Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1065 The Mirror Master Returns

Using the Chaos Clock, Zhuo Bufan finally passed through the boundary wall of the mountain and sea world.

When he walked out of the whirlpool again, he found that the world he was in was boiling with spiritual energy.

A familiar smell began to blend into his soul.

"Yangjie is back!"

Zhuo Bufan had a look of surprise on his face because he finally returned to the Yang Realm.

Unexpectedly, the end of the giant tree in the Mountain and Sea Realm is actually the Yang Realm.

After Zhuo Bufan sighed with emotion, he let go of his spiritual thoughts and felt everything within a hundred miles.

He felt the life and smoke, so he immediately flew towards the nearest town.

When Zhuo Bufan arrived at the town, he found that the town was bustling with activity.

The hawking sounds one after another on the street make the town look particularly prosperous.

This is the correct way to open the Yang Realm, Zhuo Bufan smiled happily.

It seems that the world he visited before was indeed, as he guessed, a mirror world copied by the mirror owner.

Although he already knew that it was a mirror world, Zhuo Bufan still didn't know what the purpose of that mirror world was.

Could it be that the mirror owner created a false mirror world because he couldn't get the Yang Realm, and then wanted to be the world god of the mirror world? ?

Zhuo Bufan couldn't guess the intention of the mirror owner, so he planned to meet up with his master first to see what the old man had in mind.

So Zhuo Bufan found the mayor and asked about the location of the Xu Dynasty.

After the mayor informed Zhuo Bufan about the location of the Xu Dynasty, Zhuo Bufan started to go to the first palace of the Xu Dynasty.

Two days later, he arrived at the Fuji Mountain Range where Deichi Palace is located.

Fortunately, what Zhuo Bufan saw this time was not a wasteland, and the palace had not disappeared.

So, Zhuo Bufan stepped into the Fuji Mountain Range.

The first time he stepped into the Fujian Mountains, Jiang Taiyi, the head of the First Palace, immediately felt Zhuo Bufan's arrival.

Immediately, there was a roar in the air, and the voice of the leader Jiang Taiyi came.

"Junior brother, go to the palace and talk about it."

Jiang Taiyi sensed Zhuo Bufan's presence first.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he immediately disappeared.

The next second, he appeared in front of the palace of Deyi Palace.

At this time, the leader Jiang Taiyi was already waiting in the main hall.

Not only Jiang Taiyi, Zhuo Bufan also saw his master Jiang Taixuan and his master's wife Bai Di.

"Father Emperor, Mother Emperor!"

Zhuo Bufan immediately changed his mind after seeing Emperor Xuan and Emperor Bai.

After all, he is already married to Bai Su, so it is only appropriate to call them that.


Before Bai Di and the others could speak, Zhuo Bufan immediately opened the Meicheng space and summoned Bai Su and Yaya.

When Bai Su and Yaya walked out of the space passage, they saw Bai Emperor and Xuan Emperor.

"Father Emperor, Mother Emperor!"

Bai Su was obviously a little surprised.

Seeing this, Emperor Xuan stood up and asked.

"Why are you here? Have all the matters in the world of cultivation been settled?"

Emperor Xuan did not expect Zhuo Bufan to come to Yangjie so quickly.

On the side, Bai Di, Bai Su and Yaya were reminiscing about old times, while Zhuo Bufan stepped forward and answered.

"Replying to Master, the disciple has now successfully merged the Yin Realm Tree and the Unbounded Tree."

When Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Emperor Xuan in front of him couldn't help but be shocked.

"What? Have you fused with the Netherworld Tree?"

Emperor Xuan knew very well that Lord Feng in his previous life suffered a big loss on the issue of the underworld tree.

Unexpectedly, when I saw Zhuo Bufan again, he had successfully fused with the underworld tree. This was really exciting news.

Of course, the time it took Zhuo Bufan was not short. It had been more than a hundred years since Emperor Xuan and the others left.

