Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1083 Road to Heaven

The old man on the road to reincarnation turned out to be the reincarnation of the legendary ancestor Zhou Yi.

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that he would be able to meet the legendary Zhou Yi so soon.

There are many legends about Zhou Yi, but we only know that he, like Luo Tian, ​​was the most amazing figure of that era.

He is the ancestor of Xuanmen and masters the power of all the wonderful gates.

He was also the World God of the Yang Realm, overriding the entire Yang Realm.

He is as famous as Luo Tian. He is the Supreme of Xuanmen - Zhouyi!

"I stayed on the road of reincarnation for three hundred thousand years, and finally learned my true identity."

"Thank you, little friend, for bringing me the memories of my past life."

The old man in front of him, who had remembered the memories of his previous life, was extremely grateful to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"I am also entrusted by Ancestor Xuan. I just didn't expect that you are the reincarnation body of Ancestor Xuan."

In fact, Zhuo Bufan had forgotten what Emperor Xuanzu had asked him to do.

Unexpectedly, on the road to reincarnation, he saw the reincarnation of Xuanzu. Perhaps this was God's will.

"Then Mr. Zhou, I have fulfilled my mission and awakened your memory. What are Mr. Zhou's plans next?"


Zhou Yi looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of him and said.

"My little friend, are you going to Daluotian?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he immediately responded.

"Yes, I am indeed going to Daluotian this time."

"In that case, can I be allowed to go with you?"

Zhuo Bufan was slightly startled.

"Mr. Zhou wants to go with me?"

"That's right, I'm going back to Daluotian too. There are some things waiting for me to do."

Zhou Yi was originally a peerless genius in the Yin and Yang world, but in that stunning era, all the dazzling glory was given to that legend - Luo Tian.

Luo Tian's light covered up all the geniuses of that era.

But it is undeniable that Luo Tian was not the only genius in that era.

Zhou Yi was a person who was not weaker than Luo Tian in that era, just like the relationship between Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao.

Although Zhuo Bufan is now much more popular than Xuanyuan Hao, no one will forget that there was another Xuanyuan Hao who was as famous as Zhuo Bufan in that era.

"Since Mr. Zhou is willing to lead the way with me, that kid can only ask for it."

Zhuo Bufan agreed to Zhou Yi's request.

Anyway, when he went to Daluotian, he was alone and his future was uncertain.

If he could have an acquaintance by his side, perhaps his life in Daluotian would be much easier.

"In that case, let's go!"

"The Reincarnation Tower on the other side is the starting point of Daluotian."

Zhou Yi pointed to a pagoda filled with purple light on the other side of the river of time and said.

Zhuo Bufan looked up and indeed saw a spiral-shaped pagoda.

The pagoda is irregular and even somewhat abstract.

The top of the tower connects heaven and earth.

A golden vortex of chaos swirled at the top of the tower.

That golden vortex is the entrance to Daluotian.

"let's go!"

After Zhou Yi finished speaking, he took Zhuo Bufan and leaped away from the boat, and then landed gently on the other side of the long river of time.

"The river of time we are on is just a secondary tributary of the river of time in Da Luotian."

"Beyond the rules of time, there is a long river of time that is second to Da Luotian."

"And Daluotian's long river of time is an existence that even the world god of Daluotian cannot control."

Zhou Yi told Zhuo Bufan some things about the long river of time.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know much about the Changhe of Time. He only knew that the Changhe of Time in the Yin-Yang world was the number one innate artifact in the Yin-Yang world.

While talking, they came to the Tower of Reincarnation.

The Samsara Tower in front of us is more like a wonderful spiral mountain than a tower.

This tower spirals upward in circles.

Above the tower path, there are mottled stone steps.

They can just walk to the top step by step through these stone steps.

"This is the Way to Heaven, with a total of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine levels!"

"Symbolizes the Nine-Five Supreme!"

"Every time you take a step, your cultivation and strength will be weakened."

"When you reach the top of the tower, all your strength will fade away and you will become a mortal again."

Zhou Yi's words shocked Zhuo Bufan.

He did not expect that this avenue to the sky, which symbolizes the Nine-Five Master, would actually be a road of cleansing.

By embarking on this path, he will be washed by the power of God.

If he sets foot on this road, everything he has now will cease to exist.

Although he had already made preparations, when it came time to make his decision, he felt uneasy.

Without power, anyone would be uneasy.

"Are you ready?"

It was obviously not the first time Zhou Yi came to the Tower of Samsara.

