Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1066: Meeting the Moon Goddess Again

During the conversation with Emperor Xuan, Zhuo Bufan once again confirmed that the Mirror Master might return.

The return of the Mirror Master would obviously not be a good thing.

"No, I'm a little worried, Master, I want to go to the Void Realm."

"Are you going to the Void Realm now?"

Emperor Xuan asked.

"Yes, I have a feeling that the Mirror Master may be resurrected soon. I don't have time to absorb the world power of the Yang Realm."

"With Donghuang here, it should be fine."

Emperor Xuan said to Zhuo Bufan.

The Green Emperor has already gone to the Void Realm, and I believe he will return soon.

But Zhuo Bufan still said worriedly.

"No, I'd better go! I'm more familiar with the Void Realm."

"I'll just go and investigate the situation of the Mirror Master."

Zhuo Bufan insisted on going to the Void Realm to investigate, and Emperor Xuan thought about it and felt that it was okay to let him go.

"Okay, but you have to be careful."

"Fortunately, the virtual world and the Yang world are no longer at war. The war has stopped, and the virtual world has also restored a brief peace."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard it.

"Has the war in the virtual world stopped?"

Jiang Taiyi answered on the side.

"Yes, after the master came back, he immediately mediated the war."

"Now the war has stopped, and the virtual world and the Yang world have signed a non-violation treaty."

"But the forbidden wall is still under the management of our Yang world, so as to prevent the virtual world from taking advantage of it."

Jiang Taiyi told Zhuo Bufan about the situation of the virtual world and the Yang world.

As soon as Emperor Xuan returned to the Yang world, he immediately mediated the war, and finally liberated the virtual world, which had been ravaged and tormented for a long time.

The virtual world has also restored the long-lost peace.

Although there are still many people in the Yang world who are not convinced, facing the extremely powerful Emperor Xuan, they have no say at all.

Now there are no armies from the Yang World in the Void World. The only thing left is the forbidden wall at the junction of the Yang World and the Void World, which is guarded by the Yang World army.

"That's good. I promised the Moon God of the Void World to help resolve the disputes between the two worlds. Now I have kept my promise."

"By the way, Master, before I leave, I want to know more about what kind of person the Mirror Master is. Master, can you tell me everything you know?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Emperor Xuan and asked.

After hearing this, Emperor Xuan sat down and replied.

"My understanding of the Mirror Master is limited to when he became the World God of the Void World."

"He is a peerless genius, and even genius can hardly describe his talent."

"I heard that when he became the World God, he received instructions from God to unify the entire Yin and Yang Universe."

"Unify the world?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised.

Isn't what he is doing now exactly what the Mirror Master wants to do?

"That's right!"

"Unify the entire world and become the only supreme god of Yin Yang Universe."

"But why did he start a war? Isn't it enough to just merge with the world tree?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

After hearing this, Emperor Xuan spoke slowly.

"I don't know, but merging with the world tree requires an opportunity. I believe you know this opportunity better than me."

The words of Emperor Xuan made Zhuo Bufan suddenly realize.

The opportunity to merge with the world tree is to let the world tree feel that its time has suffered a world-destroying crisis, then the world tree will naturally choose a person to actively merge with.

"So that's it. The purpose of his war is to make the entire Yin Yang Universe suffer."

"Wait until all worlds feel the world-destroying crisis, and then he will use this opportunity to merge with it?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly understood the mirror master a little.

The mirror master actually knew the opportunity to merge with the world tree, and it was because of this that he started a war.

When the war spreads to all worlds, the world tree will choose the master to recognize the master and merge.

Didn't Zhuo Bufan come here step by step?

It's just that Zhuo Bufan has always been passive, while the mirror master took the initiative!

"If that's the case, what the mirror master did is understandable."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt that the mirror master was not a big villain.

What the mirror master wanted to do was to unify the entire Yin and Yang world. Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't know what the specific purpose was.

If you want to unify, you must make sacrifices. Since ancient times, hasn't peace always been accompanied by war?

Zhuo Bufan is actually doing the same thing as the mirror master now.

Zhuo Bufan also wants to unify the entire Yin and Yang world.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan would not think of starting a war and putting the Yang world into crisis. Such a stupid method.

"I understand!"

"Then Master, I will go to the virtual world first."

After Zhuo Bufan roughly understood the situation of the mirror master, he was ready to leave.

This time, he did not plan to take Bai Su and Yaya with him.

