Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1084: The Gate of Reception

After crossing into the golden vortex of Daluotian, two doors appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

One was shining with golden light, as if it was foreshadowing that there was a golden road behind this door. And the other was dim, as if it was foreshadowing that there would be no future behind this door.

When Zhuo Bufan came to the golden door, a sentence appeared on the door.

"This door leads to the path of extraordinary evolution, achieving a virtual body, retaining all the power of the soul, and becoming the supreme virtual body of Daluotian."

Choosing the golden door is equivalent to choosing to become a virtual body.

Almost 80% of people will walk into this door.

However, Zhuo Bufan shook his head at the golden door, and then he turned and looked at the gray door on the side.

"Born as a human, you should be a human again in the next life."

These are the words on the gray door, representing that this door is the legendary door of reincarnation.

Zhuo Bufan almost stopped hesitating, reached out and touched the gray door in front of him, and then pushed the door in front of him open.

The moment the door opened, a beam of spiritual light wrapped Zhuo Bufan up.

Then, a passage emitting dim light appeared in front of him.

When Zhuo Bufan stepped into the dark door.


he was shocked to find that his body was completely separated from him.

The mysterious body of life and death that he had cultivated with great effort and risked his life was gone at this moment.

The mysterious body of life and death was silently left behind the door.

And it was not just his own mysterious body of life and death.

Zhuo Bufan found that the Chaos Bell in the depths of his soul, the Wuliang Sword that was finally repaired, and many other artifacts were left behind the door.

Zhuo Bufan could not take everything to Daluotian.

He would become an ordinary person with nothing, and go to Daluotian to experience life and death and survival of the fittest again.

"Sure enough, I have been completely beaten into a mortal?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little sad.

His mysterious body of life and death was left behind the door. This door gave him a body without any power.

Zhuo Bufan failed to react in time, and was frightened by the dim light.

In the haze, Zhuo Bufan seemed to hear a person's voice.

"He's back, that man, he's finally back."

The person who spoke seemed to be a woman, and her tone was very excited.

As if the one who came back was a great man.

"That man, are you talking about me?"

Zhuo Bufan guessed that the other party might have guessed that he was Luo Tian's reincarnation, so he was so excited.

"Yes, I'm back."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but sigh.

I didn't expect the other party to hear it.

"It's good that you're back, everyone is waiting for you to come back!"

"Everyone? Who is waiting for me?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little confused. It was his first time to come to Daluotian, how could there be someone waiting for him.

Could it be that it was an old friend from the previous life?

"Miao Miao, Su Su, Hai Long, so many people, everyone is waiting for you to come back."

"Miao Miao, Su Su, Hai Long?"

Zhuo Bufan just felt puzzled.

It was the first time he heard these names.

Obviously, these people might be Luo Tian's old friends.

"Are you still going back to the former Wahuang territory? I believe the people of Jingguo will definitely welcome you warmly."

"Oh no, you can't tell anyone about your return. No one knows you're back. Only I know, hehehe!"

The other party's voice was very cheerful, making Zhuo Bufan feel that she was like his own daughter, a cute little girl.

"Who are you? How do you know who I am?"

Zhuo Bufan tried to ask, but the other party did not answer.

"Sorry, I can't tell you now. But I believe we will meet again soon."

"Now, I'll take you to Jingguo!"

As soon as the other party finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan was suddenly pulled in by a powerful force again.

When he came to his senses again, he found himself on an altar.

The altar was mottled, covered with moss and rocks, and it looked like it had not been used for thousands of years.

However, this time, because of Zhuo Bufan's arrival, a circle of brilliant light emerged from the altar.

The light flashed, and Zhuo Bufan stood in the altar, speechless for a long time.

Around the altar, there is a Bagua-shaped square full of weeds, and on the square, there are small arrow towers.

There is no one around, it is extremely desolate.

Zhuo Bufan walked down from the altar, and he found that he really couldn't use any spiritual energy.

"Have I really become a mortal?"

Zhuo Bufan stood there, dazed silently.

He was thinking about what to do next.

He has now become a mortal, and all his strength has been washed away on the spiral tower.

Although he is not powerless now, he is definitely not a first-class master.

"Even the life and death body that I have cultivated with great difficulty and survived nine deaths has been left behind that door."

"It seems that I really have to start from scratch."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt a little regretful.

