Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1101: Ten Apertures

One month, it passed in a flash!

Zhuo Bufan has been staying in someone's house for a month.

In this month, the fat man in red hardly talked to Zhuo Bufan, or Zhuo Bufan didn't want to talk to him.

Zhuo Bufan has been completely immersed in the research and development of the puppet core.

And the fat man in red is also upgrading his puppet Nana in his own operation room.

In short, both sides don't bother me, I don't bother you, each immersed in their own world.

And this month, the missing person notice on the Soul Yuan Realm has now been buried in the sea without any waves.

Because Zhuo Bufan was immersed in the research and development of the puppet core, he had no time to look for Ni Cangqiong.

So far, Ni Cangqiong has not seen the missing person notice.


Now, Zhuo Bufan is determined to make his own puppet, and he has not considered other issues for the time being.

The puppet core is the most important mechanism of the puppet.

In addition to the puppeteer's heart and blood, it also requires various complex curse powers.

During this month, Zhuo Bufan basically mastered the knowledge of making puppet cores.

The next step is to make them.

However, to make puppet cores, he needs a lot of materials that he has never heard of.

"Let's collect heart blood first!"

The most important material for the puppet core is heart blood.

This is also the most critical factor for the puppet to obey the master.

Zhuo Bufan found a crystal bottle on the counter beside him, and then found a sharp knife.

The next step is to take his own heart blood.

The process of taking blood is extremely painful, and if you are not careful, there is a risk of death.

Zhuo Bufan took a knife, aimed it at his heart, and then slowly inserted it.

"Wrap the tip of the knife with your vitality, and then take blood from the tip of your heart."


As the tip of the knife continued to pierce, a pain rushed straight to the heart and poured into the forehead.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan is stronger than imagined, or stronger.

After all, he was a genius who had practiced the Nine-turn Life and Death Decision. This little pain was nothing to him.

"Pengpeng, look, he really took blood."

In the operating room, there is a monitor that can see the situation outside.

At this moment, the fat man Zhou Peng in red and his female puppet Nana are watching Zhuo Bufan's every move through the monitor.

After the upgrade, Nana has obviously become a little different.

Not only is she more sexy and slim, but the most important thing is that she has a strong aura.

With Zhou Peng's current ability, he directly upgraded Nana to the fourth energy level.

Now Nana is definitely not an opponent that Zhuo Bufan can defeat.

The fourth energy level is equivalent to the peak of the Tianyuan realm, or even the Yuandan realm.

Of course, this is also the highest level that Zhou Peng can upgrade to so far.

Going up, he is obviously unable to do it.

Although he is a puppeteer genius, he has not yet reached the true master level.

Of course, with Zhou Peng's current ability, it is more than enough to guide Zhuo Bufan.

He was indeed shocked when he saw Zhuo Bufan insert the knife into his heart in the surveillance video.

When he took the heart blood, he spent a lot of effort and made sufficient preparations.

He tried paralysis and freezing, and tried more than ten times, but he didn't dare to take out the heart blood.

Zhuo Bufan was so decisive and did it, which made Zhou Peng look at him with new eyes.

In the surveillance video, the knife in Zhuo Bufan's hand had been completely inserted into the heart.

The heart blood began to flow out along the dagger.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly picked up the crystal cup and caught every drop of heart blood.

Until the heart blood in the crystal cup reached half, Zhuo Bufan suddenly pulled out the dagger, and then immediately used Yuanli to seal the wound.


The whole process took less than three minutes.

Zhuo Bufan breathed a sigh of relief, as if nothing had happened.

His bravery stunned Zhou Peng.

"Pengpeng, are you really not going to teach him puppetry?"

Nana felt a little distressed when she saw Zhuo Bufan's performance.

Zhou Peng said lightly after hearing this.

"It's not that I don't teach him, but there is nothing to teach. This person's talent is definitely not weaker than mine, and I am not qualified to be his teacher."

Zhou Peng found it hard to believe that Zhuo Bufan only took one month to read all the books on his bookshelf.

Although he did not meet Zhuo Bufan directly in the past month.

But through monitoring, he saw Zhuo Bufan's every move.

Zhuo Bufan's understanding of the curse far exceeded his imagination.

No matter what the curse, he can master it in the first time and integrate it.

