Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1085 Cultivation System

Zhuo Bufan looked at the woman in front of him, feeling a little calm in his heart.

The other party is very beautiful, but Zhuo Bufan has two stunning wives in his family, so he is already immune to beauties.

But in her, Zhuo Bufan felt a domineering power that ordinary women did not have.

Zhuo Bufan has seen many heroic women, such as the two ladies in his family, who are heroes among women.

But they just have a kind of heroic spirit that ordinary women don't have.

But the woman in front of him possessed a shocking domineering power.

That kind of domineering attitude is something ordinary people don't have. It's simply domineering.

When the other party saw Zhuo Bufan looking at him so intently, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Let me introduce myself. I am the master of the Butian Que Jingguo Jingyin Sect—Master Ziyi!"

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately answered with his hands clasped in fists.

"I, Zhuo Bufan, have met Master Ziyi."

"Zhuo Bufan, what world are you from?"

Master Ziyi asked.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not answer truthfully, but simply answered with two words.

"True world!"

"True world?"

Master Ziyi had never heard of the true world, so he expressed some doubts about the origin mentioned by Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, not everyone who comes to Daluotian will tell the truth about their origins, and Master Yi is also aware of this.

After all, everyone has just arrived in this strange world, so everyone will be wary.

"I have never heard of the real world, but I think it should be a very good world."

"It is indeed a good world, but this world seems to be better."

Zhuo Bufan was trying his best to understand this new world from Master Ziyi's mouth.

Master Ziyi also instantly understood his little thoughts, so she began to tell Zhuo Bufan about this brand new world.

"Zhuo Bufan, first of all, I would like to welcome you to our Daluotian, and I am very grateful that you chose to become a human and entered the door of humanity."

"As you can feel. No matter how outstanding you were in your world before, in Daluotian, all your glory will cease to exist."

"All your power has been swallowed up by the law of heaven. You can only start from scratch and start over as an ordinary person."

"But don't worry, our entrance gate exists specifically to protect you ascendants."

"You choose to be reincarnated as humans, which is a sign of your trust in us. We will naturally protect your safety, and then teach you how to survive in this world."

Master Ziyi praised Zhuo Bufan as soon as he came up.

To say that he chose the door of humanity is an honor and a kind of trust.

After all, she also knew that the vast majority of ascendants who came to Daluotian chose to become a virtual body through the gate of heaven.

In this regard, Zhuo Bufan looked very calm and replied.

"I am a human being. I was born as a human being, and I should be a human being again. Being a human being is quite good."

Zhuo Bufan's words made Master Ziyi look at him with admiration again.

"In that case, I will open my heart to you."

"Our Jie Yinmen belongs to the territory of Lord Wa Huang. In Emperor Wa's territory, it is a matriarchal society, where women's rights are supreme. Basically all the big shots are what you said before."

"Whether they are the leader of a country or the leader of a sect, they are all women, including me."

"We in the Wahuang community believe that women are the pioneers and great beings who make the world progress and make humanity stand out."

"This may be somewhat different from the world view of the world you were in before, so you need to adapt to this gap as soon as possible."

Master Ziyi was very easy-going and friendly and introduced the situation in Emperor Wa's territory to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

He didn't expect that what he came to was actually a matriarchal society.

In the realm of Emperor Wa, women's rights are supreme.

Here, all his cognitions will be completely subverted.

For example, women control the country and sects, and women lead troops on the battlefield to charge into battle.

Women can have multiple men and these men are called faces.

In the realm of Emperor Wa, women are the gods and the head of the family.

And the status of men can be imagined.

Of course, for powerful men, they are very popular in the realm of Emperor Wa.

However, Zhuo Bufan was sent to this realm, which was not something he was happy about.

"Why do I feel like I've been cheated? Is it really okay in Emperor Wa's territory?"

Zhuo Bufan was slightly worried.

"Perhaps you don't know that a long time ago, our human race had a very low status in this world."

"At that time, our human race was not only sparsely populated, but it was also more difficult for us to practice."

"It is those great women who continue to reproduce future generations, making this world more and more human beings."

"As humans grow stronger, they have the right to speak among all races."

"Until now, our human race is already the second-ranked race in Daluotian, second only to the most powerful Void race in the world."

“And all this credit cannot be separated from those great women.”

In fact, Zhuo Bufan also understood what Master Ziyi said, and even understood it very well.

Women have a very high status in the realm of Emperor Wa, precisely because a long time ago, it was women who allowed the human race to multiply and become one of the top races now.

Even the three emperors were born from the same mother.

