Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1059 Fusion of Hell Tree (Two in One)

When the old man in red emerged from the flames, the three children present were stunned.

Especially Yaya, she recognized the old man at a glance, danced happily, and quickly moved a small stool to sit down.

The old man on the stage didn't say much, and started throwing fireballs directly.

First he threw three fireballs, then four, and then five.

The fireballs became more and more, dazzling.

Finally, a fire ring was formed, and Yaya clapped her hands and cheered.

The fire ring began to separate from the performer's hands, and then slowly flew up.

Finally, the fire ring flew in front of Yaya who was sitting on the small stool.

Yaya was stunned when she saw this.

Bai Zifan and Bai Zinian beside her took a defensive posture, fearing that the other party would do something wrong.

But it was obvious that they thought too much. When the fire ring flew in front of Yaya, it suddenly turned into a wreath, and several birds flew over her head with the wreaths in their mouths.

Then it fell from the top of her head and was put on her neck.

After seeing the wreath, Yaya clapped her hands excitedly.

At this time, Bai Zifan and Bai Zinian realized that this might be a birthday party carefully arranged by their parents.


after Yaya put on the wreath,

the wreath slowly turned into a flower skirt,

and then began to bloom from Yaya's feet.

The colorful flowers instantly covered the entire backyard.

Puff puff puff!

Waves of pollen began to spray out from the flower buds and then spread all over the ground.

For a while, the whole ground was filled with fragrance.

Then, huge flowers grew one after another on the ground.

When the flowers bloomed, several cute children jumped out of the flowers.

These children had a pair of transparent wings behind them, like elves, flying in the air hand in hand.

They flew down from the air and held Yaya's little hand.

Flying in the air with Yaya.

The little girl was laughing with great joy.



The whole yard was filled with Yaya's joyful laughter.

These elf-like children took Yaya to a tree.

The tree began to grow upwards, and countless petals fell with the wind.

With the falling rain of petals, a fairy came out of it.


When Yaya saw the fairy, she couldn't help but open her hands.

The fairy was Bai Su, who was dressed in white clothes like snow. She hugged Yaya and then landed on a swing.

The swing swayed in the wind, and then huge lotus flowers floated in the air one after another.

The lotus flowers floated in the air and then slowly bloomed.

From the lotus, three fairies in lotus long skirts slowly stood up.

They swayed their moving dances, and Yaya kept clapping.

"Mother, little mother."

Yaya pointed at the leading dancer, who was her mother Xuansu.

Xuansu led the women of the Mohist class to dance for Yaya.

After the dance, flowers bloomed and fragrant winds came.

Xuansu turned into a black phoenix and flew in front of Yaya.

Seeing this, Baisu put Yaya on Xuansu's back.

Then Xuansu carried Yaya and flew to the Nine Heavens.

For a moment, thousands of birds followed the phoenix and danced gracefully in the air.

After circling in the air for a long time, they landed in the courtyard of Meicheng again.

From beginning to end, Yaya's hearty laughter kept echoing in the air.

You can clearly feel that she was so happy, that was the happiest and happiest moment in her history.

When she landed on the ground, Xuansu and Baisu hugged her and the other two children, and then sat in front of the grass-roots troupe.

At this time, the most important role was about to make its debut.

A clown dressed in colorful clothes came out from the back of the stage stepping on a huge red ball.

Red nose, big painted face, sausage mouth, starry eyes.

The funny image immediately made Yaya laugh.

This clown was none other than Yaya's father, Zhuo Bufan, the world god of the cultivation world.

Who would have thought that the world god would dress up as a clown just to make his daughter happy.

Throwing red balls, playing with flower sticks, jumping through fire rings, and performing magic.

Zhuo Bufan completely ignored his image and made Yaya laugh all the time.

In the end, even Lianlian and Zifan couldn't help laughing.

The family was happy and laughing.

Along with Yaya's happy laughter, Zhuo Bufan was surprised to find that black and white light floated out from Yaya's body.

These two auras of black and white were like two dragons.

The black dragon and the white dragon began to entangle with each other, constantly interweaving in the air, and finally formed the shape of a sapling.