What Zhuo Bufan lacks now is not a good teacher, but materials and experiments.

As long as Zhuo Bufan is given enough materials, he will be able to make the best puppet core.

"Pengpeng, there is still no news about Nishen. I don't think he will come."

"Since you are unwilling to teach him, why not let him leave?"

Nana is very kind. When she was created, Zhou Peng set a kind personality for her.

It is her nature to be helpful.

That's why she selflessly helped Zhuo Bufan publish the missing person notice in the Soul Realm.

"Indeed, the one-month period has come. It's time for him to leave."

Zhou Peng also felt that Zhuo Bufan could no longer be kept in his laboratory.

"Let's go!"

So, Zhou Peng took Nana out of the operation room.

When the door opened, they happened to see Zhuo Bufan who had finished taking blood.

"Oh, you finally came out."

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly when he saw Nana and Zhou Peng walking out at the same time.

"Okay, one month is up. Since Ni Shen hasn't come, it means he won't come either. Let's go!"

Zhou Peng's original plan was to stabilize Zhuo Bufan and let him leave when the time came.

But now, he wanted Zhuo Bufan to leave, but Zhuo Bufan didn't want to leave.

"Leave? Why, I'm leaving. Aren't you afraid that Ni Shen will come and find me when the time comes and you can't see me? Then you will have an operation?"

"Haha, since Ni Shen has not come now, he will not come again in the future. Just go away and pretend that we have never met."

Zhou Peng knew what Zhuo Bufan was thinking.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to stay and learn puppetry.

"You haven't forgotten what you said before! As long as I make the puppet core, you will teach me puppetry."

Zhuo Bufan has not given up yet. He must learn the puppetry technique. Only in this way will he be able to go further in the future.

Facing Zhuo Bufan's request, Zhou Peng was also very entangled in his heart.

There are very few puppet masters in this world, and every puppet master wants to expand the profession of puppet master.

Zhou Peng saw that Zhuo Bufan was extremely talented and was a puppet genius who could achieve great things.

So in his heart, he actually liked being able to accept Zhuo Bufan.

However, he also knew that Zhuo Bufan was an ominous person.

He always felt that Zhuo Bufan would bring disaster to him.

"Why, don't you mean what you say?"

Zhuo Bufan saw the flashing look in Zhou Peng's eyes.

Seeing this, Zhou Peng finally sighed and said.

"According to the agreement, you need to make a puppet core, and then I will teach you."

"Haha, you know that making a puppet core requires materials. Just give me the materials and I can make it."

Zhuo Bufan picked up the blood in his hand and said.

"This is my heart's blood, and I endured great pain to take it out."

"I know you have the materials to make a puppet core here. As long as you provide me with these materials, I can make the puppet core you want."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Zhou Peng firmly.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan only thinks about the puppet core. He is now willing to make the puppet core at all costs.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan being so sincere, Zhou Peng gritted his teeth and said.

"I have no obligation to provide you with materials. You can leave. We have nothing to do with you anymore."

Zhou Peng was about to turn around and leave, but at this moment, Nana stopped him.

"Pengpeng, help him, isn't he as pitiful as you?"

Nana's words made Zhou Peng's eyes widen.

Zhou Peng has always been alone. He has not had a single friend since he was a child.

His only companion is Nana, the puppet he made with his own hands.

Nana was made from his heart, she was like another version of himself.

Therefore, Zhou Peng can also feel Nana's feelings.

At this moment, Zhou Peng could feel Nana's sadness, her sympathy, and her warm and kind heart.

Seeing Nana interceding for Zhuo Bufan, Zhou Peng softened.

Finally, Zhou Peng turned around again, looked at Zhuo Bufan, and said.

"Come with me!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the operation room.

Zhuo Bufan felt happy after hearing this.

Then he quickly followed Zhou Peng with his heart's content.

After following Zhou Peng to the operation room, Zhou Peng suddenly activated the power of the curse seal against a wall.

Then, the wall opened in the middle, revealing an underground passage.

Zhuo Bufan continued to follow Zhou Peng and entered the underground passage.

After that, they came to a huge underground palace.

This underground palace is filled with shelves.

The shelves are filled with countless materials.

Looking at the materials, Zhuo Bufan's eyes glowed.

