Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1079 Luo Tian's Story

After Ni Cangqiong swallowed the virtual body of the mirror master into his stomach.

Zhuo Bufan's body fell from the sky to the dusty ground with a bang.

Not only Zhuo Bufan, but also with the disappearance of the mirror master.

The time and space crystal that trapped Bai Su and others began to disintegrate.


Bai Su flew to Zhuo Bufan who fell to the ground at the first time.

On the other side, Xuandi and Qingdi looked at Ni Cangqiong in front of them vigilantly after escaping from the time and space crystal.

After swallowing the virtual body of the mirror master, Ni Cangqiong burped.

Then, he looked at Xuandi and others in front of him.

"Forget it, no more fighting!"

"It seems that Luo Tian's secret is about to surface!"

Ni Cangqiong did not attack Xuandi and others again, because for him, the battle was over.

As for Zhuo Bufan, he did not plan to kill him again.

On the contrary, after he swallowed the mirror master, he saved Zhuo Bufan.

After the mirror master was swallowed, Zhuo Bufan's soul began to recover slowly.

In the darkness, a little light was slowly born.

Along with it, Zhuo Bufan's consciousness was also born.

As Zhuo Bufan's consciousness revived, he slowly opened his eyes.

When Bai Su saw Zhuo Bufan open his eyes, she was so excited that she held his face.

"Husband, it's great, you woke up, you finally woke up."

Bai Su held Zhuo Bufan's face tightly, her eyes were already red and swollen from crying.

After Zhuo Bufan slowly regained consciousness, the whole person seemed to have a muddle-headed sleep.

After waking up, Zhuo Bufan looked at Bai Su in front of him with a dull look.

"Susu, what happened?"

Zhuo Bufan saw the ruins in front of him from the corner of his eye.

All he saw was wasteland and dust. It was obvious that a shocking war had broken out before this.

"Where is the mirror master? Where did he go?"

Zhuo Bufan looked around and didn't see the mirror master.

And at this moment, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of Zhuo Bufan with a bang.

Zhuo Bufan looked up and saw the figure under the sun, which made him tremble and stand up suddenly.

"Demon, Ni Cangqiong!"

Zhuo Bufan looked nervously at Ni Cangqiong who suddenly descended in front of him.

Ni Cangqiong narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of him.

"Boy, you still remember me."

Ni Cangqiong did not attack Zhuo Bufan.

Now he wanted to kill Zhuo Bufan, it would be easy, but he did not do so.

After listening to Ni Cangqiong's words, Zhuo Bufan slowly let down his guard.

He did not feel any hostility from Ni Cangqiong, and it was obvious that Ni Cangqiong did not want to fight with him.

"You should thank me, because I saved your life."

"Otherwise, you would have become someone else's puppet."

"I never thought that virtual life would invade the Yin-Yang world."

"Luo Tian has set an eternal ban on the Yin-Yang world. Apart from the cause and effect, even I can't think of any power that can penetrate this eternal ban."

Ni Cangqiong said something that Zhuo Bufan and the others couldn't understand.

Zhuo Bufan was even more confused at this moment.

The mirror master disappeared, Ni Cangqiong appeared, and the world was completely destroyed.

What happened? Zhuo Bufan just wanted someone to answer his questions.

At this time, Bai Su saw his confused face and quickly explained to Zhuo Bufan.

"My husband, your soul was just taken away by the mirror master. He mastered your power and then destroyed the Yang world."

"Not only the Yang world, but all the creatures in the Yang world were wiped out by him."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard it.

"Damn it, this mirror master actually did this."

What Zhuo Bufan was worried about really happened.

The mirror master wiped out all the life in the Yang world as soon as he took over his body.

This is a crazy guy, and his behavior is unforgivable.

At this time, Ni Cangqiong explained.

"This guy seems to have obeyed the order of Daluo Tiandao, that is, the virtual Luotian. While mastering this world, he used the world god power of the Yin and Yang world to open the eternal ban and wanted to introduce the virtual life of Daluotian into this world."

"Unfortunately, this guy happened to open the channel right under my feet."

"I sent half of my power from Daluotian to this world, and just saw that guy opening the receiving channel."

"Then I killed him without saying a word, and saved your life by the way."

"That's what happened, do you understand?"

Ni Cangqiong enthusiastically told Zhuo Bufan everything that happened before.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Ni Cangqiong with surprise.

He never expected that he would be saved by this big devil.

Zhuo Bufan regarded Ni Cangqiong as his lifelong enemy for all the bad things he had done before.

Unexpectedly, he was saved by his mortal enemy now.