Their mother, known as Mazu, was the greatest deceased being in the world.

"I understand, please rest assured, Master Ziyi. I am a person who respects women very much."

"Of course, the premise is that you need to respect me."

"I come from a world where men and women are equal, so for a while, I may not be able to change the kind of thinking you need."

Zhuo Bufan respects women, but that doesn't mean he wants to be their slave.

Respect is mutual, and if he doesn't get respect here, he won't stay.

Fortunately, Master Ziyi replied.

"Don't worry, everyone in Jingyinmen will be treated equally, regardless of gender."

"You are the most talented people from all over the world. Here, you will receive our best training and practice."

"For the next long period of time, you must stay in our Jie Yin Sect. Only when your cultivation reaches the Tianyuan realm can you leave our Jie Yin Sect and go out to explore."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned slightly.

"Tianyuan realm? Is it the cultivation system of this world? Can you explain it in detail?"

Zhuo Bufan has just arrived in this world and is in urgent need of mastering the world's cultivation system.

After hearing this, Master Ziyi began to explain to Zhuo Bufan.

"What we, Da Luotian, cultivate is vitality."

"Yuanqi exists between heaven and earth, and is higher than any power you know."

"Would you like to feel it?"

After Master Ziyi finished speaking, he raised his hand slightly.

In her palm, layers of faint white energy began to rise.

Zhuo Bufan felt fire, coldness, life, strength, destruction, and death in that white energy!

It can be said that all the power that Fan Zhuo Bufan can feel is contained in this vitality.

Unlike spiritual energy, which only has a single energy attribute, vitality contains all the power in the world.

When they were practicing in the Yin and Yang world, they were practicing spiritual energy.

Reiki is divided into attributes, such as light attributes, fire attributes, metallic attributes, wood attributes, etc.

However, Yuan Qi contains all attribute powers and can be transformed into desired abilities at any time according to the user's wishes.

It can be said that vitality is an existence higher than spiritual power, divine power, and even power.

Yuan Qi is the source of heaven and earth, the source of the great road!

"I see, then how do you master this kind of vitality?"

Zhuo Bufan became very interested in Da Luotian's vitality.

After hearing this, Master Ziyi continued.

"Then let me first tell you about Da Luotian's training system!"

"Da Luotian's cultivation system is the Human Yuan Realm, the Earth Yuan Realm, the Tian Yuan Realm, the Yuan Dan Realm, the Yuan Fei Realm, the Yuan Shen Realm, the Saint Yuan Realm, the Dao Yuan Realm, and the Heavenly Dao Realm!"

Master Ziyi told Zhuo Bufan all about Da Luotian's cultivation system in one breath.

Zhuo Bufan quickly used his brain power and memorized every word of Master Ziyi deeply in his mind.

"Next, I'll tell you about the cultivation of each realm in detail!"

“The first is the human element state. When our body is tempered to a limit, it will naturally produce vitality. Through visualization, it bridges the gap between reality and spirit, and transforms the vitality into the essence that nourishes the soul, strengthens the soul, and strengthens the body. "

"After the body has grown stronger, it is time to reach the second step, the Earth Element Realm. After entering the Earth Xuan Realm, the most important thing is to absorb the Earth Element Qi between heaven and earth into the body, and integrate the energy in one's body with the earth to achieve the goal of daily life. Traveling thousands of miles without restraint.”

"After the Earth Yuan realm, there is the Tian Yuan realm. After reaching the Tian Xuan realm, it is necessary to absorb the Tian Yuan Qi between heaven and earth. Monks in this realm can soar into the sky and walk with swords. And the Tian Yuan realm is also for the strong. A watershed. Only people in the Tianyuan realm can barely be called masters."

"At this point, our human body already possesses the three kinds of vitality of heaven, earth and man. At this time, we combine the three kinds of vitality of heaven, earth and man, and the yin and yang in the body are in harmony, and merge into the Yuan Dan of creation. This is the Yuan Dan realm. The monks in the Yuan Dan realm can already Stand alone."

"After the Yuan Dan Realm, there is the most important Yuan Fei Realm. The Yuan Fei Realm uses Yuan Qi as its embryo and begins to shape the world inside its own body. Yuan Qi can absorb all things in the world, and the Yuan Fei Realm is also the prototype of the world. What you want Every world we know has evolved from the Yuan Fei Realm.”

When he heard this, Zhuo Bufan was slightly startled.

He didn't expect that the Yuan Fei Realm was so powerful and could create the world.

Obviously, their Yin-Yang universe was created from this.

