Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1078: Invincible God

This man who suddenly appeared was not the same clan that the mirror master expected, but the supreme rebellious god from Daluotian, Ni Cangqiong.

Ni Cangqiong was a rebellious god, even in Daluotian, he was a very powerful war god.

Ni Cangqiong had fought countless battles in his life and was invincible.

However, he was defeated by Zhuo Bufan. Although that time was not a real failure, it was a sign of failure for this strong man.

He could not accept the fact that he had failed.

So after the disappearance of the cause and effect, Ni Cangqiong had been thinking about descending to Yin and Yang again, and then fighting Zhuo Bufan again.

He was not seeking revenge, but simply wanted to kill Zhuo Bufan to prove his invincibility.

He did not expect that when he was struggling to find a way to descend.

Suddenly, a guiding light from the Yin and Yang world entered Daluotian.

Ni Cangqiong discovered the guiding light at the first time.

He released his clone without even thinking about it, and then descended to the Yang world along the guiding light.

As a result, as soon as he entered the Yang Realm, Ni Cangqiong saw the guy who made him hate him so much.

Mirror Master was also surprised.

Mirror Master never dreamed that the one who descended was not his own people, but the peerless martial god of Daluotian, Ni Cangqiong.

Mirror Master knew Ni Cangqiong. To be precise, everyone in Daluotian knew Ni Cangqiong.

Ni Cangqiong was called Ni Shen in Daluotian.

He ascended to Daluotian from a world called the Holy Realm.

However, after arriving in Daluotian, Ni Cangqiong did not choose to become a virtual life, but chose to be a human again.

However, he started from a mortal and practiced again.

Ni Cangqiong was the male protagonist in the novel, with talents and abilities far beyond Zhuo Bufan.

Even if he arrived in Daluotian and chose to be a human again and start from scratch, he was still the strongest existence.

He named himself Ni Shen, and he once boasted that he would reverse the chaos of the universe.

He was once a disciple of Pan Huang, but later found that there was nothing to learn from Pan Huang.

So he defected from his master, and even caused the most massive hunting storm in the history of Daluotian.

Ni Cangqiong fought thousands of miles alone and killed all the pursuers.

That battle lasted for a hundred years.

Ni Cangqiong fought to survive, and soon grew into a famous figure in Daluotian.

At least in Panhuang's territory, Ni Cangqiong was a ruthless man that everyone was afraid of.

Later, Ni Cangqiong decided to challenge the heaven of the entire Daluotian.

That is, the world god of Daluotian.

Through investigation, he learned that the world god of Daluotian came from Yin and Yang, and was called Luotian.

When Luotian ascended to Daluotian, he made a choice that no one else had ever made.

Luotian split his soul into two.

One choice became a virtual life, and the other chose to be reborn as a human.

And the current world god Luotian is the virtual life at the beginning.

As for Luotian, who was reborn as a human, it is said that he was later eliminated by the virtual Luotian.

Ni Cangqiong came to Tiandao and wanted to challenge the virtual Luotian, but was beaten half to death by the virtual Luotian.

Since then, Ni Cangqiong has been much more honest.

In order to investigate Luotian, he even planted the cause and effect in the world where Luotian ascended, that is, the Yin and Yang Universe.

That is the later demon Ni Cangqiong.

But before Ni Cangqiong had time to be proud, he was forced to expose himself and die by Zhuo Bufan.

This is the story of Ni Cangqiong, a man who was rampant in Daluotian.

Unexpectedly, this man has now descended into this world.

The owner of the mirror felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

And Ni Cangqiong on the opposite side recognized Zhuo Bufan in front of him, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Boy, I said, I will come back."

"Welcome my anger! This time I descended 50% of my power to completely destroy you."

Ni Cangqiong claimed that he descended 50% of his power this time, and the Yang world is obviously more capable of bearing it than the world of cultivation.

Even with 50% of the power, the Yang Realm showed no signs of collapse.

The most important problem facing the Yang Realm now is that the next battle is likely to destroy the entire world.

The fighting power between Ni Cangqiong and Mirror Master is definitely enough to destroy the entire Yang Realm.

"Boy, fight!"

Ni Cangqiong did not give Mirror Master a chance to explain.

He mediated the magnificent power from Daluotian in his palm, raised his hand and pointed, and a black light pierced through time and space.

"Ni Shen's Tribulation!"

Ni Cangqiong's move was thunder, not giving Mirror Master a chance to react.

Seeing Ni Cangqiong's monstrous divine power coming, Mirror Master immediately sacrificed the space-time power of the Yang Realm.

"Space-time shackles, seal it!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless black chains flew out from the air and blocked Ni Cangqiong.

At the same time, Mirror Master disappeared in the air, avoiding Ni Cangqiong's vast divine tribulation.