"Did you really save me?"

Zhuo Bufan still couldn't believe it. He looked at Ni Cangqiong in front of him.

Bai Su on the side also hurriedly explained.

"Yes, husband, it was indeed he who saved you and us."

Bai Su was not targeting Ni Cangqiong, although Ni Cangqiong caused a catastrophe when he was in the world of cultivation.

But Ni Cangqiong himself did not lead the people of the magic to do anything evil.

The reason why Mo Da was so rampant was just relying on his reputation.

Of course, this does not mean that Zhuo Bufan will forgive Ni Qiong. Because Zhuo Bufan's sister died in his hands.

"I will remember this kindness. He will repay it one day, and then I will fight you to the death."

Kindness is kindness, hatred is hatred.

Zhuo Bufan knows right from wrong, so he will not forget what Ni Qingqiong did because of this incident.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan stood up and looked at the devastated ground, feeling extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

He wants to use the world power of the Yang Realm to turn back time and go back to before the world was destroyed.

But he soon discovered that the power of the World Tree in the Yang Realm was almost exhausted.

If you want to use it again, you may have to wait another hundred years.

"Boy, do you know why I don't kill you?"

At this time, Ni Qiangqiong on the side was no longer as frivolous as before, and his tone became serious.

At this time, everyone gathered around and looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Ni Qingqiong continued.

"I think you should have discovered it yourself. You are someone's reincarnation, right?"

Ni Qingqiong asked.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned.

"Are you talking about Ji Xuanhao? I am indeed the reincarnation of Ji Xuanhao."

Zhuo Bufan did not hide the fact that he was Ji Xuanhao's reincarnation, and there was no need to hide it.

But Ni Qingqiong shook his head and said.

"Ji Xuanhao, who is that?"

"Boy, you are not the reincarnation of Ji Xuanhao. If I guess correctly, you should be the reincarnation of Luo Tian."

"Luo Tian?"

Ni Qiong's words reminded Zhuo Bufan of something.

he said quickly.

"If you say so, it counts!"

"Because I told me in my previous life that he is the reincarnation of Luo Tian."

Zhuo Bufan once discovered the secrets left behind by his previous life among the immortal ruins in the world of cultivation.

He learned that his previous life, Ji Xuanhao, was not a simple figure, but the reincarnation of the legendary ascended immortal, Luo Tian.

Everyone present was frightened when they heard this.

"Are you the reincarnation of Lord Luo Tian?"

Even Emperor Xuan was a little surprised.

When people in the Yang Realm are born, the first memory born in their brains is the memory of Luo Tian.

Luo Tian is a legend in this world.

He was the most powerful being in the Yang Realm a million years ago.

He was also the only person who later flew to Daluotian.

I didn't expect that such a powerful man would fall.

Ji Xuanhao is the reincarnation of Luo Tian, ​​which means that Luo Tian has fallen.

"Impossible. Lord Luo Tian is the most powerful god. How could he fall and enter reincarnation?"

Emperor Xuan and the others still couldn't believe it.

After all, they knew Luo Tian was an invincible god from the time they could remember.

This is how they have worshiped and believed in Luo Tian since childhood.

Although he couldn't believe it, Zhuo Bufan believed that Ji Xuanhao would not deceive him.

Ji Xuanhao is the reincarnation of Luo Tian.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan is the reincarnation of Luo Tianlun. He is Luo Tian himself.

After receiving Zhuo Bufan's recognition, Ni Qingqiong nodded.

"That's right, you are indeed the reincarnation of the human body Luo Tian."

"If that's the case, I can't kill you. Because you have the power of infinite reincarnation."

Ni Qingqiong's words made Zhuo Bufan confused and confused.

"What do you mean? You know what happened to Luo Tian, ​​right?"

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

He knew that his life experience was anything but simple.

His previous life, Ji Xuanhao, must have inherited Luo Tian's mission after knowing that he was the reincarnation of Luo Tian.

Just like after learning that he was Ji Xuanhao's reincarnation, he also inherited Ji Xuanhao's mission.

Ji Xuanhao's mission is to merge the five world trees and become the world god of this yin and yang world.

Now, Zhuo Bufan has completed his mission in his previous life and became the only world god in the Yin and Yang world, the five worlds.

It can be said that the current Zhuo Bufan has surpassed his previous life, Ji Xuanhao.

Ji Xuanhao's mission is completed, then what is Luo Tian's mission?

After Luo Tian entered reincarnation, he must have had some regrets about not being able to complete it.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan believed that Luo Tian also had something he wanted to do, and he left this goal to his reincarnation to complete.

