Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1086: Hong Dieyi's Concubine

After Zhuo Bufan was brought to the mountain gate by the Jingguo Yinmen, he would spend a long time in this gate.

Unless his cultivation reached the Tianyuan realm, he would not be able to leave this Jieyin Peak.

After chatting with Master Ziyi, he was assigned to Linzi Peak.

Arriving at Linzi Peak, Zhuo Bufan met the peak master of Linzi Peak, who was also a woman.

The peak master's name is Hongdie Yi and she is wearing a bright red dress.

When she met Zhuo Bufan, she looked at him with admiration.

"What a handsome man, Master, is he mine?"

Hongdieyi looked at Zhuo Bufan with an intriguing smile on her face.

Zhuo Bufan looked at that smile and felt terrified.

Seeing this, Master Ziyi shook his head.

"Die Yi, you'd better not touch his mind and let your people take him to practice well. He will be of great benefit to our human race in the future."

Master Ziyi saw Hongdieyi's thoughts.

Obviously, Hongdieyi fell in love with the handsome Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan obviously didn't like her.

Compared to his beloved wife at home, he didn't even care about the red butterfly clothes in front of him.

However, Hongdieyi didn't take Master Ziyi's words to heart at all.

"Don't worry, Master, I will take good care of this little brother."

After hearing this, Master Ziyi nodded.

"Okay, Zhuo Bufan, from now on you will practice with Master Dieyi Peak. I hope you will reach Tianyuan Realm as soon as possible and become a master in your own right."

After Master Ziyi finished speaking, she stopped explaining too much and stood up to fly towards her main peak.

After she flew away from Linzi Peak, Hongdieyi in front of her suddenly looked at Zhuo Bufan with a smile.

"Zhuo, Bu, Fan? Is that what the sect master calls you?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Hong Dieyi's seemingly malicious smile and couldn't help but take two steps back.

"Yes, I am Zhuo Bufan. Lord of Dieyi Peak, please take care of me from now on."

Zhuo Bufan just wanted to be polite, but he didn't expect Hongdieyi to smile after hearing this.

"Okay little brother, sister will definitely take good care of you."

Hongdieyi said, suddenly stretched out her slender fingers, and then touched Zhuo Bufan's face.

Facing the woman, Zhuo Bufan immediately took two steps back.

"Master Dieyi Peak, please take me to my residence first!"

Zhuo Bufan felt that he was being teased.

Hongdieyi looked at him with an obviously evil smile.

"Damn, are men and women really reversed?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he would become the prey in the eyes of other women.

If it had been earlier, Zhuo Bufan would have pounced on her without hesitation and executed the woman in front of her on the spot.

But now, he is a married man, and the husband of two beauties.

Therefore, no matter how fragrant the wildflowers on the roadside were, Zhuo Bufan would not take too long a look at them.

In Zhuo Bufan's eyes, wild flowers do not have the fragrance of domestic flowers.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan was dodging, Hongdieyi smiled and retracted her hand, then smiled slightly.

"Okay, little brother, come with me!"

After Hong Dieyi finished speaking, he looked like a giant in shock, leading the way forward with his red clothes.

When it was flying, it really lit up the eyes, and at a glance, it was really beautiful.

Zhuo Bufan followed Hongdieyi closely, fearing that he would lose him.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan's foot strength is acceptable.

Although the speed is not fast, he can still keep up with Hongdieyi.

Soon, he followed Hongdieyi and came to a square.

As soon as I entered the square, I saw many people practicing in the square.

They may hold scriptures in their hands and recite silently. Or sit cross-legged on the floor and feel the vitality of heaven and earth. Or practice with a mentor and develop the true meaning of martial arts.

With the arrival of Hongdieyi, everyone turned their attention.

The eyes of many of them fell on Zhuo Bufan.

"Look, there's a new guy here."

"I didn't know that the one who came this time was a peerless genius in that world."

"I hope he can keep up with Teacher Mo's guidance!"

"This person looks kind-hearted. He should be a kind person and worth making friends with."

"Haha, let me see, this guy will probably become the Peak Master's sixth face."

"It's obvious that the Peak Master is interested in him."

"Hey, poor guy, he can only be a pretty boy from now on."