So Bai Di was very happy after seeing Bai Su and Yaya.

"I see, you have already reached the ninth level of the nine-revolution life-and-death battle. No wonder you can fuse with the underworld tree."

After seeing Zhuo Bufan's physique, Emperor Xuan finally understood why Zhuo Bufan could fuse with the underworld tree so quickly.

"What about the Unbounded Tree?"

Emperor Xuan asked.

Zhuo Bufan heard this and responded.

"The Unbounded Tree was fused into Yaya's body by me in my previous life. I just recently took the Unbounded Tree out of Yaya's body."

"And now it's fully integrated with the Unbounded Tree."

Zhuo Bufan's words shocked Emperor Xuan.

Emperor Xuan never expected that his junior brother Jia Guye would be so powerful. Now he is the world god of the three worlds.

"So, you came to the Yang Realm this time for the Yang Realm Tree?"

Emperor Xuan said.

"You didn't even discover the location of the Yang Realm Tree in your previous life. I'm afraid you'll have to work harder this time."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he smiled.

"The Yang Realm Tree is indeed difficult to find, but in fact, I have obtained the power of the Yang Realm Tree, but I have not been able to integrate it."

"What? You have obtained the world power of the Yang Realm?"

Emperor Xuan was shocked and even couldn't believe it.

He didn't believe that Zhuo Bufan could actually find the Yang Realm Tree. You must know that Feng Jun in his previous life had been searching for the Yang Realm Tree for thousands of years. He searched almost all of the Yang Realm but could not find the whereabouts of the Yang Realm Tree.

"In fact, the world power of the Yang Realm is not a tree, but a door."

"A door?"

"That's right, I don't hide it from Master. The world power of the Yang Realm has long been turned into a door. This door is the wonderful door of Taixuan Sect."

"When I was in Taixuan Sect, I accidentally obtained this door."

"Of course, I only obtained this world power and did not merge with it. So the Yang Realm is not under my control now."

"The main purpose of returning to the Yang Realm this time is actually to find a way to integrate the gates of wonders."

"Now I only have the Yang Realm and the Virtual Realm left to merge. If I merge the power of these two worlds, then I can lift the hostile laws of the Yin and Yang Universe. By then, the world will be peaceful and there will be no more wars."

Zhuo Bufan's thoughts and wishes are wonderful.

Now he is not only fulfilling the last wish of his previous life, but also to relieve the suffering of the people in the world.

Emperor Xuan and Jiang Taiyi in front of them were already dumbfounded. They never imagined that the world power of the Yang Realm was now in the hands of Zhuo Bufan.

"Then what are you waiting for? Fusion with it now!"

"And if I remember correctly, the power of the Void World Tree is also in your hands."

"You should have arranged everything in your previous life."

Emperor Xuan was a little impatient, hoping that Zhuo Bufan could integrate the power of the remaining two worlds as soon as possible.

Because this is not only Ji Xuanhao's wish, but also Emperor Xuan's wish.

Emperor Xuan also dreamed of unifying the world and bringing peace to all worlds.

However, integrating the Yang Realm Tree is by no means a simple talk.

If it could be such a simple fusion, Zhuo Bufan wouldn't come to the Yang Realm for help.

Zhuo Bufan only recently discovered that if he wants the World Tree to merge with him willingly, he must make the World Tree feel the crisis of the world in which it is located.

For example, if the True World Tree can fuse, it is because the True World Tree felt threatened by the demon Ni Cang, so it merged with Zhuo Bufan at the critical moment.

The Yin World Tree was riddled with holes because of the war between the gods. The Yin World Tree also felt the crisis, so it also chose to merge with Zhuo Bufan at the critical moment.

The last hell tree chose to merge with Zhuo Bufan because of the lord war in hell.

Therefore, Yggdrasil actually chooses to merge with its masters when it feels the crisis in the world.