"Beyond the Yuan Fei Realm is the Yuan Shen Realm! Let the Yuan Qi and the soul merge to give birth to the Yuan Shen. At the same time, the world consciousness of the small world in your body is also born. This is the way of heaven as you know it. Every world has its own world. Consciousness, and world consciousness is the birth of the soul. At this time, we call the monks the lower world gods."

"Beyond the Yuan Shen realm is the Saint Yuan realm. For those in the Saint Yuan realm, the small world within their bodies has initially taken shape, and world consciousness has begun to be born. The monks at this time are already considered intermediate world gods."

"Beyond the Saint Yuan Realm is the Daoyuan Realm! For those in the Daoyuan Realm, the world within their bodies has basically been completed. More importantly, the consciousness of the world has begun to produce the Dao Principles, which is the power of laws you control. These rules , you can make your own, the evolution of the world has matured, and the monks at this time are considered to be the upper world gods."

"And above the Daoyuan realm, there is our last great realm, the Heavenly Dao realm! I can tell you clearly that the monks in the Heavenly Dao realm can already compete with Daluo Tiantian Dao. But today in Daluotian, only These three people are the pride of our human race, the Three Emperors!”

Master Ziyi introduced Daluotian's cultivation system in one breath.

You don’t know if you don’t hear it, but you will be shocked when you hear Zhuo Bufan.

The monks in this world, starting from the Yuan Fei Realm, are all world gods.

They can create their own world. Everyone can create their own world. What is this concept?

No wonder, no wonder there are so many worlds under the Great Luo Heaven.

It turns out that after everyone here has practiced to a certain level, they are like cheating and can cultivate their own world.

"This is Da Luotian, and it truly deserves its reputation!"

Zhuo Bufan was very excited, Da Luotian was more powerful than he imagined.

Anyone here who enters their yin and yang world will be able to dominate.

No wonder Ni Qiong could do whatever he wanted after coming to their Yin and Yang world.

"By the way, Master Ziyi, I want to ask you about someone. Do you know Ni Shen Ni Cang Qiong?"

After Zhuo Bufan thought about Ni Cangqiong, he suddenly wanted to ask Master Ziyi about that guy.

When Master Ziyi heard this, he frowned and his expression suddenly turned ugly.

"Nishen, do you know him?"

Zhuo Bufan saw that the other party didn't look good, so she must have a bad impression of Nishen.

So Zhuo Bufan said quickly.

"No, I'm not familiar with him. On the contrary, I still have some grudges against him."

Upon hearing this, Master Ziyi snorted coldly.

"That's true. Did that rebellious God go to other worlds to mess around again?"

"Don't worry, you are not the only one who hates him in this world. Anyone who does evil will be punished. Sooner or later, someone will deal with that guy."

Master Ziyi said through gritted teeth.

It can be seen that she seems to hate Ni Qiangqiong with all her heart!

"But I still want to know what kind of person Ni Qiongqiong is. Sooner or later, I will go find him to seek revenge."

Zhuo Bufan described himself as having sworn hatred with Ni Qianqiong, which won Master Ziyi's heart.

After hearing this, Master Ziyi nodded and said.

"Ni Cangqiong belongs to Panhuang's disciple. Although he is a traitor, Panhuang never personally punished him."

"Now Ni Qiong is even more complacent. He has no fixed abode, but this person is wild, has no rules, and does things regardless of the consequences."

"He relies on his Daoyuan realm cultivation to do whatever he wants in Daluotian. Many people love and hate him."

"Love and hate? How do you say this?"

Zhuo Bufan said in confusion.

Master Ziyi heard this and explained.

"Although Ni Qiong is very hateful, he is also the main force of the human race against the incorporeal body. This person likes to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Many times he kills people without batting an eye, and then he starts to massacre the incorporeal body."

"The Incorporeal Clan also hates him to the core, so many times, he lives in no fixed place and basically avoids being hunted by all walks of life."

"There was a time when he was the enemy of all the people, and everyone wanted to kill him. In the end, he grew all the way to the powerful Dao Yuan realm he is now, so that anyone who wants to kill him now must weigh his own abilities. "

"So, if you want to kill him now, it can be said that you are going to die. When you are suitable to become a strong man in the Daoyuan realm, you can seek revenge from him!"

"Now you just need to practice well, do you understand?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled helplessly.

He didn't expect that Ni Qiongqiong would be a rat crossing the street and everyone would beat him up.

"I understand, thank you Master for your guidance."

"Next, I will work hard to practice."

Zhuo Bufan clasped his fists and thanked him. In the following time, he will start his new cultivation path in Daluotian.

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