"Unbounded Tree, it's actually Unbounded Tree!"

Not only Zhuo Bufan, Bai Su and Xuan Su also discovered the Unbounded Tree on Yaya's head.

As Yaya continued to laugh, the Unbounded Tree became more and more vigorous, and finally grew into a two-meter-tall tree.

On the small tree, all the leaves were filled with the power of rules.

There are white leaves and black leaves. The two different colors of leaves are exceptionally harmonious.

Powerful world power surges among the treetops.

After Zhuo Bufan finished his performance, he saw the World Tree born on Yaya's head.

He did not expect that the World Tree of Hell would reappear in this way.

Obviously, this is a mechanism set up by his previous life. Only when Yaya feels real happiness and joy can the Unbounded Tree truly open.

Yaya is Ji Xuanhao's daughter. Ji Xuanhao naturally hopes that Yaya can live in happiness all his life.

That's why he set such a rule.

No matter who it is, as long as it can bring happiness and joy to his daughter, he can gain the power of the hell world.

And the one who can bring Yaya true happiness is undoubtedly himself, his reincarnation.

The mechanism set up by Ji Xuanhao is very clever.

Although he was a little surprised, Zhuo Bufan was extremely happy in his heart at this moment.

He didn't expect that he would accidentally activate the Unbounded Tree in Yaya's body.

"Husband, that's great. In this case, you can integrate the power of the Unbounded Tree."

Xuan Su and Bai Su were both very happy.

Originally, I just wanted to give my daughter a happy birthday, but unexpectedly, the power of the Unbounded Tree in Yaya's body was activated.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan no longer needs to worry about it.

He quietly stretched out his arm towards the Wujie Tree, and his fingertips touched the Wujie Tree's body.

At this moment, suddenly the power of the Unbounded Tree began to transfer towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan did not stop it, but allowed the world power of the Wujie Tree to transfer into his body.

Soon, the Unbounded Tree completely entered the depths of his soul.

"Madams, I may have to retreat, and the children will be left to you."

After Zhuo Bufan obtained the power of the Unbounded Tree, he felt that the Unbounded Tree had a tendency to merge with him.

He wanted to strike while the iron was hot and take advantage of this opportunity to quickly merge with the Unbounded Tree.

After hearing this, Bai Su and Xuan Su nodded in agreement.

"Husband, be careful."

"The child will be left to us, don't worry!"

Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"Well, remember to be kind to the disciples of the Mohist class, I'm going to retreat."

Zhuo Bufan said a word and then quickly disappeared.

When Zhuo Bufan disappeared, Bai Su and Xuan Su took Yaya to continue watching the Mojia class's performance.

Although they were still a little worried, they believed in Zhuo Bufan even more.

After Zhuo Bufan left the courtyard, he immediately came to Tianxuan Tower.

Today's Tianxuan Tower has been perfected by Zhuo Bufan.

The current flow rate of time on the ninth floor is equivalent to 1024 times the flow rate of time outside.

In other words, one day of training on the ninth floor of Tianxuan Tower is equivalent to three years.

Zhuo Bufan must seize the time and merge with the Unbounded Tree as soon as possible.

The Unbounded Tree is the world tree of the hell world.

Zhuo Bufan has been to the hell world. At first, he thought that the Unbounded Tree was acquired by the Lord of Hell.

But later Zhuo Bufan found out that the Hell Tree had always been in his daughter's body.

Although hell is just a small world, this world plays a vital role in the universe of Yin and Yang.

It divides yin and yang, and divides the yin world and the yang world.

In a sense, the hell world is the most important world in the Yin and Yang universe.

If it weren't for its existence, the Yin and Yang worlds would have merged long ago, and there would be no so-called hostile laws.

However, yin and yang cannot blend together, and the laws of hostility are bound to exist.

What is interesting is that people in the hell world are not affected by the law of hostility.

This was also a problem that Zhuo Bufan discovered later.

He discovered that the crazy disciples he brought out from the hell world were not affected by the laws of hostility and were living well in the world of cultivation.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan has always believed that the hell world is the most important world in the Yin and Yang universe, and it is also the most important power for him to eliminate the laws of hostility.