Without waiting for Zhuo Bufan's response, he had already taken the first step.

Seeing Zhou Yi embarking on the road to heaven, Zhuo Bufan no longer hesitated and stepped forward.

When Zhuo Bufan stepped on the first step, he didn't feel much.

I just felt that my spiritual energy was absorbed a little bit.

"Relax, this path is not for everyone."

"You should feel lucky because you are qualified to climb this avenue to the sky."

Zhou Yi began to relax and chat with Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan no longer resisted the power and pressure given by the Heavenly Avenue.

Finally, he and Zhou Yi calmly walked on the road to heaven.

Zhuo Bufan asked some questions about Daluotian, and it seemed that Zhou Yi knew Daluotian very well.

"Daluotian is the top world of the Three Thousand Worlds."

"It was born in the Chicken Chaos, and has experienced the Divine Tribulation Era, the Void Emperor Era, and the Luotian Era."

"It should still belong to the Luotian Era now."

Zhuo Bufan continued to ask after hearing this.

"What is the relationship between the Three Emperors and the World God?"

Zhou Yi answered after hearing this.

"It can be considered an opposing relationship! Because it is said that the Three Emperors are beings that can influence the heaven and earth. The Daluotian Heavenly Dao has self-awareness, and naturally does not allow any power that exceeds him to exist."

"So the Heavenly Dao chose a world god according to its own consciousness, that is, Luotian."

After listening to Zhou Yi's explanation, Zhuo Bufan roughly understood.

It turns out that the power of the Three Emperors is enough to subvert the world.

"I see, then I want to ask. What is the relationship between the virtual body and humans?"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to know more about the relationship between virtual life and human life in Daluotian.

Zhou Yi answered after hearing this.

"Let me explain it to you this way. The virtual body is equivalent to the natives of Daluotian."

"And we humans are equivalent to colonists!"

"Daluotian contains the peerless powers of the three thousand worlds, but in order to facilitate the rule of the Heavenly Dao. All those who enter Daluotian will have their bodies and souls cleansed, and all their powers will be cleared to zero."

"Then give these people two choices. One is to become a virtual body, which is equivalent to becoming a native of Daluotian..."

"After becoming a virtual body, your soul power will be preserved."

"In addition, there is another one, which is to retain your own body and ordinary soul and become an ordinary mortal."

"After becoming a mortal, all cultivation will be gone, Everything will start from scratch. "

"Generally speaking, 80% of the ascenders will choose to become virtual bodies and become the natives of Daluotian. Because they can retain their own power and show their own value and ability more quickly on this huge stage. "

"And the remaining ascenders who choose to be reborn as humans will start from scratch. "

"Not only will they lose everything, but they will also be suppressed and enslaved by powerful virtual bodies. "

"In the ancient divine calamity era, humans were basically slaves. "

"The virtual bodies are the only superiors in the Daluotian world, and they enslave all races in the world."

"However, the biggest weakness of virtual life is that it cannot reproduce. They cannot pass their power to the next generation. After death , power belongs to the way of heaven. "

"But humans are different. Although humans who enter Daluotian have been oppressed and suppressed, they have the ability to pass on from generation to generation."

"With the transmission from generation to generation, strong people began to be born among humans."

"Until the arrival of the second era, the era of the Void Emperor."

"In the era of the Void Emperor, the world god at that time was called the Void Emperor. Under its rule, all major races suffered from the oppression of the virtual body, so all major races began to resist."

"Tens of thousands of races began to fight against the virtual body. And the human race is one of them."

"It was also in this era that the human race officially rose."

"At the end of the second era, three extremely powerful people appeared in the human race, who later The Three Emperors who have stood for billions of years. "

"The Three Emperors joined forces to seal the second world god, the Void Emperor. They forced the Heavenly Dao to choose a new world god. "

"It was at this time that Luo Tian entered that world, and then he became the third world god under various opportunities, which is the current Luo Tian era. "

"In the Luo Tian era, although the virtual life is still high above, they have begun to decline. And the human race began to flourish at this time. "

"It can be said that after another era, the virtual life may disappear completely. "

"This is the relationship between the virtual body and the human race. "

After Zhou Yi's explanation, Zhuo Bufan had a general understanding of the situation in Daluotian.

It turned out that the current Daluotian is no longer under the control of the world god.

Because the Three Emperors can seal it again at any time.

Although the virtual body is still a high-ranking race, with their decline, this race will sooner or later disappear in this world.

And the human race will become more and more powerful until there is no virtual life in the entire Daluotian.