As the Yang Realm is the most powerful world among the five worlds, it is difficult for Zhuo Bufan to imagine what threats could plunge the Yang Realm into a crisis of annihilation.

"This matter needs long-term consideration."

Zhuo Bufan did not immediately agree to Emperor Xuan's request.

"By the way, Master, I have something important to tell you."

Zhuo Bufan said hurriedly.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's anxious face, Emperor Xuan asked, obviously there was something urgent.

"Master, the Mirror Master, may be coming back!"

"Mirror Master!"

When Emperor Xuan heard the name Mirror Master, a look of anxiety immediately appeared on his face.

The Mirror Master is Emperor Xuan's unforgettable enemy throughout his life. It is also the shadow of Emperor Xuan.

Emperor Xuan has been in power for a lifetime and has rarely encountered an opponent. Only the Mirror Master makes him fearful to this day.

Emperor Xuan knew very well how powerful the original Mirror Master was.

When the Mirror Master was at his peak, he fought against all the top masters in the Yang Realm alone without bowing.

The Mirror Master alone has the ability to dominate the world.

It's a pity that the mirror owner was too obsessed with calculations and conspiracies, and in the end he was plotted by Emperor Xuan.

But even so, Emperor Xuan was not able to actually kill the Mirror Master, but only sealed him.

Now, Zhuo Bufan suddenly came to tell him that Master Mirror had returned, and Emperor Xuan was naturally a little frightened.

"Is that man really coming back?"

Emperor Xuan actually had a feeling that the Mirror Master might return.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan continued.

"Master, on my way to the Yang Realm, I went to the mirror world of the Yang Realm. It is a world exactly like the Yang Realm. It was obviously created by the mirror owner in secret."

"Mirror World?"

Emperor Xuan frowned slightly, and Jiang Taiyi on the side was also surprised.

"That's right, the mirror world. Except for the lack of life, everything else about that world is almost the same as the Yang Realm."

"Not only that, I also discovered the real mirror of mountains and seas, and entered the realm of mountains and seas."

"So far, these are the only discoveries, but this is enough to prove that the mirror owner is likely to return."

Zhuo Bufan told Emperor Xuan everything he discovered in the mirror world.

After Zhuo Bufan's reasoning, Emperor Xuan also felt that the mirror owner might be returning soon.

Emperor Xuan frowned, thought for a moment, and then said to Zhuo Bufan.

"To be honest, I actually feel that the seal is loosening."

"So I asked Donghuang to go check it out for me."

"I can't get close to that seal, otherwise the Mirror Master will use me to break through the seal."

In fact, Emperor Xuan found signs of loosening of the mirror master's seal as soon as he returned to the virtual world.

But as the sealer, he couldn't get close to the seal, so he could only ask Qingdi to check it out.

"What did Emperor Qing say?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

Emperor Xuan replied: "There is no reply from Donghuang yet."

"However, I have a very ominous premonition."

"That's why I hope you can merge with the Yang Realm as soon as possible. In this case, even if the Mirror Master is resurrected in the future, it will not pose much of a threat."

Emperor Xuan said.

He now hopes that Zhuo Bufan will become the World God of Yin Yang Universe as soon as possible.

In this case, even if the mirror owner is resurrected, Zhuo Bufan's single thought can make him disappear into ashes.

However, Zhuo Bufan still had lingering fears.

"Master, do you still remember that the Mirror Master was also the world god of the virtual world?"

Zhuo Bufan's words suddenly made Emperor Xuan's eyes light up.

"You mean, the virtual world tree may..."

"I suspect that the virtual world tree was manipulated by the Mirror Master."

"How did I die in my previous life? I suddenly suspect that it might be related to the Mirror Master!"

Zhuo Bufan's previous life, Feng Jun, was a true immortal who had been to Daluotian.

He was once the strongest existence in Yin and Yang Qiankun. Such a peerless genius would not suddenly fall even in Daluotian.

So Zhuo Bufan suspected that his previous life died in a very strange way.