He regretted giving up everything and coming to this world.

After getting used to the life of flying in the sky and hiding in the ground, and saying what he wants, Zhuo Bufan started again as a mortal. He was a little uncomfortable, even uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan still has something to rely on, and that is the door of rebirth deep in his soul.

He could feel that the three save doors still existed.

"Save it first!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he saved the file first!

The current archives of his three archive doors are:

Emperor Daluo Tianwa led Jingguo to the Tianya Altar

The Hall of the Gods in the Yin and Yang World

Yin Yang World True Realm Xiling Fire Cloud City Mass Grave

Zhuo Bufan looked at the address marked on the first archive door and touched his chin.

"Is this the territory of Emperor Wa?"

"It seems that that person really didn't lie to me. He sent me to Emperor Wa's territory."

Zhuo Bufan thought of the mysterious voice he heard in the Humanity Gate.

The other party said that he would be sent to Emperor Wa's territory.

Before Zhuo Bufan came to Da Luotian, he had already learned about Da Luotian's actions from Ni Cangqiong and Zhou Yi.

Daluotian is the largest world among the three thousand worlds, and it is also the origin world and the peak world.

And Daluotian is now ruled by the Three Emperors and Heavenly Dao.

Heaven governs the operation of the entire world, while the three emperors govern three territories respectively.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan also learned that the three emperors were Panhuang, Fuhuang and Wahuang.

Among them, Emperor Wa was the only female among the three emperors.

The three of them can jointly seal the law of heaven, and they are also the most feared figures of the law of heaven.

Luo Tian's body was under the supervision of the three emperors and did not dare to move rashly.

Because once he does something evil, the three emperors will work together to seal him, and then just choose a new world god.

"Now I'm in Emperor Wa's territory. By the way, I don't know if Emperor Wa's Love Seal can still be used."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of Emperor Wa's love seal.

He tried his best to feel his soul, and sure enough, soon he discovered the love mark of Emperor Wa deep in his soul.

After feeling the affection of Emperor Wa, Zhuo Bufan excitedly began to contact his two wives.

"Madam, madam, can you hear me?"

Zhuo Bufan contacted Bai Su and Xuan Su at the same time.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the two women answered Zhuo Bufan at the same time.

"Husband, I'm here!"

"Husband, I am here too."

Bai Su and Xuan Su answered one after another, which made Zhuo Bufan feel happy.

"Yes, it turns out that Emperor Wa's Love Seal can really be used."

"As expected of Emperor Wa's power."

Zhuo Bufan was pleasantly surprised, Emperor Wa was so easy, it came from the blessing of Emperor Daluo Tianwa.

After possessing the Emperor Wa's love seal, they can still communicate with each other even if they are far apart in time and space.

"Husband, that's great. It's really great to be able to hear your voice again."

Xuan Su was so excited that he almost cried.

Zhuo Bufan heard Xuan Su's choking voice and quickly comforted him.

"Why are you crying? Stop crying. I am fine now. I just arrived in Daluotian. I am now in the territory of Emperor Wa."

"Although my cultivation is all spent, I believe that I will be able to make a comeback soon."

Zhuo Bufan could hear Bai Su and Xuan Su's voices and felt very comforted.

Xuan Su and Bai Su were also extremely happy.

"Husband, you must pay attention to safety."

Although Bai Su was very excited, she was not crying like Xuan Su.

"I know, tell the kids I'm okay."

"Is the Yin and Yang world supposed to be okay?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Bai Su replied.

"Don't worry, husband, everything is fine at home."

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan chatted with the two daughters about their daily life.

With the Emperor Wa's love seal, from now on, the three of them can have tea parties every day.

But just when Zhuo Bufan, Bai Su and the others were chatting enthusiastically.

Suddenly a ray of light flew towards him from the sky.


Above the blue sky, blue clouds flow.

A golden-winged roc flew towards the altar where he was.

On top of the golden-winged roc stood a lonely figure.

The other party glanced at Zhuo Bufan, then hovered and fell from the sky.

"Madams, let's not talk about it for now, someone is coming."

Zhuo Bufan no longer communicated with Bai Su and the others, but looked squarely at the man riding the golden-winged roc in front of him.

He was wearing white clothes and could not feel any energy fluctuations on his body.

Of course, it may also be because Zhuo Bufan has no cultivation at the moment, so he just can't feel it.