"This is the red flame crystal, this is the ice ambergris, this is the poisonous dragon needle, this is the soul-breaking thorn..."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the dazzling materials in front of him and was ecstatic.

This is simply a material empire, with countless materials.

"Awesome, where did you get all these materials?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that the puppet master's biggest expense was collecting these curse seal materials.

Each curse seal represents a kind of power.

The more curse seals in the core of the puppet, the higher the magnitude and the stronger the strength.

"This is what Pengpeng has been saving through frugality. Pengpeng invested all the prize money he received from each competition in these materials."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he suddenly admired Zhou Peng.

This fat man is absolutely extremely serious when it comes to puppetry.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. There are materials here for you to make the core of the puppet. You can find it yourself!"

"I'll give you three days. If you can't do it in three days, get out!"

Although Zhou Peng agreed to let Zhuo Bufan make the puppet core, it didn't mean that he really wanted to help him.

Now he is still struggling.

So he gave Zhuo Bufan a deadline of three days.

In three days, if Zhuo Bufan couldn't make the core of the puppet, then he would go back and forth wherever he went.

Facing the deadline given by Zhou Peng, Zhuo Bufan accepted it happily.

"No problem. Three days is all. I can use the materials here as I please, right?"

"Okay! Nana, let's go."

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he turned around and left with Nana.

Zhuo Bufan was left behind, looking at the materials in the room, and finally he shouted towards Zhou Peng who had already left.

"Don't worry, for what you have done today, I, Zhuo Bufan, will repay you thousands of times in the future."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense and turned around to start looking for materials that could be used to make the core of the puppet among the vast amount of materials.

On the other side, although Zhou Peng left the basement, it did not mean that he did not care about Zhuo Bufan.

There is also surveillance in the basement.

For three days, Zhou Peng had been monitoring Zhuo Bufan's every move.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan did something right, he would nod with satisfaction.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan had made a mistake, he quickly shook his head and sighed.

"Hey, with his condition, how could he make a puppet core in three days?"

"The most important curse seal in the puppet core is the exquisite curse seal, so the puppet core is also called the exquisite heart!"

Zhou Peng frowned deeply when he saw that Zhuo Bufan's puppet core was not making any progress.

Nana on the side saw this and asked.

"Pengpeng, what is Linglong Heart? Is it true that he can't make it?"

Faced with Nana's question, Zhou Peng replied.

"Linglong Heart is the heart of your puppet."

"The exquisite heart will be refined into various levels according to the spiritual will created by the puppet master and its own hard work."

"From one orifice to ten orifices."

"The highest level of the Ten Apertures Exquisite Heart represents the strongest growth and core computing power. It also has the strongest shaping ability."

"Pengpeng, what kind of orifices do I have?" Nana asked.

Zhou Peng replied: "You are Qiqiao, my masterpiece."

Zhou Peng looked at Nana lovingly. The masterpiece of his life was the woman in front of him.

"Pengpeng, do you think he can make Linglong Heart?"

Nana asked with concern.

Zhou Peng looked at Zhuo Bufan, who was painstakingly making the core of the puppet, then shook his head and said.

"Even if he could, the exquisite heart he could create would only have three orifices at most, and it would just be a waste of his hard work. There is no way he can compare with you."

Zhou Peng is very confident that the Linglong Heart he created is definitely better than Zhuo Bufan.

However, just when Zhou Peng was complacent.

Suddenly Nana on the side pointed at Zhuo Bufan on the monitoring screen and said.

"Pengpeng, look, he's done it."

Zhou Peng turned around and saw Zhuo Bufan on the screen, holding a ball of light emitting intense white light between his hands.

Around the light ball, there are ten small light balls rotating around the large light ball in the center.

When Zhou Peng saw the ball of light, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Impossible, it's a lie!"

"Ten orifices, ten orifices and exquisite hearts!"

What Zhuo Bufan holds in his hands is Linglong Heart, which is the core of the puppet.

And the small ball of light rotating around the exquisite heart is the aperture!

The exquisite heart in Zhuo Bufan's hand has ten small light balls, which means that the exquisite heart that Zhuo Bufan refined is exactly what Zhou Peng said before, the strongest ten-aperture exquisite heart!

"This guy is going to defy heaven!"

Zhou Peng looked at the exquisite heart with ten orifices in Zhuo Bufan's hand and sighed blankly...

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