And why did he arrange all this before he died?

And the arrangement of the virtual world tree always made Zhuo Bufan feel a little strange.

Ji Xuanhao made the virtual world tree into a huge virtual world!

Whenever the soul reaches the Yuanshen realm, the soul will be absorbed into the virtual world.

That is to say, Zhuo Bufan will definitely enter the virtual world.

And the purpose of the virtual world is to block everyone's path to truth.

This seems to imply something.

Zhuo Bufan was wondering if his past life was reminding him that the Void Tree was actually a trap.

After all, before Ji Xuanhao, the owner of the Void Tree was the Mirror Master.

With this association, Zhuo Bufan suspected that the Mirror Master had set a trap in the Void Tree from the beginning.

So that the trap was completely broken out after Ji Xuanhao ascended to Daluo Heaven.

So Ji Xuanhao was already severely injured and even at the point of death.

Ji Xuanhao was forced to choose to fall into reincarnation.

The more Zhuo Bufan thought about all this, the more he felt that the Mirror Master must be planning some conspiracy behind the scenes.

So until now, Zhuo Bufan did not dare to really take the initiative to merge the Void Tree.

His current goal is to merge the world power of the Yang Realm first and become the world god of the Yang Realm.

Then he will try to see if he can solve the trap on the Void Tree.

However, when he came to the Yang Realm this time, Zhuo Bufan found that things were far from being so simple.

Because the Mirror Master, the biggest variable, is about to return.

"Master, now we can only deal with it as it comes."

"The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. The most urgent task is to investigate what the intentions of the mirror master are. I suggest starting the investigation from the mirror slaves."

"By the way, senior brother, where is the deputy head? He should be one of the mirror slaves!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly remembered the deputy head Bei Ming Xuanji, who was the mirror slave of the mirror master and had been under the surveillance of Jiang Taiyi.

However, after hearing this, Jiang Taiyi shook his head and sighed.

"He ran away. One day ten years ago, he suddenly disappeared in Deyi Palace."

"Suddenly disappeared?"

"Yes, when I arrived, I found only a broken mirror on the ground. I guess he escaped through that mirror."

"Suddenly ran away? He must have completed some task and then suddenly ran away."

Zhuo Bufan guessed.

Jiang Taiyi shook his head and replied.

"I don't know about that. For so many years, he has been under my surveillance and has not made any strange moves."

Zhuo Bufan replied.

"No, Senior Brother, do you still remember the Shanhai Mirror in his hand? There is a mirror sea in that slave mirror, and under the mirror sea there is a terrifying beast."

"Beast? Could it be the four strange beasts of the mirror master?" Emperor Xuan Jiang Taixuan said suddenly.

"Four strange beasts?" Zhuo Bufan shook his head, indicating that he had never heard of it.

"That's right, the mirror master raised four beasts, ghosts and monsters! These four beasts each have the ability to defy the heavens."

"Are there beasts that devour life?" Zhuo Bufan asked hurriedly.

After hearing this, Emperor Xuan nodded.

"Yes, it's the strange beast. This beast specializes in devouring the essence of life."

"That's right, the strange beast is raised in the Shanhai Mirror of Beiming Xuanji! I remember that when I got the first palace selection, thousands of contestants entered the mirror sea, but only a few came out in the end. Those people should have become food for the strange beasts."

When Zhuo Bufan told this secret, Jiang Taiyi was stunned.

"Is this true?"

"Yes, it seems that Bei Ming Xuan Ji has been secretly feeding the strange beasts all these years."

"It will be a big trouble if we take it." Emperor Xuan said.

"What trouble?" Zhuo Bufan and Jiang Taiyi asked at the same time.

Only Emperor Xuan responded.

"The strange beasts can transfer the vitality they devour to the sealed mirror master!"

"That means that the mirror master has been absorbing the power of this world for hundreds of thousands of years since he was sealed!"

"Mirror master, you are really coming back!"


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