But before leaving, Zhuo Bufan found Bai Su and gave her a task.

"Susu, take Yaya to Guiyi Sect and help me pick up Xiaomei. Tell her that I am here to take her home."

Zhuo Bufan is a man who values ​​friendship and loyalty. Although so many years have passed, Zhuo Bufan has not forgotten Xiaomei.

He also knows that Xiaomei has been waiting for him in Guiyi Sect.

And Zhuo Bufan asked Bai Su to find Xiaomei because he wanted them to meet each other.

Zhuo Bufan always treated Xiaomei as his sister.

Now that he is married, it is necessary for him to introduce his wife to Xiaomei.

After hearing this, Bai Su also understood Zhuo Bufan's intention, and she nodded.

"I understand, husband, don't worry, I will go and bring sister Xiaomei back now."

"My husband, when you go to the virtual world, you must pay attention to your safety. If anything happens, you must contact your father and mother emperor in time."

Bai Su is actually not worried about what will happen to Zhuo Bufan.

After all, the current Zhuo Bufan, even if he is not as good as her father, is still absolutely strong.

What's more, Zhuo Bufan still has the door to rebirth, which can make him invincible.

"Don't worry, you and Yaya should spend more time with Mother Emperor. I will be back soon."

Zhuo Bufan and Bai Suwen stayed together for a moment, and then he finally decided to get up and go to the virtual world.

This time, Zhuo Bufan didn't bring anyone with him, only Emperor Xuan came to see him off in person.

"After you enter the virtual world, contact Donghuang first, and he will tell you the sealing place of the Mirror Master."

"This is Donghuang's sound transmission conch, take it!"

Emperor Xuan handed the sound-transmitting conch to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan took the sound-transmitting conch and nodded.

"Master, don't worry. Once I have the results of the investigation, I will rush back to the Yang Realm and discuss the next steps with you."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he turned around and entered the forbidden wall.

Then from the forbidden wall, he entered the virtual world.

Coming to the virtual world again, Zhuo Bufan felt the sweet fragrance in the air.

This world no longer has the pungent smell of blood. It seems that the world has slowly returned to peace.

"Next, contact Qingdi first!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took out the sound transmission conch given by Emperor Xuan and began to contact Emperor Qing.

However, when Zhuo Bufan integrated his spiritual thoughts into the sound-transmitting conch, he found that there was no response from Qingdi at all.

"Qing Emperor, Qing Emperor!"

Zhuo Bufan called again and again, but received no answer from Qingdi.

This made him slightly uneasy.

"No! Did something really happen?"

"What should we do next? How can we find Qingdi?"

Zhuo Bufan's top priority is to find the location of Qing Emperor.

After thinking about the child for a moment, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the moon in the sky.

"Let's go to the Moon Palace! Maybe the Moon God will have some clues."

Zhuo Bufan and Yue Shen are old acquaintances. As the current supreme god of the virtual world, Yue Shen should be well aware of the situation in the virtual world.

He didn't hesitate, got up and flew towards the Moon Temple in the sky.

After many years, Zhuo Bufan finally came to the Moon Palace again.

Arriving at the Moon Palace again, Lao Yuan Zhuo Bufan saw two people playing chess in the Moon Pavilion outside the Moon Palace.

When Zhuo Bufan took a closer look, he discovered that the two of them were the Moon God and his daughter, the Flower Goddess.

"Father God, someone is coming."

When Zhuo Bufan saw Yue Shen and the others, Yue Shen also discovered Zhuo Bufan.

Moreover, the perception of the Moon God is obviously stronger than that of the Flower God, he said with a smile.

"Someone is here, and he's an old friend."

When the Flower God heard this, he frowned.

"Old friend? Who is it!"

"You'll know soon."

After the Moon God finished speaking, he got up and walked out of the Moon Pavilion with the Flower God.

Soon, they saw the man flying from the sky. When the flower god saw the man, he bit his lower lip in excitement, and Xia Fei's cheeks trembled.

"It's Mr. Zhuo who's back. Father God, he's really back."

The God of Flowers has a special kind of worship for Zhuo Bufan.

To put it simply, Flower God is Zhuo Bufan’s little fan girl.

Fans were naturally excited when they saw their idol arriving.

"Two gods, long time no see!"

Zhuo Bufan took the initiative to say hello.

After hearing this, the flower god was so excited that she stepped forward and bowed.

"Hello, sir, long time no see!"

Flora was a little excited, so excited that she could hardly speak clearly.