Zhuo Bufan analyzed the information he had obtained, and finally frowned slightly.

"It seems that the virtual Luo Tian must have a sense of crisis, so he sent the mirror master to the Yin-Yang world."

"The virtual Luo Tian is under the surveillance of the Three Emperors and dare not act recklessly. In this way, I should be safe."

Zhuo Bufan was very fortunate, because the virtual Luo Tian, ​​that is, the world god of Daluotian, dared not act casually under the surveillance of the Three Emperors, and could not do anything that violated the way of heaven, violated human ethics, and was against heaven and reason.

In this way, even if the virtual Luo Tian knew that Zhuo Bufan was the reincarnation of the human Luo Tian, ​​he would not dare to kill him casually.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it will send other virtual bodies to hunt down Zhuo Bufan.

So when he arrived in Daluotian, Zhuo Bufan still had to act carefully.

Next, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Yi continued to chat about some things in Daluotian.

Zhuo Bufan learned that Zhou Yi was also killed by the virtual body in his previous life.

He was originally a cultivator in the Fuhuang territory. Because of his extraordinary talent, he later became a disciple of Fuhuang.

During the time that Fu Huang sat down to practice, he fell in love with his junior sister.

The two were a match made in heaven, and even the Queen of Wa gave her blessing and bestowed the Queen of Wa Love Seal.

However, less than a month after the wedding.

His lover was killed by an emperor-level virtual body and died tragically on Tiangang Mountain.

Zhou Yi went to seek revenge, but was no match for the virtual body and was eventually killed by it.

However, Zhou Yi was unwilling to give up. At the last moment, he chose reincarnation and escaped back to the reincarnation space of the Yin-Yang world.

Now that his memory has awakened, he decided to go to Daluotian again.

He wants to avenge his beloved.

So this time, Zhou Yi returned to Daluotian for hatred.

After listening to Zhou Yi's story, Zhuo Bufan felt pity and sympathy.

He was thinking that if his lover also met with an accident, he would definitely avenge her at all costs.


Next, Zhuo Bufan's communication with Zhou Yi gradually became less and less.

Because he had already felt the strong pressure on himself.

He found that more than half of his strength had disappeared.

His spiritual power was almost exhausted, and his cultivation level had fallen directly from the world god level to the realm of the real person.

And this realm was still falling.

"My friend, once you set foot on this road, you can't turn back."

"The end is ahead, do you dare to walk with me and enter the Daluo Heaven?"

After listening to Zhou Yi's words, Zhuo Bufan took another step.

"This time, I will never retreat."

Zhuo Bufan didn't think about returning to the Yin-Yang world this time.

Even if he was beaten back to the mortal body, he would ascend to the Daluo Heaven.

Finally, after walking for an unknown number of days, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Yi came to the top of the Samsara Tower.

At this point, the power of Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Yi disappeared.

They were completely reduced to ordinary people.

Zhuo Bufan could no longer feel the existence of spiritual power, divine power, or even world power.

The only thing he could feel was that there was still the door of rebirth left in his soul from his previous life.

For Zhuo Bufan, with this door of rebirth, everything was enough.

With this, he would not be afraid even if he had to start all over again.

"Above is Daluotian."

Zhou Yi raised his hand and touched the golden vortex above his head.

Zhuo Bufan also raised his head and looked at the vortex in the sky, deeply shocked.

In the vortex, there is a huge world, and the vortex can only see the tip of the iceberg.

"Would you choose human or virtual?"

Zhou Yi suddenly asked Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Zhou Yi in front of him and asked back.

"If you were asked to choose, would you choose human or virtual?"

"Human, because my enemy is virtual." Zhou Yi answered.

"I am also a human, there is no way, I am used to being a human."

Zhou Yi listened, looked at Zhuo Bufan, and then smiled at each other.

"Hahaha, your words reminded me of an old friend."

"Old friend? Who?"

"Luo Tian, ​​who ascended with me back then! His answer was exactly the same as yours."

"It's a pity that when it came to the final choice, he actually made a choice that no one could have imagined."

It turned out that Luo Tian and Zhou Yi ascended together back then.

"Okay, let's meet in Daluotian!"

After Zhou Yi finished speaking, he didn't say anything more and reached into the golden vortex.

The next second, he was sucked into the vortex and disappeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing Zhou Yi disappear, Zhuo Bufan no longer hesitated.

He reached his hands into the golden vortex, and then, an inexplicably strong suction pulled him into the golden vortex.

"Daluotian, here I come!"


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