"Ni Shen's Tyrant Body! Heh!"

With a roar, Ni Cangqiong's skin began to burst out with a golden luster.

For a moment, all methods were invulnerable, and the shackles of time and space were completely useless.

"I must eliminate you!"

The mirror master realized that the battle with Ni Cangqiong was inevitable.

He clenched his hand in the air, and Zhuo Bufan's Wuliang Sword appeared.


The Wuliang Sword slashed down with a backhand, and its power could only cut through the galaxy and break the universe.

It slashed towards Ni Cangqiong's head.

However, this Infinite Divine Sword, with its ability to cut everything, made a pop when it hit the top of Ni Qiongqiong's head.


The infinite sword shattered into pieces and turned into flying ashes.

"It's ridiculous. A broken sword wants to touch my God-defying body?"

Ni Cangqiong's whole body was shining with golden light. The Ni God Hegemon Body he cultivated was an extremely powerful physique. Even in Da Luotian, it was a first-class divine body.

The Infinite Sword is only an innate artifact of the Yin-Yang Universe. In other words, the power of the Infinite Sword to obliterate the rules is only useful for things in the Yin-Yang Universe.

However, Ni Qiong is the existence of Da Luotian, and he is not affected by any rules of this world.

That's why he is so careless.

Because he had seen the Infinite Sword in his previous battle with Zhuo Bufan.

At that time, Ni Qianqiong could only bring down a maximum of 20% of his power, and was eventually suppressed by Zhuo Bufan.

Now that he has gained 50% of his strength, he can finally fight happily.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing that Ni Qingqiong was unharmed, Jingzhu became angry.

He mobilized the power of the world gods in the Yang Realm and began to clear the counter sky.

However, Ni Cangqiong is like a virus. After entering the human body, no matter how the human body saves itself, it still cannot stop the rapid spread of the virus.

For the mirror owner, Ni Qianqiong is now the virus that has entered his world.

It will not be easy to eradicate this virus.

Therefore, he had to use all the strength of the world to eliminate Ni Cang Qiong.

However, Ni Qiong is more powerful than the Mirror Master imagined.

Although the world power of the Yang Realm kept bombarding him, Ni Qianqiong had a domineering body to protect him, and he was not afraid.

His whole body was bursting with frightening energy.

That is the power of the world in the Yang Realm, which is difficult to invade.

"Boy, is this all you have?"

"It seems that I really overestimated you."

Ni Qiong, who had descended with half of his power, was infinitely more powerful than the previous demon.

He stood there and let the thunder and lightning come on.

The Mirror Master tried his best, but was completely unable to do anything to Ni Qiong.

"Then try this!"

The mirror owner raised his hand, and dragons and snakes began to rise from the earth.

Immediately afterwards, terrifying evil beasts appeared out of the sky.

The Mirror Master summoned the four strange beasts, and then headed towards Ni Cang Qiong to besiege them.

The four strange beasts turned into four rays of light, forming four shackle powers.

Devouring life, soul, divine power, and spiritual power.

These four strange beasts were the power that Mirror Master had cultivated when he was in Daluotian, and they were enough to suppress the current Ni Cangqiong.

Soon, Ni Qianqiong discovered that his power was indeed suppressed to a certain extent.

At this time, the Mirror Master struck with a more powerful blow.

"In my name, gather the power of the entire world to kill him!"

The mirror owner flew up, with a cold light on his fingertips.

He gathered the power of the entire Yang Realm and blasted towards Ni Cang Qiong.

call out!

A bit of cold light flew by, and the sky and the earth instantly shattered into endless dust.

Under that destructive power, Ni Qianqiong finally felt the threat to his life.

"You little bastard, are you serious?"

"Come on, Fist of the Anti-God!"

Seeing a cold light coming from the mirror owner, Ni Qingqiong punched out loudly, gathered all his current strength, and punched his opponent.


This punch blasted away the endless lead cloud and destroyed half of the Yang Realm.

The sky was penetrated, the earth was destroyed, and the doomsday was like a torch, burning the world.

The final battle between the two sides begins the end of the world.

The mirror owner suddenly discovered that the power of the Yang Realm Tree in his body began to wither.

"Damn it, this world is going to end soon."

"Once the world perishes, it will be too late."

The Mirror Master has done so much just to obtain Luo Tian's original world.

If the world is destroyed now, all his hard work for so many years will be in vain.

After the Battle of Hongtian, Mirror Master and Ni Cangqiong were evenly matched, and both sides did not gain much advantage.

But after this blow, the Mirror Master found that he could no longer mobilize the world power of the Yang Realm.

This is not a good thing for the mirror owner, it is even something that makes him feel desperate.

"We can no longer fight in this world, we need to move our position."

Fortunately, the Mirror Master now controls the world power of the five worlds.