The other party had a cold, world-weary face and looked at Zhuo Bufan on the altar coldly.

"Are you an ascended person?"

When he came up, he directly asked Zhuo Bufan's identity.

Zhuo Bufan didn't dare to decide whether the other party was an enemy or a friend, so he didn't answer.

"I am Qi Yan from the Jingguo Yingyin Sect under Butian Tower. I have been ordered by the sect master to come to greet you."

"Bu Tian Que, Jie Yin Gate?"

Zhuo Bufan asked, expressing deep doubts.

The other party obviously wanted to explain, so he continued.

"Butian Palace is the guardian force of Emperor Wa, and Jieyin Gate is one of the thirty-two gates under Butian Palace."

"The mission of our sect is to guide those of you who have ascended from other worlds."

Hearing Qi Yan's answer, Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized.

"I see, that's right, I am the Ascended One."

Knowing that the other party was not an enemy, Zhuo Bufan immediately replied.

Obviously, this world has special guides. As an ascendant, Zhuo Bufan will naturally have someone to guide him.

"Very good, in that case, come with me to the reception gate!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he didn't hesitate.

Since the other party came specifically to pick him up, he would not refuse on purpose.

"Good work!"

Zhuo Bufan was not polite and jumped directly onto the back of the golden-winged roc.

Standing on the back of the golden-winged roc, Zhuo Bufan discovered it.

This golden-winged roc turned out to be not a living creature, but a bird machine.

Zhuo Bufan was surprised. He didn't expect Da Luotian to have such high technology.

On top of the bird's back, there are even seats to sit on.

"Sit down!"

Qi Yan motioned for Zhuo Bufan to sit down.

After Zhuo Bufan sat on the seat at the back, the golden-winged roc immediately flew up, and then instantly got into the clouds above the sky.

Although this is just a bird's cleverness, its speed is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary birds.

Its speed is surprisingly fast, at least a hundred times the speed of sound.

Fortunately, Qi Yan applied a shield to Zhuo Bufan to ensure Zhuo Bufan's safety.

Otherwise, Zhuo Bufan might have been thrown away by the extreme speed.

Sitting on the back of the mechanical bird, Zhuo Bufan felt that the mountains and rivers were constantly moving backwards.

In less than ten minutes, they had crossed thousands of mountains and rivers.

Soon, an endless country appeared in front of him.

On the land, there are countless established tribes and tribes, one after another.

They flew above the country for at least ten minutes. Finally, Zhuo Bufan discovered that the speed of the mechanical bird had slowed down and returned to a normal flying speed.

In front of them, in addition to the palaces and attics, there was also a towering mountain peak.

This mountain peak penetrated layers of clouds, and at a glance, you couldn't see the top of the mountain.

The big mechanical bird circled the unattainable mountain and continued to soar upward.

The upward process lasted for nearly two hours.

Zhuo Bufan felt that this mountain peak was higher than the tallest mountain in his Yin and Yang world.

On the way, Qi Yan in front of him explained to him the name of this mountain, which is called Jieyin Mountain.


Finally, after a two-hour flight, they arrived at the top of Jieyin Mountain.

On the top of the mountain, Zhuo Bufan discovered magnificent palaces and clans.

In addition, there are twelve suspended mountains surrounding the top of the mountain.

On every suspended mountain, there is a palace complex.


As the mechanical bird slowly landed on the central square of the palace complex leading to the top of the mountain.

Zhuo Bufan finally landed smoothly on the ground.

"The air at the top of the mountain is thin, so cover it up!"

After Qi Yan finished speaking, he waved his hand gently towards Zhuo Bufan, who was shrouded in a layer of light.

"Come with me! The master wants to see you."

Qi Yan looked aloof and world-weary, but he was still a good person.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan followed Qi Yan to the central hall obediently.

Along the way, many people saw Zhuo Bufan and were very curious about this newcomer.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan followed Qi Yan to a large hall.

In the center of the hall, there was a man in black robes, waiting for him quietly.

"Master, we have brought them!"

Qi Yan raised his hands towards the door owner and said.

"Well, very good, please step aside first. I have something to say with this young man."

The door owner turned around as he spoke.

He saw an extremely beautiful woman smiling towards him.

Unexpectedly, the owner of the reception gate turned out to be a woman.

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