Previously, this mission fell on Ji Xuanhao.

But now, it fell on Zhuo Bufan.

"Hehehe, Luo Tian is indeed as powerful and invincible as you imagined."

"Even in Daluotian, he is the strongest."

Ni Qingqiong first let out a sigh.

His understanding of Ni Cang Qiong is limited, but he also knows that Ni Cang Qiong is invincible.

"In this case, how could Master Luo Tian enter reincarnation? Only death can lead to reincarnation."

Emperor Xuan asked quickly.

He didn't believe that Luo Tian would die. Luo Tian's power was definitely beyond their understanding.

At this time, Ni Qingqiong continued.

"How can I explain it to you?"

"Your Lord Luo Tian can be said to be dead, or he can be said to be still alive."

"Millions of years ago, Luo Tian ascended from this Yin and Yang world to the Great Luo Tian."

"Da Luotian, you know, the Hunyuan world above the three thousand worlds, the pinnacle world!"

"The ultimate dreamland for practitioners in all worlds."

"However, the cultivators who ascend to Daluo Heaven will face a choice after ascending."

"Either choose to become a virtual life or a human life."

"Becoming a virtual life will retain all of your spiritual cultivation, and will also have a more powerful immortal power."

"If you choose to be a human again, you will lose all your cultivation and start from scratch."

When Ni Cangqiong finished speaking, Qingdi on the side continued.

"If that's the case, wouldn't everyone choose to become a virtual life?"

Obviously, if Qingdi was allowed to choose, he would also choose to become a virtual life.

Because he didn't want to lose everything he had gained from cultivation.

Cultivation is not easy, especially his cultivation, which requires accumulation day after day and years.

After hearing this, Ni Cangqiong smiled and replied.

"You are right. Basically, 90% of the ascenders will choose to become virtual life."

"Of course, there will be exceptions. For example, I choose to become a human again."

"I am the peerless saint of the holy world. I was born as a human and will never be an alien. Even if I start all over again, I will be a god who disobeys the sky."

Ni Cangqiong is the domineering spokesperson for the human race.

Ni Cangqiong ascended from another holy world, and he chose to become a human and start over.

But even so, Ni Cangqiong took less than 100,000 years to become the famous Ni God in Daluotian.

This Ni God is a man who threatened to challenge the Daluotian Heavenly Dao, which gave the whole Daluotian a headache.

"Not only do I want to be a human, I also want my descendants to be human."

"Why don't you be a good person? Why do you want to be a shitty virtual life."

In Daluotian, Ni Cangqiong is considered a hero of the human race.

His bold words made the people present look at him with admiration.

His persistence in his human identity also makes people respect him.

"Although few people choose humans, these people are all ascenders after all, and they are the best existences in each world."

"They are the protagonists of the world in other worlds."

"Even if they start all over again, they will soon make a comeback."

"And the human race has an ability that virtual life absolutely does not have, that is, reproduction."

"At the beginning, there were very few human races, but when the era of the Three Emperors came, the human race officially began to become an existence that could compete with virtual life in Daluotian."

Ni Cangqiong mentioned the establishment of the Three Emperors. The Three Emperors were called the three most powerful humans in the Daluotian world.

It is also because their existence is enough to fight against the way of heaven.

So the world god of Daluotian did not dare to use the world power of Daluotian at will.

"What did Lord Luotian choose?"

Emperor Xuan asked, he was very concerned about Luotian's choice.

Ni Cangqiong laughed when he heard it.

"Your great god Luo Tian is very different. He is a guy who doesn't follow the ordinary path."

"He split himself into two, usually choosing the virtual body and the human race."

"The next thing is interesting."

"After splitting into two, the virtual body Luo Tian began to hunt down the human body Luo Tian."

"So the human body Luo Tian was forced into reincarnation under the coercion of the virtual body Luo Tian."

"And after the virtual body Luo Tian saw the human body Luo Tian die, he relied on his own powerful strength and quickly became the strongest existence among the virtual life."

"Later, he even passed the test of the Daluotian World Tree and became the new world god of Daluotian."

"This is the story of your great god Luo Tian!"

Ni Cangqiong told Zhuo Bufan and others about the story of Luo Tian.

Zhuo Bufan and others were very incredible after hearing it.

Unexpectedly, the legendary Luo Tian, ​​after arriving in the Daluotian world, had so many things happen.

"No wonder, no wonder Ji Xuanhao told me not to go back to Daluotian."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly understood why Ji Xuanhao died.

Behind all this, there is an even more powerful enemy.

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