The Yang Realm is already in ruins and cannot be used as the main battlefield. He needs to lead Ni Qiong to other worlds to fight.

But at this time, Ni Qingqiong stood up from the dust and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, very good, very happy! I haven't had such a happy battle in a long time."

"You are very good and strong! You are stronger than the last time I saw you."

Ni Qiangqiong was very excited. He needed a comparable opponent to completely stimulate his fighting spirit.

"Go on! Let me see how much potential you have."

Just when Ni Qianqiong was about to continue fighting, the Mirror Master suddenly had a thought in his mind.

A divine bell appeared in front of him.

The Chaos Divine Bell was born, and then a door to the world was opened.

The mirror owner said nothing and prepared to run away.

Ni Qingqiong frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Want to escape?"

"I am against the sky. Death in my hands will be your luck in life. Why run away?"

"Die to me."

When Ni Qiong saw the mirror owner trying to escape, he reached out directly towards the mirror owner.

The grip of the rebellious god is unparalleled in its domineering power.

His hand seemed to have an irresistible force.

In the end, Ni Qianqiong stretched out his hand and held it, and even the Mirror Master, who had escaped into the World Crossing Gate, appeared in his hand instantly.

I saw Ni Qingqiong's hand tightly grasping the mirror owner's neck.

The breath of death began to spread to the mirror owner.

The mirror owner was choked by Ni Qianqiong and could not move.

Ni Qiong's power has exceeded his imagination.

Emperor Xuan and others who watched the battle were even more stunned.

They saw terrifying powers far beyond this world.

That is the divine power that comes from the heaven, Da Luotian.

Compared to Da Luotian's divine power, their power is simply too small, like ants.

The rules of this world simply cannot restrain such an existence.

"Stop, stop!"

"I am not the person you are looking for, I am Daluo Tianxu..."

The mirror owner struggled hard in Ni Qingqiong's hand.

Ni Cangqiong hesitated for a moment after hearing the Mirror Master's voice.

Then he smiled.

"I see, the dove occupies the magpie's nest, right?"

"You idiots like Da Luo Tianxu like to do sneaky things."

"Don't you claim to be higher beings than humans? Why do you still want to take human bodies to survive?"

"In my eyes, you are just a bunch of bugs. Do parasites understand?"

"So what if you are a high-level incorporeal body? It would be easier for me to crush you to death than to crush an insect to death."

Ni Qingqiong saw that the other party was an incorporeal life that had taken away Zhuo Bufan's body and soul.

In Daluotian, although incorporeal life is noble, it is very rare.

They are life forms that cannot reproduce, so if one dies, one is missing.

Although humans are weak, they reproduce quickly.

Moreover, humans who have reached the peak of cultivation are not weaker than incorporeal life forms.

Take Ni Cangqiong for example. Although he is a human being, in Daluotian, all incorporeal beings will walk around him when they see him.

"Nishen, do you know what you are doing?"

"If you kill me, heaven will punish you."

The Mirror Master was frightened. The Mirror Master, who was obviously arrogant, began to show weakness in front of Ni Qianqiong.

However, Ni Qingqiong sneered after hearing his words.

"Cang Tian, ​​is it the incorporeal Luo Tian? I will replace him sooner or later."

"So it turns out that you, the guy, were instructed by the incorporeal Luo Tian to engage in small tricks in this world?"

"It's really strange. Isn't the Yin-Yang Realm transformed by Luo Tian's Yin-Yang Reincarnation Disk?"

"This is his little world. Why would he send someone like you to come to the Yin and Yang world to do something small?"

Ni Qiangqiong immediately guessed that the Mirror Master had descended into the Yin and Yang Realm on the orders of Da Luotian, the world god of the world, the virtual Luotian.

But what he couldn't figure out was that the Yin and Yang Realm belonged to Luo Tian, ​​so why did he bother with it?

"From this point of view, this world is not the world of the virtual Luotian, but the world of the human Luotian."

Finally, Ni Qiangqiong came to such a conclusion.

Although the virtual Luotian and the human Luotian are both Luotian, they have already differentiated into two independent lives.

"Ni Cang Qiong, don't you dare to thwart Cang Qiong's will."

The backer behind the Mirror Master is the World God of Da Luotian.

It can be said that it is the most powerful backer.

However, how can Ni Qiong be threatened in just two or three sentences?

"Bastard, you still dare to threaten me with the sky, you are looking for death!"

Ni Qingqiong suddenly opened his mouth in anger.

"The Bite of the Anti-God!"

Immediately, the Mirror Master attached to Zhuo Bufan was sucked out bit by bit by Ni Qianqiong, and then swallowed into his stomach.


Following the mirror owner's tragic screams, his entire soul was completely torn apart, and finally got into Ni Qiangqiong's mouth.

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