He needs the power of the Hell Tree, so he must fuse it.

He closed his eyes silently, feeling the hell tree deep in his soul.

The Hell Tree is much smaller than other World Trees.

The trunk, like other world trees, is twisted in a double helix.

However, the trunks of the hell tree are black and white, intertwined with each other, and look very strange.

On the branches, there are also black branches and white branches.

The most incredible thing is the leaves, black and white dotted with each other, dazzling.

"Hell Tree, I am Zhuo Bufan, and now I implore you to merge with you. I need your power, and I need the hostile laws of the Yin and Yang universe."

Zhuo Bufan began to communicate with the Hell Tree.

After all, the existence of the Hell Tree is magical.

Strictly speaking, the hell world is not a world at all. Its existence is more like the relationship between the forbidden wall and the mirror abyss, which is used to isolate the fusion of the Yin world and the Yang world.

But because the hell world is huge enough, and it is related to the fate of the entire Yin and Yang universe, the hell world is also crucial.

It has its own world tree.

The existence of the World Tree is to protect their respective worlds.

Therefore, if Zhuo Bufan wants to integrate with it, he must get the recognition of World Tree.

Just like the first time he merged with the True Realm Tree, it was at a critical moment that he developed the determination to protect the world of cultivation, and was recognized by the True Realm Tree. Finally, the True Realm Tree chose to merge with Zhuo Bufan.

The same was true for the Yin Realm Tree later. Zhuo Bufan expressed his determination to protect the Yin Realm through negotiations with the Yin Realm Tree.

After feeling Zhuo Bufan's sincerity, the Yin Realm Tree finally chose to merge with it.

So now, Zhuo Bufan wants to merge with the Hell Tree, and he must let the Hell Tree feel his true feelings.

"Since the Lord of Hell ruled the Hell World, he has begun to transform Hell crazily."

"Today's Hell is in ruins and needs your power to revive."

"Once you merge with me, I will return to Hell and make Hell even better."

"Now I am the world god of the True Realm and the Yin Realm, and these two worlds have begun to develop harmoniously under my protection."

"The Unbounded needs me, and the people of the Unbounded also need me. So merge with me, I can bring true peace to the Unbounded."

Zhuo Bufan is not bewitching the Hell Tree, he is sincere.

After all, the Hell Tree can sense such tricks as deception.

He must express his affection sincerely and let the Hell Tree feel his sincerity.

And after Zhuo Bufan repeatedly asked for sincerity, the Hell Tree actually responded.

Zhuo Bufan also found that the Hell Tree was carefully merging with him.

That feeling was just like the first time he saw his daughter Yaya.

It was like a shy little girl who wanted to get close but didn't dare to get close.

After Zhuo Bufan felt the caution of the Hell Tree.

He simply let go of his sea of ​​soul and let the Hell Tree boldly merge its power into his body.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the fusion of the Hell Tree was completely different from the True World Tree and the Yin World Tree.

The fusion of the True World Tree and the Yin World Tree completely gave all the power to Zhuo Bufan at once.

But the Hell Tree was like squeezing toothpaste, merging its power into Zhuo Bufan's body little by little.

So, this fusion process was extremely long.

But it was good that way, the impact on Zhuo Bufan was not particularly strong.

Zhuo Bufan did not feel any pain from the fusion, and even enjoyed it a little.

It was like soaking in a hot spring, enjoying the nourishment brought by the world power of the Hell Tree.

Finally, ten years passed. Of course, ten years in the Tianxuan Tower and only three days outside.

In ten years, the Hell Tree merged the last trace of the world power into Zhuo Bufan's body.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that there was another world power in his body.

He once again became the creator of the third world.

All the rules about the Hell World are in his soul, allowing him to write and modify them.

Zhuo Bufan is now more powerful than ever.

The world gods of the three worlds are not much weaker than his previous life Ji Xuanhao.

Zhuo Bufan can change the future of the three worlds in a single thought.

He has the final say in the three worlds.

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