Seeing this, the Moon God on the side had a doting look on his face.

He smiled helplessly.

"Mr. Zhuo, you are well and well!"

"I never thought we could meet again."

Moon God actually did not expect that Zhuo Bufan would return to the virtual world.

"Speaking of which, I really want to thank you. You really didn't lie to us. Thank you young master for helping us solve this crisis in the virtual world."

Zhuo Bufan understood what Moon God said.

He smiled and said: "The words of the Moon God are serious. The one who resolves the dispute between the virtual world and the Yang world is not me, but my master, Emperor Xuan."

Moon God also nodded and said: "Lord Xuan Emperor is certainly responsible for this. If it weren't for him, our world might be over."

"But the little god still wants to solemnly thank Mr. Zhuo here. If Mr. Zhuo hadn't invited Master Xuan to return, peace in our virtual world would not have been restored so quickly."

The Moon God naturally knew that Zhuo Bufan's efforts were behind Emperor Xuan's mediation of the war, so it was right to be grateful to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing this.

"The Moon God is still so polite!"

"But Moon God, I came here today not to reminisce about old times. I want to inquire about someone from Lord Moon God."

Zhuo Bufan did not forget about business.

After hearing this, Moon God asked.

"I wonder who Mr. Zhuo is looking for?"

Zhuo Bufan said quickly.

"I wonder if Moon God knows Emperor Qing? He is the man who usually appears with Emperor Xuan."

After hearing this, Moon God slowly shook his head and said.

"I have only met Emperor Xuan once, and I have never had the honor to see Emperor Qing. So I don't know who the Qing Emperor you are talking about is."

"Is that so! Then do you know if there is a peerless strong man coming to the virtual world recently?"

"You should be able to feel that Emperor Qing appeared in the virtual world."

Zhuo Bufan said.

When the Moon God heard this, he shook his head and sighed again.

"Mr. Zhuo doesn't know that my power is no longer as strong as before."

"The people's faith in me is getting weaker and weaker. I haven't received devout faith for many years."

"Now I am the Moon God in name, but I am no longer the strongest god in the virtual world."

The Moon God said happily.

In fact, he had expected this day a long time ago.

During the war between the virtual world and the Yang world, the Moon God stood aside and watched, which led to the weakening of the faith of the creatures in the virtual world.

The Moon God now has almost no faith. He has no source of divine power and is no longer the most powerful god in the virtual world.

The strongest god in the virtual world is actually his apprentice, Xigong Haoyue.

Xigong Haoyue is now called Little Moon God, and has the ability to replace Moon God.

And all this is actually under Yue Shen's calculation.

"I understand!"

Zhuo Bufan also sighed helplessly.

Moon God has never explained to the people of the world why he stood aside and watched.

In fact, he signed an agreement with the rulers of various countries in the Yang world and could not take action.

Once he took action, it would only accelerate the demise of the virtual world.

Moon God is not an indifferent god. On the contrary, everything he has done for the virtual world is unimaginable to others.

He is the one who has made the greatest contribution to the virtual world.

"Then I would like to ask Lord Moon God again, this is also my last question."

"Please speak, sir."

"Moon God, do you know where the mirror master was sealed back then?"

Zhuo Bufan believes that Moon God should know something.

Moon God was a little surprised when he heard it.

"Young Master, are you asking about the place where the Mirror Master was sealed?"

"Yes, I wonder if Moon God can tell me where the Mirror Master was sealed back then?"

"This matter concerns the life and death of all walks of life. Please give me some advice, Lord Moon God."

Seeing Zhuo Bufan so anxious, Moon God also understood that this matter was very important.

So he said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Young Master Zhuo, I will take you there myself!"

The Moon God planned to take Zhuo Bufan to the place where the Mirror Master was sealed.

Seeing this, the Flower God said.

"Father God, I want to go too."

But Moon God stopped her.

"No, you can't go to that place."

Obviously, the place where the Mirror Master was sealed was very dangerous, and he couldn't let his daughter follow him to take risks.

"But Father God, I..."

Before Flower God finished speaking, Moon God interrupted.

"Stop talking, just wait for me in the Moon Palace."

"Master Zhuo, let's go!"

After the Moon Goddess finished speaking, she waved her hand and set up a powerful barrier around the entire Moon Palace. This way, even if the Flower Goddess wanted to follow them secretly, it would be impossible.

Afterwards, the Moon Goddess took Zhuo Bufan and flew towards the place where the Mirror Master was sealed...

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