felt uncomfortable if she didn't eat it for a day.

And Bai Zifan was even more confused.

He hadn't dealt with the matter of the Kuangmen yet, and now he couldn't find his father.

"By the way, brother, it seems that today is my sister's birthday. Have you prepared a gift for my sister?"

Bai Zinian looked at Bai Zifan expectantly.

After hearing this, Bai Zifan turned his palm and a black box appeared in his hand.

"Huh? Brother, what is this?"

Bai Zinian looked at the black box curiously and said.

After hearing this, Bai Zifan injected a stream of spiritual energy into the black box.

The next second, the black box turned into a bird and flew up in the air.

Then it fell to the ground after a while and turned into a cat.

Then it went into the water and turned into a fish.

Yaya and Nian Nian were very surprised.

"Wow, brother, what is this? It's so interesting." Although Bai Zi Nian is an adult, he is still like a child.

Bai Zifan replied after hearing this.

"This is the versatile black box made by the best mechanism master of the Crazy Sect. It can freely transform into more than a hundred kinds of creatures."

"I don't know if my sister likes it."

After Bai Zifan finished speaking, he raised his hand, and the flying fish that the black box turned into fell into his palm and turned into a square black box again.

Then, Bai Zifan handed the black box to Yaya.

Seeing this, Yaya quickly took it and nodded repeatedly.

"I like it! Thank you, little Zifan."

Yaya happily took the black box and smiled happily.

"Yeah, I like it."

Bai Zifan's thoughts were not in vain.

"I like it too. Can you give me one too?"

Bai Zinian, who was standing by, had been very attached to Bai Zifan since childhood.

When he saw Bai Zifan giving his sister such a fun thing, he also wanted it.

"No problem. I'll have someone make another one for you when I get back."

"By the way, Nian Nian, where's your gift?"

Bai Zifan asked.

When Bai Zinian heard it, she smiled secretly at first.

Then she turned around and did something secretly.

Suddenly, she turned around and held a very beautiful white long skirt in her hand.

"Dangdang! This is the dress I sewed for my sister with my own hands. I stayed up all night for this dress! Does my sister like it?"

Bai Zinian said to Yaya while holding the little skirt.

Yaya looked at the little skirt and her eyes were shining.

"Yeah, I like it."

Yaya happily put away the gift Bai Zinian gave her.

Whether it was Bai Zifan or Bai Zinian, Yaya liked their gifts very much.

Bai Zifan and Bai Zinian were very happy to see Yaya.

Now, both children had given gifts, and they were just waiting for Zhuo Bufan and his parents.

"Really? Today is obviously my sister's birthday, why are my father and mother gone?"

Just as Bai Zinian was complaining.

Suddenly there was a clang...

"Da da da da!"

A brisk sound came, which should be the sound of a small drum.

Then, bursts of white smoke suddenly appeared on the stage in the open space.

Soon, the smoke filled the entire stage, and even flowed from the stage to the ground, completely blocking the entire ground.

At this time, a ball of flame suddenly jumped from the center of the stage.


In the flames, an old man in a red long coat suddenly appeared.

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