Zhuo Bufan vaguely heard some mocking words.

Many of them were saying that he was about to become Hong Dieyi's face.

What is Mianshou? Mianshou is a man's favorite, a male concubine, also commonly known as a pretty boy.

And what these people mean is that Hongdieyi already has not only one male favorite, but also many pretty boys.

This woman really enjoys polyandry.

It is indeed a matriarchal society where women are supreme.

Here, women's status is much higher than men.

Even among classmates, women also have an inexplicable sense of superiority.

After passing through the training square, Zhuo Bufan continued to follow Hongdieyi to the backyard.

Soon, they came to a courtyard.

Then, under the leadership of Hong Dieyi, they entered a private room with excellent environment.

Outside the elegant room, there is a lotus pond.

The green smoke slowly rises in the pool, and the water mist curls up, making the place feel like a dream, like a fairyland.

"From now on, you can live in Qinglian Residence!"

Hong Dieyi pushed open the door of Qinglianju, and saw that there were simple tables and coffee tables with noble and elegant decorations inside Qinglianju.

There were pleasing calligraphy and paintings on the wall, and a carpet made of green fox fur underfoot.

The environment here is first-class even in Linzi Peak.

"Look around, are you satisfied?"

Hong Dieyi looked at Zhuo Bufan with a smile, as if looking at a canary he raised.

Zhuo Bufan walked around the house and finally came to the bedroom of the cabinet.

There was a huge lotus-shaped bed in the bedroom.


Hong Dieyi fell directly into Zhuo Bufan's arms and hit him full in the arms.

Zhuo Bufan was a little confused when he fell into the arms of the fragrant and soft one. In addition, he had no cultivation at the moment, and he was not ordinary people.

So when Hong Dieyi threw himself into his arms, Zhuo Bufan was not prepared at all and was thrown directly onto the lotus bed.

He knew what it was, and the other party also knew what he was doing, and he was even more unscrupulous.

Hong Dieyi obviously did it on purpose, she deliberately pushed Zhuo Bufan down.

This scene happened so quickly that Zhuo Bufan didn't react.

After knowing that Zhuo Bufan had reacted, he pushed away Hong Dieyi who was pressing on him.

Zhuo Bufan pushed Hong Dieyi away and immediately sat up.

"Peak Master, please respect yourself."

As a result, Hong Dieyi looked at Zhuo Bufan and showed anger on her face.

She didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to be so ungrateful. As the peak master, she took the initiative to throw herself into his arms, but this man was not moved and pushed him away.

"Zhuo Bufan, are you humiliating me?"

Hong Dieyi's face was cold, and she was obviously a little angry.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan hurried to explain.

"Peak Master, why do you say this? Why am I humiliating you? Instead, you, the peak master, are you not humiliating someone at my table by doing this?"

Zhuo Bufan had a headache.

I pushed the other person away, but I didn't expect that the other person actually thought he was humiliating her.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan was obviously not used to the relationship between men and women in this world.

"Here, if a woman throws herself into a man's arms and is pushed away, it is a humiliation for the woman."

Hong Dieyi's words made Zhuo Bufan speechless.

He knew that there were some weird things in this world, but he didn't expect it to be so weird.

"Sorry, if you really think this is a humiliation, then I have to offend you."

"Peak Master, I Zhuo Bufan am not such a casual person, and I already have a wife."

"Madam, what is that?"

Hong Dieyi grew up in this world since she was a child, and the education she received was completely different from Zhuo Bufan and others.

In her dictionary, there is no equality between men and women, let alone madam.

She only has one word, face-shou. A man is a woman's face-shou.

"Madam, that is my wife, my woman."

Zhuo Bufan explained bluntly without any politeness.

He knew that the woman in front of him had taken a fancy to him.

This is just like the bandits and bullies in their world who have taken a fancy to a farm girl and want to go to the mountains to be her wife.

Now Hong Dieyi has taken a fancy to Zhuo Bufan and wants to occupy him.

If he doesn't resist, he will probably become this woman's lover.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Hong Dieyi frowned.

"Do you mean that you are already another woman's male lover?"

"You can say that!"

Zhuo Bufan had to admit that he was Bai Su and Xuan Su's male lover, otherwise he would not be able to pass this level.

However, Hong Dieyi laughed after hearing this.

"I thought it was something else, but it turned out to be like this."

"Then let me ask you, are the wives you call people from the world before you ascended?"

Hong Dieyi asked.

Zhuo Bufan nodded and replied.

"Yes, they are from the world before I ascended."

Hong Dieyi said with a snicker.

"That's all."

"Now that you have come to this new world, everything you had before has been left outside the gate of humanity."

"You are now a reborn you, a brand new you, and a holy you."

"Only holy men like you are worthy of me. So Zhuo Bufan, be my Hong Dieyi's man!"

Hong Dieyi's education since childhood has made her feel good about herself.

It seems that what she wants can come with just a wave of her hand.

She wants Zhuo Bufan to be her male favorite, because she knows that Zhuo Bufan is an ascender who has just ascended from other worlds.

She can easily get these ascenders because she can offer extremely high temptations.

"Zhuo Bufan, be my male favorite, I can teach you the fifth-grade breathing method, I can give you the best cultivation resources, and I can let you reach the Tianyuan realm as soon as possible."

Hong Dieyi offered tempting conditions, and she used these conditions before to collect five male favorites.

No one would refuse her conditions, because people who ascended from the lower world hope that they can quickly integrate into this world.

They can make a comeback as soon as possible and reach the peak as soon as possible.

Hong Dieyi can promise them the best cultivation resources. Just based on this point, many men can't bear such temptation.

The most important thing is that Hong Dieyi herself is not bad. There are countless men in Jieyingmen who dream of becoming her male favorite.

It's a pity that Hong Dieyi herself doesn't like him.

Now, she has a rare chance to fall in love with Zhuo Bufan at first sight, and she is determined to get Zhuo Bufan.

"As long as you promise me, I can give you everything you want."

"If you don't like me sharing my love for you with others, then I will dismiss all the other male favorites."

Hong Dieyi really fell in love with Zhuo Bufan.

For this reason, she even did not hesitate to dismiss her male favorites.

This is a bit like the emperor Zhuo Bufan knew, who gave up three thousand beauties in the harem for the woman he loved most.

And Zhuo Bufan is now the most beloved beauty in Hong Dieyi's heart.


"Peak Master, I think you misunderstood. I, Zhuo Bufan, don't want to be your favorite."

"I ascended from the lower realm. I just want to practice, not to be your face."

"If you do this again, I have no choice but to leave Linzi Peak."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to mess around with Hong Dieyi. He felt that Hong Dieyi was like a child with undeveloped intelligence.

She didn't understand feelings at all. She wanted to find a face, but in fact, she just wanted to show off her face to other women in her circle.

Because she felt that Zhuo Bufan would definitely be able to surpass the others.

However, Zhuo Bufan was no longer a child, and he had no energy to play such boring things with her.

Zhuo Bufan finally got angry, and his anger surprised Hong Dieyi.

Because so far, no man had dared to talk to her like this.

Not to mention yelling at her directly, no man even refused her request.

And Zhuo Bufan was the only one.

"Zhuo Bufan, don't refuse to drink the wine."

"Now, the master wants you to sleep with him, do you dare to disobey?"

Softness didn't work, so Hong Dieyi had to use force.

She suddenly stretched out her finger towards Zhuo Bufan, and a period of energy directly drilled Zhuo Bufan into his body.

Zhuo Bufan's body trembled, and then he felt weak all over, and then he lay on the lotus bed behind him.

"You, what are you going to do?"


Zhuo Bufan let out a howl.

He never thought that one day he would be pushed back by a woman.

Just as Hong Dieyi lay down towards him, suddenly a beam of light came from the sky and landed heavily on Hong Dieyi's back.


Hong Dieyi screamed on the spot.

Then, blood gushed out of her mouth.


"Hong Dieyi, I should have warned you not to touch her! Did you ignore my words?"

The voice of Master Ziyi, the master of the sect, came from the sky.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard it.



Sorry, I was out today and had something to do, so I was late for the update. I had already exchanged the leave slip and was going to take a day off. But I thought about it and insisted on it for almost two years. This book has not been interrupted for a day, so I can't stop updating today, and I can't stop updating until it is finished. So I hurried back home and wrote this chapter. I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for so long.

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